margot [they/them]
2K posts
19 y/o mainly shitposting, ranting, Hellenic paganism, and some occasional poetry (+ a SLIGHT obsession with Ghost and ofmd)
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insideskysmind · 3 days ago
Lord Dionysus of androgyny, I pray to you to protect my trans siblings and give them hope in these trying times. Dionysus Maenoles, enraged by how his people are treated, I ask you to liberate those who feel trapped and lost. Unloved in their own homes by their own kin. Dionysus Saotes, I praise you, and thank you for all you've done. Almighty liberator of the grape vine, wonderful protector, please guide us.
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insideskysmind · 3 days ago
Books are expensive, Hermes thinks learning about your religion should be free.
They're just the basics and only a few, but feel free to ask me to add anything and I'll try my best!
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insideskysmind · 3 days ago
So glad I get to experience homosexual desire. One life and thank god I'm not straight
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insideskysmind · 4 days ago
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A 4th century CE statue of Aphroditos. Her cock wards off evil spirits. Reblog to rid your blog of evil spirits.
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insideskysmind · 4 days ago
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ᯓ ⁺₊ ♱ .ᐟ I find Hekate all around me
I find Hekate in the lamp posts lighting my street I find Hekate in the frantic search for my house keys I find Hekate in the dandelion sprouting through the cracked sidewalk I find Hekate in the first star to show on a dark night I find Hekate in the exploration of identity I find Hekate in the silence of thought I find Hekate all around me, and I'm so glad Hekate found me.
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insideskysmind · 4 days ago
I love personalization. I love stickers on water bottles and on laptops. I love shitty marker drawing on the toes of converse. I love hand embroidered doodles on jeans. I love posters on walls. I love knick knacks on shelves. I love jewelry with goofy charms. I love when people take things and make them theirs.
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insideskysmind · 4 days ago
Even when I am spiraling and everything feels hopeless and scary- the gods are there. The gods hear me. The gods protect me. The gods guide me. The gods care about me and show me they’re still with me.
Thank you, Apollo
Thank you, Aphrodite
Thank you, Hekate
Thank you, Tyche
Thank you, Dionysus
Thank you, Hypnos
Thank the gods I am not alone, and I am not lost
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insideskysmind · 5 days ago
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(Credits to on Tiktok for coming up with this originally)
Anyways, enjoy my probably terrible rant about Aphrodite and her connection to Girlhood and that great feeling of childhood innocence!
(Yes I should be asleep, how did you guess?)
The first time I saw this, I didn't think much about it I see a lot of this on my Pinterest regularly. But I stumbled upon this again while working on something else and it really resonates with me.
Probably, because yeah, I relate to this. I went through puberty very, very young and I didn't know what was happening and it wasn't explained until those awkward talks at school did I actually learn what was happening.
And every day since I actually became aware I'm growing up, I've wished I could go back. I still do. I wish I could be a little girl again, but I can't, I don't have the option to go back. I can do things, that make me feel like a little girl again but I will never be a little girl again.
I think this is something every girl can relate to, growing up too fast. We were always expected to grow up fast and be the mature ones at school,
"Girls mature faster then boys."
It's not just a coincidence or a random thing people say, we do because it's expected of us. Girls are expected to be responsible somewhere around elementary school, boys don't have to care until middle school, because that's the appropriate time to grow up.
I think this entire thing allows girls to connect with Lady Aphrodite. She probably understands, growing up too fast, being forced to take on the weight. Struggling with a new changing body, a new world, eyes staring from every corner, aware, and unable to be a little girl again.
She understands that struggle, she understands that we can't go back to being little girls, but she wants you to help feel like a little girl again. She gives you the feeling again.
When you find a cute stuffed animal, when you do a new makeup look for fun, when you rediscover a picture book you used to love, when you play in the bath... Anything that makes you feel like a little girl again.
She's there and she understands
She loves when you feel that childhood innocence again, when you experience childhood joy again, when you go back to that feeling of innocence, that's what she loves!
Sorry this was so long, I should be asleep but this just made me so passionate that I felt like I needed to type this up now. So anyway what do you guys think about this? Also please remember this is my personal interpretation based off of the photo at the top.
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insideskysmind · 5 days ago
Aphrodite loves trans people!
She thinks you deserve to be loved!
Aphrodite loves trans bodies!
She wants you to love yours too!
Aphrodite blesses trans people with endless beauty!
She wants you to feel as beautiful as you are!
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insideskysmind · 5 days ago
I genuinely love the gods. I only hope I can consistently do better for them. I want to achieve and do so much for them. I want to actually live life because of them, not as in keep living, but to LIVE. To be slow and enjoy nature. To enjoy the long days. The gods make me want to enjoy the sun, the smell of a cool wind, to feel rain on my skin. They make me want to travel, to love, they make life worth living. I love the gods, the ones who give us life and music, who give us storms and rain , the gods who bring laughter, and strength. I love the gods who bring us joy and happiness, the gods who protect us mentally and physically. The gods who make me want to be the absolute best version of myself. I love the gods.
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insideskysmind · 5 days ago
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insideskysmind · 5 days ago
“what radicalized you” bro EMPATHY
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insideskysmind · 5 days ago
it wild to me that there are people out there who aren't interested in history
like wdym you don't think about the fact that women would tell stories as they made butter in the same way we listen to podcasts today? wdym you don't think about that one Chinese poet who wrote about how much he loved his cats hundreds of years ago? wdym you don't think about the fact that we found a gravesite of a young child surrounded by flowers from THOUSANDS of years ago? wdym you don't think about how people wrote "i was here" into the walls in Pompeii? wdym you don't think about the little egyptian boy who drew little doodles at the top of his school works more then a thousand years ago?
wdym you don't think about the fact that people, no matter the place, time, social status, are fundamentally no different from you. that they loved the same as you, enjoyed the same things you did, dreamed about a better life the same way you did. that despite how seemingly detached you are from these people, in time, place, and culture, the things you do and the thing u are, are so undeniably human that it transcends time and space
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insideskysmind · 7 days ago
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"You've always had a hard time letting things go"
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insideskysmind · 7 days ago
Hear me out: what if we got a timid, shy Papa?
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(Forge is too Extra for that, though…)
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insideskysmind · 7 days ago
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insideskysmind · 10 days ago
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the ancient serpent deceiver
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