integriitas · 9 years
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“Coffee sounds nice.” He said softly, “I’m pretty tired, myself.” He smiled at the hand on his shoulder and covered it with his own for a moment to give it a squeeze. Following her out into the hall, he leaned his hip against the door jamb. “What have you been getting up to lately, besides this?”
He felt guilty sometimes, when Karen let work stress her out. After all, it was in some ways his fault, being her boss. At least he wasn’t putting any disproportionate burden on her, and Matt knew she knew that.
He realized too late that he may have asked something of a dangerous question, should it be turned back to him. What could he possibly say? I joined our local fight club, and I just can’t get enough. His free time was spent almost exclusively protecting the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, but telling Karen that put her at great risk.
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She was exhausted, but he didn’t need to know that. The least professional thing she could do was to complain about how tired she was. Smiling weakly in response to his own, Karen felt her stomach drop just slightly when he offered to leave her alone. Alone was not a good place for Karen to be right now. Not when it meant her thoughts had to go to all the negative things happening in her life right now outside of work. “No.” Karen said quickly. “No, you’re fine. I don’t mind the company.” Scooting her chair back, Karen got to her feet. “I just need to get some coffee. You want any?” Karen reached out to put her hand on his shoulder to give it a small squeeze as she walked past him, letting it slide off of him once she was out of reach. 
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integriitas · 9 years
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❛ is that what you tell the kids at confession? or is this a confession of faltering faith? ❜
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❛ i’m saying sometimes he doesn’t always forget. ❜
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integriitas · 9 years
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integriitas · 9 years
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“Because you’re probably exhausted.”
Matt let out a soft chuckle. He knew the feeling. They’d all been working hard, tirelessly, even all day. And if anyone deserved a break, it was Karen. He felt her eyes on him and gave a small smile.
“Absolutely. You’ve been doing good work. Probably more than me and Foggy combined. Should I leave you alone so you can blow off steam, or do you feel like company?”
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“Then why does it feel like I’m just reading the same thing over and over again?” 
Probably because that’s literally what she has been doing for the past two hours. Running her hands over her face, Karen inhaled deeply before she let her hands fall away. Tearing her eyes away from the computer, Karen looked up to Matt. Who looked just as tired as she felt, even if his glasses were covering his eyes. “Maybe we should take a break. Just for a few minutes?”
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integriitas · 9 years
   matt wakes up to the sound of someone moving around beside him in bed.
                   –––––– laura.
he sighs silently, and rolls over to face her. his memory isn’t particularly functional; he can only get fragments: the taste of beer, the sound of her voice, the way she...
     that was the least of his worries now, however. he makes sure to keep himself covered and he eases himself up so he’s sitting on the edge of the bed.
    “trying to run out on a blind guy?”
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okay. perhaps not the best tactic. he knew laura well, but he couldn’t say what this may have meant to her, if anything. he would do whatever it took, though, not to let this injure their friendship. pulling the sheet loose from his bed, he stood, a hand reaching towards her shoulder, only to hover for a moment and return to his side.
   “are you all right?”
( go drinking with laura STATUS: accepting )
     this is awkward.
     she’s not sure whether she would have preferred matt or another     man in her bed. she’s not sure how to react to the fact that she and him     are as nude as can be, the covers down to their waists. after all, it’s not     every day you happen to sleep with a good friend of yours, and even more     so, your blind friend.
     there’s no denying that the two functioned well together, and that they had a      strong connection. both were addicted to their friendship; but this felt like taking     it to the next level too soon. she remembers the alcohol and bits of the sex – the     rest is a blur. all she can think about now is the escape from matt murdock’s     apartment. she slips out of his bed as quiet as she can, finding her shirt on the     ground. everything almost goes undisturbed till there’s a stir behind her. laura     takes a deep breath. just relax.
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    “—uh, good– good morning.”
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integriitas · 9 years
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  “I wouldn’t go that far. I think you could be onto something.”
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“Maybe I’m just looking at this all wrong.”
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integriitas · 9 years
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     “You’re right,” Matt admits. “It’s not.” He sighs. “But––” He doesn’t continue, listens to what she says, and rests a hand over one of hers briefly. “I know you’re right... And I want to believe you; I want to agree. I just don’t know if I can. The things I’ve done. If it had been anyone else, I’d never forgive them.”
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“Who said redemption was easy? Nothing is easy, Matt.” She puts gentle hands against either side of his face. “You deserve it and whoever told you otherwise hasn’t seen the work you’ve done. We’ve all done awful things - this line of work isn’t easy, we’re all walking a fine line.”
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integriitas · 9 years
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Nothing drives people to the Church faster than the thought of the Devil snapping at their heels.
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integriitas · 9 years
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“It’s... it isn’t that easy. There’s something inside of me. Something that doesn’t... deserve redemption. It eats at me, Jane, I... I don’t know what to think anymore.”
@integriitas continued from here
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“You’re doing something good, and regardless    there is still hope for someone who does evil    things. What is redemption and hope for if not    for them?”
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integriitas · 9 years
someone:are you ok
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integriitas · 9 years
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“Maybe. But refusing to talk about him could get a lot of other people killed.”
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“You’re insane. Talking about him could get me killed.” But she is loyal to her employer.
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integriitas · 9 years
Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like shit so don’t piss me off
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integriitas · 9 years
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52 notes · View notes
integriitas · 9 years
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164 notes · View notes
integriitas · 9 years
"You know that's not true."
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    “No, I don’t. How can I, after everything that I’ve done?”
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integriitas · 9 years
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    “No, unfortunately not, Miss Pike.”
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“My boss..? You’re jokin’ right?”
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integriitas · 9 years
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“Excuse me, miss. I’d like to speak to you about your boss?”
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