inhumanrace · 4 years
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I risk my life fighting, I don’t regret any of it, I swear not to return to the old miserable me
Selective RP blog for Noriaki Kakyoin, written by/follows back from Joltemun
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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some think punk’s dead, me? i don’t believe that rock n’ roll gatherin’ the moss till i be that lichen-coated boulder, make you slip, bust your kneecap!
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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Little Vampire Mudad doodles to relax myself and have fun. ❣
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inhumanrace · 4 years
??? // gdbyenstalgia​:
Plotted starter for @inhumanrace​
This holiday hadn’t been easy for Noriaki Kakyoin. After recently coming out to his parents, things had grown a little more than tense. While they at least respected his new name and pronouns, they had also begun to push him to adopt more “masculine” traits. It was conflicting for the young man, as much as he wanted to believe they were just being supportive, he didn’t want to be shoved into a box. He wanted to be himself… 
But who was he?
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Idly, Noriaki kicked the small rock that had been resting near his foot. It bounced over the side of the river bank, landing in the water with a quiet splash. His parents had wanted to further explore the market places in Cairo, but he had managed to avoid going with them. The idea of such a bustling place made him uneasy, so he’d much rather wander the quieter parts, hands stuffed into the pockets of his green school uniform.
Despite sticking out like a sore thumb, no one seemed to notice him. No one ever noticed him. Hierophant Green hovered behind him, a hand on his shoulder and a green tendril wrapped around his arm. It was almost pathetic, the way he used the extension of himself to provide a comforting touch.
Still… it was better than nothing, right?
The vampire had been lurking within the shadows, shielding himself from the excitement that ran among the nearby marketplace. His eyes had darted to the young man and he was immediately intrigued when he caught a glimpse of the tendril. As realisation for what exactly that tendril entailed set in, his lips curled upwards into an impish smirk and he quickly was overcome with an idea. 
He silently stalked his way over to the river bank, being careful to make sure that the other man couldn’t hear his movements.
“ Interesting companion you have there with you, ” he noted, his voice almost an incredibly feline purr. “ Does it have a name? ” he inquired, opting to humour him in his own sort of way along with posing himself in an arguably much less threatening manner. He was certain that casual small talk was soothing to humans, although it had been a very long time since he was actually a human himself.
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He paused for a moment.
“ I believe I have a similar being myself, a shadow of my own if you will, ” Dio soon elaborated after giving it enough thought. Continuing on his more friendly approach, fully aware that it was the best way to get on any human’s good side and gain their trust, he made an offer.
“ I could show you it if you’d like. ”
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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Safety first
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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  The answer’s in the second before the other shoe drops 
indie Muhammad Avdol of JJBA, foretold by Mars
mun and muse 21+
oc, multimuse and multiverse friendly
mature themes may be present
follows back as @driftindreamer
google doc can be found here
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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Art by 遠
※ Permission to upload this work was granted by the artist. Do NOT repost/remove credit.
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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trans jonathan joestar is great but i think that trans dio is really really funny as well
click for high resolution, transcript under the cut
Keep reading
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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advice from mudad
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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‘‘Happy late day of birth, son.’’
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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My full SDC Dio piece from the @vanityzine!
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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The World
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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caption unnecessary.
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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waw… 👀
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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dios mio……………………….
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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blonde bitch boy, original flavor
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inhumanrace · 4 years
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WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS 2014, dir. Taika Waititi, Jemaine Clement
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