inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
yoo i'm not vibin from this account anymore & i'm in the middle of making a new one so until then, y'all can just talk to me on aim gabbypce or hmu for my kik or skype cool 
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
happy birthday!
thank u man i love.... u
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
UM SO LIKE shaz told me it was ur birthday so happy birthday and stuff b ye
[ flails around ] you're so cUTE & thank you v v v  much!!!! 
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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Harbara. -requested by anonymous-
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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 ❝           oh. i    if you want to go back inside, you             can, y'know. s'not like you have to, uh, keep me             company?    ... thank-you, though. again. ❞ a hand was palmed over her mouth to stop the eruption of a jittery laugh ; as carmine cherries curved up into a slight smile upon his rambling. although, the fact that he may have hinted at opal not  being the best of company may have left her distressed. just a  little, though. she wasn't afraid to admit that theo had actually proven to be delightful company, and was beginning to fill the void of swathing anger from the vacancy of her boyfriend.           ❝ Ima?      I don't think I've ever heard of that name             before. On the bright side, thank-you for trying to             make me feel better about my name. ❞ she found the boy positively amusing. it was honest to evaluate that she had never met a guy      well, anybody for that matter that had the same personality characteristics as him. of course, it was an utmost compliment, but, she was at loss for words with some of the statements that came out of his mouth. 
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         ❝ It’s okay. I was having a good time until I ended             up stranded cold up on a balcony here with you.          .            n…not that you’re bad company of course.              then again. i wouldn’t know. i mean. i don’t know             you. but i’m sure your company’s pleasant…             happy birthday. again. ❞ if you asked theodore to even recite a word of what had just slid out from his rosy brims, he wouldn’t even be  able to recall a syllable. it appeared he had only two extremes. the young man was either peculiarly shy or a rambler. not very attractive. at all. unlike she. cheeks reddening even further, he’s trying to  physically restrain himself from imitating a loud  "ding!"          ❝ Minerals aren’t all that bad. If it makes you feel              any better I had a friend named Ima. Ima Grubb. ❞ if this was his form of flirting with the birthday girl it was clear that things were headed south. then again, theo had never really flirted with anyone. how he even ended up with a son was a mystery to most.
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
how do you make your icons kinda soft?? like everyone has rly sharp icons but urs look pretty and not blurry bUT SOFT
WELLLLLLLL, i made an action bc 5eva ago i was grumbling about how i hate sharp icons lol so the settings are kind long but the basic is???
okay, so i keep the original cap hidden beneath all the layers after using colouring or whatever!!11 ( u will see why, but there’s a pic at the end)
before u hide it tho, duplicate the layer ( ctrl + j ) - then hide it
duplicate the duplicated layer, set the opacity to 58%, gaussian blur to 0.8 radius
merge layers
duplicate layers, set the opacity to 38%, smart sharpen 500/0.5 ( there are advanced settings on the sharpen but they’re not super important. )
merge layers
duplicate layers, opacity to 59%, another gaussian blur 
duplicate, opacity 73%, 500/0.5 smart sharpen
duplicate, gaussian blur 0.8 again
sweats nervously
now there should be a layer w/everything merged & ur hidden layer
show the bottom layer
set the top layer to 60% opacity like this pls
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& ur done!!
obviously, it takes me like 5 seconds bc i made it into an action, but yo~
hope this kinda makes sense????
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
coffee or tea
books or movies
fruits or vegetables
headphones or earbuds
laptops or pc
facebook or tumblr
netflix or tv
hardcover or paperback
tv or movies
hp or thg or neither
light or dark
salt or pepper
starbucks or dunkin donuts
reading or writing
writing or drawing
hot or cold
talking or listening
instruments or voice
cake or cupcakes
black or white
sunset or sunrise
bold what you prefer.
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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            ❝         do you know how accident prone i am? don't get me wrong, though. i'd love to hold her. ❞
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❝ you wanna hold her, sash? i promise you won’t drop her on my watch. ❞
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
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inmeritus-blog · 10 years
i want to rp with you
i say as i make no move to talk to you (via choveshki)
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