Ellie had been at the party but found herself nervous around all the people. She’d gone into tonight wanting to prove herself wrong; she could do this. Unfortunately, she felt like she was doing it all wrong. She had barely spoken to anyone. She was too wrapped up in her own head, something she was a little too used to. -- didn’t stop her from having a couple drinks, of course.
Because of her nerves, she had decided to cool down in the kitchens. She figured no one would be there. And if they were there, they wouldn’t be there for long. It seemed the perfect hiding spot, at least until she found the courage to face the crowd again.
As she sat on the counter, she saw Lucy topple in. She looked so happy and carefree. It made Ellie smile to see someone not drunk out of their minds but actually seeming to have a good time. Maybe Lucy wasn’t trying to impress anyone. Maybe she was being herself and that was good enough for her. Maybe -- Ellie stopped herself. She was making too many predictions about the girl she barely knew outside of classes.
Then the girl spoke to her. Escaping? She was definitely right but probably for different reasons than Lucy. “Escaping?” she laughed as she looked down at her drink, “you could say something like that.” She smiled again.
She shifted a hair in place, hoping this was her chance to prove herself right. She could do this.
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Lucy had been looking forward to Reginald’s party, even before she bumped into him at the gala and decided he was lovely. Upon arriving, she had kept up with Sturgis and Doris for all of 30 minutes. She had fortunately bumped into some Ravenclaws she had spoken to a few times and joined them for a few drinks that had turned into a rather impressive dance performance by Lucy and a couple of her new friends.
Feeling that she could use a break after all the excitement, she elected to split away for a break. Finding herself in the kitchens, she sat on the counter with a cup in her hand and nibbled at the food she had found around her. Outside of the occasional chatter with someone coming in for a drink, she found the room mostly to herself. From her perch she couldn’t make out too much of the music, but she could feel it reverberating around her. 
Noticing one girl who seemed to be holding back more than the others, she smiled a greeting. She recognized Ellie - the two having shared enough classes over the years - but she couldn’t make any claim to actually knowing the Hufflepuff. “Escaping for a bit as well?”
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Plant field trip
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Yes girls night sounds great! I think you’ll enjoy the view. Rita was saying how very little people stayed there this year. I think it’s bound to make someone go nutters, wouldn’t you agree? 
I’m sending the address to you now.  If you want you can bring a couple days worth of clothes to change into, that way you can at least be out of the castle and get some decent leg room.
I think laying under the stars and smoking would be lots of fun. I’m making you a gingerbread house for when you get here.
See you soon!
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Ellie was thrilled when she got Dahlia’s letter. She seemed to have formed a connection with someone. Maybe even someone she could call a friend.
She went through her clothes and tried to find the right outfits, the right makeup, the right shoes. She wanted to look good instead of just thrown together like she had been while at the castle. Ellie had the chance to look cute so she wanted to take it.
She couldn’t wait to hang out with Dahlia, to get to know her as a person. Hell, the girl was making her a gingerbread house! How sweet was that?
Then she blinked, stopped in motion. The questioning began.
Am I going to clam up? Am I going to mess up? Am I good enough?
She took a deep breath, cleared her lungs and quietly said to herself, “I can do this.”
She went back to her bag. It was a mess. Ellie smiled at it. She had somewhere to go, someone to visit. She smashed everything in the bag haphazardly, took her floo powder and off she was.
When she closed her eyes, she was in a home she’d never seen before. She looked around the corner of the fireplace. It appeared no one was around.
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Kingsley went pink when Ellie called him wonderful. He hardly thought he’d done all that much for her, nothing above what any decent person wouldn’t do. The praise felt unearned. He ducked his head and scuffed at the floor. They were friends. He’d do this for any of his friends.
“It’s lovely to have you in our home, Eleanor. You’re welcome here any time.” His mother said kindly. “Not just when you compliment my son.”
“Ellie and I are going up to my room now Mum.” Kingsley said, still fainting pink around the ears.
“Door open.” Abigail said, her voice mild as she picked up the case file she’d been reading.
“Mum.” Kingsley complained.
“You know the rules. I make you leave the door open when Benjy’s over too.”
Kingsley rolled his eyes and groaned even as he nodded. Gesturing for Ellie to follow him, he made his way out into the house.
The Shacklebolt’s had a manor that felt more like a home. All the ancient austerity shared wall space with family photos. The manor felt lived in, felt loved. “Come on,” Kingsley said, “My room’s upstairs.”
“Th-thank you for welcoming me into your home,” Ellie glanced at Mrs. Shacklebolt. Ellie had few friends back in London, let alone friends whose parents welcomed her so freely. The thought of being able to come back (when she had hardly been there ten minutes) gave her tears behind her eyes. She almost went to hug Kingsley’s mother then decided not to overdo it -- even if it’s how she truly felt.
Ellie turned to face Kingsley as he invited her to his bedroom. She noticed him ...blushing? Everything was a fog. Se could hardly remember the things she’d said downstairs but obviously she said something to make her friend turn pink and red. She mustered what laugh she could and pointed at Kingsley. “You seem a little flustered, King.” She was positive it had nothing to do with her. Ellie wished she could make a girl turn those colors.
She felt desperate. She had to stop this. It would happen when it happens.
As they walked the stairs, Ellie noticed how large their home actually was. The pictures lining the wall showed happiness and precious moments. The photos moved and danced. She couldn’t help but smile.
She pointed to one photo in particular. It looked like a happy couple laughing at a joke only they knew. Ellie wished she could make a girl laugh like that.
She felt desperate. She had to stop this. It would happen when it happens.
Ellie couldn’t help but wonder ...”Hey King,” she pointed to the photo, “Do you think they really were happy? That they really loved each other? ...Do you think I could find love like that one day?”
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She felt desperate. She had to stop this. It would happen when it happens.
edugaytion; a cry for help
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He nodded, watching with satisfaction as Ellie bit into one of them. He always liked to share, it was quite a known trait of Dirk within the house that if he had something, he would most likely share it with others around. “You bet Merlin’s backside they are. Fresh from my mothers kitchen. It’s always nice to have muggle food- keeps me reminded of my roots.” he added, letting out a chuckle. 
He placed the pen down, turning in his chair to face Ellie properly. He was always taught it was rude to do other things when in conversations. “How’s the holidays treating you so far?” he asked, kindly. 
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Ellie stared at the cookie as Dirk talked. After she ate one leg, she moved to the other. She always had specific ways of eating. When it came to character shapes, she always started with the legs, then the arms, then the tummy and saved the head for last. In some odd way, it seemed more humane that way. But maybe it wasn’t. Either way, this cookie made Ellie’s mouth water.
She listened to Dirk talk about the food reminding him of his roots. As he did, Ellie looked down, licked her finger and picked up the crumbs from the table. He was right. It was the small things to remind her of home. These cookies weren’t from her Mum, but they still gave her a pleased, satisfied feeling in her stomach.
Her smile didn’t fade, but her lips fell just slightly.  She missed her Mum and Dad.
“My holidays have been...rather boring, actually,” she casually answered his question. She put her elbows on the table and looked over at him. “Why do you think we stayed at the castle instead of going home? Maybe you’re don’t, but I do sometimes feel like maybe I don’t embrace my muggle side enough.”
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Most muggle things he was actually given by Hagrid or someone else that knew his secret. This particular book oddly enough was neither scenario. Octavius looks down to the book and knits his brows together as she grabbed it. She seemed so excited by this book, was it not normally found in the library. Pensively questioning the rarity of the book he had been reading. Though many things he had firsthand knowledge of. “I find at library in very back. Is this..Is this not normal?” Octavius asks with the curious tilt of his head.
The peculiar boy chuckles and nods at her words “She see him from ship. She could say hello from water. He would know what she is.  If he mean she can just hit him with her flipper and swim away.” He laughed a bit more jovial in thought about how he was walking among the people and they had inklings sure. He had a voice, but he still couldn’t disclose about himself. The book wasn’t that far from the truth as he originally thought.
“Ah I just think from what I read that she would have lured him to her at first. Then they would have made friends from there. I enjoy mermaids muchly.” He nods enthusiastically. “You read about them?” He knew Gladys had surely, but Ellie he was unsure of.
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“You found this in the library?” Ellie yelled, even scaring herself a bit. “You have to show me where. I guess I spend all my time in the plants section that I don’t pay attention to what else the library has to offer. Take me?”
Ellie clutched the book to her chest and grinned from ear to ear. “It’s such a wonderful love story, though. Isn’t it? Sure, she could have splashed him and they could have become friends, but where’s the romance in that?” her jaw dropped slightly into a small giggle, “but it would make me laugh.” Ellie was acting like a child which she hadn’t felt in some time. And it was damn good. She was grateful for Octavius and didn’t even realize it.
“It seems like we both have a little bit about mermaids. Maybe we should rewrite the story. What do you say?”
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Dear Ellie,
I’m so glad you wrote me. I haven’t tried it yet, because I’ve been waiting. I live in Yorkshire with my parents and Silas. If you want you could maybe spend the night here? We can go try it outside in the field. Or I could come to Hogwarts for a visit. Which place do you think will get the full effect?
Are you stuck at Hogwarts all break? Hmm  wouldn’t mind popping back over to Hogwarts and checking on the plants. Though I’m pretty sure they’re fine. I’ve been making Gingerbread houses, what have you done on break so far?
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I don’t know which place would have the best effect but I would love to get out of this castle. It’s been pretty boring since hardly anyone stayed this year. 
Your home sounds lovely. I wish we had fields at my house but we live in London where I’ve always had to create my own green space (that hasn’t always been a bad thing). It would be nice to look out my window and see grass and flowers in front of me. 
Smoking under the stars sounds perfect.
I guess that’s my long way of saying I’d love to come visit.
Girl’s night at your place?
I’ll floo as soon as I hear from you!
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Kiersey Clemons for Modeliste Magazine
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read me bedtime stories. // ellie
“Yes I read you night time stories.”
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Kingsley held her close as she clung him, working hard to make sure she knew he’d never let her down without having to say it out loud. He didn’t know her half as well as he wanted, and he could spend his life making up for that fact. He wanted to keep her as safe as he possibly could even as he could feel his therapist giving him a stern talking to about putting himself first. 
His mother watched them for a second with something soft and warm in her eyes. Kingsley wondered if Ellie knew she’d just been de-facto adopted in this moment. Mum’d never let her leave without two baskets of food and a direct Floo line to her office.
“Come on, we’ll get dogs to pile on you and it’ll feel a bit better, yeah?” He said as he gave her a squeeze. “Always helps for me.”
Ellie felt his arms around her. Her father is the only male she had ever allowed herself to be so emotional in front of. In fact, her emotional stance altogether was hurting and bothering her. It was becoming something on a bigger level, but she shoved it down.
When she pulled her face away from Kingsley, Ellie mumbled an apology for all the tears visibly on his shirt. She turned around, finally noticing his mother. She wiped her nose with her shirt and tried to pull herself together. “I’m -- I’m sorry you’re meeting me when I’m like...” she motioned to her entire self, “this,��� as she let out a self-deprecating laugh, “I’m ...Eleanor,” saying her given name more out of respect for Kinglsey than anything else. “Things have been hard lately and your son has taken me under his wing. Thank you for raising such a wonderful boy.” Ellie looked back at Kingsley, wondering if it was okay for her to say  the things she did.
She walked back toward the boy she was getting to know so quickly. She whispered, “is there somewhere we can go to talk, just me and you? ...and the dogs.”
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edugaytion; a cry for help
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Ü + ellie
I leave little Flounder in tank. Hope you no mind surprise. Nice to meet other girl with you. Is her your girlfriend?
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Ü + ellie
I had a fun time last night. Sorry I had to duck out this morning. You kind of scrunch your nose when you sleep and it’s really cute. Meet me for lunch across the street from the Prophet building? See you soon - Dahlia. 
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The castle had been driving Ellie crazy. It was too quiet. Everyone that stayed behind seemed to keep to themselves. Including her. Merlin knows she had more on her mind than she could handle, but luckily she had her letters to Kingsley. And letters to and from home. Truth is, among everything else, Ellie missed home. She loved being witch but in moments like this, she missed the muggle world.
She’d been sitting at a table in the Common Room reading for next term’s Herbology classes. When it came to Herbology, there was a reason she was always head of the class. But right now, her head wasn’t entirely in her book. She looked over and saw Dirk sitting there with a tin of cookies. It made her smile. She walked toward him and sat down but didn’t know what to say and thanked Merlin when he spoke. When he offered her a gingerbread cookie.
“Your Mum made them?” she smiled down as she looked as the misshapen little man. It looked like a muggle had made them which warmed her heart. She took a bite of the gingerbread man’s leg. With a warm heart she looked at Dirk and asked, “Are these muggle cookies?”
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Dirk hadn’t wanted to go home this Christmas, there were plenty of things left for him to do around the castle and he was going to use the time to work more on his comic book whilst the castle was relatively peaceful. His mother, in his absence had taken it upon herself to make sure he was well gifted throughout the holiday and had sent across a care package full of treats. One of them was a box of cookies, iced perfectly and he was currently sat down at one of the house tables, pen idly tracing over his sketchbook. He felt eyes on him and he looked up, pausing it mid bite of the cookie. “You can have one if you want, mum always bakes far too many and if I have too much, the sugar gets to me. They’re really good.” he said, offering out the box of gingerbread cookies.
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Thank you so much for reading to me last night. Your voice lulled me to sleep and, wouldn’t you know it, I dreamed of mermaids and selkies. It was so peaceful, something I’ve needed for a while now. A reading date again soon?
- Ellie
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I had to leave because you were looking too pretty as you slept. I almost couldn’t contain myself.
Let’s do last night again. I had too much fun. Have a wonderful day, beautiful!
- Ellie
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Who would you swap lives with?
I don’t have anyone in particular but someone who has their life a little more together. It often feels like I don’t have control over my actions or thoughts.
[pained expression but she won’t say it out loud] I wish I’d never gone to the hospital. It was the turning point of feeling like I couldn’t help myself.
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Favourite memory?
Learning to control my abilities with plants. I always had a connection with them but to finally be able to make them dance and grow with only the tips of my fingers brings me joy just thinking about it.
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