Inmate #8213
45 posts
Likes prison, buzzcuts and underwear.
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inmate8213 · 1 month ago
This is really a great clip, especially the middle part, starting with the unvoluntary journey in the special prison van, the reception in prison, and especially the very humiliating and rough strip search after that. It's taken from some movie about a guy arrested in the Philippines.
I like the way the new inmates are roughly grabbed by the head, the way the main character has to undress, then is ordered to open his mouth and stick out his tongue, then has to kneel naked a few times together with everyone else, then has to move forward in a crouching position for the next inspection, then has to open his mouth again to be roughly felt in his oral cavity, and has to stick out his tongue again while the guard keeps his mouth wide open, after which his nose is pulled up, his ears are felt, and then even his neck muscles are felt too. And after the mugshot, he, meanwhile mentally paralyzed, finally has his hair shaved off with clippers.
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inmate8213 · 2 months ago
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inmate8213 · 2 months ago
Hi! I've always (irrationally) desired to remain in metal restrains for a long time... Could you describe how it feels to wear, for instance, cuffs attached to belly chains, hinged cuffs, cuffs in blackbox, etc. For how long can you endure these? Which are you preferred ones? Thanks.
Great question!
I want to start off by saying that my favorite is a leather restraint belt, tightly cinched aound an orange jumpsuit. The guard can grab that belt and guide you anywhere he wants. If properly secured, your hands are cuffed at your waist and only mobile enough to sign your sentencing order in court.
Hinged cuffs are ok. I am not a huge fan. I use them when cuffing hands in a stacked configuration. It is highly effective and uncomfortable. The cuffs bite into the prisoner's wrists. You have to hold your arms in just the right way to avoid the wrist pain. But, in the process, your shoulders start to ache. It is exquisite agony.
The black box is like hinged cuffs on steroids. I had a friend lock me into a black box over cuffs secured to a belly chain. We drove from Las Vegas to LA while i was shackled. I was a miserable bitch towards the end. I sat in that truck imagining being taken to San Quentin to serve LWOP and watching the free world go by for the last time! Terrific restraint and experience.
Lastly are leg irons. I am an absolute believer in the need for either a short manacle chain or, and this is my preference, a connector chain between the cuffs and the leg irons. The short steps AND the sound of the chains clanking is mesmerizing.
In any situation, i believe the prisoner should have a belly chain or restraint belt if cuffed in front. An alternative is cuffing behind the back. I prefer a connector chain between leg irons and handcuffs.
The longest i have personally been restrained is 36 hours during prison role play. Sleeping and eating and bathroom was miserable!!!!
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inmate8213 · 3 months ago
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In the local jail, the hours stretch endlessly. Most of the time, the only way to kill time is simply to sleep.
Then, for a brief moment, you can escape—dreaming away from the shackled existence in a confined space. Like this inmate. He lies in the fetal position, protecting himself from the desolate environment surrounding him. The calm will soon be broken when the man beside him is woken up by the cheesy stench of his foul-smelling feet. After his intake into the local jail, he hadn’t been able to shower for six days. As a result, he reeked offensively of a mix of sour sweat, dried urine, and the grimy residue clinging between his flabby buttocks.
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This other man had also sought an escape from the chaos downstairs and decided to take a nap. For a fleeting moment, he was back home, snug on the couch with his family. But then, he was jolted awake by the sound of men shouting over one another. What followed was: "Wake up, you lazy piece of crap." It was a guard who pulled him out of his sweet dream. Reality hit him again as he realized where he was. He pulled himself out of bed, slid his bare feet into his stinky slides, and began to shuffle aimlessly through the halls of the local jail, where he was serving an 8-month sentence for unpaid fines.
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The ‘upside’ of the local jail is that you wear the same outfit during the day and at night. These three men were already preparing for the night, lying on their beds half an hour before the lights would be turned off. They could just keep their orange jumpsuits on. They’re like oversized babies, entirely at the mercy of their guards, who dictate every second of their day.
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inmate8213 · 3 months ago
This is *not* what I had in mind when I said I was dreaming of a "White Christmas" 😟
Unfortunately, celebrating every single holiday with yet another day of gray prison routine is part of the package when you get incarcerated.
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inmate8213 · 3 months ago
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The strangest thing happened today...
I was finally given permission to buy a tablet from the commissary because of my good behavior. Having not had internet access since my sentencing hearing, I decided to Google myself and see how publicized my trial was to the general public. Unsurprisingly, I found dozens of articles. All with pictures of me cuffed up and in court. 
What I didn't expect were that those pictures were being spread around online by a group of prison enthusiasts. I guess these guys have a thing for prison. They like to look at pictures of inmates and read about their arrest and trial. I guess some of them even like to pretend to be locked up. Pretty strange...
I commit a crime, am found guilty, get sentenced 40 years in prison and something about that is attractive to these perverts?? What's wrong with them?
Ah, well. I guess I'm not in a position to complain these days. I'm an inmate now. 
It's just crazy to think that images of me in my humiliating uniform, alongside details of my crimes and sentence, will live in Tumblr profiles for years to come.
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inmate8213 · 3 months ago
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I committed a crime. There's no denying that.
I'm going to prison. There's no denying that either.
The only question left: how long?
The plea deal I accept clarified I could be sentenced "up to 30 years". That's pretty vague. Maybe it will be 5 years? 10 years? God forbid, all 30??
It's wild to think that my fate is in the hands of a judge that barely knows me. I am powerless to them. They alone will determine how long I'll be in my uniform and shackles. And they don't know me, apart from my case.
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inmate8213 · 5 months ago
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Bad prisoners deserve special treatment when it comes to haircuts. If they behave, they even get a free hair wash after the haircut 🔥😈
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inmate8213 · 5 months ago
A heavy-handed headshave on the floor of a prison cell, handcuffed and kneeling over a filthy toilet. Not exactly the most glamorous haircut I've ever received 😈
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inmate8213 · 5 months ago
Tough choice. I love the aesthetic of #1 and #3, but I think #2 wins in terms of spartan basicness and humiliating ugliness.
What is your favorite?
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
You’ll be an unwashed slob in your cell. Lucky to get one shower a week. Surrounded by concrete and steel. Clad only in an orange jumpsuit. Stainlesss steel toilet and a narrow concrete bunk. That’s all you are worth. You can look at the outside world from your little window…if you consider the sky the world.
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
I once tried this recipe on myself, and it's very hard to get over how gross the combination of raisins, spinach and tomato paste is.
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Do you ever serve nutraloaf at FCJ?
We have special requests for it and also use it as a punishment!
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Question about Nutraloaf at FCJ
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
He should feel lucky to get all of that space to himself. It it was up to me, there would be three inmates sharing that kind of cell.
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"Hey guard, don't I get any bedding and bed sheets to put on that hard metal slab? This cell sucks!"
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
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I was sentenced today.
Last night was strange. Laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling, knowing this might be the last time I would sleep in a non- prison cell for a few years. Still, I was holding out hope that the judge would be lenient. I was running over every scenario. It's very possible that the judge sentences me to prison. 2 years? 3 years? Maybe I can get off with just probation?
As you can see, I wasn't so lucky. When my lawyer suggested an alternative sentence to incarceration, the judge just laughed and said, "There's no version of events where your client doesn't end up behind bars."
The prosecution wanted 8 years. I was given 16. I guess the judge was having a bad day or something. Crazy how the fate of several years of my life came down to one person's feelings. The guard started to cuff me and prepared me for transport.
I was shuffled into the van with the other soon-to-be inmates. Despite the circumstances, each of the other men wore a sense of relief across their faces. The months, sometimes years of stress building up to the sentencing, were finally over. And they were all treated to short sentences. All under 3 years. Not me. 16 years!? How am I gonna survive that? I'm not built like these other guys. In my wildest imagination, I could not have dreamt of being locked up that long.
They led us off the bus and to the reception center. On our way, we passed the rec yard. All the inmates started heckling at us. Testing how we'd react. I'm not sure what I looked like to them, besides a guy who thought he wasn't going to have to spend the next 16 years in there. Best not to think about that now. It's long behind me.
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
The yard coat + jumpsuit combination is really timeless!
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Scenes from Supernatural "Folsom Prison Blues"
Classic US jail combination of an orange jumpsuit and blue denim yard coat! Absolutely one of my all time favorites!
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
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After that fatal car crash, causing several fatal traffic victims, it always starts with arrest and being handcuffed at your back. Then you're driven to the police station. There follows the intake, a t body search, the inevitable alcohol test and finally also the finger prints.
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As the test is positive your brandnew prison uniform, a nice black and white striped jumpsuit, is already waiting for you, of the kind you will have to wear from now on for many years to come, as is the barred bare cell with just a bed of cold steel, a stool made of the same stuff and a toilet, to spend your first night locked up and think all over....
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Yes, from this moment on wearing solid steel handcuffs will become nearly inevitable as soon as you are somewhere outside your own cell. Safety comes first - at the police station they have their experience with new prisoners who suddenly go crazy and become violent.
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A few days later you're already on your way to court for trial, in your new prison stripes clearly contrasting to the accompanying officers in their grey uniforms. Of course you're already since you left your cell in full restraints, shuffling along with difficulty in your uneasy leg irons, while your wrists in handcuffs are fixed to the frontal D-ring of a thick leather belt around your waist, with which the jailers lead you a with firm grip as a dog on the leash to the dock to get sentenced....
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After your perp-walk in front of the eager local press and the curious public you enter the courtroom, where your lawyer pleads in vain for a conditional sentence on the grounds of mitigating circumstances. But the facts are clear and the sentence of the judge therefore is too.
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You will have to spend many years in prison - which one, you don't hear yet. The next days, or perhaps weeks, you will spend in your cell at the local jail again. When you move back from the courtroom to the exit of the court-house, the sound of the rattling of your leg-irons, each time when the connecting chain hits the stone floor tiles of the corridor, sounds more ominous than ever. You will get used to them...
Outside the prison van is already waiting for you. No, there is no chance to escape your fate. Too much police officers around, apart from your shackles - and your prison stripes, that will betray you. There is only one choice for you: to obey to the law and step inside.
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And yes, this time, on your way back, you're not the only one in the prison van. As small as it is, there is space enough for two - or more...
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Back in your cell at the county jail you've just to wait, till on some very early morning you're suddenly awakened and taken out for transport. The handcuffs and leg-irons you have to wear during the next hours already are waiting outside. This time even a black box is added to your handcuffs, fixing them in an immovable way to your belly-chain.
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It's a long drive of many hours from the small jail in the town to the huge isolated prison complex in the middle of nowhere. Then suddenly your new home comes into sight. And when the van finally drives into the court yard, you already catch a glimpse of the other inhabitants, all wearing exactly the same black and white striped prison uniform as you. You're not the only one here, that's for sure.... A new, harsh, unknown life with a lot of strict rules is waiting for you!
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I have started this new blog about one of my greatest phantasies: to experience a real American prison from the inside. After being transported to a huge state penitentiary of the maximum security category, surrounded by barbed wire, walls and moats, and the obligatory humiliating stripsearch immediately at arrival, a hidden severe world is welcoming all new inmates for many years to come, offering a lot of rest, partly to be spend in solitary confinement:
barred cells, serious shackles, rattling chains, prison stripes and the chain gang - always secured in full restraints: that's the way i like it!
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Well, and there is your cell, completely for your own, your home for the next years. Which one will be yours? Is your new neighbour already winking you? Will it be No.,2, 4, 5, 6? They are all identical - in prison all inmates are treated equal, as they are all dressed the same.
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inmate8213 · 6 months ago
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