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he/neos | standard dni | multifandom freakshow
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infinitycuube · 1 month ago
In accordance to the conjunx ritus, D-16 and Orion Pax are conjunx
Intimacy (fist bumps)
Profference (the decal)
Disclosure (talking about wanting to be more than just miners)
Devotion ("ive got your back"/"and i have yours)
This is all up for interpretation tho, and i may be misremembering / forgetting something (ive only watched it once)
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infinitycuube · 1 month ago
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Happy valentines, have jazzprowl in the only form i know
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infinitycuube · 2 months ago
Could have been: Bumblebee, Ratchet, Optimus, Cliffjumper, Knock Out, Arcee
Let me start by saying that Transformers Prime is well written, humorous, and thoroughly enjoyable. It is my favorite series, and I could never dream up anything as well-executed as what they gave us here. I also understand that the creators basically had their hands tied in terms of episode number, length, characters, deaths and events that could feasibly happen in the series.
That being said? I speak entirely from the POV of an audience member. I really would have loved to see a few things…
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PART 1: Bumblebee - Character development, Communication and Megatron
Yes, it’s been talked about before. But I’ll say it again. I wish Bumblebee would’ve seen more development on the show. For a flagship character, he was woefully underdeveloped. Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Arcee, Ratchet, Magnus, the kids, etc. – they were all different in some way from their initial appearances on the show (mostly). Internal or external.
They were challenged. They were tested. And they emerged from those situations with something learned. They gained or lost something. They achieved a goal, or failed to…
Keep reading
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infinitycuube · 2 months ago
its important to almost get hit by a car once a week to remind yourself that you arent scared of being hit by a car
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infinitycuube · 2 months ago
Born to love women, cursed to hyper-fixate on fictional, alien robot men.
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infinitycuube · 3 months ago
For those who doesnt have Twitter, I've recently found these. Please pls plss go check it out 😭
These storyboards has me in shambles
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Here's the link to the storyboards
I'd like to give my thanks to Zhi Khang & the other storyboarders for sharing us these 😭✨️
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infinitycuube · 3 months ago
Im gonna come out and say it, i think this fandom as a whole has a large problem of infantilism. Mainly with B-127.
I get it, i really do. Hes a chatty short character who often makes jokes and doesnt really have great social skills- but thats situational. Hes a product of his environment.
Im not saying "dont have fun" or anything but imo just because the comedic relief is short and has probable memory issues and is a chatterbox, doesnt make him a child. Hes probably similarly aged as OP, Megs, and Elita.
Idk just ranting and projecting sorta no one will see this lmao
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infinitycuube · 3 months ago
So I randomly had an idea for a Transformers One AU at midnight.
I separated it into three parts +a bonus part
In the past there used to be a far wider variety of Bot types, but after the war there's one or two uniform types, with very minimal variety. Those who are smaller or larger have limited job opportunities, like the cogless, though they usually are much more cushy jobs.
After energon dried up, resources are precious. Due to that they don't melt down the trash they send down. Sub-level 50, rather than being a tiny room, was actually a large cavern. Trash and dead bots would get dumped there from a chute — the only known exit being the elevator. Occasionally bots would need to come down there to gather something. Almost everything pre-war that Sentinel wanted to keep a secret was thrown away down there.
In this AU it is much harder for Cogless bots. If you had the wrong you would end up not being able to gain rank at all. Jobs are very divided by Build type and if you had a cog or not. It's also common knowledge for cogless bots to keep emergency supplies on them, due to incidents being commonplace.
The Iacon 5000 happens everytime Sentinel publicallt returns from a mission to the surface. Often he returns sooner, but keeps it a secret.
After the war with the Quintessons, the High Guard were much more of a nuisance to Sentinel than in cannon. They often resulted in trains going missing. Sometimes Sentinel's forces catch one or two members of the High Guard, though that is extremely rare [in total maybe six High Guard have been caught since the war "ended"]. This is mainly because, after finding out Sentinel's betrayal, they found that Alpha Trion was still alive. The High Guard has been working with and protecting the Last True Prime.
The story starts the same as the movie with Orion Pax getting caught in the Archives before running away to start his shift with D-16. This happens a day or two before a major collapse in the mine where Orion Pax and D-16 rescue Jazz.
There were no casualties, however their team lead, Elita-1, is demoted. While it is assumed she got demoted to another Sub-level, she infact got thrown onto the trash, literally. She gets sent to Sub-level 50, literal trash heaps. There she meets B-127 who helps her survive the dumps.
[B-127 was an unfortunate bot, he ended up as a Cogless Minibot — Being either cogless or a mini alone would already limit his possibility job-wise, but being both only gave him three possible jobs. All of which he failed at. So he was sent down to Sub-level 50 where he was assumed to have died.]
A few days go by and Elita-1 comes to care for stand B-127 and his antics. That day Orion Pax and D-16 get thrown down there aswell, having entered the Iacon 5000. Elita one starts yelling at the two, blaming them for getting her thrown down there. Eventually B-127 gets her to calm down while he gets to know the two new people.
The four spend a while surviving in Sub-50, eventually they come across three bodies. Elita-1, D-16, and Orion Pax are shocked at the discovery while B-127 looks at them sadly for a moment. Them he perks up and starts disassembling the bodies for parts shocking the rest of the group. B-127 calls one of the bots Steve and finds that Steve had a chip which contained a distress signal leading to the last known location of the Primes.
Orion Pax suddenly has an idea to follow the distress signal and find the Matrix of leadership. It takes a while but he eventually convinces the whole group to do it, so they set off. They travel underground for a long while, searching for a way out when suddenly they find a trash chute that most of them can reach. They help B-127 up and climb the trash chute up to the Sub-level where the trains come in.
They see a train which is done being loaded. They use the trapdoor on the roof of the train to sneak on and go to the surface. They soon find that the train is going the direction they need to go so they decide to stay on it for a while.
Then the High Guard breaks into the train. The group tries to fight back, but they are overpowered and taken back to the High Guards base. There they are interrogated and Alpha Trion reveals the truth to the group.
D-16 lashes out, but is kept grounded by his friends. Elita-1 is conflicted and questioning herself. Orion Pax is in shock — everything they though about the world was practically flipped on its head. B-127 is confused. He didn't remember much of who Sentinel is or anything about the other Sub-levels really.
The group decides to work with the High Guard, making a plan. After a plan to take down Sentinel is made they start on their way. It's a long ways to Iacon, a few days at the very least, so they head out. On their way to Iacon the group gets attacked and D-16, B-127, Alpha Trion, Starscream, and a few other High Guard members are captured and brought to Sentinel.
With Sentinel the captured bots are questioned and Alpha Trion is killed. Sentinel threatenes the remaining bots and D-16 argues back where he gets branded. It takes longer for the rest to come in this AU so the group is sent to a prion of sorts, stilled tied up. They are put in groups of two, D-16 luckily being placed with B-127. The next day they are brought out for more questioning [and torture] when a train crashes through the tower.
The train comes from the other group as Elita-1 and Orion Pax took charge. They rallied their fellow Cogless bots and planned to storm the place. The cogless miners were being overworked, forces to mine for triple shifts when the group came. Their efforts worked and they stormed the tower.
The cogless bots and the High Guard work together as they storm the tower. They fight for a while and overwhelm Sentinel and his forces. They use Ariachnids recordings to reveal the truth to other bots, giving them more back up.
Eventually D-16 and Orion Pax have cornered Sentinel, welding external weapons the High Guard had given them to fight with. They get into to a fight over weather or not they kill Sentinel, but eventually D-16 concedes and decides to allow Sentinel to live. Sentinel however took advantage of their distraction and tried to shoot D-16, however Orion noticed and shoved him out of the way, taking the lethal shot himself.
D catches Orion as he slipped off, but Orion convinces him to let go so he wouldn't die aswell. D-16 then turns to Sentinel in anger and attacks him, nearly killing him. However he was stopped.
Meanwhile Orion Pax was falling to the center of Cybertron. There he meets Primus and is surrounded by the dead Primes. Orion is deemed worthy and is revived as Optimus Prime. Emerging from the center of Cybertron ge stops his friends from killing Sentinel and the Cogs are returned to the Cogless bots. Energon now flows aswell.
After the fight the High Guard take Sentinel and his followers, putting them in a high security jail. They rest of Cybertron turns to Optimus Prime for leadership, who then decides that his friends will be there as council for him, aswell as many of the high ranking High Guard. They rebuild Cybertron.
B gets mistaken for a sparkling/youngling due to being a malnourished minibot
B is, in fact, only slightly younger than the others
D-16 still attacks Starscream
B adopts the name "Bumblebee" after someone insults him and he doesn't get that it was an insult
B still calls himself "BADASSATRON" in the same voice from the movie
Optimus Prime is more of a name for the public, he usually only has his friends call him Orion Pax in private
B struggling to reach things and keep up with the others due to always being in low energy mode and being smaller than the others
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infinitycuube · 3 months ago
*struggles while writing* i suck and writing is hard
*remembers some ppl use ai* i am a creative force. i am uncorrupted by theft and indolence. i am on a journey to excellence. it is my duty to keep taking joy in creating.
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infinitycuube · 4 months ago
dogman when petey enters a room
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infinitycuube · 11 months ago
he'd say something along the lines of
"well yeah, Pluto's a dwarf planet. but dwarf planets are still planets so it shouldnt really matter"
or hed have some sort of litmus test about it
slightly sick of all the space-danny-enjoyers only being focused on stars and constellations
yea shits cool nd all but do you guys know what kbo's are? twotinos? plutinos? centaurs?? the opik-oortz cloud? kuiper cliff? the naming system for dwarf planets and asteroids? the fact that Haumea is one of the fastest spinning objects in this solar system?? what about Sedna whose orbit is one of the widest in the solar system, has no moon, and is almost as red as Mars? does trans-neptunian ring a bell? quasi moons? theres so many things you can do with the bodies in our solar system. while youre reaching for the stars, keep your home planets in mind
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infinitycuube · 11 months ago
slightly sick of all the space-danny-enjoyers only being focused on stars and constellations
yea shits cool nd all but do you guys know what kbo's are? twotinos? plutinos? centaurs?? the opik-oortz cloud? kuiper cliff? the naming system for dwarf planets and asteroids? the fact that Haumea is one of the fastest spinning objects in this solar system?? what about Sedna whose orbit is one of the widest in the solar system, has no moon, and is almost as red as Mars? does trans-neptunian ring a bell? quasi moons? theres so many things you can do with the bodies in our solar system. while youre reaching for the stars, keep your home planets in mind
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infinitycuube · 11 months ago
Queen Barb x Male! Reader headcanons
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She leaves you for a woman
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infinitycuube · 11 months ago
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infinitycuube · 11 months ago
When Usopp pulls off the coolest moves in history during Elbaf I don’t want to hear A SINGLE WORD from anyone who has ever spoken ill of him
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infinitycuube · 1 year ago
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lil piece ive done
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infinitycuube · 1 year ago
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Don't stop talking about them. We need to be their voice.
Inspired by the amazing poem by dana
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