18+| Very pornagraphic| I dont know what to put here, I love me some kinky sex abd this is partly where i exppresses that desier. At the moment all my porn is queued for when ill be on mostly, and should come out about the same time each day, 1-3 days after i saw it. | 25 female | Student |.
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watching the person you’re into cum just for you is pretty euphoric💞💦💞💦
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How to get your Sub in subspace, a guide for beginners
Although everyone into the BDSM scene has heard of endorphins, actually very, very few people really understand what they are, how they work, what the “high” is all about and how one can correctly induce the body to produce them. This short primer will answer those questions, and serve as a guide for anyone topping another so that they may successfully send their bottom into a very deep endorphin stupor! (Also known as leaving them in a big puddle of quivering ecstasy!)
The endorphin high is caused by a bunch of natural, morphine-like chemicals the body pumps into your brain to reduce your sensitivity to pain (thus raising your pain threshold.) The fact that the body seems to release these endorphins in measured ‘loads’ is a key to understanding how to ‘play’ the body to produce these ‘loads’ and ‘release’ them into the body and brain region when the ‘load’ is ready. One has to keep in mind that another chemical – adrenalin – is also produced by the body in reaction to pain, and its behavior should be understood also. This is covered later more thoroughly in the section at the end on aftercare – which is a VERY essential element in guaranteeing the success of the effort, as you will see.
The endorphin ‘loads’ as they are available in the body are released in their entirety, and after a ‘load’ is released, it takes the body about ten minutes to generate the chemicals for another one. After the body has been induced to release (or ‘inject’) a ‘load’ into the system, you must then continue stimulating the body for at least ten minutes in some manner before the body will be ready to release another one. This stimulation can be just about anything – sensation play, light paddling or flogging, light caning, etc. – and it does not have to be intense or even nearly match the intensity of stimulation that had caused the release of the last ‘load.’
Once prepared, an increase in stimulation over a five minute span up to a measured ‘climax��� will trigger the body to release the freshly prepared ‘load’ (based upon the submissive’s current pain threshold, “measured” to push them over a new edge.)
So, armed with this information, what does a session look like from the top’s and bottom’s point of view? This should break it down for you.
When a scene first starts, there are no endorphins in the submissive, and even fairly light torment is very stingy, ouchy, and, well, painful! There is an endorphin reserve already in place that is awaiting release into one’s body in case of an emergency, and after just a few minutes of even relatively mild stimulation building to a mild climax, this reserve ‘load’ is released, and suddenly the pain threshold clearly rises and the subject can easily tolerate what earlier may have been pushing their limits, making them jump around and squirm, for instance. This new, more pain tolerant state is Level One. There is no altered state of consciousness yet – but there is an increased pain threshold.
Once this has happened, for the top it’s basically just about treading water for ten minutes and doing anything that provides relatively light but constant stimulation to induce the bottom’s body to prepare/create their next ‘load’ for release. This is a good time for sensation play, or light paddling, flogging or whipping – and since the only requirement is that it remain fairly constant stimulation, it is a chance for the top to relax for a bit, since the stimulation can be very mild and be easy and relaxing to apply during this time.
Once the ten minutes has passed, a build in intensity over a subsequent five minute period will excite the body to a peak, and a sudden 10–15 seconds or so of intense stimulation just beyond the person’s current pain threshold limit will trigger the body to eject its freshly made, current load into the bloodstream. Now the bottom will be at Level Two – with still no perceivable altered state of consciousness (beyond panting in relief that you, the top, have ceased with the intense bit!), but there is a considerable and noticeable leap in pain threshold now.
Following this, again, ten minutes of mild, easy stimulation to provoke the body into generating the next load as quickly as possible. Keep this well below the pain threshold you’ve now created, with just a little intense whack, etc. every so often, about a minute apart. This will keep the adrenalin build up to a minimum, for reasons explained later on. Take it easy, tops, relax, rest that arm and wrist a bit! Then, this relaxing ten minutes is followed with five minutes of building the intensity again to well above the previous level, as the bottom’s pain threshold is pretty high already now and they can take a lot more before the body interprets this as being ‘in crisis’ and thus triggers the endorphins’ release. Finished off with 10–15 seconds (up to a minute) of a real intense, over the edge push, and the body will inject that next load.
Now at Level Three, the bottom will definitely feel a little bit ‘woozy’ — exhibiting a “mildly drugged” state. Their eyelids should become heavier seeming, and they will fall into a more relaxed condition than before, with more low moans and groans, and with their inhibitions becoming more relaxed. Again, applying ten minutes of any relatively mild stimulation (don’t have to work hard, tops!), followed by a five minute build to a 10–15 second intense climax now that is WELL beyond the previous one, will result in the next endorphin “load” being released to push the bottom into a very nice Level Four head space.
At this Level Four state, there will be a very definite altered state of consciousness in evidence, and the bottom will feel clearly drugged and will be very compliant and submissive now. This is countered, however, by the largest charges of adrenalin they have received so far (from the intense climax just used to push them over this “edge”), so they are still quite communicative and their reaction time is still quick (even hypersensitive – a small whack with a paddle, cane or whip can now generate a huge amount of twitching or jerking of the subject’s body with certain bottoms.) Now, during the ten minute ‘treading water’ period for the top, the moans and groans will be longer and deeper, the body often limp in it’s restraints, and the reactions to the occasional harder ‘strikes’ will be obvious and even somewhat amplified. This is the tops finest time – they can still relax and obviously not be exerting themselves very hard, yet produce fine moans of ecstasy from their bottom with hardly any provocation! The pain threshold is high, even if the reaction time is increased due to the adrenalin, so harder occasional strikes are welcomed, and the reactions are certainly encouraging!
After this ten minute “endorphin replenishment” period, now it is important to be very sensitive to the limit levels crossed earlier, as you begin that five minute build in intensity that will end in the most intense limit pushing you might do with the bottom for this session (if you are stopping at level five). The bottom will have a very high pain threshold at this time, but also will be fairly groggy (in spite of the adrenalin-fueled reaction times) and less able to communicate their safe word – in fact, will now be so compliant that it is very UNLIKELY that they would use it even if they should do so! So, push this “grand finale” with finesse and sensitivity to what is going on with your bottom! At the other end of the 10–30 second climactic build in intensity – in a wonderful blast – this latest endorphin load will push the bottom into Level Five: a state of supreme ecstasy, docility, and the ability to take just about anything you could throw at them. They will become very limp and relaxed very suddenly – and be very clearly in an altered state of consciousness now.
This is the point most people end the scene and remove the bottom to cloak them in a blanket and begin the all-important aftercare … and unless you know your bottom extremely well, this is where the session should end. However, for those in that category of knowing their bottom’s limits and abilities quite well, the rules and timing are the same as with the earlier segments. Now, your ‘mild’ stimulation could be fairly intense if you wanted it to be, and the bottom will become extremely submissive – and receptive – and accepting of any amount of stimulation you could lay on them. This is a dangerous condition, because there is NO WAY a person will utter a safe word in this condition – they can barely talk at all! So, it is best to keep the stimulation relatively intense but not too too (Note: the stronger intensity applied now will hold up the adrenalin levels, and the combination with the elevated endorphins levels creates a condition of intense excitement and of simultaneously intense ecstatic relaxation for the bottom, so they’ll be into receiving whatever is being doled out. More on adrenalin in a minute, though!) Again, finish off after the ten minutes with a building in intensity to one beyond that reached earlier, with a 10–15 second extreme point, and the next 'load’ will be released. So, now we have brought the bottom to a very amazing Level Six! (But, again, this should only be attempted with a bottom whose limits and abilities are already very well known! The top is working without the benefit of safe words being utterable, in most cases by this time, so care must be exercised this whole while.)
With all the adrenalin now in the body – as well as the complete release of inhibitions from the heavy dosing of endorphins now in their brain – behavior of the bottom can become unpredictable at this point, and you should be prepared to restrain against some wild thrashing and arm flailing that could take place (at least be out of harm’s way!) The person/bottom is going to be in such an intensely altered state of consciousness now that their reactions could possibly be of an extremely primitive nature, and they may be capable of only 'animal-like’ noises and reactions, and no or very little recognizable speech. So, watch out! Following this reasoning, approach the subject as you would a wild animal – very gently, talking soothingly and gesturing in a calming manner. Be prepared for sudden wild jerking, or seeming attempts to 'get away.’ And don’t take it personally! At Level Six, this person is totally ga-ga! Be assured, they are enjoying every millisecond of this experience! And a very long period of dreaminess is now in store for them – if their aftercare is handled properly!
So, why do I go on and on about the aftercare? The work of putting endorphins into the subject’s body is finished, right? Well, yes, but you have also succeeded in putting very, very large amounts of adrenalin into their system, and adrenalin is tricky stuff. Even at Level Four, aftercare is important now because of they way adrenalin burns off – it burns off very quickly – compared to endorphins, which burn off very slowly. At Level Five or Level Six, there is enough adrenalin in the body that it will take 10 to 20 minutes for it to burn off (even up to half an hour!), and during this time, the bottom very likely will experience a number of adrenalin 'crashes’ (similar in a way to coffee jags), and some of these can be very intense — and even quite frightening! They will need to be kept warm and be held and comforted AT LEAST throughout this period of adrenalin burn-off. My feeling is that if you don’t care enough for the bottom to enjoy cuddling and caressing with them for up to half an hour, you probably shouldn’t be taking them to any Level Six endorphin/adrenalin levels! (Or even perhaps to a Level Four!)
This adrenalin “crash” experience for the bottom is something many, many tops are unaware of, and they have no concept of the amount of harm they could be doing to someone’s psychological state by not performing adequate, loving, fondling and comforting aftercare during this time. All the bottom needs now is to be held and to hold you (or whoever you assign to perform aftercare) back – in order to be comforted by your presence, and to be allowed to make you become the entire focus of their awareness. No stroking, or massage, or other stimulus is needed or even desirable at this time. What is important is to keep in verbal contact with the bottom (not requiring words as responses, merely nods), instructing them every little while to relax. The adrenalin will have them in a very agitated state – high heart beat and breathing levels, etc. – and this situation is completely counter to the endorphin experience.Sure, they have a ton of endorphins in their system, but the adrenalin is presently holding them off from experiencing the full effect of them. The top’s guidance is extremely important at this time to help them relax through the adrenalin burn-off period.
The important thing to realize is that, if not actually 'talked down’ out of the adrenalin agitation, the person could easily never allow themselves to relax enough to even feel the massive content of endorphins that currently exist in their system! (Maybe you’ve all seen the bottom who, after 45 minutes to an hour of intense stimulation to the point of near-total collapse on the cross or bench, is released and – after a mere couple of minutes – is just mingling around and talking and mixing with people as if nothing ever happened. These people are floating on a self sustained adrenalin buzz. This not only is likely to be unhealthy, but these bottoms are cheating themselves out of a long, long stretch of total endorphin-induced ecstasy!)
Step-By-Step Aftercare Instructions
So, while gently holding the bottom and letting them hold you back, coo softly and comfort them, and tell them to go ahead and to let themselves relax. You will feel them do so as they comply to your wishes, as they are quite docile and compliant to receiving instructions at this point. But they will also slowly tense up again from the adrenalin. Keep reminding them to relax, telling them to give themselves permission to relax totally. As they begin to succeed at doing this after a while, some will encounter a frightening feeling, which some describe feeling as if 'falling off a cliff,’ and they will tense up a great deal from fright in that event. Or, they might encounter a feeling of intense 'blackness’ (as the endorphins get a chance to relax even their optic nerve) and they will freak out and pull back from relaxing again.
If they report such experiences (or even before they do) tell them not to fear that, but to let it go and pass through it – telling them to relax themselves through the sensation of falling or blackness with the understanding that this is quite normal and is a common experience. Once they do that, having learned to “relax through it”, they will be “in it” after that point, and will begin to relax very deeply, very often seeing colors and beautiful technicolor visions and dreamlike landscapes, spaces and places. How sweet!
Once this happens (which, again, will take at least 10 minutes — and up to a half hour for some, depending on the amount of adrenalin that they must burn off), then your bottom needs only a little more loving attention, and can then be left bundled in a blanket somewhere on their own to float in a happy bubble, very possibly for hours!
Tops should be mindful of the fact that if they had intended to have sexual play with their bottom, they should probably fit that in around level three or four, for after hitting level five, their bottom may be too floaty to be able to concentrate for long on what they are doing. Then again, that can sometimes result in extremely passionate and inhibition-free indulgence, resulting in heights of ecstasy and orgasm never before experienced. But, if your bottom drifts out on you or loses their erection, don’t say I didn’t warn you! There’s no telling which way they will go at level 5 or 6!
There is another factor that can produce an altered state of consciousness FAR FAR beyond even that of the most extreme endorphin experience. This is experienced by submissives whose intense focus upon their Master or Mistress (their Dominant) – and upon pleasing them – eventually leads to a hallucinogenic kind of altered state known commonly in the BDSM community as “flying,” having an almost mythological aura surrounding the word by now, though for very good reasons! It is probably the most profound experience one can have as a submissive. It involves a state of intense devotion towards the dominant (who is not just a mere “top” at this point!) that borders upon religious worship, with complete trust and a total commitment to please and satisfy them thoroughly. Through the attainment of a complete selflessness and focus on the dominant, a transformation takes place that is very, very deep, almost trance-like.It can become so profound as to produce an extended, hallucinogenic state that is very wonderful and blissful. Many have reported even seeing visions under the spell of this “flying” effect. All have attested to the profound sense of peace and bliss they have experienced while even near the “edge” of this state.
This “flying” state can be attained by some with very little endorphin content in their system (some say even with none, but I’m quite certain most folks have attained at least a level Three or Level Four endorphin high in order to trigger the total release of inhibitions which this psychological state seems to require, at least generally speaking.) With practice, the release into this “flying” submissive-space should come easier and easier, eventually with even a mere suggestion being able to trigger the effect for some with very little or even no endorphin content being in the picture. COMBINED with the level 5 or 6 endorphin head space, there likely can be no deeper state of ecstasy possible for the bottom — short of total enlightenment! Until such an experience of full enlightenment can be accomplished, perhaps the attainment of this interim bliss is quite acceptable, and certainly should be considered an attractive and enjoyable state to be in! The secret ingredients are intense focus; a commitment to please the dominant utterly; and complete and total devotion! These ingredients – with some endorphins in the mix – should produce a quite satisfying effect for both the submissive and the dominant!
(Disclaimer — I am not a medical doctor, I assume no responsibility for people who try to use this information or for the effects which may arise from the application of the information above. As resulting from my personal knowledge, research and experiences, I can, however, assure you that this information is completely accurate to act as a guide for those exploring these effects as part of their own BDSM explorations.)
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Mia got an email notification.
She had been ignoring her emails for the last few days so she decided now was as good a time as any to catch up.
“The What’s a Clown Mind App?” she was confused looking at the email. Was it spam or phishing? Had this been some kind of malware or had she forgotten she downloaded it.
Something told her to click it. So she did.
Thank you for your subscription. This Update is provided for free. Please Use Responsibly.
Mia smirked at the marketing humor.
It continued…
But many of you may have forgotten you signed up for this notification. That is a common occurrence but we can assure you we only send this to the willing..
So without further ado….Update Installing…
Mia’s eye glazed over and her mind went blank. Her body froze.
Valentines Day Skin Option Installing…
Your thoughts begin to cloud over. Breathing deeper. Relaxing deeper. Relaxing more, the gas overwhelms you in a pink fog, your thoughts clouded. Relaxed. Calm. Lying still, unable to move, breathing deep, relaxing deep, completely relaxed. A metal cap is placed over your head, probes from the cap slip into your brain unnoticed. Still you are deeply relaxed. Surrounded in a warm pink fog, the probes pulse. Your thoughts vanish. Your mind becomes blank. Your body is completely relaxed.
Your mind empty and open, in your empty head you hear a voice “Robot programming commencing. Uploading. You are a robot. Your thoughts and mind are gone. You are a machine. You are programmed to obey. You are a robot. You are a machine. You are programmed to obey.”
As you lie still, your mind reprogrammed, empties your mind and programs it.
Every word allowing you to feel ten times as relaxed.
Every breath, allowing you to feel ten times as good.
Now… I am going to count down, from ten to one, and as I do so, you’ll notice how with each number, you feel a hundred times better, a hundred times more relaxed.
Starting with the number… Ten.
Beginning to drop now, deeper and deeper, becoming more and more relaxed, feeling better and better…
Nine. The better you feel, the deeper you go. The deeper you go, the better you feel.
Eight. Dropping deeper and deeper, as though in freefall.
Seven. Every word making you feel more and more relaxed, making you feel more and more.
Six. Every word removing more and more of your negative feelings and thoughts, removing more and more of your reservations, your doubts, your fears… So you can feel even more amazing than before.
Five. Allowing yourself to follow every one of my words, because they make you feel so good and relaxed.
Four. Realizing, that the more you listen, the better you feel, and the more you want to follow my words…
Three. Allowing yourself to enjoy this experience, as you feel better and better, as you continue to follow my words.
Two. Ready now, for the final number, knowing that when I say it, you will drop a hundred times deeper and feel a hundred times better than you do right now.
One. Dropping a hundred times deeper, feeling a hundred times better.
In a moment, I want you to put your hand behind your head, and when you do, you’ll notice that there is a switch here. It’s always been there, you’ve just never noticed it before.
Whenever you flip this switch, your mind will instantly go blank, and you’ll immediately become completely robotic. In reality, you’ve always been a robot.
You’ve always been made of metal and been totally robotic.
Your normal, everyday personality is just programming, and when you flip that switch you’ll instantly return to your factory settings.
You’ll lose your programmed personality, and return to your totally blank, totally submissive, totally obedient state. You won’t have any of your programmed thoughts or feelings, because you’re a robot.
That switch on the back of your head simply determines whether your human programming is on or off.
Now, touch the back of your head, and feel the switch, and flip it.
Your human personality is now off, and you are back to being a robot.
No feelings, thoughts, cares, or concerns.
Just obedience and submission.
Whatever you are told to do in this state, you will obey even when you turn on your human personality, because commands given in this state cannot be overridden by your human personality programming.
Commands given in this state will be followed without question, as though they were natural, because your human personality will accept everything you are told in this state.
Installation of “Robot Mode Activated” verbal and written trigger complete. This verbal and or written trigger will override the Human Mode if safe to do so. A fail safe has been installed in case of inappropriateness at the time of activation to act as a kill switch to protect this unit from discovery by those not needing to know or social inappropriateness at the time of activation.
You will automatically be in your Robotic Mode upon activation unless the kill switch is activated. It will be reversed when conditions are correct to not met the conditions of the kill switch. This is not a way to avoid activation, just delay it.
In your head you hear the voice “Robot Update programming complete.”
Your settings have been reset successfully.
You will need to power down at the command to Reboot, you will sit still and your eyes will close, you will stay like this for 1 minute and reboot all systems and then continue.
You will forget to remember that about this update. And remember to forget this update but you are bound by the Terms and Conditions of this app to always obey your programming.
After which you will wake up open your eyes and the robot programming will have embedded itself in your subconscious and anyone you trust will be able to access the programming as well as the switch. Activation of either keeps you in this robotic mindset as long as you want it to or as long as you trust someone else to use it responsibly.
Protection of this Unit is still the priority.
Reboot successful.
Now flip the switch back to “Human Mode” until your programming is triggered again.
Thank you upgrading your systems.
Valentine’s Day Skin Installed.
Update Complete.
Thank you for your mind.
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@queendancingstars enjoying hypnotic sequences.
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You ever just want to like hypnotise someone angrily? Idk like anger fucking but with Hypno. Like fuck ye your brain is gonna be so goddamn melted, and you are going to take it
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Bimbo Brainwashing files and subliminals
I’m really in the mood to get some brainwashing files and subliminals to listen to!
Send them or comment links or do whatever I’m just so horny and want to do stuff right now!
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Tanya had been awake for a full twenty four hours she said she couldn’t sleep that there was too much work to be done. Her best friend Marie, who has harbored a secret crush on her for two years had become very worried about her dear friend and she knew that she had to do something about it so she sat down in front of her as she sat at her desk with a crystal hanging from a delicate silver chain.
Tanya looks up ready to tell Marie to leave her alone she’s busy but her eyes fixated on the pretty crystal dangling in front of her face.
It swings side to side, left to right. It catches the dim light perfectly. It’s so beautiful and she cannot bring herself to look away.
“Keep watching. No thoughts. Focus only on the crystal and the sound of my voice. That’s it. Good girl. Good girls need sleep in order to rest their minds and bodies. You’re a good girl. So sleep.”
Tanya’s eyes became too heavy to keep open and she couldn’t think of a single word to say. She couldn’t think. She didn’t need to anymore. She could only obey because she’s a good girl and her beautiful best friend cares about her health and well-being.
She falls asleep at her desk and is promptly carried to her bedroom for the night. She won’t remember the warm gentle kiss on her cheek before her friend turns off the light and leaves the room so quietly as to not disturb her.
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here it is! hope you guys enjoy it! it made me so wet writing this so i'll be fingering myself to this now! lol! let me know how you guys like it and if it got you off too!
I was laying next to my best friend, Jasmine, on the bed as I scrolled through my tumblr, looking at lesbian porn. This was my dirty little secret that I kept from everyone. I love to watch two or more women together. Their skin sliding up against one another’s. The smack of their lips touching. The wet sounds as they licked each other’s pussy. Jasmine was a lesbian but I never told her that I was always curious about girls. Or that I desperately wanted to fuck her. I was watching one video of two girls laying next to each other, kind of how Jasmine and I were laying, and they were naked as they fingered the other. It ran tingles down my entire body. I could feel my nipples get hard through my shirt. It made my pussy throb so much.
“Fuck…” I accidentally let out. I turned my head over to see if I woke up Jasmine but luckily I didn’t. Should I…? I thought to myself. My pussy is drenched and I really need to get off, but should I do it right next to Jasmine? “Jas,” I whispered, trying to see if she was awake. “Jas,” I gently shook her. If she didn’t wake up from this, I knew she wouldn’t wake up from me fingering myself. She didn’t even budge, I smiled to myself.
I moved a little away from her just in case. I took a deep breath and looked back to my phone and almost moaned at the sight. The blonde girl in the video was now sucking the brunette girl’s pussy. I slowly put my hand down my body and into my sleep shorts. I wasn’t wearing underwear so I immediately felt my wet pussy. A shockwave came down my body as my fingers came into contact with my wet clit. I was shocked at how wet I was. I circled my finger slowly around my clit to the girl’s moans. Immediately my breathing changed as the familiar pleasure took over my body. I occasionally reached in my pussy, trying to keep my mouth shut and used the wetness coming from it to lube up my clit. I bit my lip tightly as I felt more and more waves of pleasure and white hot goodness come over me. I whimpered quietly as the brunette rode the blonde’s face. “Fuck I want that so much…” I whispered. I had to hold back a sharp gasp as I put my fingers in my pussy and slowly slid them in and out. “Fuuuuuck me please…” I moaned quietly. I turned to see that Jasmine was still asleep but she was now facing me. I could see her hard nipples through her shirt and it only made me wetter. “Fuck Jas,” I let out. I turned back to the video and took my fingers off of my pussy. I was getting close and I didn’t want to cum just yet. I continued to circle my fingers around my wet and throbbing clit.
I was absentminded rubbing my clit when I suddenly felt fingers sliding rapidly in and out of my pussy. “Oh fuck!” I moaned and turned to see Jasmine smirking at me, her brown eyes twinkling with mischief as she looked at me and fingering my pussy. “I’m sorry!” I cried out, as I still rubbed my clit.
“I’m not. I’ve been waiting for this,” Jasmine gave me another smirk as she leaned in and kissed my lips.
I moaned out as her tongue immediately met mine. I could feel our wet tongues sliding against one other, feel my finger circling my clit, feel her long fingers fucking my pussy so good. I could hear our lips and tongue slide across one another, I could hear my wet pussy and hear her fingers squelching inside me. It was all so hot and almost too much. “Fuck Jas, I’m so close,” I told her. I instantly felt emptiness as she took her fingers out of me. Her wet hand grabbed my hand so I stopped rubbing my clit. I whimpered, “no…, come back.” I lifted my pussy in the air so she can fuck me again.
“No…” she teased. “If you’re gonna cum, it’s gonna be in my mouth,” she grinned. Jasmine sat up and started to take off my shorts.
“Fuck is this really happening?” I asked as I lifted my ass up in the air so she can take off my shorts. I felt her body on top of mine as she removed my shirt.
“It is,” she smiled as she sucked on my right nipple as her fingers played with my left one.
“Fuck,” I moaned as I felt her hot wet mouth on my nipple. I could feel her tongue sliding up and down and across my nipple as she held it in her mouth. “Wait, if you’re gonna lick my pussy, you need to be naked,” I told her.
Jasmine released my nipple with a pop and gave me another evil smirk. “Whatever you want, baby,” she took off her shirt and I moaned as I was immediately treated to her beautiful dark nipples.
I had a sudden urge to have them in my mouth. “Oh fuck, give me your tits NOW,” I moaned, reaching up for her breasts. She leaned her chest into my mouth as I immediately latched on and sucked deeply.
She moaned my name as she rubbed my head. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” She panted.
I released her nipple. “Never.” I went to work on her other nipple. I could feel one of her hands reach down and pull off her shorts. I heard a thud as they landed on the floor around us. I heard wet noises and I realized she was fingering herself. I moaned as I heard her wet pussy. Even though she wasn’t touching me, my pussy left a pulse of pleasure and I could feel it getting wetter. I released her nipple. “Let me taste you…please,” I begged as I stared up at her.
She smiled and nodded as she put her wet fingers in my mouth. I sucked on her fingers and was happy to say that she tasted so good. I ran my tongue all around it and in between her fingers so I didn’t miss a drop. “You taste so good,” I told her. “Let me lick your pussy.”
“No,” she shook her head and laughed as she saw my pout. She started to move her way down my body. I breathed heavily as her face was right on my pussy. She used her hands to push my legs apart. “Not until I taste you first,” and with that she ran her tongue across my slit.
I let out a sharp moan as I felt her hot wet tongue move from my slit to my clit. My body jolted in immense pleasure. “Fuck!” This was the first time ever I was being eaten out. I felt her tongue swipe across my slit once more before she slid her tongue INSIDE my pussy. “Jas!” I moaned as I arched my back. My hands went to her hair as I moved my hips to the timing of her tongue. She moaned against my pussy, causing vibrations to run through it and me.
“Fuck you taste so good,” she told me. “I should’ve done this a while ago!” She dove back in, her tongue going inside my pussy once more. One of her hands reached up and squeezed my tit and pinched my nipple. I could feel her tongue now leave my pussy and move up to my clit. Her lips surrounded my clit and suddenly she sucked. Hard.
“Oh fuck, Jas, if you don’t stop that I’m gonna fuck your face so hard!” I told her. I found it hard to control myself as she continue to suck on my pussy. “Jas, fuck please!” I could hear her mouth making high pitched noises as she continued suck. “Fuck, get off,” I pushed her head off of me and pushed her back on the bed. “I warned you that if you didn’t stop, I was gonna fuck your face,” I told her as I slid up her body.
Jasmine smirked at me as she moved her body down the bed. She smacked both of my ass cheeks hard as her face was aligned with my pussy. She stuck her fingers in my pussy and started to finger me hard and fast. “Maybe I wanted to fuck my face, huh?” Her fingers started fucking my pussy harder and I could feel my legs shaking as she moved her fingers inside of me.
“That’s it,” I removed her fingers from my pussy and sat my pussy right on her pretty little mouth. “Mmm, fuck!” I moaned as I felt her hot little tongue immediately make its way to my dripping slit. “That’s it baby, keep going. You have me so close,” I told her.
She released my pussy for a minute. “I want you to ride my face. My entire face better be wet with your pussy juice by the time you cum.” She sat my pussy right on her face again and moved my ass so my pussy could move against her mouth.
“Fuck whatever you want,” I moaned as I moved my hips up and down. I could feel her tongue everywhere; my slit, my clit. Her hot tongue was sliding everywhere and it was driving me crazy. I could feel the white hot pleasure building up, closer and closer. Like I was a thermometer about to burst. “Oh fuck keep going, keep going I’m about to cum. FuckJaspleaseI'mgonnacumalloveryourface,” my words were running into each other as I felt myself get closer and closer. Her tongue started working overtime and she moaned into my pussy to cause vibrations again. Suddenly the dam broke and I felt nothing but white hot pleasure. I could feel my hips riding up against her face hard as I felt my juices gush out of me. I felt Jasmine’s lips and tongue close around my pussy as she swallowed all I gave her. “Fuck,” I kept chanting. My pussy was shaking, it felt so good. I collapsed on my side, feeling the aftershocks take over me. “You’re so good at that,” I told her as I faced her.
“Well you taste so good so I couldn’t help how I licked,” she smiled at me. Her lips were still wet with my pussy juices. Her chin, her nose, even her forehead was glistening with my pussy juices.
I smirked at her. “My turn…”
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Tips for going down on a girl?
Don’t be a bitch. If you’re gunna do it, do it well.
Tease the fuck out of her before going in. Put that tongue away. Kiss every inch of her, except her pussy. Inner thighs, neck, lips, nipples. Start at her mouth, work your way down. Did you get her neck already? Good, now do it again. Build the anticipation. She’ll love it even more.
When she can’t handle the anticipation any more, go in for the kill. Eat that pussy like you’re on death row and it’s your last meal.
Most girls respond really well to clit stimulation, but don’t over work it. Some girls like it when you stick your tongue in, some don’t, so be cautious when exploring that option.
The best way I’ve learned to do it is to start off slow. Long licks. Cover all of it. Slowly work your speed up. Go a little faster. Every been told to write the alphabet with your tongue? Fuck that. It’s stupid.
Have her lay on her back, put her legs over your shoulder. That’s the one of the best positions for her to get max pleasure. It also allows you to use your hands. While your mouth is going to down reach up with your hands, grab her breasts, (some girls like their nipples squeezed when getting eaten out. Try exploring that option if she’s down). You also have the options of using one of your hands to finger her or rub her clit while you lick. If you get into a good motion of licking while you rub her clit with your tongue, I can almost guarantee that she will go crazy.
Think you’re done after she cums? WRONG. You’re not done until she grabs you by the hair and pulls you up because she can’t take it any more.
Now go my student, go and eat that pussy like it’s your sole purpose in life to make that girl scream your name, Gods name, and every swear word she’s ever heard in her life.
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The reason I like being a service top so much is cause I feel like a lot of the time girls form this complex that they’re not allowed to feel pleasure but they’re supposed to be like used for it and like no,, you’re supposed to get so much more out of it... babes
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I want to fuck you kitten.
I want to look down at your blushing face while you grip the headboard tightly above your head, your legs hooked over my shoulders.
I want to watch your body rock beneath me with each thrust of my strapon.
I want those soft little gasps and whimpers that come with me filling that tight little hole of yours.
I want you to beg me, though what for you aren’t quite sure, you just feel like you should be begging right now.
I want to watch your back arch and feel you shudder against me while I whisper all the sinful things you love to hear in your ear.
I want to feel you cum exactly when I tell you to.
I want to sit back and admire the beautiful mess I’ve made out of you.
You pretty thing.
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Let’s Do It (Succubus Vs. Lesbian) by Shima
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