indecentlaw · 11 years
He shrugged casually, he could understand that he supposed. "Fair enough. Though logically speaking, I can't see any reason as to why not not," he answered finally. "And humans typically tend to be creatures of passion, that's how I made a living after all."
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
"Glad to hear it," Petrel said, exhaling in a sort of smokey sigh. "Not that I’d stop seeing her if you said you disapproved," he added with a chuckle. He just had to get that little dig in.
"I didn't think you would to be honest," he answered, shaking hiw head with a soft snort. "Moreover, I'd be questioning your judgement if you did. Especially given that my opinion shouldn't sway you that much in these matters." It wasn't like it was any of his business after all, as long as everyone was consenting and happy, what did it matter?
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
Petrel lit another cigarette as he listened to Archer, nodding slightly. “Yeah, I didn’t think it’d turn into anything, but she’s a pretty great girl. Dumb for dating me, but otherwise I’m having a hard time finding a flaw,” he said with a small shrug. “But.. You cool with it?” he asked, as if Archer’s opinion did matter to some extent.
The former lawyer stared, one eyebrow lifting in slight confusion. He couldn't imagine why he shouldn't be 'cool with it'. "Why wouldn't I be? Again, you seem like a goo match and it's not as though I have any intents on her. I learned my lesson on fooling around with co-workers and the hassle that can be," he answered, shaking his head. "So yes, I am 'cool with it'."
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
"Eh, I don’t care enough about other people to worry about smell. I’m sure you don’t either, even if you don’t reek," Petrel commented with a raspy chuckle, flicking a spent cigarette butt onto the ground without pausing. "Things have been good, actually. Dahlia and I are a thing now," he said. "How are things on your end?"
"Fair enough. and that's an accurate assessment. I don't get paid to care what people really think of me outside of my teaching capability," he agreed, watching the motions curiously. There was a soft hum in response and he nodded. "Really? Curious though I suppose you're a good match," he commented, a little surprised to hear that. "Well enough I guess. Haven't decided as of yet."
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
Petrel just shrugged it off, smirking. “I’m so used to the smell that it doesn’t phase me anymore. I don’t want to make my girls feel bad over something that doesn’t bother me,” Petrel pointed out, treating his pokemon like perfect little ladies.
He shook his head. "Something I suppose I can commend you for. Even if it bothers everyone else," he commented, not entirely sure how much he meant it. It did bother him a bit, but it was much easier outside. He made a mental note that if Petrel ever came over, he'd air the place out. "However, I'm sure you're already aware of this." There was a wry smile and another head shake, interpersonal relationships weren't his thing really. "How have things been?"
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
Petrel shrugged slightly, smirking. “It’s okay, I’ll just skip town if they come after me for it,” he chuckled, already replacing his hastily abandoned cigarette with a fresh one. “The girls certainly don’t help. They don’t smell like cigarettes, but having a weezing and koffing in a small place like that is bound to smell things up,” he added casually. He loved his ladies though, just as used to their odor as his own.
Archer rolled his eyes. "Of yes, skip town, that's the answer to all your problems," he countered, though it was mostly a tease. He was glad that his houndoom didn't present issues like that, he doubted he'd have quite so many otheriwse. He rolled his eyes. "They make things for that you know. I'm sure you can find something that won't make it worse," he offered, knowing that it'd be a challenge what with all the smog.
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
"Yeah, I tried. Just kind of knocked the wind out of myself instead," Petrel said honestly, glancing back inside. “How about a walk? I can’t very well stink up the big outdoors," he laughed, stepping out and pulling his door shut behind him.
"Left the window open so it should be fine by the time I get back," Petrel mused. Though really, the furniture had soaked up that smokey smell and there would be no washing or airing that out.
"I'm not sure I want to know how that's possible," he muttered, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He shrugged awkwardly, recalling the houndoom for the moment. He'd make sure they got a good, non smokey walk later on. "I suppose that's fine. Certainly the better alternative of the choices. Though it's doubtful the stench will leave," he commented, waiting for Petrel. "You know as well as I that short of replacing everything in that apartment, it will continue to smell that way."
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
"One minute!" Petrel coughed, quickly opening a window and flapping a blanket to try and clear out some of the noxious smoke from the room. He knew he wasn’t supposed to smoke in the dorms, but he thought he could always blame it on his ladies. After all, Koffing and Weezing were known to let out noxious gasses of their own.
The efforts were futile and ultimately just left him a touch breathless. He cracked the door open, peeking out. His face broke out in  a chesire grin. “What’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?" he asked playfully, leaning against the door frame.
He sighed at the coughing and the call from inside,Spades tipping her head back to look at him. He just shook his head at her, an affectionate pat between the horns.Leave it to Petrel to be woefully unprepared for guests. Not that he'd helped by not calling ahead, something he did feel marginally bad for. Something that faded when the door opened up and that chesire grin greeted him.
Archer's nose wrinkled at the smell, a hand waving in front of his face to try and clear some of the residual smoke. "I live on campus," he answered gruffly, giving him a small frown. "You should air your flat out," he continued a little needlessly, he was sure Petrel knew this.
He's trying, honest.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
He's trying, honest.
Archer sighed as he rounded the corner, Spades and Lucifer padding along ahead of him. It had started out as an aimless enough walk, the houndoom happy enough to be outside despite the almost crippling heat.He normally would be protesting, far more used to and happy with a more moderate climate but he couldn't really begrudge them this. 
Of course, doing it this way meant that he was just following more than anything else, though he didn't have a specific goal in mind. Well...at first anyway. After a little while, he found himself wandering towards the rest of staff housing, houndoom now following him. He supposed a visit to an old acquaintance wouldn't hurt, the number of people he could count among acquaintances much less anything else, he could count on one hand.
It didn't take long to find the place, a sure knock at the door following. He hoped the other man was home or this would be a relatively useless exercise.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
*she grinned brightly* And you promised too! That’s definitely a start!!
I did indeed. As long as you give me warning, I'll do what I can. Especially since I did give my word I would attend.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
I thought you'd like that. You'll just have to let me know when.
*she shrugged lightly* Just curious. To be honest, you seem like the type who works too much and doesn’t get enough play.
You probably have a point there. But that’s most unlikely to change any time in the foreseeable future. However, you’e already gotten me to agree to an evening in with colleagues. I’m not sure what else I can do.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
*she shrugged lightly* Just curious. To be honest, you seem like the type who works too much and doesn’t get enough play.
You probably have a point there. But that's most unlikely to change any time in the foreseeable future. However, you'e already gotten me to agree to an evening in with colleagues. I'm not sure what else I can do.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
I read. Sometimes walk around the city. Why?
I have other things going on you know. Lesson plans and such. 
Lesson plans during your summer break though? Relax!
I do. In between other things.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
I have other things going on you know. Lesson plans and such. 
Lesson plans during your summer break though? Relax!
I do. In between other things.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
"So their behaviour has to do with the weather? I heard about Pokémon being influenced by the weather, but those just changed shapes! And some Pokémon can change the weather, but these guys don’t look like they fall in any of those categories!" Skyla commented, pointing at the two Pokémon in front of her. 
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"Uh, I’m sure you’re good at law and stuff but I don’t think these guys change depending on the weather!"
Archer shook his head, "that's not quite what I meant. It gets a lot colder here than in Johto and I can't say I'm fond of the cold to be perfectly honest so I don't go out often when it starts snowing," he elaborated. "So now that's warmed considerably, it's far more tolerable to go outside so they're excited. A type of cabin fever if you'd prefer."
He supposed her disbelief made sense, it had been an odd way for him to phrase it. The houndoom looked up at him, heads tilting and he ran an affectionate hand between the curled horns in a 'we're not going in yet' gesture.
Num open! || Spring Sighing
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indecentlaw · 11 years
I have other things going on you know. Lesson plans and such. 
Oh. Well then, kindly cease. Whatever it is we were arguing about.
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indecentlaw · 11 years
Well I appreciate that then. As for the rest, I suppose just let me know when you wanted to have this get together and I'll see about my schedule. Glad we're on the same page?
Oh. Well then, kindly cease. Whatever it is we were arguing about.
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