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"... What'm I doin' here..?"
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[A drabble that went from cute to angsty in one sentence.
It's facking beautiful.
Brought to you by my lovely roleplay partner and waifu. 83]
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OoC: [So hi guys. I haven't been on lately because I've been feeling pretty shitty. I don't think I'll be coming back just yet. I'm really really sorry to the people I owe and stuff. This is just me officially declaring my hiatus. I'll be on Skype if you ever wanna contact me or anything. -Mun ]
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Omfg was that supposed to be like a Twilight spoof? That's fucking hilarious
[Eeeeeeeeyup. Happened after a conversation. OTL]
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[i'msorry. i'msosorry. I have no excuses I... This is what I do when I have no muse.]
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I've got a piano. You've got a candle. Have at you.
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"Just a warning: might fall asleep at any moment. Gods, my bed's comfy..."
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"Sounds like my kinda drink." He smirked right back.
“Done! Do you have a tea preference?”
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"Do booze and tea even go well together??" He questioned. He wouldn't know, he'd never tried.
“Done! Do you have a tea preference?”
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"Nat, I just said I like you." He frowned. "Just... You're my best friend. No more, no less. I don't know if I want to take it further than that, in any sort of way. M'not interested in anyone that way."
a-hawk-unmade started following you
“And why not?” She asked, looking at him. 
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"Nope. M'not really a tea person, so anything should be fine by me."
"Done! Do you have a tea preference?"
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He rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest. "And two, this sort of thing just... it doesn't interest me right now." He admitted.
a-hawk-unmade started following you
“And why not?” She asked, looking at him. 
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"Only if there'll be biscotti." He laughed.
“Oh and what is it that you do?” she asks. “My house is…
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"Well for one, I don't want to do anything that could ruin our friendship down the line." He muttered, looking away from her.
a-hawk-unmade started following you
“And why not?” She asked, looking at him. 
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He looked down at their hands, gently tugging his away. "I mean it, I just don't know if I could go through with this."
a-hawk-unmade started following you
Natasha pouted. 
“I won’t regret it. I want you, Clint. Now.” She said, leaning in and biting his lip, pulling it gently. 
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"Well, I'd been planning something big, but never really got the chance to do it." He raised a brow, smirking. "But I've been good, too busy to really do anything else anyways."
“Oh and what is it that you do?” she asks. “My house is…
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