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Research Timeline (working process from W1 to W12)
I wasn’t too frustrated in the end of the week because I have been following my research plan and finished my job on time.
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Here is the other voice sensor research. The report is abut “Non-intrusive Passive Distributed Acoustic Sensing”. The context is a bit too academic and hard to understand. But I think it is a good chance learn how does voice sensor actually work. So I can understand how feasible my solution is.
Finfer, D. C., Mahue, V., Shatalin, S. V., Parker, T. R., & Farhadiroushan, M. (2014). Borehole Flow Monitoring using a Non-intrusive Passive Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). All Days. Published.
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Susman, G. (1983) Action Research: A Sociotechnical Systems Perspective. In: Morgan, G., Ed., Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research, Sage, Newbury Park, 95-113.
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here is my research on the voice sensor. The picture shows how the sensor works within a laptop.
Slivka, E. (2009, January 22). Apple Researching Sound Sensors for Automatically Adjusting Audio Output. MacRumors. Retrieved October 2, 2021, from
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this persona have 2 users, team leader and team member
these 2 persons have different demands and needs. But they all have a similar goal which is to achieve a better teamwork.
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The reference that I used to present why Tuakana, Teina, la should be apply to the teamwork. By understanding the different roles in the classroom, I see the similarity on what makes a successful team.
In the classroom: Teacher, tutor and tutee
In the team: Team leader, team member (able & less able)
Tawhiti, J. (2019). Tawhiti Jade / Primary award recipients 2019 / Principals’ sabbatical reports / Leadership development / Home - Educational Leaders. New Zealand Ministry of Education. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from
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Although this report is not relevant to my topic, it explain what is the benefit of applying Tuakana, Teina, la in education system.
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A good website that shows how to apply the “ Tuakana, Teina, la “ concept in education.
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As Kaaren Hanson, formerly the head of design innovation at Intuit and now Facebook’s design product director, has explained: “Anytime you’re trying to change people’s behavior, you need to start them off with a lot of structure, so they don’t have to think. A lot of what we do is habit, and it’s hard to change those habits, but having very clear guardrails can help us.
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Applied to the academic field, DT is framed within constructivism, since it starts from the premise that learning is socially constructed (Tschimmel, 2012).
Tschimmel, K. (2012). Design Thinking as an effective Toolkit for Innovation. In ISPIM Conference Proceedings (p. 1). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
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The process starts with a phase of exploring reality to empathise with people’s needs, generate an ad hoc challenge and provide innovative ideas and solutions to that challenge.
(Benett & McWhorter, 2019; Design for Change Spain, 2016)
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It is a way of thinking that leads to innovation and transformation to generate new ways of experiencing and managing business (BBVA, 2015; Tschimmel, 2012).
BBVA (2015). Design thinking. Serie Innovation Trends. BBVA. Recuperado el 4 de mayo de 2019, de
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my illustration to show how the user use the voice recording feature.
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during the meeting, team member can click the “voice recording” and choose a place to leave that “voice message” (like a sticky note).
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this is the page when user click on one of the project in the work space page. So the team leader and other group members can check on everyone’s work and edit it as well (if they have the promotion from the owner).
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same with the work space page. I change the layout a little bit, and also rearrange the size of the elements.
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After playing this page on my laptop, I found out that the size of some elements are quite weird. So I rearrange the layout.
And also put the browser frame on it so it will look more like a real website page.
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