innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
Of course, there's no way to know for sure if he were mantled.. but even so, Thalien was a good 200-250 years behind Lucas..
So what happened in that time?
Because obviously there were more Sylvars around in that time, otherwise the ones that Lucas knew wouldn't have existed at all.
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
T. Sylvar: Aka Thalien Sylvar was the warrior known to many only as "The Champion of Cyrodiil" or "The Hero of Kvatch."
Having had a close relationship with St. Martin Septim, who so selflessly sacrificed himself to end the Oblivion Crisis by becoming the avatar of Akatosh, Thalien fell into a deep depression at the end of the 3rd Era.
Unfortunately, a few months after the event of the Oblivion Crisis, when Cyrodiil was just beginning to rebuild.. It's hero went missing..
Coincidentally with the appearance of a door that was said to lead to the Mad God's realm of the Shivering Isles.
Some say he went into the Shivering Isles and.. Ended his life.
Other accounts say that he became a resident of the isles after being driven mad by his guilt...
But I think something else happened.
"True accounts of mantling." by T. Sylvar was obviously written by a madman, but by a madman who was in the process of further losing his mind..
I think that he was the first to mantle Sheogorath.
It would make sense.
After all, if Thalien was mantling Sheogorath, then he would have the most accurate knowledge of how the process works, wouldn't he?
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
I... am going to assume you recognise the name, then.
Yes, the Sylvars and my own family were... rather tight-knit up until a few eras ago, as whatever happened between Lucas and the Sylvars of that time caused him to lose contact with them.
I wonder if that has something to do with... everything, honestly.
My mother and great-grandfather never elaborated much on our family's history with you, so this is all so dreadfully compelling to me.
What comes to mind?
He called out for me.
And I answered!! But not as the me that he called out for.
Nono, he wished to speak to a different me! But he is me, and I am he, we are both me.
So he still spoke to me! Just.. Not the me he wanted me to be.
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
I did my own research on you, actually, and found a dated description of the mantling process described by a T. Sylvar?
Was never too sure of its accuracy, but you seem to know what I'm talking about so I'll incorporate that into my notes on the whole shebang.
What comes to mind?
He called out for me.
And I answered!! But not as the me that he called out for.
Nono, he wished to speak to a different me! But he is me, and I am he, we are both me.
So he still spoke to me! Just.. Not the me he wanted me to be.
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
So.. you knew him before you were.. mantled, then?
What comes to mind?
He called out for me.
And I answered!! But not as the me that he called out for.
Nono, he wished to speak to a different me! But he is me, and I am he, we are both me.
So he still spoke to me! Just.. Not the me he wanted me to be.
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
Apologies if I showed up at an.. inopportune time. I truly didn’t mean to!
Miss Cordelia always said I had a habit of bad timing, but nonetheless, I can’t really help that my machine wound up bringing me.. here.
Wherever ‘here’ is.
Lucas Beylnor...
I haven't heard that name in a very, very, very long time.
I hadn't heard from him in so long.. And to think, he said those things about me!
Though... It's not as if he really knows...
I tried to tell him, but.. GAH HE DIDN'T LISTEN!
And now...
... And now his descendant is practically knocking on my door...
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
I’ve heard of you, in the fairytales my mother told me as a child.
Have you now? Well.. Let me tell you, little mortal...
They weren't simply fairy tales.
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
If that’s the case, then..
Is it true that you take the souls of the lost and abused and twist them beyond recognition?
Oh, well I wouldn't say that!
The souls of the lost, the souls of the abused.. The souls of the mad...
If they come to my Isles, they've come for a reason!
And if they're twisted by existing in the Isles, that's not entirely my doing.. Well maybe a bit, but in the grand scheme of things no one who sets foot in my Isles will ever come out the same anyway! What's the harm in pushing them along a bit, hm? Giving them a nudge?
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
Hm. Well, when you put it that way.. it doesn’t seem as bad as my great-grandfather made it out to be, I suppose..
But still. That boy you’re messing with, he seems perfectly sane, if not a little on the cautious side.
Why him?
I have my reasons with him.
And, my friend, no one is ever perfectly sane...
Sometimes all they need is, like I said, a little push.
And as for your great grandfather... Many people have many assumptions as to what I am or why I do what I do, but only I can ever truly know the reasons behind my actions.
Perhaps he was simply just... Afraid of the uncertainty.
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
He never told anyone why, but he was always rather angry with you.
When asked he’d say you “refused to help him when he needed it most” and leave it at that.
I know you probably don’t remember, it’s been a few eras since this probably happened, but..
On the off chance you do..
Maybe you could provide some context.
"Refused to help him when he needed it most."
Almost sounds familiar.
What was your grandfathers name?
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
His name was Lucas.
... Lucas Beylnor?
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
Of course, Haskill. Tell him I said he’s welcome to take as long as is needed to process this..
His name was Lucas.
... Lucas Beylnor?
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
His name was Lucas.
... Lucas Beylnor?
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innovationcomeseasy · 8 months
Hello and welcome to the blog of my Elder Scrolls OC, Phillip!
He’s from a few eras in the future, more of a steampunk kind of vibe if you get me, but he wound up here instead.
Not gonna go into all of his lore, but he’s always willing to answer questions! He might even ask you some in return, he’s rather curious..
Feel free to drop by and say hello! Rules are pretty basic, just don’t be a dick and we’ll get along just fine.
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