Go to the doctor if you’re sick!
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Hey guys, I know it’s been a pretty long time since I last posted. Not going to call this a come back, but I never stopped watching anime just sort of move my abilities over to somewhere else. Either way, as my welcome back, I wanted to talk about a new anime I’ve been watching that no one seems to be talking about: Dr. Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist. 
Meet Dr. Ramune, (front w/ blonde hair), he’s a bit of an odd ball, but he specializes in strange disease that can’t really be cured by science and medicine.  These issues are normally caused by something that has been bothering you in your personal life, such as not living up to your actual potential, being a player, or not accepting someones death. And those are just some of the episodes. Not really action based its more of a slice of life type deal but its cute and sweet and a little under rated. The boy on the right is his assistant Kuro, and in my opinion best boy. Though he’s the quiet type he’s actually a real sweet heart and could probably take you down with out any hesitation. The whole cast is a gaggle of characters and everything is not what it seems. I like the super natural side, and while its goofy as some point the anime does talk about darker topics and some of the episodes are actually very dark and a little deeper than it may appear. So if your looking for a break from all the fighting and arcs, or just need something to watch between some animes, then check this one out! Next time will be Kemono Jihen! 
Thanks for reading 
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About a week ago I posted this.
I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:
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and my personal favorite
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After getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.
About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things like
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I scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages like
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This was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”
But I guess the lesson goes like this:
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My cat:Meow
My cat: meow
me: meow
My cat: fuck, whose in charge around here? -walks over to my boyfriend- meow.
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I was scrolling through Tumblr and came across a post of KNOWN PEDOPHILES ON TUMBLR (many of which have or want to rape actual children/minors)
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Because the world doesn’t have enough fires
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Hey there fans and non-fans, looking something new? I'm sure you’ve heard of this anime because it's been uber-hyped up. Made by the same guy who created Soul Eater and Soul Eater Not! So if your looking for the same vibes and art style then you’ve come to the correct place. Fire force takes place in a while were humans can spontaneously just you know combust into flames, humans that go through this process do not die, but live on like a mindless being known as that Infernals. and must be put to rest by the fire force. While it is only an issue to the first generation, later generations are basically able to control fire.  Enter Shinra, (the guy in the middle) Known as the devil's footprints, he can control fire, with you guessed it. his feet. Only able to smile when he's nervous, it causes multiple misunderstandings including one instance where it appears as though he's smiling at his own mother's death. Causing him to be known or seen as a Devil. Not to be confused with regular firefights who still exist in the world to fight regular fires, when infernals are being put out there is a nun to pray for their piece which I found to be sort of refreshing. I liked that they still thought of infernals as humans or still care about them, as we find out later not everyone feels the same way. While it doesn’t take too long to meet the big bad, you can tell that everything isn't really what it seems and that everyone is a little suspicious of each other, with good reason to. While the anime gives off mad soul eater vibes it has its own story and specific characters which is why I like it so much. I like the art style and think that this anime has potential. It's refreshing since I’ve never seen an anime about firefighters and this puts a cool twist on it. I’m already curious about what makes the humans combust and really can't wait to find out the answer. Anyways go check it out! its worth the watch.
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If you don’t believe being asexual has any negative affect on people I was told by a psychiatrist that none of my relationships count because we didn’t have sex, and I can’t say I’m gay since I don’t want to have sex with girls.
and I was taken off my antidepressants because they may be lowering the libido I never had in the first place (plus various other reasons, but still immediately, cold turkey, which should NEVER happen unless they’re switching you to something else)
But aphobia doesn’t exist and asexuals are privileged, right?
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There’s a horrible neo-n*zi organization called “saw”, and right now they’re hunting on LGBTQ+ people. We need your support and prayers. Reblog this or share the hashtags. One LGBTQ+ activist has been murdered recently. We need your help. Because of Russia’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws they’re allowed to kill people. Please help. Thank you so much Protect People From Saw
Here’s the translation of the organization’s site. Please help!
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Kyoto Animation Fire: 33 Confirmed Dead After Devastating Arson Attack on Japanese Animation Studio
The sad and disturbing news broke today that 33 people were killed and many more injured in a suspected arson attack at Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) Studio in Kyoto Japan.
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On July 18, at 10:30 local time the three-story building broke out in flames. A suspect is in custody and currently hospitalized after reportedly pouring what appears to be gasoline and setting the blaze.
The fire burned for five hours before fighter fighters were able to extinguish the flames. There were around 70 people inside the building when the fire started. 36 individuals are in the hospital, some in critical condition. With 33 confirmed dead, the Kyoto Animation fire is the largest mass murder in Japan since the Myojo 56 building fire nearly 20 years ago.
Kyoto Animation was founded in 1981 by former Mushi Pro staff. They are known for their groundbreaking work on many beloved anime series and films such as Lucky Star, Clannad, K-On!, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Free!, Violet Evergarder, A Silent Voice, and more. The studio is seen as the gold standard in the industry for the ethical treatment of workers, with all animators being salaried employees, and high-quality animation.
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Fans and industry professionals alike turned to social media to express their greif, sorry, and sympathies, with #PrayForKyoani reaching #1 trending worldwide on Twitter.
Sentai Filmworks has set up a gofundme, Help KyoAni Heal, which has raised over $500,000 dollars. Please note that at this time KyoAni has not made any statements requesting financial help or indicating what they may need in terms of support.
Keep reading
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Stay safe and vigilant out there, fellow Angelenos!!! ❤️
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Every girl has had the experience where a creepy guy asks for our number and we don’t want to give it to him, but we also don’t want to get gutted in a back alley. “Give him a fake number!” I hear you call, okay and then he says “okay let me call you real quick!” Because they are learning. “Give them your number and then block them!” Okay and then they can plug it into something like Spokeo, pay $10 and know everything about you. So what do you do?
First pick a fake name, I use Jessica, then download the Google Voice app, hook it up to your email, pick a number, and set up a fake greeting with your fake name. You can set it to ring your actual phone like a normal call or text but they don’t have real info on you.
Go forth and don’t get murdered, ladies!
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an actual reason to go outside
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i just saw a fb post where a man was arguing with a woman about the best way to make macarons and he kept insisting that she was wrong, and then eventually he was like “I’ve never personally made macarons, but if you think about it what I’m saying makes sense, i’m simply stating the obvious. i’m sure there are plenty of youtube tutorials that would show you the same thing.” and the woman replied by linking him to her instagram business page and she makes fuckin macaron towers for parties for a living and i’ve been laughing about it for a solid 5 minutes.
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Can Anyone Study with this much Erotica?
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Hey there peoples!  Looking for a cute rom-com that won't take too much of your time with a few hentai moments sprinkled in there? Well then Ao-chan can’t study is for you. While the episode is a small 15 mins it, they still leave you wanting me. Ao is your average student, she doesn't have many friends but that more her father's fault. While her dad is an accomplished writer, he an erotic writer, causing her a lot of embarrassment, due to that she has decided to study hard so that she can go to a college far away and move out on her own. But there's something getting in the way of that, a cute boy. Takumi being the nice but more aggressive one likes her, though Ao says that she wants nothing to do with him or friends due to the fact that she has never actually said the words to him he keeps pursuing her. While she has feelings too, the Anime is full of misunderstandings due to the fact that her father writes erotica, always pushing the steamy scenes on her daughter and encouraging her to have sex and be open it only makes her even more embarrassed. Though the two seem mixed matched they are actually made for each other. Though I will say that I find Ao a bit annoying because she doesn't say how she truly feels, also she comes off as overconfidence sometimes until she trips over herself. She seems overly curious about doing “it” but at the same time is very shy. It's not something you watch if you're in public, mostly based off of the subtitles.  With a short run time of only 15 mins and only 10 episodes I highly recommend reading the manga too because why not. I think it’s cute but it can also be a little frustrating. But anyways go check it out, its currently streaming on Crunchyroll 
thanks for reading 
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Because Who doesn’t Want to play to the Koto?
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Fans and non fans how goes it? Well? Well, that's great! Ever heard of the Koto? No? Well its this traditional Japanese instrument that you play with your fingers, while hard to learn like other instruments can be, and it sounds beautiful, Okay on to the anime. Kono oto tomare: Sounds of Life is an anime about a high school Koto club. Kurata (the boy on the far left) is the president of the koto club, and currently its only member. Forced to recruit after all the other members graduate. He has issues at first after some delinquents take over his club room,, bullying him every chance they get no matter how much he fights they always outnumber him. Stepping in to help out is Chika (the guy in the middle) Chika is a well-known delinquent as well as having a record after being framed for destroying his grandpa's Koto shop. Hating the instrument and his grandpa at first he soon develops in interest after learning that unlike his father his grandpa won’t give up on him. Chika saves Kurata from the bullies and even joins the club thought doing it an aggressive way causing friction between the two. Though after a misunderstanding Chika is able to officially join calling Kurara president four eyes. Hozuki (the girl) is a Koto prodigy coming from a family full of amazing players while she comes off as a sweet girl it is actually a cover for her uppity attitude. Planning to use the Koto club as a way to shot to fame by being their star player and winning them nationals her and Chika obviously don’t get along. While she's not outright rude her attitude and the way she looks down on people makes her hard to work with. And her fake personality actually aids the club in getting enough members to make the club official, it is her mouthing off the Vice Principal that gets them into a timely situation where the club only has a month to perform am amazing song that will blow him away so he doesn't disband them. Though is the is Vice Principals dislike of Chika in the first place that makes him hate the koto club in the first place. Because this is Anime and teachers and principals having nothing better to do then to get students expelled. While all 3 of them have their own issues, with Kurata being considered as a failure by his family, Chika earning the hatred of those around him for a crime he didn’t commit and Hozuki coming from a strict household, the three are starting to become a nice little trio, along with the other members so go check it out!  Currently streaming on Funimation. 
Thanks for reading 
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One Day He’ll save Her
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Hey there boys and girls, Non-boys and Nongirls, and whomever else is reading this. Demon Slayer the anime we were all waiting on. First off amazing Animation, gets a little awkward sometimes but don’t listen to me, I don’t Art. Tanjiro (the boy with the scar on his head) Is a sweet little boy, coming from a huge family with no father would is one of the older ones of his siblings, leaves his mountain home to sell charcoal to the closest town. Told not to be out late due demons coming out at night when trying to return a resident of the town offers him shelter through the night. When returning to his home he finds his whole family slaughtered except his sister Nezuko, while she just seems in critical condition at first it turns out that she has actually been changing into a demon. Hoping to rescue her and stop anyone else from suffering from the same loss as he has. Being sent off to train he becomes a demon slayer hoping to find the person who did this to his sister. Also aiding Tanjiro is his keen sense of smell, able to smell blood and demons allowing him to anticipate their moves better. While Nezuko isn't a huge help due to the fact sunlight is lethal to demons during the time she is able to help shes a powerful partner. Showing that her will is strong enough to hold back her bloodlust and not eat her brother I hope to see more from her. While Some demons can talk and communicate with humans Nezuko has yet to show this attribute, I’m not sure to if it is because she is a lower level demon and hasn’t eaten a human yet or if she just can’t. the anime has a fast-moving first episode I found the training was nicely paced. I thought it would drag a bit but I am excited about every episode, it seems like most of them end on cliff hangers so have fun with that. There's not much to talk about with this anime because there's more visual stuff and I would rather you watch it then read me talking about it. So go watch it and see how coolio it is. Sorry this one is kind of short. Currently streaming on Crunchyroll go check it out if your not already watching. 
thanks for reading!
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I love this so much
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Does Anyone Ever truly learn?
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Hey there anime fans! Looking for a cute slice of life/Romance to past the time? that is also a weird harem? Look no furth then We Never Learn: Bokuben. Meet Yuiga (the boy with the brown hair). Even though he has good grades due to lack of funds in his current living situation he is hoping to get a scholarship in order to attend the college of his choice, and this is almost within his grasp as the school principal tells him that he will give him the scholarship if he tutors two students. While most students who go through tutors the way these girls do normally are bad at studying it is instead the other way around. Furuhashi (the girl with the blue hair) Is a genius when it comes to Literature and the Arts but utterly fails when it comes to the math and sciences. Making her the Humanities genius of the school. While Ogata (the orangish hair’d girl) is a genius in Math and Sciences and failing at humanities. While both of them would have no issue finding a college that best fits their strengths they both would prefer to do the opposite. Causing every tutor they have ever had to quit they are now the only thing standing between Yuiga and his scholarship. While at first, the girls think that he will be just like the others, he admits to them that he used to be terrible at studying always wanting to do better, forcing himself to have to study harder than the other kids to get the same grades. The three of them come to an understanding that everyone can’t be good at everything but hard work can normally help you reach your goal. Enter Takemoto ( the red hair’d girl) While she is amazing at sports her academics are in the gutter causing her to be ineligible to participate in sports. the principle seeing how well Yuiga is doing with the others adds her to the list of people he must now tutor to get his scholarship. While their ladies have their own distinctive personalities you start to see them open up more and more as they not only discuss school issues but also home life. While the romance is budding its anyone's guess to who the pairing will be. While no one has confessed feelings just yet, there are a lot of cut moments. A little bit of fan service, (there's a whole episode where Takemoto is worried about the fact that she came to school without a bra) but it more of typical main character falls into someone's breast type of fan service. Soo not too deserving of the NSFW stamp. Currently streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation go check out this cute romcom. 
thanks for reading 
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