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independent multi-muse. select your character.
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infinitysagas · 4 months ago
I literally forgot the email to this account lol I'm so silly . . . Hi everyone!
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
Her apology made him uncomfortable. As if he were forcing her to feel sorry for wanting to do what she thought was right for them. They had differing approaches to a known problem. Goliath never wanted her to feel bad for her opinion.
“Do not apologize for being passionate about the plights of our kind, my Angel of the night.”
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His hand came forth to stroke her hair. Affection meant to ease the blow dealt by his pulling rank in their conversation, he never enjoyed it. Being a leader meant being willing to make a call even if those closest to you thought they knew better.
The decision is mine. It is that remark that seems to relax her body language, a reminder of where she stood : beside him in life, perhaps, but behind him in authority. An uneasy breath is forced out ─ even as a solemn nod is offered. It was not her duty to question him. It was her place to support him.
For now.
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"...Of course. Forgive me, I... forget my place." A hand lifts, as though to still any further argument, though whether she gestures to him or herself is not entirely clear. "While we may not always... see eye to eye on this matter, I will not question you. Not as our leader, my love. Know this."
Still... only if forced? Surely, if she could not force his hand... she could force theirs.
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
The tenets of the Jedi were hard to live by and, at some times, downright intolerable. To be disallowed emotional connections was a heavy ask that weighed on him when he was in Elsa's presence. But he did love her. By the Force, he loved deeply. “Foolish of us both,” he answered, quietly. An admittance that if love made her foolish then he was just as much of a fool, an admittance of love though he still hasn't said it. “Hope is the greatest thing in the universe but if it causes you loneliness I wouldn't blame you for letting that hope go.”
She chuckled at his enjoyment of her thoughts of him, a smile tugging the corners of her mouth. "Would you think me foolish if I did?" she asks, her fingers brushing his. "What a torturous existence, to love so deeply, knowing you can never truly be together." she sighs, her emotions close to getting the better of her. "It's what stops me from entertaining the idea of marriage --hope for us. I've turned down countless offers and accepted my future as a spinster. Perhaps I'll adopt some loth cats."
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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HE LIKED THE FACT THAT SHE CHOSE to randomly check in with him. Of course, he wasn't going to admit that out loud. “ I did plan on working through one of my projects but it's nothing that can't wait. Besides if you leave now I'll have to suffer through Goddard's bad mood. ” Finishing up his work he closed the mechanic pup's maintenance panel. “We'll handle that upgrade later, pal.”
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SHE KICKED HER LEGS BACK AND FORTH, amused smile tugging at her lips ; it was so easy to fluster him without even trying. Gwen shrugged her shoulders afterward, watching him work. ❝ Just popped in to see how you were doing. I can go if you have plans. ❞
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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Sender: @rotdame Sent: HEY .. !! dammon .. !! just the person i wanted to see .
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He hardly listened to his crowded surroundings but his head perked up at the mention of his name.
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The tiefling smith beamed. “ Lil 'ol me? I can't fathom why unless you have some work that needs to be done - not that that's a bad thing. For the life of me, I can't think of the exact quote but it's something negative about having idle hands. So if you can keep me busy I shan't complain. ”
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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Sender: @manaborn Prompt: Are you ever going to kiss me? @ Jimmy 👀
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Jimmy never understood why he needed supervision when playing around with new alien technologies as if he hadn't tinkered with more than enough extraterrestrial devices in his history. All the same, someone was hanging around. Fine by him, he was more than happy to gush over new tech. What it could do, the intricacies of its construction. At times how his own creations were superior in small ways.
It was in the middle of another sentence that Gwen interrupted him. He didn't know what she'd said at first, not having fully registered it yet. Yet the moment his brain fully digested her words the tech practically fell from his hands onto the work table. Head lifting and his back straightening up. “ You messin' with me . . . ”
Wouldn't be the first time she had. She had a knack for finding just the right things to do or say to get a reaction. This time, though? Jimmy didn't think she was pulling his leg.
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“ You aren't are you? ” Already he could feel the familiar heat rising in his ears, along his cheeks, and could imagine that he was redder than he was before. He'd be lying if he said he'd never thought about kissing her. Probably hadn't always hidden it well. Usually, he would become a stuttering mess about now but instead of trying his voice again too soon, he left his chair to invade her space.
Jimmy could be fairly awkward, he knew that. But he wasn't a coward. Besides, they'd known each other too long for him to act completely shy when it came to her. “ Just like you to pull this when I'm working, ” he teased, smiling before leaning in before his confidence fizzled out. Humming into their first kiss, hands drawing her in closer by her hips.
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
“We don't do we.” Even in times of peace, the life of a jedi was hardly one that was suited for settling down. Such was the nature of their responsibility as the peacekeepers of the galaxy. “All the same, everything is possible through the force. Perhaps one day in the future we could lead the sort of life that exists in your fantasies, who are we to say? For now, I am content with knowing that you fantasize about me when I'm away from you.”
He drew in a deep breath when their foreheads touched. “Is that what you feel for me, then? Love?”
"We don't exactly live lives suited to domesticity." she mused with a soft, lilting laugh. "We took oaths that require sacrifices for the people we love. I am grateful for every moment I have with you, no matter how clandestine. Still ...I find myself fantasizing about what could be ...I know that's all it will ever be. I am happy to call you mine for whatever time we have together." Elsa cupped his face in her hands, resting her forehead on his.
"Love is the most powerful manifestation of the force and if I am weak for giving into it, so be it."
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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HIS HEAD SHOOK IN RESPONSE. “ Not to say that I don't think you'd be helpful but this sort of maintenance is pretty simple. Almost finished with it honestly. ” Sparing a few moments to look away from his work, he flashed a smile at Gwen. “ So yeah sit there and, uh, look pretty. ” With an abrupt clearing of his throat, his blue eyes quickly avoided her gaze and he returned to work. “ What brings you here, by the way? ”
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UHHHH HUUUUHH. She wanted to say but decided against it, hopping up onto the bench Jimmy was working on instead and remained close to Goddard so the doggo didn't bolt after her while being repaired. ❝ Robodoggo going to be okay ? ❞ he might just be a bucket of bolts and wires but admittedly she'd grown quite attached in recent years. ❝ If you need help I can or I can just sit here and look pretty. ❞ she beams, kicking legs back and forth.
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
Bad news about the family dog (the dog me and my roommate got years ago) has me really down. Plan to just watch FMA:B for the next few days.
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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Sender: @avernusfuries Prompt: I don't want you to go. - dammon? :D
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Warmth spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. Simultaneously he felt how his heart beat against his chest. With six words the barbarian had done more to him than a romantic ballad from the most skilled of bards.
“Seems to me that I should stay, then.”
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A hand rested on her shoulder, happy to touch her now that she wouldn't burn the skin off of his body. Dammon couldn't imagine it. Being around enemies for so long just to escape but being unable to touch anyone you could care about. He had to guess she was touch starved and now that she could make contact he would be happy to help soothe her if he could.
“My work can wait.”
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
Kenobi was forced to recall the many conversations had with his prior Padawan about the danger of having attachments. How Anakin would be quick to shove this moment in his face. With good reason, Elsa was certainly an attachment now. Her stories were often imprinted in his mind because all that was important to her held value to him as well, and when she was this close to him his body reacted before he could quell the physical responses.
“The things we find wonders in as children,” he mused with a gentle sigh. Her lips ghosting at his neck caused a sensation akin to a shiver down his spine. “And I missed you dearly as well, Elsa. It is hard finding time to get away.”
"When Anna and I were younglings she would come to my bed and jump on me shouting, the sky's awake!" she laughs softly at the memory. "The midnight sun seemed like magic back then. I just wanted to gaze at it for a moment." she leaned against him, her lips chastely brushing against his neck and her fingers entwining with his. She would never tire of the way the force hummed within her veins when she was near him.
"I've missed you, Ben."
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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WHY DID HE END UP SMILING EVEN WHEN SHE was mean? Hell, he always ended up smiling at one point or another when she came around despite any annoyance she caused. “ My bad then. An upgrade didn't go too well and it blew a minor circuit so I've been preoccupied. ” Maintenance for his best friend always came above everything else. “ Stay there so he doesn't try to run off after you? Almost done. ”
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SHE LOOKED MORE EXCITED TO SEE THE ROBODOG than Jimmy, barging into his space with zero care and a wide grin as she pet the top of Goddard's head, there was a good robot thrown in for good measure too. That same level of enthusiasm disappeared just as quick as it came when she turned her attention to Jimmy with a deadpan stare. ❝ I texted. Not my fault you didn't answer your phone, doofus. ❞
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
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All   sentences   are   taken   from   a pinterest search of spicy and romantic quotes and scenarios and places.   Change   names,   pronouns,   locations   as   you   see   fit.   This is a NSFT meme, please tag accordingly as well minors, do not approach this.
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜
You should always wear my clothes.
Loving me is a one-way road, sweetheart. You can never go back. You can never fall out of love or any of that shit. It's permanent and it's for life.
I don't want you to go.
I was having the best dream.
The truth, princess, is I came back knowing this was what I signed up for. To see you every day and not be able to touch you. Kiss you. Claim you.
This stops when you say so.This doesn't even start unless you say so.
You fucked me so good i almost said i love you.
You're worth starting a war for.
Are you ever going to kiss me?
I want you. I've wanted you since the first moment I saw you. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
Safe. When I'm with you I feel so safe.
You were always meant to be mine, Cecily.
So fucking weak when it comes to you.
Some nights I lay in bed and imagine what I'd be doing if you were with me.
𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤
Warm me up.
What do I taste like?
You should be a sin.
Every inch of you. Perfect. Don't hide from me.
If you could see yourself from my view. Fucking beautiful.
I'm going to ruin you.
You called me your girl.
You deserve better, because you're my good girl.
You make me so proud.
love the way you taste.
I just miss you all the time. I never stopped loving you, not even for a second
 I never stopped wanting you. I want you now so bad.
I’m going to eat you up.
Please, baby, I've been such a good girl... I've waited a whole week for this. Don't I deserve a reward for my patience?
I've been such—a good boy.
I'll do things you'll never forget.
If you can still walk, Then we're not finished.
You smell like you want to get fucked.
I want you my mouth.
I want you to look at yourself asI take you.
𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤
You have me twisted up, woman. So fucking twisted up.
I don't think I could quit you if I tried.
If I find out you've let some man touch you, I will deliver his hands to you in a box.
I don't share. Not when it comes to you.
Did you fucking touch her?
I'm jealous of every person you smile at...Every laugh I don't hear.
I don't give a fuck what the original terms of our arrangement were.
Are you gonna fuck her?
You say we're just friends.But friends don't know the way you taste.
Use your words baby.
Just like that princess.Good girl.
Aren’t I your good girl/good boy? Don’t I deserve it?
Does it feel like this when he fucked you?
Was his cock this big?
Was she ever this wet for you?
𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐧
 You won't believe how many naughty fantasies I've had about you/us.
Lift your hips for me, love.
Like I'll burst into flames if I'm not tasting you. Kissing you. Fucking you.
I love the way you make love...but I need the way you fuck me.
Sh. Just a little more. That’s it.
Tell me why I can't stop thinking about you. Hmm? What the fuck did you do to me?
I'm gonna touch you now because I need to.
I want to feel your skin on fire. I want to feel your heart racing next to mine and I want to know it's racing because of me, because you want me.
You keep your eyes on me.
Friends don't make each other feel like this.
I just can't trust words... But I can believe in what I feel with my body.
You know I'm the only one who can make you feel like this.
You are.You're the only one.
I know you're being a brat just because you want to be choked.
My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do.
You don't need kisses, you need volcanic eruptions in your mouth.
You don't need caresses, you need furrows burying in deeply until you shiver.
Maybe I should get down on my knees and worship you. I'm gonna undress you. Vulgarize you a bit.
Why you so wet already.
I want everyone in this town to hear you beautiful.
Be a good girl and spread your legs.
You're taking it so good.
Bite me babe, You make me love the pain.
If you can still walk, Then we're not finished.
I will be rough with you in so many sweet ways.
I'll be a good girl for you.
I can't wait to taste you and hear you moan my name.
𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 / 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞
My heart is too big for just one of you.
We're happier with you.
I think you're cute can I bring you home to my wife?
We're in this together.
Together or not at all.
I want to be with both of you.
We can't deny our chemistry.
There's two of us and one of you, and whenever we feel like it, we can be three. That's love too, you know.
Look at her. She is so fucking gorgeous with her head back, tongue open, waiting for our cum.
I need you to use your words, baby. Tell me you want two cocks inside your greedy pussy.
If someone propositions you, tell them we'll both be free in an hour.
I'm clingy and possessive of both of you
I can’t imagine living without any one of you!
Their attitude to your affections is simple: they are happy to share, so long as they get to partake.
Join us. Even if just for tonight.
You like him. I can share him with you. 
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥
You can control what I wear... what I eat... who I talk to.
You're mine. Say you're mine.
I could corrupt you. It would be so easy.
You're mine, not anyone else's, fucking mine. Now, beg and say my name.
Fuck me like you mean it.
But I'm done giving you freedom. You don't get to act like you don't belong to me.
Remember. In public, you're my princess, but in private, you're my whore.
Bite my neck and press your hips into me.
Let another man touch you, Jules, and you'll find out just how easily I can take a man's life as I can save one.
Lift up your dress.
That's right, your God. Worship at my alter, baby.
Run. If I catch you, I fuck you.
Touch yourself and call out my name.
It’s all yours, sweetheart. Come and taste it.
Say you are mine. You won’t come until you do. 
Look how you are shaking, baby. I haven’t even fucked you.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
Do you know, you're a little devil?
Stop pretending you are not thinking about me.
Playing too many little games might get you in trouble, princess.
If you're not gone in ten seconds, then your decision has been made.
I need you, Reed. Don't make me beg.
I know what you want, but I love to hear you beg.
You don't need pleasure, you need shivers.
I'll make you shiver. From the touch of my fingers.
You have dark little thoughts, Don't you?
Do I look good like this? 
Tell me how it feels. 
Be as loud as you want. Let them hear you.
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬
When they push your chin up to kiss you.
Slow missionary with lots of tongue down their throat.
When it's so good you're shaking.
When they hold onto your hips and push themselves deeper into you.
When you tell them to stop, and they ask "what? this?" and they keep going.
Being pushed against a wall and kissed.
You can't f*ck the brat out of her but it's fun to try.
Being told "I want to hear you come.
Their teeth scraping your back as they take you from behind.
When you're on top of him teasing him and he suddenly flips you over because he can't take it anymore.
Knowing you could get caught at any moment.
The sound of his belt coming off.
The first, slow kiss that makes you horny as hell.
When she begs you to stop but you keep eating her out until she comes.
When he shakes as you keep sucking every drop of him.
When they cover your mouth.
Being pinned down.
Girls that get wet just from having someone touching their thighs.
When they pin your hands above your head and take complete control.
The way his voice shakes when you're in control.
Getting pushed against the cold wall with your hands pinned above your head.
That smirk they wear when they leave you begging for more.
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐭
In the bedroom.
Bended over by the desk.
In a dark alley.
In a hallway, near a party.
In the bathroom.  
In someone else’s bed. 
In a room where anyone can walk in.
In a throne room.
By the sea.
Near a cliff on the beach.
In a balcony. 
In front of other people. 
In the morning as breakfast is made. 
Against a door.
Pushing them to a wall.
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
Waking up with someone by his side was only something he was used to after spending time on Arendelle. Often having Elsa in his arms when they rested. He'd been surprised when his eyes opened to the light pouring into the room alone. Having become restless without her. Taking a moment to collect his groggy mind he soon left the comfort of the bed.
“I'm sure that you didn't,” he mused, voice still affected by the grogginess. “I find it difficult on this planet to sleep without you near.”
Plotted Starter for @infinitysagas
Summers in Arendelle are warm, the evenings especially. Elsa keeps the balcony doors open to let in the occasional cool breeze and fresh air despite how hard it is to sleep with the light of a neverending sunset pouring in. Tonight it billows the curtains and dances across her skin, coaxing her from the comfort of her Obi-Wan's arms.
Within minutes, hears the padding of footsteps, and feels his hand on her hip as she turns to face him. Her fingers reach to caress his check. "I didn't mean to wake you."
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
“Had to make you sound detestable, I wouldn't have taken his job otherwise.” Had he even called her a sorceress it wouldn't have gotten Geralt to travel out of his way to deal with her. He knew more than a few sorceresses. They could be vain, bossy, and possibly even evil. But usually not monsters. “Guess he figured that once I got here I'd take you out without much of a thought, he got the wrong Witcher.”
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A deep groan reverberated from his chest. Too often was he drawn into politics. Witchers were a neutral guild, he planned to stay that way in this situation as well.
“Spirits of nature? Can't say I know much.”
"That's what he told you?" she exhales an indignant snort. "I am not a witch. I don't practice magic. I am magic. Prince Hans wants to see Arndelle fall right into his waiting hands so he can be the hero he thinks they deserve. He's no match for me so he paid you to take out the one thing keeping Arendelle safe." Elsa's fingers tickle his horse's velveteen muzzle, she smiles and then raises her gaze to Geralt.
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"What do you know about the spirits of nature?"
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
@manaborn  liked  for  a  starter  from  Jimmy
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“ HEEEY . . . HEY ! ”
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Having to wrangle Goddard was a difficult task. The robotic canine was more than able to break away from the genius had it not currently been popped open for minor repairs. “ Yeah - yeah, I know that Gwen is here, ” Jimmy mumbled as he glanced up from his work to look at the redhead. Goddard loved her. “ Popping in without warning, didn't you know barging in is rude? ”
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infinitysagas · 6 months ago
@wintersovereign  gets  a  semi  -  plotted  starter
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When would he learn?
In his mind, he could see the reactions his fellow Witchers would have hearing about his predicament. Old Vesemir would have more than a few words about it and honestly, Geralt deserved the lecture. He'd known better. So many years doing this and hardly had taking a contract from those with political power and ambition led to anything but a headache. Often worse than that.
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“Fuck.” He'd gotten had by a wannabe prince.
“You're the so-called Witch of Arendelle?” He was still on guard. As much as her appearance didn't shout witch or crone there had been some corroboration that she was powerful.
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