Guys please remember ana coaches are sketch. These are not dieticians. these are crusty 30 y/o men that want free pictures of your body and that’s that. These people probably couldn’t loose 15 pounds if their life depended on it and they have nothing to do with their life besides enabling young, even underage girls in their (often lethal!) addictions.
I have been on Ana tumblr for over 10 years. Nothing good comes of it. Trust me.
Just stay away from the coaches fetishists especially if you’re under 18.
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
Every time I eat I feel like my e.d. is fake.
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
i wish we didn’t need food to survive
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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Ig- sabrina.opper
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
not to be dramatic but i hate myself literally so much i want to kill myself over how much i weigh and eat
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
i’m a fraud
i’m not anorexic. if i was anorexic i wouldn’t sTILL BE FAT.
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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I’ve finally dropped below 70kg! I can’t believe it I’ve been over 70kg for over 5 years!
Reblog to break the plateau
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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you won’t even need to pose everyone will always be able to see your bones
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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Sorry for the really disgusting fotos, especially the before ones but I wanted to share my success so far. Especially for the people with EDs who are (still) overweight like me. In three months I lost 30 kgs (~66lbs) (but keep in mind that obese people lose weight way quicker at first. My body will surely slow down eventually).
SW: ~120kg(265lbs), CW: 90kg(198lbs)
Height: 1,70m
I still have a very looong way ahead of me, I know that. But this is a reminder for me that my work is slowly showing off, even if I don't see a change in the mirror and I don't see thaat much change in the photos either. But hey small steps are steps too.
(I do not recommend this for anyone else but me, this weight loss at this rate is not healthy at all and can be dangerous!)
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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i woke up today feeling comfortable enough to post my first body check on here but i’m still quite nervous to post this for some reason lmao,  i’m looking forward to reaching my gw of 115lb soon. 
i made a twitter, it’s diorsluna :))) 
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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I would kill to look like her 😿
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
Sometimes, the best meanspo can come from your parents. Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be about weight. Their words just make you want to starve yourself more.
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
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ins4ne-in-the-br4in · 4 years
Every calorie counts
Every. Calorie. Counts. That bite of cake? That plate of fries? That cheese and ham toastie? Alll adds up. BUT. That half a burger you left? Half less calories. Those crisps you left in the packet and threw away? Never add on. And that half of a meal at dinner you didn’t finish? In the trash. That’s right. It works both ways. Celebrate the little victories and they soon add up to a big achievement
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