Institute of Art and Ideas
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The Institute of Art and Ideas brings you big ideas from the world's leading thinkers and hosts @HTLGIFestival - the philosophy and music festival at Hay.
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Happy Birthday Erich Fromm! Born #onthisday in 1900. What are your favourite of Fromm’s ideas? We love his writings on #love. . ‘Is love an art? Then it requires knowledge and effort. Or is love a pleasant sensation, which to experience is a matter of chance, something one 'falls into' if one is lucky?’ . ‘People are starved for love; they watch endless numbers of films about happy and unhappy love stories, they listen to hundreds of trashy songs about love — yet hardly anyone thinks that there is anything that needs to be learned about love.’ . ‘This peculiar attitude is based on several premises which either singly or combined tend to uphold it. Most people see the problem of love primarily as that of being loved, rather than that of loving, of one's capacity to love.’ . ‘A second premise behind the attitude that there is nothing to be learned about love is the assumption that the problem of love is the problem of an object, not the problem of a faculty. People think that to love is simple, but that to find the right object to love — or to be loved by — is difficult.’ . ‘The third error leading to the assumption that there is nothing to be learned about love lies in the confusion between the initial experience of 'falling' in love, and the permanent state of being in love, or as we might better say, of "standing" in love.’
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Philosopher of cosmopolitanism Kwame Anthony Appiah chose a quote that inspires him. British founder of liberalism John Stuart Mill was the lucky one! #philosophymemes #philosophy #philosophyquotes #ideas #bookstagram #books #johnstuartmill #inspiringquotes
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Contemporary British philosopher and author of How The Worls Thinks Julian Baggini has chosen one of his favourite philosophy quotes. It’s from the founder of Taoism, Chinese philosopher Laozi, who lived in the 7th century BC. If you want to know more, watch Julian Baggini’s talk on! #bookstagram #philosophy #laotzu #laozi #quotes #quotestoliveby #quotesdaily #quotesaboutlife #inspirationalquotes #ideas #tao #taoism #modesty
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Learn more about how we feel and what we do in our collage of philosophical perspectives on love and sex, from #foucault to #erichfromm ‘What are love and sex? Eight answers from philosophy’ #philosophy #femalepower #girlpowerquotes #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom #valentine #valentinequotes #antivalentinesday #bookstagram #booklover #book #books #bookshelf #quoteoftheday #quotesdaily #quotesaboutlife #passions #wisdom
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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We asked contemporary philosophers to share quotes that inspire them. The first one in the series is from British philosopher Susan Haack, now a professor at the University of Miami. Charles Sanders Peirce, the author of the quote, was an American philosopher, logician and founder of American pragmatism. #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom #philosophy #american #logic #inspiringquotes #posttruth #fakenews #bookstagram #life #bookaddict #passions #wisdom
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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And we’re back to an old favourite - Simone. #philosophy #bookstagram #simonedebeauvoir #existentialism #existentialist #feminism #femalepower #girlpowerquotes #wordstoliveby #wordsofwisdom #booklover #bookaddict #passions #life #wisdom #serenity #beauty
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Hélène Cixous (b. 1937) is a French feminist writer, poet, philosopher, best known for her essay The Laugh of the Medusa. #quotestoliveby #existentialcrisis #quoteoftheday #wisewords #inspiringquotes #feminism #women #femalepower #girlpower #girlpowerquotes #bookstagram #booklover #passions #wordsofwisdom #wordstoliveby #words #poetry #helenecixous
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was a German philosopher known for his thought on classicist aesthetics, and for incorporating Eastern ideas in his writings. He thought the world was essentially irrational. Read our article on The History and Politics of Boredom on #bookstagram #wisewords #inspiringquotes #philosophy #passions #boredom #bookaddict #life #mindfulness #calm #serenity #beauty #suffering #pain #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday #existentialcrisis
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) was a German Benedictine abbess, philosopher and composer. #wisewords #inspiringquotes #bookstagram #philosophy #hildegardvonbingen
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Renata Salecl is a Slovene philosopher and sociologist teaching at Birckbeck University. She is the author of The Tyranny of Choice. Check her in our freshly released video debate Killer Stories where she talks about why stories seduce us #inspiringquotes #bookstagram #philosophy #wisewords #renatasalecl #lovequotes
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Simon Blackburn is a contemporary British philosopher who taught at Cambridge and authored the best-selling intro to philosophy Think, as well as the recent On Truth, among others. Read his article What is truth? 4 different answers on #posttruth #truth #fakenews #philosophy #inspiringquotes #wisewords #bookstagram #ideas
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Lao Tzu, or Laozi, is an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer who lived in the seventh century BC and founded Daoism. Check our article on How Western Philosophy Became Racist and excluded non-European thinkers from its history starting with the 18th century #inspiringquotes #dailyquotes #bookstagram #philosophy #philosophy #wisdom #wisewords #wisequotes #laotzu #dao
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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And the continuation is: “But all determinations of the understanding are not right; because they have a reference to something beyond themselves, to wit, real matter of fact; and are not always comformable to that standard.” David Hume (1711-1776) #davidhume #hume #inspiringquotes #dailyquotes #bookstagram #philosophy
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Happy birthday, Simone de Beauvoir! (1908-1986) #inspiringquotes #dailyquotes #bookstagram #beauvoir #simonedebeauvoir #philosophy #feminism #existentialism #selflove
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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#inspiringquotes #dailyquotes #bookstagram #camus #albertcamus
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Happy new year! #philosophy #bookstagram #inspiringquotes #dailyquotes #newyearquotes #emerson
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instituteofartandideas · 6 years ago
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Kurt Vonnegut was a postmodern American writer (1922-2007) especially known for his works The Slaughterhouse and The Breakfast of Champions. #inspiringquotes #dailyquotes #bookstagram #vonnegut
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