insaaniat · 7 years
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victory soon inshallah.
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insaaniat · 7 years
not worth for comments..
How kids think Donald Trump is doing?
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insaaniat · 7 years
Insaaniat: mashallah so many salaf radyallahu anhums in one place. it is so obvious that by virtue of proximity & being his best friend abu bak'r was so much similar to prophet Mohammad saw. also due to being influenced by the prophet mohammads merits & his way of expressing the most by choosing the root & simplest means & words. if one doesn't have the tahlil embraced deep both in his mind & in his heart much beyond just chanting the words, he will never b steadfast or sincere for the coz of allah.
What’s Istiqamah?
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq was asked about al-Istiqaamah and he replied by saying, “It is that you do not associate any partners with Allah at all.”
Umar ibn al-Khattab said,“al-Istiqaamah is that you steadfastly observe the commands and prohibitions, and that you do not swerve off into falsehood and deceit.”
Uthman ibn ‘Affaan said, “They make their deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah.”
‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib said, “They perform the obligatory duties.”
Ibn ‘Abbaas said, “They are steadfast in fulfilling the obligatory duties.”
al-Hasan al-Basri said, “They are steadfast upon Allah’s command, so they act in obedience to Him and avoid disobeying Him.”
Mujahid and ‘Ikrimah said, “They are steadfast upon the testimony of laa ilaaha illallaah – there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah – until they meet Allah.”
Muqatil said, “They are steadfast, based on a foundation of knowledge, and do not leave the religion.”
[Tafsir al-Baghawi 7/172-173]
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insaaniat · 7 years
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insaaniat · 7 years
Insaaniat: my heart felt sympathy. so sad, so sarcastic yet unfathomable wisdom & possibly a warning from allah to the ummah.
there is no arab nationalism or asian or african muslims. there is a strict criterion though, and it is called tawakaltu alallahi. only piety counts for leadership & peoples mandate is the decision. unless the ummah decides to bull doze this simple but most affective political culture there will be no peace.
in future home destroyers palaces will be destroyed by those who r saying to them today that they will allways give protection. the funny thing is that the gafels don't realize that bcoz they hate them most, the kafeers help them to illegally consolidate & to abuse powers. so that their own disgusted people will get rid of them soon & in the chaos they will runaway with wot they love the most, the resources. it is as simple as that. anything beyond r shytwans brain active into certain human beings to camouflage so that its g8 continues to feed its intellectual corrupt ivys & phds studded massive work force. impressive liars & fake analysts.
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A friend of mine back from Yemen wrote “I’ve always wanted to see the Arabs united, and when they did, they united to demolish my home…”
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insaaniat · 7 years
Insaaniat: Amin.
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insaaniat · 7 years
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insaaniat · 7 years
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insaaniat · 7 years
I’m attracted to demons, to the demonic in people. Only that? Ultimately, yes.
Susan Sontag, from a
entry featured in
As Consciousness Is Harnessed To Flesh: Journals & Notebooks, 1964 - 1980
(via caterpillarincocoon)
Started a blog on demonic america but cudn't complete it last nite. a spiritual review..
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insaaniat · 7 years
Insaaniat: the rythem of beautiful life.
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“Flowers At Work” (1956) - Encyclopedia Britannica Films
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insaaniat · 7 years
I woke up. I have clothes to wear. I have running water. I have food to eat. Life is good. I am thankful.
Alyssa. (via be-happy-and-enjoy-the-life)
Yep. Alhamdulillah..and don't forget u didn't just wake up but woke up from allmost death.
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insaaniat · 7 years
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VR/ 360^ Photo hi.
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insaaniat · 7 years
Is there anything in this living earth that validates the above comprehensively besides Islam? Just don't listen to others illeterate garbles or think that Islam is limited to the few quotes n stories of a few bloggers. The only way to find john gatto's definition is to read the holy scripture Quran yourself (the editions with exegesis).
Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges; it should allow you to find values which will be your roadmap through life; it should make you spiritually rich, a person who loves whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whomever you are with; it should teach you what is important, how to live and how to die.
John Taylor Gatto
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insaaniat · 7 years
It sure bloody God damned hell does n just women r not b blamed for practicing the evil sorcery.
“To burn the witch is to admit that magic exists.”
– Erin Anastasia
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insaaniat · 7 years
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insaaniat · 7 years
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'Narcos' Location Scout Found Shot Dead in Mexico https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/70hhxa/narcos_location_scout_found_shot_dead_in_mexico/ Pic saved from film Noire Shelton Muller, photographer
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insaaniat · 7 years
Alhamdulillah, indeed.
Alhamdulillah for all that has passed which I never thought I could get over.
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