incorrectaosbquotes · 7 years
Roxanne: when you said "magical in bed" this isn't exactly what I was exp-
Serena: *holds up 8 of hearts* is this your card
Roxanne: *softly* holy shit
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incorrectaosbquotes · 7 years
Roxanne: I thought I'd lost you, Serena
Serena: I thought you had, too
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incorrectaosbquotes · 7 years
Luke: Thank god you're here. We're totally outnumbered
Deena: Straight people
Serena: Oh, Jesus
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incorrectaosbquotes · 7 years
Roxanne: I love you.
Serena: Really? Name three of my albums.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Serena: Am I right, Brett?
Brett: Almost certainly not, but to be fair I wasn’t listening.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Roxanne: Why? You think I might tell everybody that you like to be the little spoon?
Serena: Everyone likes to be the little spoon. It makes you feel safe!
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Rosie: Serena and Roxanne? I don't see it.
Rosie: Oh, God, now I see it.
Rosie: Deena, I can't stop seeing it.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Deena: Why are you naked?
Serena: I don't have any clothes.
Deena: [opens closet]
Deena: You have, t-shirts--hi, Roxanne--jackets, jeans.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Serena: I'm too tough to cry.
Roxanne: You once cried because a stray cat let you pet it.
Serena: It sensed my inner worth.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Episode 60
Roxanne: You lied to me?!
Serena: That depends on how you define lying.
Roxanne: I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?
Serena: Reclining your body in a horizontal position.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Roxanne: I’m a bad bitch! I don’t take shit from anyone! I’m not nice!
Also Roxanne: Well, I can’t just leave this cart in the middle of the parking lot. I have to take it to the cart return. I’m not an animal. Those employees work hard.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Brett: I want you to meet with the Greek council.
Roxanne: Well, that sounds fun.
Serena: Yeah? You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Let me just say, from the bottom of my heart, my bad.
Chris, to Roxanne
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
The only straight I am is straight up bitch
Serena Berg
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Serena: When I'm not here do you guys braid each other's hair and debate who's the coolest Jonas Brother?
Luke: No, but it's totally Nick.
Eddie: Absolutely Nick.
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Tony: Stay foxy!
Roxanne: Die lonely!
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incorrectaosbquotes · 8 years
Serena: Do you remember the time you dared me to lick the swing set?
Roxanne: No. I said, "Serena, don't lick the swing set" and then you said "Don't tell me what to do, Roberts" and then you licked the swing set.
Serena: Whatever.
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