Phillips: What language do they speak at the center of the earth?
Vain: Core-ean!
Leon: The center of the earth is around 5430 degrees celsius... nobody is going to live there so they dont need a language.
Vain: Core-ean
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Arsann: Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?
Leon: I’m a knife.
Sirras, from across the room: He's a little spoon.
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Sirras: I’m gay.
Thanak: I’m upset.
Juliet: I’m tired.
Leon: And I’m all of the above, get over yourselves.
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Kraner: Kill Aydan.
BD: Kiss Aydan?
Kraner: No, kill-
BD: Gonna kiss him.
Kraner: KILL-
BD: Gonna kiss him real hard.
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Thanak: Must you always attack me with words?
Sirras: You want me to use rocks?
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Thanak: I keep telling you: people never change. That's why, instead of confronting Sirras, I've consumed an entire bottle of wine.
Marcei: You don't seem that drunk.
Thanak: Oh, I never do. The alcohol is neutralized by my bottled-up anger.
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Leon: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then, one day, I’ll die
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Leon: This is fucking insane. I have a C in this class and I have no idea why.
Phillips: Haha, I can SEE why you have a C.
Leon: I’ll stab you.
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Lance: [gasps]
Phillips: What?
Lance: Is soy milk just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Phillips: ...what the fuck?
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Sirras: I regret giving you that blender.
Userin, drinking a sandwich: Why?
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Lallix: When I die, I want my friends to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
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Sirras: I'm busy.
Userin: Do you think drinking 36 cans of Redbull consecutively would make my senses more heightened or would I just die?
Sirras: I'm on my way.
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Juliet: I'm busy.
Lance: Do you think drinking 36 cans of Redbull consecutively would make my senses more heightened or would I just die?
Juliet: I'm on my way.
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Criminals: We have your son.
Valsra: I don’t have a son?
Criminals: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off his sandwich?
Valsra: Dear God, you have Malrik.
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There are times when the end justifies the means. But when you build an argument based on a whole series of such times, you may find that you've constructed an entire philosophy of evil.
Sirras, probably while trying to convince Arsann that there is not, in fact, a good reason to eat his chips.
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Thanak: Say one more word and you're dead.
Sirras: One more word.
Pylaks: [whispers to Marcei] Should we run?
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Alex, dragging a smiling and beat up 10 year old Vetranoa into his home:
BD, looking up from his Frosted Flakes: Alex, I told you we weren't ready for kids
Alex: this one is funky tho
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