29 posts
you can call me Robbie or Zombie / he/it / aroace spec / autistic / i write about the JSE egos :)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
invad3rzz 1 year ago
Trick or treat kitten 馃槼馃サ馃槤馃グ馃ゴ馃ぉ
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I hate you 馃ぉ
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Omg thank you for tagging me fool and jam!! <3
Three ships- Xiaoven, Zelink, and I forget the ship name but its Anti 脳 Marvin 脳 Jackie
First ship- Drapple ((I was a weird in middle school))
Last song- RISK, RISK, RISK! -Jhariah
Last movie- Asteroid City by Wes Anderson
Currently reading- My Brother's Keeper by @beerecordings
Currently watching- Skyrim Speedrun, but I get a random weapon every hit
Currently consuming- Dot's Pretzels
Currently craving- Mint Chip ice cream
Tagging- @florenceisfalling cuz ur my only other mutual and you don't have to if you don't want to!!
Thank you for the tag @irritable123 , sorry the long chain in the original post was stressing me out decided to make a separate one
3 ships: shukake, soukoku, kavetham
First ship ever: uhh I think Zero and Vin from invisible network of kids - might also have been prideshipping(seto kaiba x atem)
Last song: Get on the Floor by Fling Posse, I'm listening to my hypmic playlist :))
Last movie: it's been so long since I've watched a movie so I genuinely have no idea
Currently Reading: countless scientific articles about electron microscopy to get my god damn paper done that I've been working on for an entire month 馃檭 but I did buy Flowers of Buffoonery by Dazai Osamu to read once I'm done with this soul sucking thing
Currently watching: Bungou Stray Dogs season 5 (nothing else hsjdjdjn)
Currently consuming: nothing. But when I first saw this post I was drinking a hibiscus iced tea lemonade which basically just tasted like lemon
Currently craving: the hash greens that my mom is cooking right now, they smell amazing
Tagging: @daz4i, @sowlmates, @enigma-the-anomaly, @the-gayest-sky-kid, @ice-devourer
No pressure of course :)
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
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Haven't drawn much of him, but here's my version of Robbie :D
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Maybe Pseudo taking Chase to the store but he isn't fully Pink yet, so he tries to go get help but just kinda stops in his tracks and gets really upset??
I love the fics you've been writing btw :D
thank u so much!!
tws: implied stockholm syndrome, captivity, panic attack, general distress
. . .
A tight grip on his hand keeps him close. Chase isn't allowed to leave Pseudo's sight, not for a moment.
Which is why he's so, so terrified.
Darting through the aisles, Chase is nearly tripping over his own feet. Pure terror keeps his legs moving, but it also threatens his lungs with a tight force. He can't help but reach to his shirt, gripping at his chest with every heaving breath.
He can't quite understand how he slipped away. Pseudo notices everything, doesn't he? He only let go for a second, only a second, before Chase started stepping back. He had to have done that on purpose. This is part of his plan, isn't it?
He's already gone this far.
Chase peeks around the corner of the candy aisle, expecting to see that sugar craving thing picking out a candy for the day. Lucky for him, it's not there.
He continues forward, hands going numb from the panic.
There's too many people around him. He needs to get help. He needs to get help or he'll never get out of here.
...But, does he really want to?
Pseudo takes good care of him. If he's good, really good, there's no problems. He doesn't have to make decisions or worry about anybody else. He doesn't have to think, everything is taken care of. Pre- planned. Decided.
Slower steps, tighter grip on his shirt.
"No, nono no," he whispers, bringing his hands to his face. He needs to get out. He needs to. Doesn't he? That's why he left.
He can't breathe. He can't see. It's too loud, it's too bright, there's too many people and not enough space. He can't breathe, he can't breathe, he can't breathe, he can't breathe!!
Chase slinks into another aisle, shoving himself into the corner. It's dusty, and cold, but nobody's around.
Shaking hands come back to his face. He takes shelter in the darkness behind his eyes, sobbing as quiet as he can. It hurts to move, it hurts to think, it hurts to breathe, he wants Pseudo. Why does he want Pseudo?
The thought makes him cry harder.
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
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Marvin and Jackie sketch :> (sorry for being kinda inactive)
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
ego pollssssss just make this my brand now please
with this one it is especially important to tell me in the tags which ones you would want to be siblings!!!
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
anybody else automatically plan for their approach upon seeing a fictional murderer/kidnapper. like if i told you "hey my version of anti is en route to your location as we speak to torture and/or kill you" would you be prepared. do you have your tactics locked and loaded
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Part 2- Die Katze
(Sorry this took so long, I've been super unmotivated lately)
Henrik sits at the kitchen island. A warm cup of coffee is still before him. He stares into the darkness of the drink in front of him. He hasn't gotten a full night's rest in over a year. His fingers drum against the ceramic cup, index, middle, ring, pinky, index, middle ring, pinky, index, ring-
"Fuck! Jesus Christ, Henrik, you scared the shit out of me!" Henrik jumps at Jackie's yell. He quickly looks at his watch, oh, it's already 5am. Jackie lets out at small laugh sitting next to him at the island. "I didn't think you'd be up this early man. Sorry if I scared you." Henrik shakes his head.
"No, no. I apologize for startling you. I should be resting. I did not hear you come in." He sighs staring down into the mug, the warmth seeming to drain away.
Jackie fiddles with his thumbs impatiently. "Is something bothering you? If not I'm gonna go shower and stuff. I'm not trying to be rude I just-"
"Look man I just can't... You know I can't process emotions right I just-"
"Just go. I'll talk to Marvin if I need anything."
Without another word, Jackie stands up and goes to his room without looking back. Henrik sets his coffee mug in the sink and quietly returns to his room.
After 2 hours of restless tossing and turning, he journeys back to the kitchen desperate for another cup of coffee. He's stopped halfway down the steps by the sight of Marvin and Jackie on the couch. He moves out of view to listen,
"...he's obviously scared."
"Scared of what? You said that you warded the house, Anti's not getting anywhere near here."
"I did. Maybe if you actually sat down and had a conversation with him-"
"Maybe you should stop leaving him alone in the house-"
"Maybe you can take some fucking responsibility for once."
"Take some responsibility? Who was the one who even found Henrik? Who was the one who killed Anti the first time? It certainly wasn't you-"
"I'm the only one acting like an adult-"
He coughs from at the top of the stairs. Silence hits the room faster than a car hitting a tree. They both whip around to see him. Marvin speaks first, "Sorry Henny, did we wake you?" He shakes his head and decends the stairs. "Look, um... Jackie and I want to talk to you about something."
His heart drops. He can feel his stomach start to churn. God he might throw up. What could they want to even talk to him about? Are they going to kick him out? Yell at him to find another job? Fuck, hes so fucked. He sits on the love seat across the couch, eyes moving between Jackie and Marvin.
"You're not in trouble we're just worried about you that's all." Marvin speaks slow and calm like a mother hushing her child to go to sleep. "You rarely come out of your room or even talk to us. I just want to do what's right for you and I wanted to ask if there's anything we can do to help."
He feels like a child. He feels so small and vulnerable. He wants to cry. He wants to run and hide under his covers. They're telling him they want to help, why is he so scared? What the hell is wrong with him?
"I'm...I'm fine. I-I don't need help."
"Henrik look, I know I'm not the best at talking to people and I'm better with physical comfort that, ya know, emotional, but of you wanna talk to me I'll listen as best I can." Jackie moves to sit next to Henrik on the love seat. "I'll might not be good at talking but I'll do what I can if it will help."
Henrik hasn't even realized the tears rolling down his cheeks. Why the fuck is he crying? This isn't something to get emotional about. Before he is mind even registeres it, he's being pulled into a hug. Great now he's full on sobbing. He hugs back clinging to the fabric of Jackie's familiar red hoodie. Marvin comes over and rubs their hand along his back occasionally running their hand through his hair. He just continues to cry, occasionally trying to talk through the sobs but it's at the point where it sounds like mumbling.
"Oh sweetheart, it's ok. I promise it's gonna be ok. Just let it out honey." Marvin soothes next to him. Eventually his cries turn into hiccuped sobs.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I don't know why I'm crying I don't know I don't know I don't know." His nails dig into Jackie's hood, his breathing beginning to slow.
"It's ok Henrik, you've been through a lot the past year. How about we just watch some movies or something? We'll have a nice day."
Henrik nods into his shoulder sniffling. Maybe he could enjoy a movie or two with them. He wipes his eyes with his sleeve moving off of Jackie. They watch movies until the sun begins to set, the light casting an orange and pink glow in the room. Jackie lounges in a bundle of pillow and blankets on the floor whilst Marvin sprawls out on the couch. Henrik watches from the recliner as they try to throw popcorn into eachothers mouths. The room fills with laughter and smiles as a cheesy rom-com plays in the background.
Henrik shifts quietly in the recliner, "Marvin, did you ever look into that Jameson guy?" He asks softly, voice barely a whisper. Marvin's head whips to look at him, the room falling into an uncomfortable silence.
"Oh yeah, I did, but I didn't find anything." Marvin flips their hair over their shoulder, quickly moving on from the subject.
Jackie perks up, "Huh? What do you mean 'Jameson guy'? You know I don鈥檛 like being left out on stuff." Marvin shifts uncomfortably, not making eye contact.
"It's nothing, Jay. Just drop it." Marvin speaks finally. Jackie's eyes soften looking down at the nest of pillows.
"I thought you said you knew something." Henrik mumbles quietly. Marvin glares at him, something fierce behind their eyes.
"I said just drop it."
They definitely know something.
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Marvin doodle
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
馃珋,馃挃, and 鈿旓笍 with Marvin
馃珋 - They say they don't cry a lot but they do. They cry a ton. Jackie will come into their room to see them ugly crying holding a tub of ice cream, he'll ask what's wrong, but they'll just cry. They cry they don't like to talk about their emotions.
馃挃 - They definitely breakup with people. They're the kind of person where their partner will say they want to break up but Marvin will be like " I said it first so technically I'm breaking up with you".
鈿旓笍 - Marvin's SUPER claustrophobic. Like, holy crap they hate any small or cramped space. They can't go on planes anymore because of how cramped it is. And obviously of course Anti but I think this goes for all the boys.
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
random character headcanon prompts <3
馃珎- are they closer to their mother or father? do they have any siblings they're close with? or not close with at all? who do they fight the most with in their family?
馃Ф - if someone were to make a friendship bracelet for this character, what colours would they use?
馃毇 - what's something genuinely weird about them? like, not something considered quirky yet cute- something genuinely weird that puts other people off at first
馃尛 - do they instinctively cut/fold paper hotdog or hamburger style?
馃挮 - what do they think is the most attractive feature they have?
馃幎 - i'll give you one song that reminds me of them and one song i think they would listen to
馃挱 - what's something embarrassing they did that actively haunts them at night?
馃 - would i rather this character be a vampire or a werewolf?
馃帓 - what is their go-to accessory?
馃帪 - what's a movie au i'd like to see this character in?
馃Ц - what position do they sleep in? do they snore or sleepwalk or have any other problems sleeping? what do their sheets look like?
馃帣 - who would this character choose from their universe to make a podcast with? what kind of podcast would they have?
馃 - what dinosaur would they be?
馃Ж - are they a good dancer? what sort of dancing do they know if yes? do they enjoy dancing in general?
馃毄 - what are their vices? what's at least one negative trait they have? what indulgences do they have that are less than positive? what would people mention about them if asked to name a flaw?
馃敭 - what part would they play in a D&D campaign?
鈿旓笍 - what's one of their irrational fears? what's something that scares them that others might poke fun at? what randomly appears in their subconscious that turns a dream into a nightmare?
馃幖 - what musical scale would they be? what instrument would they be? what instrument would they play if their universe allowed it?
馃挃 - typically in relationships, are they the one that breaks up with someone or are they the one getting broken up with?
馃寘 - what time do they wake up? what time do they go to bed? what do they consider to be "late" at night?
馃珋 - how easily do they cry? what makes them cry without fail?
馃敀 - what鈥檚 something they love a lot that they鈥檙e embarrassed to tell others about?
(feel free to share!)
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
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I finally decided to hop back into drawing :D I drew Marvin from the story I've been writing. I spent way to long on it, but maybe I'll draw more often who knows at this point
I promise Chapter 2 will be out soon
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
I love the idea of Marvin being REALLY into theater and ballet. They're sitting on the couch with their friend and the put on Barbie and The Nutcracker as a joke and Marvin is just watching in awe the whole time like, 'shit. I wanna do that now :0 I wanna be barbie" So they go to a local ballet and start to practice and end up getting like sorta good at it and they like it and make lots of friends though the studio.
Or Marvin goes to the local theater with his friends or partner at the time and sing and dance and it's mostly for fun until Jackie mentions how much time they've spent the theater lately and 'No I don't even like it the director is an asshole but the songs are good and we have so many inside jokes and the costumes are really cute and, oh shit I guess I do like it.'
So they continue to go and Jackie and Henrik will DEFINITELY show up opening night and gush about how amazing the music was or how the sets were built. Maybe they'll go out to dinner after and Henrik will talk about the one song that Marvin had a solo for was his daughters favorite song and Jackie will no stop talking about the music making him cry the whole 2nd act.
Ahhhh I want Marvin to be a theater kid
((I'm a theater kid if you can't tell))
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Part 1 - Der Hund
Tags: Threats of violence, panic attack mention.
"He rarely comes out of his room, Jackie. I'm just not sure what we need to do."
"He just needs space, Marv. I'm sure he's okay he just need to recover."
"If you won't talk to him then I will."
"Hey no, he needs space. He wants to be alone."
"He's needed to be alone for 3 months, Jay. I just want to help him."
He sits at the top of the stairs listening to their conversation, like a small child listening to his parents argue about an upcoming divorce. He's never been quite right since he came home. Nightmares and flashbacks occur on a daily. He has a migrane that never seems to go away. The tremors in his hands and scars all along his body are a permanent reminder of the demon who took him. The demon who snuck him away to Germany and tortured him there for 9 months undetected. However now he will walk to his room, turn out the light, lay under the cover, and hopefully get an hour of sleep before a nightmare wakes him.
Three hours later he wakes, gasping for air. He grips at his comforter as tears roll down his bright red cheeks. His door swings wide open, bright light fills the room startling him more. Marvin runs to his bed side and cups his cheeks wiping away tears. "Henrik!! Shit man are you ok?" He can't even nod or shake his head so instead he rests his head into Marvin's shoulder sobbing. "Hey sunshine it's ok. You just had a nightmare that's all. Oh gosh you're hot, here I'll turn your fan on for you." He sniffles, lifting his head up and wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
"I am not a baby. I can... I can take care of myself perfectly fine." He states grabbing his glasses of his nightstand. "And stop trying to say that I need help. I am fine."
Marvin chuckles, "I know but it's ok to admit you need help sometimes. If you don't want my help just say the word but I'm super worried about you. Just let me try to help at least?" Henrik goes quiet. Does he need help? Is he getting worse? Marvin holds his cheek, running his thumb across it. He wishes he could sink into the warm touch and relax finally, instead he pulls away.
"You're acting like my mother." He mumbles quietly. Marvin did always act like a mother figure, calming him through panic attacks or even sewing up scratches in Jackie's supersuit when fights got too rough. Sneaking a note into his lunchbox before work with doodles of cats and flowers and making a cup of lavender tea with milk when he had rough days at work. "I'm starting to think you're her reincarnated." He doesn't realize it but a smile has crept up onto his face.
Marvin laughs, "You think so? Didn't she die wayyy after I was born?" He lets out a small nod. "I just like to look after people that's all! Hey it's late, if you want I can make you some tea or stay until you fall asleep."
"I think I'll be ok but thank you." Marvin stands up and begins to walk way, "Wait. Can I tell you something?" He stands in the doorway and nods, "I keep having nightmares about...well you know, but keep hearing the name Jameson in my sleep. That probably doesn't make any sense but it's like a whisper that won't get any louder. I've never heard the name before and I just... have a feeling you might know about it."
Marvin nods in the doorway, "I'll look into it but for now get some rest. Goodnight Hen." He closes the door leaving the room in darkness.
He tosses and turns that night trying to remember anything he could about the name Jameson. Why now of all times? Who could Jameson be? A ghost? A man who Anti killed many years ago? Marvin wonders too, who could this Jameson be?
While back in Germany, a man named Jameson sits across from a demon. His eyes are as sharp as the knife between his fingers. "I thought I told you to kill the hero." The demon spits. He hold a glass of whiskey in his poisonous hands.
'And I have told you I am not killing anyone.' Jameson angerly signs back. The demon across from him smirks throwing the rest of the drink down his throat.
"Keep up your attitude and I'll break those fingers of yours again." Jameson stares daggers into the demon across from him. Maybe if he stares hard enough, he'll explode into a million pieces. "Don't give me that look JJ. You're my puppet and I am your puppeteer. You have no one else but me. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way, and you know how much I hate using the hard way." Jameson doesn't need to speak words or use sign to get his point across, he simply holds up his middle finger not breaking eye contact with the demon.
The demon chuckles, "Ok then, the hard way it is."
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Here's a part 2 of sorts to the first fic I wrote :)
CW: Kidnapping and violence
The first thing he noticed was how heavy he felt. Darkness surrounded him and his mouth was dry. It almost felt as though cotton had been shoved into his mouth. No matter how hard he tried his eyes would not open. Was there something over his eyes? Then, he was hit with the smell of copper. Copper and decay. 'Did I die? Is this death?' He tries to recall where he was before.
'I was leaving for work when...when, I went to get coffee!' He remembers now, he stopped by his favorite coffee shop! He ordered a black coffee with cream, a breakfast bagel, and latte for his coworker. 'Did I even make it to work?' No he sat in his car to eat. 'I felt sick after a few bites...' his mind began to race. He must have passed out in his car but where was he now? Before he began to think of anything else there was the sound of a wooden door creaking open. 'Am I in a house?' Loud foot steps slowly decended the creaking stairs.
"I see you're awake" a raspy voice spat. No. That voice. It's so familiar but unrecognizable. 'It can't be him, right?' The cloth covering his eyes was ripped off and standing right in front of him was the monster. Anti. He look so much different now. His hair was no longer green. It was dark brown and was much longer. His beard was scruffy and eyes were a piercing green. Henrik wanted to speak, to tell him that Jackie would kill him. To tell him that he would escape. To tell him he was a piece of shit and to rot in hell, however the cloth over his mouth restricted him from doing so. "You look like you're gonna kill me." Anti chuckled. He pulled down the cloth from Henrik's mouth.
"You're so fucked when Jackie finds you. Pray to your God that he will have mercy on you." Anti continued to laugh as Henrik began to thrash in his bonds.
"You're not going anywhere, Doctor. That hero won't find you, you're too far away for any of his trackers to work. Marvin's magic isn't going to save you either. When they find you, you'll be as good as dead."
"You're sick." Henrik spat. Faster than he could comprehend, Anti slapped him hard across the face.
"You're gonna be here a long time, Doctor. And I'm going to make sure you suffer through every minute of it."
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
Figured I'd actually start to write and make my own little AU for the JSE egos! I hope you guys like it :)) lmk if I need any tags btw
Marvin wasn't scared of many things. He knows to be rational about things. He's not stupid. The night Henrik disappeared and didn't come home? He's never been more terrified.
Henrik always left the hospital at exactly 9:53pm. It was a 22 minute drive home. So that means he would be home at exactly 10:15pm. He was never late. They lived in a 5 bedroom house although there were only 3 people living in it. Jackie, although he was mostly on patrol, Henrik, and Marvin.
When Henrik didn't walk throught the door at 10:15, Marvin was confused. 'Huh, there's probably traffic or something.' He told himself. About 30 minutes later Jackie was starting to panic.
"He's home on time everyday. Why isn't he home?" Jackie thought out loud. He was pacing the kitchen floor, something he always did when he got anxious.
"I'm sure it's nothing Jay. Try and call him if you're that worried."
"He doesn't answer his phone when he's driving dumbass. I'm just gonna go to the hospital and see if he's there."
And not 5 minutes later Jackie was bolting out the door. Shouting, "Text me if he shows up later!!"
At this point Marvin started to worry. It was almost 11 and Henrik wasn't home. Maybe he stopped at a friend's house or went to the bar or something. Marvin took a seat on the couch anxiously wait for Jackie to text. 'Maybe he broke down on the side of the road and his phone's dead. Yeah that has to be it.' "Slow deep breaths Marv, he's ok." He told himself.
He decided to call his friend Marcus to calm his nerves. "I'm sure he's fine Marvin. He's tough as nails." He says calmly.
"I know it's just...ever since Jackie's run in with Anti we've all been on edge. I mean, hell, we thought he's been dead for years but we were wrong."
"You guys had a run in with him? How long ago was that?"
"Oh well it it must have been a month ago? Jackie was out on a walk and..."
Marvin trailed off. He didn't have the guts to tell Marcus that Anti could've killed Jackie that night. Maybe he shouldn't have called Marcus.
Suddenly his phone began to buzz seeing the notification that Jay was calling. "Oh shit it's Jackie I'll call you back Marcus." Before Marcus could say his goodbyes, Marvin hung up and answered. "Jay! Did you find him?" There was silence on the other line. "Jackie? Hello?" Marvin could hear sniffling.
"What the fucks going on Jay? Talk to me!" Marvin was getting impatient now. He hears Jackie take a deep shaking breath.
"Henrik didn't even show up to work today."
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invad3rzz 2 years ago
new years resolution: WRITE THE DAMN FIC
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