Incorrect Days of Our Lives Quotes
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Roman: (About Stefano) Do you know what he wants? Hope: Do you speak Italian? Roman: I'm an Irish cop. Hope: So maybe you like pasta or something.
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You disgrace your badge
-Rafe Hernandez to Goldman, probably
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Stephanie: That sounds like a horrible plan! Chad: We've had worse.
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Paulina: Have you no control over these idiots? Rafe: None whatsoever.
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Lucas: What are you going to do? Sami: I don't know. Something dramatic, I hope.
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(In the afterlife, Abigail and Dr. Laura run into Angela, who catches them by surprise. They all scream in surprise) Abigail: (Laughs nervously, and rubs her forehead) Oh, man. Wow, these meds are amazing. Angela: (To Dr. Laura) Is she always this intense? Dr. Laura: Who, her? Yeah, pretty much. Angela: So are you guys like twins? Abigail: No... Dr. Laura: Well, yeah, sort of. Angela: Okay, great. That really clears this whole situation up for me. Abigail: Well, that makes one of us because just a second ago I thought I'd been stabbed to death. Angela: Oh, gosh! This will really bake your noodle, but I think you were just taking a little time out. I'm afraid you're really quite dead. Abigail: ...I'm sorry, what? I'm dead- we're dead? Dr. Laura: Yes. Yes, Abigail, I think she's right. I think we died.
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I'm sorry it had to be this way Abigail DiMera, Dr. Laura, and whoever else might be in there. -Clyde after he stabbed Abigail, probably
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(Abigail and Dr. Laura wake up in the afterlife. Dr. Laura is outside of Abigail's body now) Dr. Laura: How is this possible? Abigail: Not sure. What's the last thing you remember? Dr. Laura: Clyde stabbed us.
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Sonny would never forgive me. But you know what my problem is? I never learn from my mistakes.
-Victor to Alex, probably
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Justin: Sonny! Have you seen Victor around?
Sonny: Victor? Probably being a shady, treacherous bastard somewhere.
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Ben and Ciara's Wedding
(Shawn hears a mysterious ticking noise)
Shawn: What is that mysterious ticking noise? (looks around) Not over here, not over there. Hmm... (ticking continues) It's kind of catchy. (Looks around and starts singing to the ticking) Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady. Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady.
Doug: Williams!
Shawn: Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady.
Doug: Williams!
Shawn: Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady.
Doug: Williams!
Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben Weston...
Shawn: Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady...
Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben Weston...
Doug: Williams!
Will: Will Horton!
Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben Weston...
Shawn: Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady...
Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben Weston...
Doug: Williams!
Will: Will Horton.
Xander: Kiriakis, Kiriakis, ooh! Kiriakis, Kiriakis, yeah!
Shawn: Shawn, Shawn, Shawn Brady...
Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben Weston...
Doug: Williams!
Will: Will Horton.
Xander: Kiriakis, Kiriakis, ooh! Kiriakis, Kiriakis, yeah!
Shawn: Shawn.
Xander: Xander.
Shawn: Shawn.
Xander: Xander.
Shawn: Shawn.
Xander: Xander.
Shawn: Shawn!
Xander: Xander!
Shawn: Shawn!
Xander: Xander!
Shawn: SHAWN!
Xander: XANDER! (they start fighting, and Doug gets between them)
Will: Wiiillll Horton!
Shawn: Shawn. Shawn. Shawn Brady...
Doug: Williams!
Ben: Ben, Ben, Ben Weston...
Will: Will Horton...
Xander: Kiriakis...
All: Singing our song, all day long in SAAAALLLEEEEMMM!
Ben: I found the source of the ticking! It's a pipe bomb!
Will and Xander: Yaaaay!
Doug and Shawn: (turn to each other in horror)
Eve: Chuckles evilly) Donovan, Donovan, ooh Evie, Evie, Evie, Evie Donovan!
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All you want is for me to hate, but I won't. Not even you.
Sonny Kiriakis to Victor, probably
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If it were up to me, I'd kill you right here. But, lucky for you, the woman you killed would rather see you rot in jail.
Steve Johson, to Orpheus, probably
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Hold on. This entire operation was your idea.
Xander to Victor after he fires him
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Look, I'm sorry. This isn't me, I swear. It's my father. He's crazy.
Evan Frears to an unconscious Maggie, probably.
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Sonny: You have no idea what I'm capable of.
Deimos: Don't take this personally, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake.
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Maggie: Victor, please just two words. That's all I need.
Victor: ...Love you?
Maggie: I love you too, but you know that's not what I meant.
Victor: Ugh, fine. I'll behave.
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