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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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F-35C at Dusk by Lockheed Martin on Flickr.
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
United Kingdom: HMS Queen Elizabeth
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Displacement: 65,000 tonnes
Laid down: 7 July 2009
Launched: 17 July 2014
Commissioned: 7 December 2017
Total time: 8 years, 4 months, 8 days
Australia: HMAS Canberra
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Displacement: 27,500 tonnes
Laid down: 23 September 2009
Launched: 17 February 2011
Commissioned: 28 November 2014
Total time: 5 years, 2 months, 5 days 
United States: USS Gerald R. Ford
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Displacement: 100,000 tonnes
Laid down: 13 November 2009
Launched: 11 October 2013
Commissioned: 22 July 2017
Total time: 7 years, 8 months, 9 days
China (PRC): Type 001A
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Displacement: 70,000 tons
Laid down: ? November 2013
Launched: 26 April 2017
Commissioned: 2020 (planned)
Total time: Aprox 7 years
Average construction time: ~7 years
India: INS Vikrant
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Displacement: 40,000 tonnes
Laid down: 28 February 2009
Launched: 12 August 2013
Commissioned: at the earliest 2023, third estimated after constant delays 
Total time: 14 years at minimum. 
Conclusion: India just can’t build aircraft carriers. 
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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Some super-high standards has been set by Nick Cave & The Bad Seed on this tour #nickcave #thebadseeds #live #show #vienna #austria #stadthalle #stadthallewien (at Wiener Stadthalle)
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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Kövér László legnagyobb rajongója itt a képen Vésey Kovács László a pestisrá portál újságírója. Én elhiszem neki, hogy újságíró és nem propagandista, hiszen cikkeket ír amikbe beleszövi saját véleményének apró üzeneteit. Most történetesen ezek az üzenetek pont azok amiket a kormány is el szeretne mondani, ezért is ad sok állami pénzt ennek a portálnak ami ezt a fiatalembert is foglalkoztatja. A mai, gyorsan változó tartalom fogyasztási szokások mellett azért ez egy jó biztos állás, nincs benne sok kockázat. Most ez az ember, ez a Vésey írt is egy cikket a portáljukra Földes Andrásról, mert mostanában ez a kattanása ennek a kultúrkörnek, hogy nem véleményekkel vitatkoznak meg állításokkal, hanem embereket gyaláznak. Földes nekem a barátom, bár szerinte én kollaboráns fidesznáci vagyok, szerintem meg ő szélsőliberális sorosbérenc, de ettől sokkal fontosabb morális vitáink szoktak azon lenni, hogy elég jó e az idő a mászáshoz, vagy hogy miért ettem meg reggelire a mászás utánra tartogatott kekszet. Szóval elfogult vagyok és lehet ezért basztam fel magam ennyire ezen a cikken, de az is lehet, hogy azért mert az írás a gerinctelen taplóság egy ronda mintapéldánya. Nem, nem azért mert az egyik újságíró nem hiszi el a másik újságírónak, hogy az ő apró üzenetei igazak. Mondhatja tőlem, hogy hazudik, meg tendenciózus a másik, ez teljesen belefér, bár nyilván elegánsabb lenne érvekkel cáfolni, de hát mit tegyünk ha Kövér László rajongójának nem erőssége az elegancia. Többnyire nekem sem amúgy, úgyhogy ezen nem is gurulnék be annyira. Viszont remekül hozza a csávó azt a leheletnyi pluszt, azt a nüansznyi túltolást, ami manapság kurrens karaktergyilkos szerzők sajátja és amitől szerintem a hithű orbánistákon kívül mindenkinek görcsbe rándul az agya. Szóval azt írja ez a nyilván bátor kalandor, Földesről hogy:  
“ A háborús övezetek meglátogatásakor óvatosan átkukkant a tűzvonalon, nehogy esetleg veszélybe kerüljön, majd az ott látottakat prezentálja kedve szerint, kihasználva, hogy jelenleg nincs igazi Chrudinák Alajosa az országnak.”
Az egy dolog, hogy a szerző annyira hülyének nézi az olvasóit, hogy azok nem tudják, hogy háborús övezetbe menni önmagában kurvára veszélyes. Az igazán dühítő az, hogy a hatalom segglukából höhög valaki aljasul azon, hogy vélemény-ellenfele nem vállal elég kockázatot, mikor ő annyira minimalizálta egész élete kockázatát, hogy már egy szaros stockholmi no-go zónába se kell elmennie, hogy megvadult migránsokat mutasson, mert egy 90%-ban összemásolt cikkért is megkapja a fizetését.
Tök jó, hogy ezt megírtam, mert le is higgadtam.
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
Voyager: The Golden Record
It’s the 1970s, and we’re about to send two spacecraft (Voyager 1 & 2) into space. These two spacecraft will eventually leave our solar system and become the most distant man-made objects…ever. How can we leave our mark on them in the case that other spacefarers find them in the distant future?
The Golden Record.
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We placed an ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2, a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.
The Golden Record Cover
The outward facing cover of the golden record carries instructions in case it is ever found. Detailing to its discoverers how to decipher its meaning.
In the upper left-hand corner is an easily recognized drawing of the phonograph record and the stylus carried with it. The stylus is in the correct position to play the record from the beginning. Written around it in binary arithmetic is the correct time of one rotation of the record. The drawing indicates that the record should be played from the outside in.
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The information in the upper right-hand portion of the cover is designed to show how the pictures contained on the record are to be constructed from the recorded signals. The top drawing shows the typical signal that occurs at the start of the picture. The picture is made from this signal, which traces the picture as a series of vertical lines, similar to ordinary television. Immediately below shows how these lines are to be drawn vertically, with staggered “interlace” to give the correct picture rendition. Below that is a drawing of an entire picture raster, showing that there are 52 vertical lines in a complete picture.
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Immediately below this is a replica of the first picture on the record to permit the recipients to verify that they are decoding the signals correctly. A circle was used in this picture to ensure that the recipients use the correct ratio of horizontal to vertical height in picture reconstruction.
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The drawing in the lower left-hand corner of the cover is the pulsar map previously sent as part of the plaques on Pioneers 10 and 11. It shows the location of the solar system with respect to 14 pulsars, whose precise periods are given.
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The drawing containing two circles in the lower right-hand corner is a drawing of the hydrogen atom in its two lowest states, with a connecting line and digit 1 to indicate that the time interval associated with the transition from one state to the other is to be used as the fundamental time scale, both for the time given on the cover and in the decoded pictures.
The Contents
The contents of the record were selected for NASA by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan of Cornell University and his associates. 
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They assembled 115 images and a variety of natural sounds, such as those made by surf, wind and thunder, birds, whales and other animals. To this, they added musical selections from different cultures and eras, and spoken greetings from Earth-people in fifty-five languages, and printed messages from President Carter and U.N. Secretary General Waldheim.
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Listen to some of the sounds of the Golden Record on our Soundcloud page:
Golden Record: Greetings to the Universe
Golden Record: Sounds of Earth
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Songs from Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode,” to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony are included on the golden record. For a complete list of songs, visit:
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The 115 images included on the record, encoded in analog form, range from mathematical definitions to humans from around the globe. See the images here:
Making the Golden Record
Many people were instrumental in the design, development and manufacturing of the golden record. 
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Blank records were provided by the Pyral S.A. of Creteil, France. CBS Records contracted the JVC Cutting Center in Boulder, CO to cut the lacquer masters which were then sent to the James G. Lee Record Processing center in Gardena, CA to cut and gold plate eight Voyager records.
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The record is constructed of gold-plated copper and is 12 inches in diameter. The record’s cover is aluminum and electroplated upon it is an ultra-pure sample of the isotope uranium-238. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.468 billion years.
Learn more about the golden record HERE.
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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Making friends on OBL2017 #mártély #tabby #cat #pet #obl2017 #outbreakerslab #hungary #catsofinstagram 📷 @sincojim (at Mártély)
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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3245 year old seal on Tutankhamens tomb before being opened in 1922
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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The Earth at night. Photographs taken by NASA.
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
Ennyi erővel, főbe is lőheti magát az ember
A fogyókúra gyilkos
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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A lone British soldier stands up to his knees in spent shell cases. France, WWI.
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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The remains of Soviet Sverdlov class Cruiser Murmansk
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
Can we all appreciate my lazy cat
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inmate1453 · 7 years ago
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