incorrectuniverses · 2 months
if you are the type of person to tell a girl to stop driving around with an adult sized plastic skeleton strapped into the backseat of her car do not imagine even for one second that you could ever score a girl who would drive around with an adult sized plastic skeleton in the backseat of her car
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incorrectuniverses · 7 months
I keep seeing people making fun of using growled, hissed, roared, snarled etc in writing and it’s like.
have you never heard someone speak with the gravel in their voice when they get angry? Because that’s what a growl is.
Have you never heard someone sharply whisper something through the thin space of their teeth? Or when your mother sharply told you to stop it in public as a kid when you were acting up/being too loud? Because that’s what a hiss is.
Have you never heard a man get so blackout angry that their voice BOOMS through the house? Because that’s what a roar is.
Have you never seen someone bare their teeth while talking to accentuate their frustration or anger while speaking with a vicious tone? Because that’s what snarling is.
It’s not meant to be a literal animal noise. For the love of god, not every description is literal. I get some people are genuinely confused, but also some of these people are genuinely unimaginative as fuck.
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incorrectuniverses · 7 months
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incorrectuniverses · 7 months
"this too shall pass" well can it fucking get on with it
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
“counterspell” or as i like to call it “Nuh uh”
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
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Gay gay homosexual gay gay
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
i dont remember canon but i have very strong opinions about everything
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
the pretend plot of bg3: you've gotta get these tadpoles out and stop a giant floating brain with delusions of grandeur
the real plot of bg3: in order to date us (the party) you must defeat our seven evil exes: a half-demon warlock patron, the literal goddess of magic, a vampiric lord, an insane cult leader , an archdemon, the goddess of darkness, and finally, the Trauma
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
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persuasion check fail
anyway- those gun mods are my favorite thing ever
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incorrectuniverses · 8 months
pls reblog for larger sample size etc!! im very curious
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incorrectuniverses · 9 months
We've never seen Sephiroth throw a punch but we do have this lovely clip from Advent Children where he gives up on the sword fighting and straight up elbows Cloud
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incorrectuniverses · 9 months
Two halves of one whole haircut
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incorrectuniverses · 10 months
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incorrectuniverses · 10 months
day one of trying not to think about fucking that old man
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incorrectuniverses · 10 months
The thought of Hojo seething with rage as Sephiroth grows up to look like Vincent is delicious.
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incorrectuniverses · 1 year
More Highlights From the SOLDIER Group Chat
• Every time someone makes a grammatical mistake and butchers the English language, Genesis sends a copy of the Rosetta stone.
• Kunsel changing the group chat name to The Bad Bitch Brigade™
• Angeal's phone and microphone are broken as hell, but he refused to buy a new phone while his still works, so all of his audio messages make him sound like a chipmunk.
• Roche accidentally sent his "most to least attractive" list to the group chat. Genesis was at the very bottom. Genesis didn't shut up for six hours.
• Every time Sephiroth is questioned about something uncomfortable he responds with a model-esque selfie.
Lazard: Sephiroth did you break the training room again???
Sephiroth: *sends a picture perfect selfie of himself basking in the sunlight*
• Zack using the group chat as his personal journal until Lazard told him to stop because "No one wants to hear about the sweet potato shaped like a penis you had for lunch, Zackary, nor do we want to hear about the life advice the drunkard in sector 7 keeps giving you"
• On a similar note, Genesis uses the group chat as his personal to-do list. Lazard also had him stop after the items started getting more and more concerning. The last straw was:
1) Buy fireworks
2) Buy enough duct tape to hold a grown man
3) Summon Sephiroth to the rooftop at midnight
• Director Lazard thought the "😂" emoji meant a sad crying face, so he sent "I regret to inform you all that Mrs. Helen Thompson from the finance office has passed away 😂 💀"
• The day Genesis changed the group chat name to "LOVELESS study club" and began sending his LOVELESS analysis. Everyone left the group chat immediately. Including Lazard.
• The morning everyone hurried to the group chat to see why there were 5K messages. It turns out Kunsel and Zack were RP-ing.
• Sephiroth not knowing that "I'm dying" means the person is laughing. He twice sent paramedics to Genesis's office.
• Angeal, the admin, getting drunk and changing everyone's screen names to something ridiculous.
Sephiroth, Genesis and Zack became Mommy Issues, Used To Eat Chalk When We Were Six, and Hedgehog On Crack.
• Upon figuring out how to change the group chat name, Sephiroth changed it to The Mystery Penis™ Is [Redacted] and then turned his phone off.
• Zack sending a joke picture of him and Kunsel holding hands. Kunsel has hairy fingers so Angeal immediately responds with "WHAT DID YOU DO TO AERITH?"
• Sephiroth learns he doesn't need to respond to every messages and can instead use the reaction feature. This leads to gems such as:
• Angeal changing the group chat name to "Dr. Phil audition tapes"
• Roche selling a used hair dryer and advertising it on the group chat as "USED HAIR, GOOD CONDITION, $20 GIL FREE SHIPPING
• That of course is followed by a mass advertisment spam where everyone is trying to sell their used products. Genesis in particular gets removed from the group chat for "ASSORTED TOYS, NEVER USED, SOLD TO ADULTS ONLY, $ 50 GIL A PIECE + AUTOGRAPH
• Genesis being removed allows Zack to advertise "BOX OF RANDOM SHIT I STOLE FROM GENESIS'S APARTMENT"
• Cloud, an infantryman who's secretly been a part of the group this whole time, finally outs himself the day Reno is discovered to be hiding in the group chat undercover.
• He sent this image:
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