in-my-otter-world · 13 hours
to sum up: eric adams defrauded the city of millions of dollars using fake donations from the authoritarian erdogan government to earn matching money from the municipal electoral public funds program (in fact, matched 8-to-1, e.g., $2,000 for a $250 donation), then enacted austerity, claiming the city had no money, cutting library, education, and homelessness funds, while boosting the NYPD budget, salaries, and overtime pay. cartoon-level villain
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in-my-otter-world · 13 hours
after a barrage of zionist threats @danashehab has been shadowbanned. please follow @fahedshehab-new to keep up with this family.
my prev posts about this family: [1][2]
they are still struggling - $55k out of $85k. meanwhile life in gaza is becoming increasingly more unbearable, hellish, and expensive.
donate / vetted
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in-my-otter-world · 13 hours
are you cis or trans, and if trans are you transmasc or transfem? it doesnt say in your bio anywhere so i was just wondering
Does anyone remember when you weren't supposed to tell people online your personal info and it was weird and suspicious to ask for it I miss that sometimes
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in-my-otter-world · 13 hours
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in-my-otter-world · 13 hours
i love counterspell. "i cast fireball!" no you dont
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in-my-otter-world · 7 days
jack of no trades. master of fuck all
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in-my-otter-world · 7 days
an online friend group may include:
guy who is nocturnal.
guy who goes to bed at nine pm.
guy who is inexplicably literally always online.
guy who lives on the other side of the planet.
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in-my-otter-world · 7 days
“Straws give you wrinkles” “sunlight gives you age spots” “smiling with your eyes gives you laugh lines” okay but what if I did that. What if I drank Vanilla Coke from a bendy straw and danced in the sunlight and laughed with reckless abandon. What then. We all age we all get wrinkles we all grow old and dammit I will do it with the sun on my face and the joy of life at my back
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in-my-otter-world · 16 days
I love when I’m in the middle of speaking and suddenly I’m like wait I literally don’t agree with what I’m saying
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in-my-otter-world · 20 days
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in-my-otter-world · 20 days
Women supporting women!
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in-my-otter-world · 20 days
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in-my-otter-world · 20 days
i have to say it is funny that of all the reasons you shouldn't let cats roam around outside unattended the only one that outdoor cat owners care about is the possibility that someone could steal your cat and keep it inside. literally this
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in-my-otter-world · 20 days
i promise its not ableist when people say you should try things that arent kids shows and fanfiction
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in-my-otter-world · 20 days
I honestly and truly believe all good AUs should be a little “”””ooc”””” in the sense that good characterisation involves understanding that changes a characters backstory and circumstances will have an effect on how they respond to the world around them
Good characterisation isn’t about creating a perfect 1:1 canon replica it’s about understanding why a character is different in your work and about grounding the changes you do deliberately choose to make in canon character traits
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in-my-otter-world · 1 month
"About 81% of recruiters say that their employer posts “ghost jobs,” or positions that either don’t exist or are already filled, according to a new report from MyPerfectResume, a resume building platform. Jasmine Escalera, a career expert for MyPerfectResume, says this figure is staggering, and discouraging for candidates looking to land a new role.
“We often hear job-seekers saying, ‘I’m tired, I’m depressed, I’m desperate,’ using these very harsh words when it comes to the job market,” she says. “This is one of the reasons why they are losing faith in organizations and companies.”
Not only are recruiters fessing up to the tactic, they’re also admitting to how common it is. Around 17% say up to three quarters of their job announcements aren’t genuine, while 21.5% say ghost jobs account for half of all positions they post, 36% say a quarter of their postings are fake or already filled, and 18% of headhunters report that less than one tenth of their work advertisements aren’t real.  
It may seem counterproductive for recruiters to advertise ghost jobs, theoretically wasting their own time as well as that of applicants—but there are incentives for doing so. About 38% say they post fake positions to maintain a presence on job boards when they aren’t hiring, 36% do so to assess the effectiveness of their job descriptions, 26% want to build a talent pool for the future, 26% hope gain insight into the job market and competitors, and 25% want to assess how difficult it would be to replace certain employees, according to the report. Escalera points out that a big reason for posting these jobs is recruiters wanting to improve their business’ image—nearly a quarter also say that fake jobs help their companies look as if they aren’t experiencing a hiring freeze, and one fifth say they post ghost jobs to improve the reputation of their company."
(August 19, 2024)
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in-my-otter-world · 1 month
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the thousand year door comics!!
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