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Yamask’s Revenge
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Previously: Sad Litwick & Phantump comic 
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Well then, you succeeded her death certainly felt like an exceptional loss.
So you had her killed. How does it feel to put so much so much tlc in the design of a cute little girl like Patience only to have her die so soon? I can never kill anything when I write, it feels too cruel...
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Whispers in the dark
H: Do you enjoy it? Sending your creations to their destruction? Even after all they've been through? I: It's a sad fact that life would have no meaning if death didn't exist. To deny them death would be to deny them life. H: They don't have to die, you know. Death doesn't have to happen to them, it just has to have its existence proven in your world. Why not kill some random joe? I: Well I admit that I hate that it has to end like this. I refuse to bend the truth purely because of my personal feelings. The true story will be told. It must be told. H: Why so? There are other stories out there, they have their own truth that has been bent to the will of the writer. I: True, but understand that some of those stories should never have been told. You know better than anyone that there are things in this world that nobody should ever know. H: Does that stop the writer from making it? No. People will say what they want and sometimes the meaning will get mashed around. SO much so that few will recognize it. Their deaths will be in vain if they send the wrong message. I: That's the beauty of any story. Words have no meaning, people do. To read it means to give it meaning. While I do hope that the message will be sent properly as long as someone sees it and enjoys it, I will have done my job. H: So you'll have your children suffer purely for the entertainment of a stranger?  I: Yes. Though as I said before, I am not entirely happy about it. But if you dig deep enough you'll see that in way to entertain you must suffer. History has proven this and the media proves it as well. H: You talk of things you don't understand. I: I speak of my own understanding of them. No individual can ever fully understand anything, there will always another detail yet to be discovered. The Infinite Iota, as some call it. H: Are you going to pursue the knowledge of the Iota? or will you merely stay where you are, halting progress. I: My friend, I tell you this because I care. You're being far too critical of the now, worrying about progress when this discussion is hindering it, in a way. The finer details will be focused on when we learn of them. But for now we live with what we currently know, using it to benefit all of existence to our fullest ability. Just as we've done before. H: You can only help someone so much until they depend on you. You can truly help them by not helping them. I: I guess we'll find out what happens then.
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Good news! On this tumblr I once bitched that my prior works were lost to the abyss of the internet thanks to a douchey forum admin that cut off access to the site and partly due to my not backing the works up in my computer or anywhere else for that matter.  
But thanks to the power of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (yes that’s a thing) my works are in the process of being reclaimed to the safety of my documents folder.  I’ll post some of my better ones on here for your reading pleasure and as another back up spot.   You can never have too many of those.  
I’ll post one of my reclaimed works (weird calling them that) later today and another later in the week probably tomorrow.
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Talented Family
Let me preface this by saying this will be a bit short.
You know how sometimes certain qualities, quirks, and talents can be inherited?  Well I inherited a bit of talents from both parents.  One of which can dominantly be called but I can’t deny my love of it and that is the ability to be incredibly creepy with little effort on my part.  I quite relish in seeing people afraid but not normal fear or terror.  We’re talking about the spider crawling up your spine, also known as the creeps. Since I can’t think of any better name for it I’ll keep calling it that.
Now this particular inheritance is something akin to an aura, we’re subtly creepy.  We’re not putting spiders in your drawers we do not audibly imply something creepy.  We’re merely creepy under our skin.  Imagine you occasionally walk through a relaxing pathway in a forest.  You’ve been on this route many a time so expect no surprises and are fully aware how desolate it is.  But after many a year of going through the path you suddenly hear something, like a low vrrr sound, something you might hear while taking a shower that has loud pipes.  You continue the path and find it hasn’t gone away or even gone quieter since moving.  You know fully well that there are absolutely no pipes in area, no tech at all really.  The sound continues and you begin to question if it has always been there.  After leaving, the sound finally disappears but the day after it’s back.
  I suppose the word I’m looking for is doubt and uncertainty but isn’t that already creepy?  It’s like this particular talent is a VERY specific flavor of creepy like when you question if a good friend actually hates you. If I was asked to describe a creepy flavor that isn’t it but is similar in parts I’d say when you learn a semi-familiar coworker killed himself suddenly over things troubling him that you were completely unaware of as the guy was so quiet.  It’s NOT that but it is similar, passive hatred in a way.
ANYWAY, the point is my whole fucking family has this ability and I fear I’m the only one aware of it.  Have you ever been woken up by a loving younger sister?  Well my 3 younger sisters have done this to me quite a few times but not as much those who actively live them.  To reiterate my WHOLE family has this creep aura talent, do you know what that means?  Wakes up were rough and disturbingly not aggressive with them.  I’ve had a nephew jump on me to wake me up and that honestly felt way better than the way my sisters do it.  Sometimes it’d be ok like a soccer ball kicked repeatedly against my door.  But then there’s times like when they individually came into my room and chose to silently stare for who knows how long and I abruptly woke up with as if sensing their aura and they continued to silently stare, like the damn specters sleep paralysis victims claim they have seen.  If given enough time they probably could’ve topped that, but they weren’t.  This whole thing was written just so I could tell that last part.
I’d like to post/sub-face this by saying I didn’t expect this to be as long as it was.
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The Truth about... Rants (Rant)
You’ve probably read one or two articles with a similar title.  I hate those quite a lot.  The Truth about Men’s digestion, the Truth about Ben Franklin, the Truth about luring people into reading you’re written words with a title, (Pro tip: put “the Truth about BLANK” in it), the Truth about sucking all the cocks, etc.
Aside from being overused as all hell it’s quite condescending isn’t it?  As if to say that some fact has been hidden from the people’s eyes and what I write will reveal said truth.  But it’s never something so grand.  Sometimes the articles or whatever are alright but that’s not the point.
It’s too aggressively grabby to your attention and it’s typically bullshit but I suppose that’s normal for the internet.  Such writers use a title like  “the truth about blanks,” “Uncovered secrets about toothpaste,” etc to entice you.  You see, if you’re searching for toothpaste facts you’re far more likely to click on an article (or w/e) with such an aggrssively attention grabbing title rather than a blunt one.  But that’s already known to you, of course.  I’m stating far too obvious things.  
~5 minutes later~
Jesus lord I have a massive migraine.  The migraine’s flavor is currently “Uncomfortably agressive finger rubbing on my brain” specific location is the north west west part of my brain and a bit of the far back  but the flavor back there is numbness, one of the creepier ones.  I could make a big old rant about flavors of migraines but currently all of my sense are screaming at me to pass out hard.  And my will power is far too weak to defy those orders for long.  Thus I must part.  
Sorry for not writing anything in a while, I feel like I apologize all the time about that but the fact is I’m way busier than I was before and I barely posted before.  Life’s a bitch. See ya around folks.
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Dog Days doesn’t look bad at a glance.  I may look into Ex Driver since it’s your personal 10.  I’m somewhat familiar with Cromartie Highschool thanks to this video:  <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPpbFVL4dYk">Two Best Friends Dub Cromartie Highschool</a>.  The show certainly looks goofy.
I had fun watching Ghost in the Shell as well, for some reason I would be perfectly fine with having my brain transfered into a Tachikoma body. My friend says I would probably hate it but I personally doubt that.
My only issue with subs is that I would prefer to focus on the animation rather than the text on screen. Though my lightning reading speed makes that less annoying.  But still.
Thank you for the suggestions Clue.
Toradora! Anime Blurb
So I just finished watching the entirety of a certain anime titled “Toradora!”
I don’t quite get genre labeling for animes so I’ll just call it a romantic, goofy, passionate high school love story.  A kind of long one, but quite a lovely good one.
I tend to rate the animes I watch in a scale that compares the worst anime I’ve ever watched (Popotan = 0) and the best (Puella Magi Madoka = 10).  Be sure to understand this isn’t your typical scale where 10 is perfect and 0 is “should not exist.”  It’s just as I said in that it merely compares whatever anime to the best and worst I’ve seen.
Anyway, Toradora! Gets a 8/10.  It was formerly 7.5 until I realized there was a post credits scene on the last episode that really helped the ending.  II’m still immersed in the ending hype so I may be biased, after a while the hype will wear off and I can provide a proper less biased rating.  Fun show though.
I tend to come off as abrasive to some people but I am SUCH A DAMN SAP.  Or atleast half of me is, if you want to drag my split personalities into this.  I switch between action to romance with anime.  Last was Akame ga Kill and now it was Toradora.  I suppose I will look into Koyomonogatari since I ejoy that show despite it only being in subs (don’t start).  But otherwise I suppose  I’m on the lookout for another action or particularly good romance one.  My favorite person who ever recommended anime to me was on the now defunct Snafu forums but I could still contact her via steam chat though I’m not sure if she’d be alright with that.  Trying won’t hurt but I feel a need to mention that just after the forum was destroyed one individual made it a point to mention that no one wanted to see me.  Doubtful but some peope are douches who’s statements can’t be trusted.  I am tangenting hard and I’m sorry.
Anyway I’m on the lookout for another anime to watch in my spare time, but Toradora was pretty great.
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Toradora! Anime Blurb
So I just finished watching the entirety of a certain anime titled “Toradora!”
I don’t quite get genre labeling for animes so I’ll just call it a romantic, goofy, passionate high school love story.  A kind of long one, but quite a lovely good one.
I tend to rate the animes I watch in a scale that compares the worst anime I’ve ever watched (Popotan = 0) and the best (Puella Magi Madoka = 10).  Be sure to understand this isn’t your typical scale where 10 is perfect and 0 is “should not exist.”  It’s just as I said in that it merely compares whatever anime to the best and worst I’ve seen.
Anyway, Toradora! Gets a 8/10.  It was formerly 7.5 until I realized there was a post credits scene on the last episode that really helped the ending.  II’m still immersed in the ending hype so I may be biased, after a while the hype will wear off and I can provide a proper less biased rating.  Fun show though.
I tend to come off as abrasive to some people but I am SUCH A DAMN SAP.  Or atleast half of me is, if you want to drag my split personalities into this.  I switch between action to romance with anime.  Last was Akame ga Kill and now it was Toradora.  I suppose I will look into Koyomonogatari since I ejoy that show despite it only being in subs (don’t start).  But otherwise I suppose  I’m on the lookout for another action or particularly good romance one.  My favorite person who ever recommended anime to me was on the now defunct Snafu forums but I could still contact her via steam chat though I’m not sure if she’d be alright with that.  Trying won’t hurt but I feel a need to mention that just after the forum was destroyed one individual made it a point to mention that no one wanted to see me.  Doubtful but some peope are douches who’s statements can’t be trusted.  I am tangenting hard and I’m sorry.
Anyway I’m on the lookout for another anime to watch in my spare time, but Toradora was pretty great.
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Hi Clue, been a while.
Thanks for the advice.  I do actually have an offline folder where a write some tidbits.  Mostly notes on other stories I have considered writing.  They’re not junked they’re just there gathering cyber dust.
It feels like where I go to write (offline/online) depends on my current state of mind when inspiration strikes.
Oh yeah, for the obvious record my original idea with this tumblr back when it was the Order of Star Swirl was also to purely respond to asks.  But I got FAAAAR too impatient.  I’m not sure how other tumblrs handle that wait.  I suppose they simply don’t care or don’t mind it.  I’m not sure but I suppose the finer details don’t matter.
So in case you haven’t guessed I have decided not to do a part 2 to my prior writing tidbit.  I felt that I said everything I wanted to (which was mainly venting) though I am sorry if I got you excited for it.  But as a wise artist/writer once said: 
“Do not commit to anything. As you continue working on something it may and probably should change.” -Plague of Gripes
While my application of his saying seems a bit off I will use it anyway.  On the plus side that vent session was a good step towards where this place might as well head towards.  You see my problem before was that I was expecting higher quality works consistently and thus my quality control got in the way o actually posting any content.  I’m likely not going to get better at this if I keep nixing everything I do just because I’m not perfect.  I’ll still try to keep things up to a certain par.  
But the idea is that when I want to write something I’ll do it here now rather than my previous location, which had over 1k views btw.  Though that was a decently popular forum and unfortunately with all forums there is a risk that one day the admin will say “Aw fuck it.” and junk the entire website to avoid criticism of his abuse of fair use and technical copyright violations.  It makes me rage a bit that it all went poof like that but alas I find myself hunting for another forum.  Meanwhile I will post my writing tidbits here when I want to write.  In the event I do find a new forum I will link this place in my sig and continue writing in both places.
For now, here we are.
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So in case you haven’t guessed I have decided not to do a part 2 to my prior writing tidbit.  I felt that I said everything I wanted to (which was mainly venting) though I am sorry if I got you excited for it.  But as a wise artist/writer once said: 
“Do not commit to anything. As you continue working on something it may and probably should change.” -Plague of Gripes
While my application of his saying seems a bit off I will use it anyway.  On the plus side that vent session was a good step towards where this place might as well head towards.  You see my problem before was that I was expecting higher quality works consistently and thus my quality control got in the way o actually posting any content.  I’m likely not going to get better at this if I keep nixing everything I do just because I’m not perfect.  I’ll still try to keep things up to a certain par.  
But the idea is that when I want to write something I’ll do it here now rather than my previous location, which had over 1k views btw.  Though that was a decently popular forum and unfortunately with all forums there is a risk that one day the admin will say “Aw fuck it.” and junk the entire website to avoid criticism of his abuse of fair use and technical copyright violations.  It makes me rage a bit that it all went poof like that but alas I find myself hunting for another forum.  Meanwhile I will post my writing tidbits here when I want to write.  In the event I do find a new forum I will link this place in my sig and continue writing in both places.
For now, here we are.
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Bias Blindness Pt 1
You know it’s incredibly difficult to be aware of everything at once, in fact I’m pretty sure it’s impossible but I can’t be certain as I can only guarentee that I personally am unable to be aware of all things simultaneously and as such I don’t fucking know.  But what I do know is bias blindness is quite easy to avoid but the internet not only spouts ignorant vitriol like vomit from a kid discovering food allergies, the internet also seems to enjoy overdosing on bias blindness.
Before I start saying that too much let me toss out a definition:
Bias Blindness - when one’s own bias against a thing or group of things prevents them from understanding the reality of a sitution or closes their minds to other perceptions.  
A blinding bias or the Bias blind spot works just as well.  Now I’m going to first give a solid and existent example of a bias blinding someone’s perception and then I’ll give you some tips on how to NOT fall victim to bias blindness.  If you’re biased to the point where you don’t think you’re biased at all then this isn’t for you, you silly damn rabbit.  Anyway, one need not look far from any one spot to find an example but I have one in particular I want to look at.  There are many flavors of bias but right now we’re going to look at 2 somewhat common ones they originate from the kind of opinion of which the internet has an nigh-unlimited supply of called the easily offended opinion.
This ones for the ladies... just kidding you read too men it’s important.  This example comes from another tumblr page which if pressed I will link it or copy/paste to the next part.  Now then the opinion was about half the size of this post and was centered around how American men like to go to Asian countries to hit on their woman because they heard it’s easier to pick up women there.  I’m almost tempted to thoroughly analyze the post word for word but that kind of dissection feels a tad too personal and unnecessary at this moment.  
I’d like to preface this by saying we’re not going to talk facts to negate this I could do that if you want but that’s not why we’re here.  We’re going to take a step back and just think on what’s wrong with this statement, specifically what is assumed.
Well I saw atleast three big no-nos the first being that it’s assumed only American men do this. What about American woman?  What about people of other nationalities? I geniunely doubt all tourists in Asian countries that hit on indigenous people are Smerican.  
No-no #2, you assume that this only happens in Asian countries.  Sorry Asia you’re not special in that regard, most if not all countries have likely had a sizable handful of American tourists hit on somebody there (probably a handful from other nationalities as well, but that’s not what the original poster focused on).  
Final (obvious) assumption, this isn’t conveyed too well with my short version of their post but they made the harsh assumption that all Americans do this and are like that.  It couldn’t be more obvious how wrong such a statement is.  It’s called the “All or Nothing Assumption” and it is another word for when a person assumes that due to the actions of atleast one of a group that person will assume that it is normal for all of that group to do such an action.  This particular assumption is extremely common despite how illogical it is.  People are very different from one another and you’d be a fool to make an All or Nothing Assumption when it comes to groups of people, especially entire nationalities.
This took a lot longer to write then I thought it would. IIn the next part I’m gonna throw you another example, a harder one.  Let’s face it my previous one is too easy on multiple levels, too easy to tell it’s biased and too easy to not trust it. Then I’ll talk upon how you, who likely don’t suffer too many biases if you made it this far, can avoid being unreasonably biased.  Though don’t be thinking it will be preaching to the choir. I’m going to talk upon the ones we make without realizing it.
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aa more christmas icons because theyre really fun to make! feel free to use if you want! ;w;
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Small amount of followers or not, let’s be honest and say it’s not really cool that I just abandoned this bitch.  I’m not sure how other people continually update their tumblr pages but I will admit it they made it look super easy.  
While I’m not sure how often I will be posting things I will at least begin making steps to shift the focus of this place a bit.  I still like the idea of the Order of Starswirl but I’m not into the pony shiz-nate as much as I once was. I suppose I won’t make my tumblr too focused on any one thing for now... 
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inkblots-writingblog · 10 years
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Y’all little writers go on and have fun now
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inkblots-writingblog · 10 years
I forgot to reblog this waaaay back then.  A very thorough and logical answer.  Nice link too.
I also forgot my login info for tumblr and the associated e-mail, so that was a bitch to get through.  But I'm happy to be able to get back in.  Geez
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Well before our standard currency of Bits, I’d say most ponies worked with either a barter or trade system. Currency is a funny thing really, Bits are essentially given value because they’re accepted to have a universal value and thus things from goods to services can be exchanged for these bits, with more or less value based off the Bit system. Ignoring the logistics of using something like apples, the issue would be standards of value.
I for one have no use or want for a gem, so under a barter system, it holds no value to me, but a tiny gem in a wedding ring might be worth more than a large one on a sentimental basis. Coins take the emotion out of things like value or worth which is a little unromantic but business is business.
But to answer the question directly, I would say before the spread of the common Bit, Ponies may as well used whatever they had for currency. I have heard that Barter still lives on in the form of the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange, which harks back to giving something for something else in return. The Bit values may differ but I’d happy pass a gem or a bushel of carrots for a real treasure, like a good book. I have once heard of one pony using nothing but trades which could be described as ‘I want that, but not this, swap you’ to go from a mere paperclip to a full home. Obviously those two items aren’t valued the same, but it shows that through sentimental value, a few exchanges and good timing, Bartering can almost be considered profitable.
Thanks for the question and hopefully it answers it!
(( Mod notes; Yeah, I’m not dead. Just “here” Getting very rusty at drawing. Also answering this post makes me think back to bit-coin, it’s value, in my opinion, is based on what value others give it, in my case, I consider it worthless because I can’t use it for anything material. Finally, see < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_red_paperclip > for the referenced paperclip into house story. I was surprised when I first heard it. ))
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inkblots-writingblog · 11 years
That thing is super creepy.  Cool lore behind it though.
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inkblots-writingblog · 11 years
Mod Post Jan 24, 4AM: Canon Balls
Gotta admit that I stopped watching MLP after episode 2 of season 4.  If it actually gets better I assume one of my more show-loyal brony friends will give me a shout.  There are few of those since most abandoned it after hearing of twilicorn.
As I continue writing this and that I've established that I will not respect or touch upon the canon past the end of season 2.  Maybe bits from season 3 but that is doubtful.
I'm sure you've heard it all before: angry rants or thorough explanations why twilicorn sucks/ruins the canon.  Or the fewer counts of people defending it.  But I have yet to get my chance at it.  And I have a few points I wish to cover.
You see, the alicorn form in itself used to be an incredible sacred thing.  For the longest time the ponies of modern Equestria knew Celestia (and perhaps Cadence =/) as the only alicorn (s).  The arrival of Luna was incredible to many a pony, despite the fearful myths and tales surrounding her.  Cadence's original arrival in the canon certainly shook the foundations a bit and raised many a question about how alicorns are made.  When the (unfortunate) time came for Twilicorn to come into existence we saw how easy it was.  How "not special" one has to be to become an alicorn.  Such a headache to see what I once viewed as arceus tier sacredness and power to be bestowed upon the introverted bookworm that began the series.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't connect to her originally.  Twas tough enough connecting to her when she was a magical unicorn but now that she is a princess with royal authority I find one of my final tethers to Equestria and the show quite snipped.
I love Equestria for its magic, mystery and wonder.  But the canon has quite screwed this mystery on mere than one occassions, shutting off many a possibility with merely a flash of magic.  Star Swirl's recovered notes to have such low security and clearance requirement so that time travel is accesible to any royal friend that bit felt like such a major insult to my ideas and concepts that I have dreamed up.  I know the writer's will was not to insult, respect or even acknowledge anyone but 90% of Star Swirl's works are so sacred, so important to the Order that not a single member has been allowed to see them or know of their location since the passing of Clover the Clever, may the Sisters watch over her soul!
Guh, I just don't care for the canon anymore, too many squandered possibilities, too many (imo) plotholes, too many simplified solutions and deus ex machinas.  Too many "too manys," and the restrictions due to their intended audience shackle them rather then help them along.
I have already faced it, the canon isn't to be respected in it entirety, it is more of a shackle than anything.  I need bits to create a foundation for a fine work of architectural complexities but my imagination and will can create the rest of the needed materials.  Might as well end on a construction metaphor.
See ya folks, thanks for reading/glancing.
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