But tell me, who decided to paint you so flawlessly yet never gave you the confidence to stand in the light.
thelostsoul27 (via wordsnquotes)
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You deserve a relationship that enables you to sleep peacefully at night.
R.H. Sin (via wnq-writers)
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A calm and paceful meadow, just as sunny as Ally. The warmth of a beach is as close as the earth gets to Camila’s soul. Forests cherish as much as life as Dinah’s heart. Deserts can be fierce, but also charming, just like Normani. The city lights at night shine as bright as Lauren’s eyes.
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DAMN! Hotter than hell. Y cada dia es peor🙇🙇🙇😧😧😧
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We need so much more openness, transparency and understanding that it’s OK to talk about depression as an illness. It’s not a weakness. It’s not a moral shortcoming. It’s not something people brought on themselves.
John F. Greden, M.D. (via alexintrovert)
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no offense but fuck you if you’ve ever made someone feel bad about loving their culture
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Camila and Normani not even trying to be subtle anymore
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Keep the flame going for those we have lost to suicide.
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