introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 10 - Yarn
Hey, guess which Absolute Dumbass decided to cut jalapeños without gloves and ended up with burning hands for several hours straight?
That's my excuse for this one being of questionable quality, at any rate - hard to draw accurately when it hurts to hold a pencil D:
Also, I swear I've seen another picture that's more or less this concept, but I can't recall who made it or indeed what it looks like. I'll add credit if I come across it, though!
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober belongs to @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Day 11 Family
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 11 - Family!
This one is definitely lower-effort - just sorta doodled it during and a little after a meeting (thank heaven I work from home) - but I'm proud of the next two drawings I did! Probs won't post them until after I've slept a bit, however. Today has been a Day.
Edgar and his weird little family, watching a movie that no one seems to like especially! Todd is confused, Edgar is bored, and Scriabin is 0.2 seconds away from pitching an "EDGAR THIS SUCKS GIVE ME THE REMOTE" fit.
Per usual - Vargas belongs to @zarla-s and Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Day 10: Yarn
I'm late bc im very busy in my daily life lately but i'm still doing things!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 12 - System Vargastober 13 and 14 - Rain and Glasses
Okay the first one is more JTHM/I Feel Sick than Vargas, but the doughboys and Sickness are at least mentioned in Vargas, right? And I felt that they were good representatives of their respective systems. (Is Sickness part of the same system that Scriabin is from? I remember that that was discussed, but heck if I remember the specifics)
As for the second one... definitely one of my favorite scenes in all of Vargas, if not my actual favorite scene. Poor Edgar, he shouldn't be blaming himself for his "brother's" "death" :(
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober belongs to @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking! (Hope I'm not spamming you guys ;; )
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 15 and 16: Childhood and Alone
Another sketchy one cause I procrastinated (and also just had a busy day rip)
When I was rereading chapter 21 for the last drawing I read the bit where Edgar mentions that he had to give Scriabin's eulogy, and... jeez, can you imagine.
Finally caught up on Vargastober!! Let's see how long that lasts (especially with the upcoming Depeche Mode concert - I think several of my upcoming drawings will be inspired by Depeche Mode songs, or at least have associated lyrics from them)
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 17 - Relationship
Strangelove, strange highs and strange lows Strangelove, that's how my love goes Strangelove, will you give it to me? Will you take the pain I will give to you Again and again, or will you return it?
On a rather different note from the last few drawings - the relationship between these two is definitely my favorite aspect of the story as a whole! It's nigh impossible to sum it up in one image, but I think I managed to capture at least part of it.
Also, if I wasn't worried about the somewhat cheap paper in my sketchbook, I definitely would have colored the string around their necks red.
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Day 12 System
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 18 - Guilt
Walk with me Open your sensitive mouth and talk to me Hold out your delicate hands and feel me Couldn't make any plans to conceal me
This one is a bit more tangentially related to the prompt, but the image itself (combined with the lyrics) has been rattling in my head since well before I heard of Vargastober, and I used this as an excuse to get it down! More about trying to inflict guilt than actually feeling it, really.
The lyrics in question are from "Rush" by Depeche Mode, which as a whole fits remarkably well with Edgar and Scriabin tbh
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 19 - Books
John the Revelator, put him in an elevator, raise him up to the highest high Take him up to the top where the mountains stop, let him tell his book of lies John the Revelator, he's a smooth operator, it's time we cut him down to size Take him by the hand and put him on the stand, let us hear his alibis
Another very tangentially related prompt - this image just popped into my head as I was listening to "John the Revelator" by Depeche Mode (you might be noticing a pattern in the songs I've been listening to) and I used "books" as an excuse to draw it. I think I unintentionally made Scriabin look kind of creepy, though?
That book is meant to be a Bible - I toyed with the idea of writing some of the original Hebrew text of the Bible in it, but it felt kind of weird, so I didn't.
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 20 - Scars Vargastober 21 and 22 - Denial and Coat
I know this isn't canon, but I thought it would be pretty cool if Scriabin's new body had two scars where his wings would have been attached! (Also gosh, drawing people from a back view is tricky. I'm definitely not used to it D:)
As for 21 and 22, I was looking through Vargas for mentions of coats and found that line - "I like like that coat" - and damn if it wasn't perfect for both prompts. Johnny, buddy, it's not just the coat that you like.
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Day 13 Rain
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 23 - Fear
Some perfect stranger speaks when I speak Walks in my footsteps And talks in my sleep My favorite stranger stands where I stand Leaves crime in my wake And blood on my hands
The Depeche Mode lyrics connections continue! This one is from My Favorite Stranger, which I am Very Hype to see performed live in a couple of days :DDDDD
Oh Scriabin, what did you do this time? (Or was it Edgar, not Scriabin, and the blood is of a more metaphorical sort?)
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 24 and 25 - Moral and Religion
Sitting target Sitting, praying God is saying Nothing, nothing
Yet more Depeche Mode (just saw them perform last night and W O W I'm still riding that high)! The lyrics are from their song Nothing, which is absolutely underrated.
Also, the church scene will definitely live in my brain forever.
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 26 - Quiet
Nny is nowhere to be found, Scriabin is silent by some miracle, and Edgar is finally able to ENJOY his GOTDANG B O O K
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 27 - Phone
Feeling unknown and you're all alone Flesh and bone by the telephone Lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer
...I've been doing so many of these drawings with Depeche Mode songs in mind, so like. I had to.
Drawing Nny is unexpectedly fun! Even though I still don't know how to draw him in a non-Jhonen style.
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober is made by @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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introtobaking · 11 months
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Vargastober 28 - Nightmares Vargastober 29 - Tacos
First one is a reference to chapter 32 ("I'm transferring, you're never going to see me again"), and second one is a reference to chapter 21! I'm going to have to side with Scriabin here - putting ketchup on a taco is downright unnatural.
Vargas belongs to @zarla-s, Vargastober belongs to @disposal-blueeee and @introtobaking!
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