indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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Today, in my very own country- the Taliban attacked an army school, in a city called Peshawar. The monstrous people murdered innocent children. Innocent teachers. 140 STUDENTS DIED TODAY. 9 of them were teachers, and 132 were children. These children died, unsuspecting, attending school like every other day. This is the most bloodiest massacre our country has ever seen, in several years and it is downright insane. It’s inhumane. How can you fucking kill these children? This is just so, so, so wrong and twisted, to an unbelievable extent. These sick bastards are just fucking pathetic. This is not Islamic at all. How can they even call themselves Muslims after this. Just the thought of it all makes my guts wrench and twist in convulsion. These so called “Muslims”, fighting for Islam have literally crossed the final line. And do you now why they did this senseless and heartless massacre? AS A REVENGE MISSION, FOR THE AWARDING OF MALALA’S NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, AND TO DEMORALIZE OUR MILITARY. These kids ranged from 10-18 years, people. Words cannot describe how pathetic this is. And you know what? That isn’t even the worst part.
The Taliban literally burnt a teacher alive, in front of a whole class of students. While the students were watching, gasoline was poured onto a teacher, and was set on fire. Then, they started shooting without discrimination at the kids. And then beheaded them. Yes, they beheaded the children. 
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These dogs need to burn in hell for this. They aren’t Muslims. They’re monsters.
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Please re-blog this, people. Create awareness for this. Truly a very, very, sad time for all of humanity.
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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"The smallest coffins are the heaviest"
“This surely is enough to wake up the whole nation,” said Maj. Gen. Bajwa. “We will go after all the terrorists and their sympathizers, abetters, and facilitators. Until we get them all, this will not end.”
Abdur Rahman, who heads an ambulance crew for a charity, arrived at the scene within half an hour of the start of the attack and said he saw bodies being thrown out of windows.
“The dead children we transported were shot in the head and in the face, some in the eye, as if the gun was close to them,” he said.
“The children who were injured had gunshot wounds on the back of their legs and arms. They were in shock, but told us they were hit as they ran away from the attackers.”
Most of the students managed to flee the compound, according to the Pakistani military. More injured people were being brought to hospital hours after the assault began.
“They have attacked funerals and mosques, for them there is no limit. They are operating outside human values,” said Mehmood Shah, a retired security official in Peshawar. “They want to terrorize the population into submission.”
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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Indian schools observed a two-minute silence over the massacre in Peshawar, Pakistan. School children from various parts of India seen offering special prayers and tributes in memory of the victims of the attack. #IndiaWithPakistan
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
Do you remember Aitizaz Hassan, The sixteen year old brother and son Who tackled a suicide bomber Metres from his school In Northern Pakistan And died in a pulse of hot courage? His classmates and teachers survived And later claimed that he’d died For education. But this time in Peshawar As December falls apart Those familiar men Dressed as death in a Shalwar Kameez Come again to collect those lives, 141 children clear an unpaid debt Not since Malala have we feigned to give a shit And so we cry, ‘those brown skinned monsters’ And ‘who could kill a child?’ While those young bodies Riddled with the buried remnants Of a CIA training package Dropping before the Kalashnikovs, Pried from the hands of fallen soviets, Drowning in the cast iron casings Littering the assembly hall And searing into the skin of one girl’s leg As she tries to play dead As if her life depended on it. But the dead don’t sweat into their hijabs When these men come to set your teacher alight Or cut your friends from the shoulder. Nor do they ask themselves, who could kill a child? And here, from London to Bradford, We hear the calls for rivers of blood As long as those rivers are not fed by our own children We can use Peshawar for our own gain And ignore the fact that last night Your father came home in camos, Hand cramping from the controls Of a game he likes to call ‘Death from Above’ And kissed you on the forehead Tucked you under fresh pink sheets Turned on the television And chewed his cold cuts Over the sound of hellfire and screaming babes Thinking to himself, Who could kill a child? What savagery is this To kill from such close proximity? Father reminds himself that that’s the difference between them and me The difference between intent And collateral The difference between an eight pound shell And a brown skinned monster with religion, Or a confused white male with mental illness Who was merely misunderstood And took that misunderstanding To every school and Campus On American soil And Fired Ninety four separate times Since Sandy Hook But, who could kill a child? Not us. Not really.
Who Could Kill a Child? - Daniel Dawson. (via pufferjelly)
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
I am a Black/Pakistani American. This year has been a tragic one, from the attack on Black Americans and injustice and now the indescribable massacre of Peshawar. I am numb. I weep as a see my blood spilt, no justice, no respect, no love. My brothers and sisters...
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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In these times let us not forget that violence has no place in any religion nor any community. WCCI deeply regrets the attack on innocent schoolchildren in Pakistan and we hope that one day all people, men women and children, can live in a world without violence #wcci #pakistan #prayforpeshawar #faith #stopviolence #endvaw #islam #pray #unity #standup #charity #support #counseling #care #womenshealth #school #religion #mentalhealth #peace #together #middleeast #bahrain #africa
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
Dear CNN, If you don’t know what you’re talking about (which is usually 99% of the time) then don’t bother reporting it until you have the facts. Firstly, those children who were murdered by these terrorists were not murdered for “going to school” - they were murdered because these were children of family members in the armed forces, the very same armed forces who happen to be fighting these terrorists in YOUR War on Terror. I am not being an apologist for the Taliban, I wish nothing more than for them to be completely destroyed, but when you misinform the public about why these kids died, it’s a slap in the face to our military who have sacrificed the MOST. 60,000 soldiers + civilians have died in this war in Pakistan…no other country has sacrificed that much. Secondly, NO hospital in Pakistan indulges in gender discrimination. The reason why you see mainly injured boys in the hospitals is probably because all the causalities and injuries are boys! When the boys school gets attacked chances are the majority of the injuries and causalities will be males. Thirdly, the “Pakistani Taliban” leadership all reside in AFGHANISTAN…the very same AFGHANISTAN your NATO is controlling. This might be a good time to go after them. Western media has done a wonderful job in painting our country something that it is not, and in the times of such unthinkable barbaric attacks, you folks still can’t get off your agenda in making us look like the boogeyman. Please learn how to REPORT the news, not MAKE the news. Thank you.
x (via pufferjelly)
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
Tonight, the mothers of Peshawar raise their voices in a collective lullaby. They sing their children into an eternal sleep, wishing them sweet dreams. No dreams exist for the mothers, anymore—their child was their dream, and now their dream is dead. Somewhere in Pakistan, a woman’s shalwar kameez shimmers in the glow of the night light. She pads into a bedroom painted pink, and then a blue. She kisses their foreheads, her lips trembling. Whispers a prayer of thanks for the steady rise and fall of their chests. Later, she turns on the television. Grief is the feature on every channel: she sees insatiable rage, she sees unending sadness. She sees hollow shells of women, missing half of their souls. And she hears—she hears the song they sing to the departed. She raises her voice, joining the chorus of those left-behind. She takes up their battle cry, roaring at the injustice of it all. They sing:Golden child of mine, sleep well. Don’t worry, you’ll see me in your dreams. Goodnight, I love you. I love you.
Chelsea Jean, “Saying Goodnight in Peshawar.”
Pray for Peshawar. Rest in peace to the 132 children killed today—you were taken too soon.
(via pufferjelly)
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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I wanted to know more about the victims of today’s horrifying massacre, and since the media’s information wasn’t quite specific enough, I took to Facebook to look for them.
What I found was this playful, innocent status written by a student of Peshawar’s Army Public school. You can just tell how much these kids loved being at school.
Mubeen Shah, the boy at the end, uploaded his cover photo a while back with this quote: “We are a nation of beauty and great grief. Our smiles are much stronger than your guns.”
Mubeen and his other three friends in this picture were all killed by the Taliban today.
And, as much as I want to, I don’t know how to look at these kids and tell them to “Rest in Peace”
Because how can they “Rest in Peace” when every article covering their massacre is riddled by Islamophobic comments?
How can they “Rest in Peace” when they, the victims, are categorized alongside their oppressors?
You do not have to be any particular religion or political party to mourn alongside Pakistan today. Muslim, Christian, Democrat, Republican: it doesn’t matter. All you have to be is awake.
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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654K notes ¡ View notes
indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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686 notes ¡ View notes
indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
Not only did 141+ people tragically die yesterday, hundreds became victims and survivors of the brutal Peshawar attack. All the victims’ families, as well as the kids who survived are currently extremely traumatized and need all the help they can get. They have been deeply scarred...
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
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They went to #school and never came back #Peshawar #peshawarattack
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
so for over a month I’ve seen nothing but #GlobalSolidarity tags everywhere and people reblogging #GazaWithFerguson #MexicoWithFerguson #HongKongWithFerguson etc. 142 die in Pakistan, and where’s the global solidarity from Americans? I saw an entire...
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indifferent-cloud ¡ 10 years
When Ferguson happened, people posted about it, talked about for weeks, they still are.
When Eric Garner happened, people also posted about it non stop for weeks, these are still trending topics on twitter.
So now that Peshawar has happened, you give your attention to this...
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