internet slime
382 posts
20-something fandom queer. i tag sporadically.
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internetslime · 4 years ago
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is jake gyllenhaal gay??
why would you ask us, a narnia blog, this
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internetslime · 4 years ago
I had a tweet go mildly viral (and by that I mean it got a couple hundred likes which is more than the 2 likes my tweets usually get from IRL friends because I really don't use twitter) and like 24 hours later I'm still getting notifications and this is more stressful than I expected it to be
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internetslime · 4 years ago
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Wisteria lamp, designed by Clara Driscoll c. 1901.
Today, exquisite, instantly recognizable Tiffany lamps and other stained-glass art nouveau masterpieces fetch hundreds of thousands at auction. Louis Comfort Tiffany originally claimed credit, but many works were actually created by female artists led by head designer Clara Driscoll.
In 1892, Driscoll was named supervisor of the Women’s Glass Cutting Department, known as the “Tiffany Girls.” For the first time, women were allowed to cut out patterns and select glass for windows and mosaics; by 1897, about 40 of the most skilled female artisans were creating meticulous preparatory drawings known as cartoons. There was constant turnover, because the department would not employ married women.
Proud of her work, Driscoll wrote in an 1899 letter to her family, “There are three hundred square feet of small pieces of glass to be accomplished. There is nothing like having enough work to do and feeling able to do so.” That year, Tiffany sold the first electric lamp with a stained-glass base and shade. The lamps became coveted collectors’ items.
It was the women artists’ idea to make lamp shades from pieces of glass left over from window manufacturing. In 1900, Tiffany Studios’ Dragonfly lampshade, Driscoll’s design, earned a bronze medal at the Paris world’s fair. But in company literature, Tiffany credited only himself.
We know this because surviving along with painterly glass artifacts are thousands of Driscoll’s letters detailing her creations and those of her staff. The letters discovered in the early 2000s at the Queens Historical Society described Driscoll’s Gilded Age life: She lived in a Manhattan boarding house, rode her bicycle, and shopped at Lord & Taylor and Wanamaker’s, as electricity lit the city and the new subway rumbled underground. Her letters also contained sketches, designs for which she would not get credit, including the magnificent 2,000-piece Wisteria Lamp inspired by the lush lavender-hued plants cascading atop the pergola at Tiffany’s Long Island estate.
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internetslime · 4 years ago
Ppl who are like "ew why would you want to fuck elias hes awful" yes! people know that! Thats why they want to fuck him! Thats whats attractive abt him, thats hes smug and sleazey and terrible! Youve never wanted to cut youself a terrible little piece of a terrible little pie? Get with the program, god
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internetslime · 4 years ago
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Via @tenxdavid on instagram
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internetslime · 4 years ago
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Misha Collins 2017
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internetslime · 4 years ago
see I saw Legionnaire's Disease and said Oh now THAT is Elias.
but I am a simp for a hot Elias. what can I say? I am but a simple creature
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taiwan's CDC's tuberculosis is just elias bouchard
the first time i googled nothing showed up but then i came across this vid and look
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link to the whole,,, this thing
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internetslime · 4 years ago
I think it's actually DEM-et-er, not de-MEET-er?? unless I've gotten them backwards in my head and I corrected myself somewhere along the way and forgot about it which is equally possible
which words do you continue to mispronounce in the privacy of your own head?
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internetslime · 4 years ago
chimera (shimmer-a)
Demeter (de-meet-er)
elias (elly-as) (lmaoooo)
there's an infinite number but these are the three I can think of
which words do you continue to mispronounce in the privacy of your own head?
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internetslime · 4 years ago
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internetslime · 4 years ago
like oh hey its the lukases! theyre an entire family tied to the eldritch manifestation of the lonely! thats ironic enough to be funny already, but then we meet peter lukas.
and all our past exposure to the lukases leads us to believe that he’s gonna be pretty representative of the forsaken, right? he’s a scion of the lukases, who have all been cold, distant, reserved and ominously silent. surely when we finally hear a lukas on tape, he’s going to have Gravitas, right? he’s going to be menacing? he’s going to be terse and measured with his words, only speaking enough to deliver cryptic portents of doom to our protagonists????
he sounds like your uncle who works in the HR department of a life insurance company!! he sounds like he walked right out of a management training dvd!!! and he doesnt shut up!!!!!
he opens his mouth and its like my podcast player has been possessed by the tormented souls of a thousand door to door salesmen. everything he ever says just perfectly captures the essence of an insufferable bureaucrat of a “people orientated company” with an employee policy made up of statements like “we’re all one big happy family!”. thats REAL fear right there. he’s the fakest bitch ive ever heard. its incredible. 
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internetslime · 4 years ago
this is mostly good advice but I do want to clarify (for folks in the States, at least) that it is not illegal for employers to ask you your age. it is not illegal for employers to ask if you are pregnant, disabled, married, gay, or belong to any other protected class.
it is illegal for employers to BASE HIRING DECISIONS on your membership within a protected class. they can legally ask you if you're Chinese. but they can't factor that information into your hiring (except for some very specific cases, like film/theatre casting, where you might need people of specific races/ages/abilities/etc)
"why would an employer ask me if I'm a member of a protected class if they aren't legally allowed to factor my answer into their decision" well, exactly. even if they are the most well meaning person in the world with the best intentions and are just trying to make small talk, it's still a terrible idea for an employer to ask these questions. because if you then don't get the job, you might worry that it's due to being a member of a protected class and sue them, which no one wants.
also: age discrimination rules don't apply to people under 40. that is to say: if you're 25 and think you didn't get a job or were fired due to your age? tough luck. the employer's legally in the clear. doesn't sound fair? it's not, but that's American workplace law
to my followers in high school / college / early career positions, PLEASE read Alison Green's Ask A Manager advice blog. She does an amazing job of answering just about any question you might have, advocating for unionization, explaining work norms, calling out shitty employers, and there are some very fun "oh my god this is insanity" posts there as well (like the 3-part saga of someone whose coworker stole their lunch, then blamed the person whose lunch it was for trying to poison the thief). she also has interview guides and very very good resume/cover letter tips. let her be your guide to advocating for yourself in the workplace!
Please fucking lie to your employer. Like they don’t need to know your mental health issues or what drugs you do. Ffs
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internetslime · 4 years ago
one day I will have saved up enough money to retire and I know that day will come and will be helped by me saving today but I am just so Tired and I miss having my days to myself
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internetslime · 4 years ago
this and also the "clean as you go" rule.
not: I'm cooking and I'm done with this bowl so I'm going to put it in the dishwasher (although this is helpful too, definitely do it) but
I'm going into the kitchen for a tea so I can take this old cup in with me. in the kitchen I heat the water and I see something that belongs in the bedroom. I move that to the bedroom and oh, look, the laundry's done, let's move it. back to the kitchen, get my tea, back to the office.
Same deal for when you need to Clean The Whole House - just clean whatever's in front of you, don't worry about making one room perfect then moving on, just keep handling the first easy thing you see.
A fun way to get yourself to do chores when you have adhd is to simulate a sense of panic by setting horrible deadlines that fit into other things that you’re doing.
For example, you set up a kettle of water to boil for your tea. Quick! Wipe down the whole counter before it’s done boiling, for the love of god you’re running out of time! Wipe it down! The water is almost boiling.
The water is boiling and your counter is clean. Now set your timer for your tea for three minutes and of my god there’s cups in your room! Quick! Get all the cups from everywhere in the house! Run! You’ve only got three minutes! Get all the dishes into the kitchen!
Oh would you look at that. You got all the dishes in the sink and now your tea is ready. Nice. Now you can chill with your tea.
I’ve found that little stuff like that helps me. Forcing myself into unexpected last minute deadlines. It fills up empty space and my house is a little bit cleaner.
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internetslime · 4 years ago
Questions designed to make you hate me
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Any fandoms that don’t appeal to you?
Have you ever unfollowed someone? Why?
Do you have a NoTP in [insert fandom here]?
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand?
Unpopular opinion about [insert fandom here]?
Have you received anon hate? What about?
Any fandom you’re ashamed of being in?
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internetslime · 4 years ago
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JENMISH | JIB8 2017 #welovetoseeit
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internetslime · 4 years ago
you know what I do when I don’t like a character?
I don’t talk about them.
I don’t go into their tag.
If I see an edit of them, I ignore it.
I may even blacklist their name if the dislike is strong enough.
you know what I don’t do when I don’t like a character?
go in their tag
reblog edits of them just to complain
make posts about them
in general, I don’t waste my time and breath on them
it’s….it’s a remarkably simple concept
it makes life a whole lot nicer
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