incubus-incumbent · 2 hours
heyy can we do a sexy roleplay where im a prince from a fallen kingdom and youre the powerful warrior who has taken me for their own pleasure. yes? yipeeee ok so before we start first here's a google doc with the whole history of the fictional land we're both from and the intricate geopolitical workings of the- oh yeah and here's a supplementary doc on the agriculture and trade routes of said fictional land and stuff and yes this is important. the dirty talk has to be lore accurate
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incubus-incumbent · 2 hours
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blood in the water
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incubus-incumbent · 2 hours
need someone to suck my cock while i’m sexting other people
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incubus-incumbent · 4 hours
Please grind yourself against my dick. Please hold me by the hips and use my body to get off. Please tease my hole, make me whimper and beg to be fucked, even though i know you make the final decision on that
Pleeease use me like a toy?
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incubus-incumbent · 6 hours
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elves can ingest funny dungeon mushrooms to increase mana
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incubus-incumbent · 10 hours
does anyone maybe wanna come tie me to my bed and overstimulate me until i'm sobbing possibly as a treat
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incubus-incumbent · 10 hours
If you’re not kissing her tummy on your way down to eat her out, you’re doing it wrong.
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incubus-incumbent · 10 hours
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context, possibly
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incubus-incumbent · 10 hours
Wishing there was such a thing as a clothing-optional bouldering gym.
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incubus-incumbent · 11 hours
Today is one of those days where I wish I had a cutie under my desk for my shift.
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incubus-incumbent · 21 hours
puppysub spit-roasted between doggydoms <3
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does anyone want to play 'first faggot to moan loses' where we both get stupid high and wrestle while fully clothed until one of us gets a hand down the other's pants
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incubus-incumbent · 2 days
man if i could shapeshift the stimming potential would be Unlimited
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incubus-incumbent · 2 days
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incubus-incumbent · 2 days
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Clawdia for a study(for supporters 支援者限定)|piyotycho|pixivFANBOX https://www.fanbox.cc/@piyotycho/posts/7943020
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incubus-incumbent · 2 days
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I debated if I should post these here or not. 
Please forgive if it isn’t your kind of thing! ;_;
It’s from an 18+ yuri comic story I’ll probably never end up drawing, but I wanted to see what it would be like. (/ω\)
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incubus-incumbent · 2 days
guys with long hair = FUCKABLE!
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