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ILLOGICAL IN NATURE. Describing a term to be illogical down to its nature.
There is no right way to identify with this term, GOREFIX only provides the parameters.
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(pt: NTMAIN | NTMAINgender /end pt)
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NTMAIN; an in-nature for terms that have the shared characteristic of being neotransman/neotransman-related in nature!
NTMAINgender; an umbrella term for genders that are NTMAIN. can also be used to refer to a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely NTMAIN, or a gender in which neotransmanhood is its defining feature!
for @vampyreyes!
tagging; @radiomogai & @in-nature-archive!
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in-nature-archive · 3 days
pt: aetin
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AETIN : an in-nature for terms that have the shared characteristic of being aeternic/aeternic-related in nature.
pt: aetin
AETINgender : an umbrella term for genders that are AETIN. can also be used to refer to a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely AETIN, or a gender in which aeternic is its defining feature.
pt: aetingender
aeternic link
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @dayshines , @obscurian , @lopchive , @losermutts
tag list: @aeternic , @in-nature-archive
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in-nature-archive · 5 days
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ANOMALOUS IN NATURE. Describing a gender to be anomalous down to its nature.
There is no right way to identify with this term, GOREFIX only provides the parameters.
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in-nature-archive · 8 days
(pt: NTCIN | NTCINgender /end pt)
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NTCIN; an in-nature for terms that have the shared characteristic of being nauticaean/nauticaean-related in nature!
NTCINgender; an umbrella term for genders that are NTCIN. can also be used to refer to a gender that is not fully defined, but is definitely NTCIN, or a gender in which nauticaean is its defining feature!
tagging; @radiomogai, @rescanwriter, & @in-nature-archive!
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in-nature-archive · 15 days
pt: citreyeic
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Citreyeic : a neogender umbrella term under "Aeternic" (link) connected to my oc story "Citrus Eyes".
Its connected the citrus (mainly oranges) , eyes , nonhumanity , not fitting in and/or feeling out of place, control , learning self control , and growing up.
It can also be connected to being a hyrbid, especially demonic-human hyrbids, learning to control and harness your power, learning to feel at home, and found family.
pt: citreyeic
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General terms
pt: general terms
Transitrus : transitioning Term
CEIN : Citreyeic In Nature
Citreic : Gender Alignment
Citrinenity : Fem/Masculinity Equivalent
Citruine : Feminine/Masculine Equivalent
Citreyine : a term under it
Other terms
pt: other terms
Sevillean : citreyeic 4 citreyeic
Citron : general being/person term
Gerine : man/women equivalent
Clemin : girl/boy equivalent
Limaen : a partner
Tang : a crush
Caraen : a spouse
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etymology: various types of oranges and citrus fruits.
Tag List: @radiomogai , @revenant-chaos , @obscurian , @in-nature-archive , @lopchive , @losermutts , @idcode
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in-nature-archive · 15 days
pt: aeternic
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Aeternic : a neogender umbrella term connected to my OCverse "Aeternus".
It can also be connected to Infinity, forever, immortality, nonhumanity, creating, world building, writing stories, creating OCs, and the color blue/blue color palettes.
pt: aeternic
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General terms
Transaeter : trans/transitioning term
AETIN : aeternic in nature
Aenic : gender alignment
Aeterin/Aeterinity/Aeter : masc/fem equivalent
Aetine : a term under it
Other terms
Aperien : Aeternic 4 Aeternic
Eternal : general person term
Aion : man/women equivalent
Eon : girl/boy equivalent
Everlast : a partner
Amorn : a crush
Amorse : a spouse
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @revenant-chaos , @obscurian , @in-nature-archive , @lopchive , @losermutts , @idcode
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in-nature-archive · 29 days
Eternal Gender System
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Eternalgender is a gendersystem that is connected to the concept eternity, otherwise known as infinity. This gender has no end, is fluid, flux, and constantly expanding. This gender can be connected to infinity and the never ending aesthetic. You could be a [x] and eternal, an eternal [x], an eternalized [x], an eternal that likes [x], a [x] eternal, and similar.
Eternic - Genders relating to eternity.
ETERIN - Eternal in nature.
This gender can be Feminine, Masculine, and Neutral.
Coined by me (Obviously). This gender is NOT exclusive, though subterms/subtypes can/may be.
Etymology: Eternal, Gender | See Alt Text for flag colors
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in-nature-archive · 29 days
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[ Pt / anemlic / end Pt ]
A neogender umbrella based on " Anemoia " . The feeling of nostalgia for a time you've never known . themes also include ; liminality , unliminal , hazes etc .
Terms ;
Anemity - An equivalent to feminine / masculin
Transanemlic - A term for transitioning to anemlic
ANEIC - anemlic in nature
Hazer - A term equivalent to man / woman for anemlic
Tagging ; @radiomogai @horrchive
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in-nature-archive · 29 days
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Flamlic: A gender that is (highly) flammable. This gender may burst in to sudden flames, have flame-based themes, or other such things. Any flamlic-in-nature genders may be considered FLIN/Flammable-In-Nature, and a flamlic person can be called a flamme (pronounced flam).
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in-nature-archive · 29 days
Cisxenine Pride Flag
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Cisxeninity (cisxenity), cxingender, cxiagender (cxiaspec), cisxen (cisxenous), cisxenic, or cisxenogender: a cis* (cisgender/cissex/cisvestic) individual who has xenogender(s) [cisxender]; xenic folks (or spacialians) with a cis gender modality; a term used to describe cisgender people who experience xenine gendered feelings to a greater extent than with femininity or masculinity; cis persons with a xenous presentation or are xenine in nature (XIN/CXIN); the combination of xiagender spectrum (xiaspec) and cisness (CXIA); xenogender people who self-assign as xenogender at birth (xenocis/neoAGAB/neoassignment); or cisxenadic.
This flag was based on xeno-gender flag and cismasc/cisfem flags by @julietianboy.
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in-nature-archive · 1 month
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Spectravincere is a xenogender that encompasses a profound emotional connection and resonance with the ethereal realm and the concept of ghosts or spirits. Individuals identifying with Spectravincere may feel a strong affinity, understanding, or alignment with the energy, essence, or symbolism associated with ghosts and the mysteries of the afterlife. Those identifying as Spectravincere may experience their gender identity as a spectral presence—transcending conventional gender norms and embracing a fluid and ethereal quality. This gender identity is often characterized by a sense of fluidity, elusiveness, and a connection to the unseen, reflecting the nature of spirits. Spectravincere gender natures are called SPEIN.
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in-nature-archive · 1 month
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HENTIN: Hentai/hentai-related In Nature
Colors inspired by the hentin flag (and by extension my Synesthetic associations with the word hentai)
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in-nature-archive · 1 month
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crnin ⸺ crningender
carnoguron in nature!
an umbrella term for genders that are crnin!
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tagging @in-nature-archive
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in-nature-archive · 1 month
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Valorix is a xenogender that is deeply intertwined with the concept of heroism, embodying the qualities of bravery, selflessness, and a strong sense of duty. Those who identify with Valorix may feel a connection to the archetype of a hero and find empowerment in the idea of championing justice, helping others, and overcoming challenges. Valorix draws inspiration from the essence of heroism, valuing the courage to stand up for what is right and protect those in need. It encompasses a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world, whether on a personal scale or a broader societal level. Individuals who identify as Valorix may find strength in stories of heroes and seek to embody similar virtues in their own lives. Valorix gender natures are called VALIN.
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in-nature-archive · 2 months
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[★] Pariestix [pair-es-tix]
Pt: [★] Pariestix [par-e-s-tix] /end pt
A neogender umbrella where being neurodivergent causes one's gender to change rapidly to adapt to their environment, mood, sensory experiences, new memories, who they're around, etc. Such as having a stronger connection to cold / snow related genders when you're cold or having a stronger connection to masculine genders when around people who are masculine.
Made with people who experience identity disturbance due to being neurodivergent in mind, but isn't exclusive to that
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[★] Terms
Pt: [★] Terms /end pt
Paritine [pair-e-tine] — Having Pariestix qualities. Noun form is Paritity [par-eh-ty]
Transparitine [trans-pair-e-tine] — Transitioning towards pariestity
Cereb [ser-eb] — Word for someone who is Pariestix
ParIN [pair-en] — Pariestix in nature
Hematian [hem-ah-te-an] — Juvelic orientation for Pariestix person who is attracted to other Pariestix people
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★ Coined on August 4th, 2024
★ Colors are based on various environments and the brain — etymology: [parie]tal + fa[st] + ix. Chosen due to the Parietal Lobe being vital for sensory perception and integration, including the management of taste, hearing, sight, touch, and smell. With Cereb being shortened from Cerebrum, meaning brain in Latin
★ Tagging @radiomogai
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in-nature-archive · 2 months
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[★] Paringender
Pt: [★] Paringender /end pt
Where one's gender is Pariestix in nature [link]
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★ Coined on August 6th, 2024
★ Colors based on the original Pariestix flag — etymology: parin + gender
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