incorrectmarvel · 5 years
Bucky Barnes: You can’t stay angry forever, Steve.
Steve Rogers: WANNA BET?
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incorrectmarvel · 8 years
Nick Fury: I assume you realize that this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated on my base! Tony Stark: Is there another type of idiocy that you would be more comfortable with?
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incorrectmarvel · 8 years
Erik Lehnsherr: It’s idiocy, Charles! It’s your brand of idiocy from first to last.
Charles Xavier: No, you never see the big picture. You never see any picture!
Erik Lehnsherr: I am talking about something primal. Right? Savagery. Innate primal instinct.
Charles Xavier: And that wins out every time with you. You know, mankind has evolved since then, Erik!
Erik Lehnsherr: Oh, into a bunch of idealistic, brainwashed weaklings who could never hope to…
Charles Xavier: We’re multitasking. We’re smarter. Plus, we use a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors!
Erik Lehnsherr: You just want it to be the way you want it to be.
Charles Xavier: It’s not about what I want!
Logan: Sorry. Is this something we all need to hear?
Charles Xavier: No.
Logan: It just sounds a little serious.
Charles Xavier: It was mostly… theoretical. We…
Erik Lehnsherr: We were just working out a- (pauses) Look, if cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win?
Logan: Uh…You’ve been yelling at each other for 40 minutes about this. (pauses) Do the astronauts have weapons?
Erik and Charles: (In unison) No.
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incorrectmarvel · 8 years
I’m drunk so what? Beautiful. I’m drunk. I’m drunk so what? I’m drunk. You know what? I got drunk in my motherfucking kitchen. I was drinking out of my glass in my motherfucking house. So fuck it!
Jessica Jones, almost definitely
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incorrectmarvel · 8 years
It is 4AM where I'm at and I'm scrolling through this blog, crying because I'm laughing so hard. I love anything Hawkeye related and now I want to go off and come up with some to submit because these are just fantastic. Keep doing what you do.
Thank you so much! (how long has this been in my inbox I am so sorry). I’m so glad you like this blog despite my very sporadic activity. And by all means, submit!
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incorrectmarvel · 8 years
Jane Foster: Loki, you disgust me.
Loki: Ah, so you’ve discussed me!
383 notes · View notes
incorrectmarvel · 8 years
I’ve been huffing paint with homeless guys behind the Ambica Foods just to feel alive. I’ve got nothing to lose.
Tommy Shepherd, probably
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incorrectmarvel · 8 years
Clint Barton: What's a pimp?
Natasha Romanoff: Your partner, that's who.
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Erik Lehnsherr: Hey Charles, do you love me?
Charles Xavier: Of course I do, Erik.
Erik Lehnsherr: Would you still love me if I did something bad?
Charles Xavier: Well, of course… I would…
Erik Lehnsherr: I mean something really, REALLY…
Charles Xavier: Erik, what did you do?!?!
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Clint Barton: Why are my keys in the refrigerator?
Kate Bishop: You said: “This is really gonna confuse me tomorrow”. Apparently drunk you plays pranks on hungover you.
Clint Barton: This explains so much.
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Steve Rogers: You’re that smart?
Tony Stark: Let’s put it this way. Have you heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates?
Steve Rogers: Yes.
Tony Stark: Morons.
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
You are full of hate and loathing and I gotta tell you, I love it.
Dottie Underwood when Peggy is mad at someone, probably
212 notes · View notes
incorrectmarvel · 9 years
I’m too lazy to hold a grudge.
Clint Barton, probably
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Pietro Maximoff: Tommy Shepherd’s not my nephew.
Clint Barton: Tommy Shepherd? What, the moron speedster?
Pietro Maximoff: That’s my nephew, you pothead.
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Apologies to everyone for being inactive: I sorta lost my job a few months ago and I’ve been dealing with that. But I am still here! And to everyone who has submitted things (especially @amerilestequeen who has submitted many things and is wonderful) I am getting to them!
Thanks for sticking around guys! I appreciate it.
16 notes · View notes
incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Raise your hand if you’ve personally been victimized by Jack Thompson.
Peggy Carter, almost definitely
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incorrectmarvel · 9 years
Kilgrave: There are no men like me.
Jessica Jones:There are always men like you.
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