22, she/her, b. s. in biomedical sciences and minor in psychology, medicine, infj
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wednesday is off to a great start! i started off my morning with some light reading & coffee before deciding to complete datacamp's final challenges on SQL joins. now i finally got my certificate on Joining Data in SQL! still can't believe i pulled it off without any taking hints! i know i still have a long way to go in mastering SQL queries but i'm always up for a challenge :3
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just had brunch. still finishing my double shot espresso while watching leah’s field notes!!! also did noon journaling. i want to focus june, my baby june, on healing. i don’t know what that means yet but yes, healing. taking care of myself. it’s going to be great. the best, the softest of all months — baby june!!
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it’s starting to feel less hot. i started reading a passage north by anuk arudpragasam, returned a bunch of library loans that were piling up on my table, and watched the stage adaptation of a little life which both made me very happy and shook me to the core.
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14/07/21 • doom & gloom but we’re going strong with candles, good news & a second jab
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john william waterhouse wanted to get fucked by a witch sooo bad
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it’s starting to feel less hot. i started reading a passage north by anuk arudpragasam, returned a bunch of library loans that were piling up on my table, and watched the stage adaptation of a little life which both made me very happy and shook me to the core.
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MASSIVE list of book recs
death of a salesman, arthur miller
macbeth, shakespeare
a streetcar named desire, tennessee williams
hamlet, shakespeare
a raisin in the sun, lorraine hansberry
a midsummer night’s dream, shakespeare
antigone, sophocles
king lear, shakespeare
the glass menagerie, tennessee williams
othello, shakespeare
pygmalion, george bernard shaw
the tempest, shakespeare,
much ado about nothing, shakespeare
as you like it, shakespeare
the taming of the shrew, shakespeare
the merry wives of windsor, shakespeare
the merchant of venice, shakespeare
oedipus rex, sophocles
an ideal husband, oscar wilde
who’s afraid of virginia wolf, edward albee
our town, thornton wilder
waiting for godot, samuel beckett
fantasy/fairy tales
the ranger’s apprentice, john flanagan
harry potter series, j.k. rowling
inkheart by cornelia funke
throne of glass, sarah j. maas
the chronicles of narnia, c.s. louis
the lord of the rings, j.r.r. tolkien
the hobbit, j.r.r. tolkien
percy jackson and the olympions, rick riordan
eragon by christopher paolini
the bartimaeus trilogy, jonathan stroud
howl’s moving castle, dianna wynne jones
the wonderful wizard of oz, lyman frank baum
the books of bayern, shannon hale
ella enchanted, gail carson levine
the princess bride, william goldman
the raven cycle, maggie stiefvater
the sisters grimm, michael buckley
the spiderwick chronicles, tony diterlizzi and holly black
the alchemist, paulo coelho
forgive my fins, tera lynn childs
alice in wonderland, lewis carroll
the faerie path, allan jones frewin
the school for good and evil, soman chainani
the grimm legacy, polly shulman
the sweetest spell, suzanne selfors
the tales of the frog princess, e.d. baker
the wide-awake princess, e.d. baker
once a witch, carolyn maccullough
the silver bowl series, diane stanley
the emily windsnap series, liz kessler
fairest, gail carson levine
the fairy realm series, emily rodda
the water mirror, kai meyer
the two princesses of bamarre, gail carson levine
the seven habits of highly effective people, stephen covey
the seven habits of highly effective teens, sean covey
mencken’s chrestomathy, h.l. mencken
yes please, amy poehler
is everyone hanging out without me? (and other concerns), mindy kaling
audrey hepburn: an elegant spirit, sean hepburn ferrer
how to be lovely: the audrey hepburn way of life, melissa hellstern
how to win friends and influence people, dale carnegie
how to win friends and influence people for teen girls, donna dale carnegie
#girlboss by sophia amuroso
14,000 things to be happy about, barbara ann kipfer
choose to matter, julie foudy
the little book of skin care: korean beauty secrets for healthy, glowing skin, charlotte cho
where stylists shop: the fashion insider’s ultimate guide, booth moore
the girls’ book of glamour: a guide to being a goddess, jeffrie sally
the girls’ book: how to be the best at everything, juliana foster
the girls’ book of excellence: even more ways to be the best at everything, sally norton
the life-changing magic of not giving a f*ck: how to stop spending time you don’t have with people you don’t like doing things you don’t want to do (a no f*cks given guide), sarah knight
bossypants, tina fey
we should all be feminists by chimamanda ngozi adichie
behind the scenes: or, thirty years a slave, and four years in the white house, elizabeth keckley
the pillow book, sei shōnagon
eat pretty: nutrition for beauty, inside and out, jolene hart
eat pretty every day: 365 daily inspirations for nourishing beauty, inside and out, jolene hart
narrative of the life of frederick douglass, frederick douglass
narrative of sojourner truth, sojourner truth
12 years a slave, solomon northup
night, elie wiesel
the flowers of evil, charles baudelaire
a season in hell, arthur rimbaud
she walks in beauty, lord byron
shakespeare’s sonnets, shakespeare
we real cool, gwendolyn brooks
poems of emily dickinson
poems of robert frost
leaves of grass, walt whitman
the raven, edgar allen poe
poems of edgar allen poe
milk and honey by rupi kaur
the sun and her flowers, rupi kaur
the princess saves herself in this one, amanda lovelace
romeo and juliet, shakespeare
emma, jane austen
ever, gail carson levine
pride and prejudice, jane austen
eleanor and park, rainbow rowell
sense and sensibility, jane austen
jane eyre, charlotte brontë
landline, rainbow rowell
madame bovary, gustave flaubert
to all the boys i’ve loved before, jenny han
love in the time of cholera, gabriel garcía márquez
the sun is also a star, nicola yoon
young adult
fangirl, rainbow rowell
great expectations, charles dickens
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, benjamin alire sáenz
when the moon was ours, anna-marie mclemore
the goldfinch, donna tartt
looking for alaska, john green
we were liars, e. lockhart
the wrath and the dawn, renée ahdieh
little women, louisa may alcott
palace of spies, sarah zettel
the clique series, lisi harrison
the finishing school series, gail carriger
eyes like stars, lisa mantchev
the ever after high series, shannon hale
along for the ride, sarah dessen
girl online, zoe sugg
keeping the castle, patrice kindl
stargirl, jerry spinelli
stir it up, ramin ganeshram
prom and prejudice, elizabeth eulberg
the summer i saved the world…in 65 days, michele weber hurwitz
pink and green series by lisa greenwald
six of crows, leigh bardugo
the catcher in the rye, j.d. salinger
the house on mango street, sandra cisneros
turtles all the way down, john green
under the lights, dahlia adler
geekerella, ashley poston
simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda, becky albertalli
it’s not like it’s a secret, misa sugiura
the idiot, elif batuman
the outsiders, s.e. hinton
everything leads to you, nina lacour
a wrinkle in time, madeleine l’engle
dumplin’, julie murphy
historical fiction
the great gatsby, f. scott fitzgerald
the scarlet letter, nathaniel hawthorne
a tale of two cities, charles dickens
the song of achilles, madeline miller
the last of the mohicans, james fenimore cooper
the constant princess, philippa gregory
the count of monte cristo, alexandre dumas
les misérables, victor hugo
war and peace, leo tolstoy
a mad, wicked folly, sharon biggs waller
manor of secrets, katherine longshore
to kill a mockingbird, harper lee
uncle tom’s cabin, harriet beecher stowe
atonement ian mcewan
the unbearable lightness of being, milan kundera
things fall apart, chinua achebe
ophelia, lisa m. klein
the god of small things, arundhati roy
gothic fiction
frankenstein, mary shelley
dracula, bram stoker
the picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde
wuthering heights, emily brontë
catch-22, joseph heller
candide, voltaire
don quixote, miguel de cervantes
animal farm, george orwell
the importance of being earnest, oscar wilde
science fiction
the city of ember, jeanne duprau
1984, george orwell
the handmaid’s tale, margaret atwood
brave new world, aldous huxley
the lunar chronicles, marissa meyer
the time machine, h.g. wells
the fourteenth goldfish, jennifer l. holm
fahrenheit 451, ray bradbury
twenty thousand leagues under the sea, jules verne
the extraordinary voyages series, jules verne
beowulf, author unknow
the odyssey, homer
the iliad, homer
the bhagavad gita, vyasa
the mahabharata, vyasa
inferno, dante alighieri
the bell jar, sylvia plath
the secret history, donna tartt
swann’s way, marcel proust
the art of war, sun tzu
the awakening, kate chopin
moby dick, herman melville
anna karenina, leo tolstoy
the canterbury tales, geoffrey chaucer
the crucible, arthur miller
one flew over the cuckoo’s nest, ken kesey
the antichrist, friedrich nietzsche
sew zoey, nancy taylor and chloe zhang
the candymakers, wendy mass
my sister the vampire series, sienna mercer
eight hundred grapes, laura dave
their eyes were watching god, zora neale hurston
the adventures of huckleberry finn, mark twain
the adventures of tom sawyer, mark twain
a christmas carol, charles dickens
the old man and the sea, ernest hemingway
to the lighthouse, virginia woolf
utopia, thomas more
a spy in the house of love, anaïs nin
crime and punishment, fyodor dostoyevsky
the assistants, camille perri
a room of one’s own, virginia woolf
the joy luck club, amy tan
sputnik sweetheart, haruki murakami
the namesake, jhumpa lahiri
a thousand splendid suns, khaled hosseini
crazy rich asians, kevin kwan
save the date, morgan matson
neuromancer, william gibson
thanks for reading! i hope this helped some of you out. hugs, mel ✨✨✨
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L.M. Montgomery - Anne of Avonlea, Carole Maso - The Art Lover, Louise Gluck - Averno: "October," Leif Enger - Peace Like a River, Van Gogh - Avenue of Poplars in Autumn, Personal Photo, Mary Oliver - Song for Autumn, Dulce María Loynaz – Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems (tr. James O’Conner), A screenshot from Over the Garden Wall, Carol Bishop Hipps - "October," Angela Carter - Burning Your Boats: The Collected Short Stories, Personal Photo, Cy Twombly - Autumn, Rainer Maria Rilke - "Autumn," Alejandra Pizarnik - Extracting the Stone of Madness (Tr. Yvette Siegnert)
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23.9.21 | Reading about animal vulnerability for my English literature class.
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today i studied a lot! i read all my pending philosophy books for my upcoming exam, which was the only goal for today since tomorrow i’ll be watching some classes and start reading history. i always forget how amazing it feels to study and accomplish all the tasks i set for the day.
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three years with a library card and I’ve never been to the main building downtown, I’m honestly speechless
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