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The Perfect Usage of the Letterpress Wedding Invitation Cards
Letterpress was invented by Johannes Gutenberg more than five hundred years ago. It was first used in printing the Bible. Since then it has evolved a lot. Designing a wedding card can be a fun or a stressful process. Everyone wants a wedding card designed in such a way that all the guests remember it for years. Most of them are aware of the method letterpress printing. In this method, a raised surface is first inked and then pressed into a piece of paper giving it a three-dimensional texture. It not only looks good but it also feels good too. Each letterpress wedding invitations cards are done individually. It allows for a slight change that makes each card a unique one.
Anyone who has shopped for a wedding card knows that it is a hectic affair. Choosing from a variety of printing process which includes digital, embossed, offset and many more is a task altogether. Someone might want an elegant and classic style but cannot understand which process to opt for. This is when letterpress comes to help. Letterpress printing is an elegant and classic way to invite guests to a formal party. Almost every brides and groom consider this method for the invitation for their guests. It is a classy way to print a wedding card, programmes, menu cards, order services as well as reply cards and thank you notes. One of the main reasons is a couple opt for this printing because it gives a deep impression. Any other kind of printing techniques cannot really have such kind of deep impression.
Expensive- The letterpress printing is an artisan craft. It totally depends on the skill of a laborer. The plate which is used to press the text is also included in the cost price. Labor costs are also included in it. Each piece of the stationery requires the press to be torn and set up again. Even, the printer goes through the same breakdown and set up the process for each ink color. The printers hand feed the papers into the press. The press cannot be done from an ordinary shop that is the reason why letterpress wedding invitations are so costly. They are operated and owned by artists who do the design and printing work also. This means that the customer is not only paying for the printing cards but also for the layout and design.
Paper used- A variety of paper can be used to this print method. Many printers and couples want the idea of 100% cotton papers, as it will be soft in nature. The softness of the paper allows for a crisp printing to look and feel good. Besides this paper do not contain any wood fiber. So letterpress print method can be eco-friendly also. Recycled and organic papers are mainly used for a letterpress invitation.
Time needed- The time needed to print a letterpress totally depends on the company. A small mom and pop printers take up to 5 to 7 weeks to deliver the final product. A larger company can print the wedding cards and invitation within few days. Since an invite should be sent before a month of the big day, the order should be placed in advance. At least 3 months before the wedding date the order should be done with all correct information. Always take one of the prints to the post office to be weighed. This way the couples will know the amount of postage that will be needed.
However, the couple should be very careful while choosing the printer. First, they should try to order for a sample printing before going for the bulk printing. This will help them to understand the quality of the printing. If a couple wants to print photos in the cards they cannot do it in this process. In a letterpress printing, no photos can be printed. Still, if they want their photos to be printed they have to go for some other printing processes also.
The wedding invitation is the core foundation of the wedding ceremony. The invitation is the first glimpse the guests will get about the occasion. There is nothing more beautiful than letterpress wedding invitations, making it a perfect choice for the special affair.
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Letterpress Australia Invitation Cards- It’s Specialty and Specification
It is good to know about letterpress Australia wedding invitations. This is the elegant way you can send invitations to people. They are cordially invited to the venue, and for the same, you can make use of letterpress invitation cards. There are several choices when it comes to wedding invitations. You need to plan and design the shape of the cards when making selections. However, you should think about card printing when sending the invitation. Here is the best option to go for the letterpress cards and the letterpress wedding invitations. These are feasible options to invite the guests in complete style.
The Relevance of the Letterpress Cards
A certain class of people would like to have pictures on the card along with letters. For them, letterpress will not be the best idea. This is when they can opt for offset printing. Still, the option of letterpress remains on the top of the list when it comes to the printing of the invitation cards. If you are not planning to have any photo on the card you can really get ready for the option of letterpress. There are reasons for the bride and grooms to choose the letterpress style of the wedding invitations. It is primarily because the invitation cards look so elegant with the meaningful words.
Words are better than Images
The letters can stylize cards. This is evident when you go through the samples of the letterpress invitation cards. The deep impression of the item will make the invitation seem impressive and special. The words of delight will make people feel that you are inviting them from the core of your heart. However, it is likely to think that only letterpress can help in creating the qualitative impression. Words can indeed reveal the feelings of the person who desire to invite people for the special occasion.
Thinking about the Quality of the Paper
In case of letterpress Australia the quality of the card matters. The standard of the paper used for the invitation card should be of superior quality. This will help people get a perfect impression about the inviter. When using quality paper the card gets a perfect weight. It is highly important to consider the material of the card. In most cases, the paper used for making the card is preferably cotton. The cotton quality of the paper will help best in revealing the design of the card. In most of the cases, people choose to have the best and thicker quality of the paper. The material is well utilized for shaping and designing the letterpress invitation cards.
Choosing the Right paper and Colors
Using the cotton paper for making the letterpress invitation cards is an environment friendly option. You can make use of the various colored letter to make the card appear bright and impressive. In case you are making use of more colors, this will enhance the quality of the card and make it comparatively expensive. It is best to opt for the colored design for the invitation cards. It is best to select the two colored style for the cards.
Various Letterpress Instances
It is easy printing the letterpress invitation cards. You can get in hold of the Chinese letterpress designing and this is something rare and qualitative. You can check with the letterpress Hong Kong style. This will help in accentuating the quality and the impression of the card at the best. To follow the same you can learn more about the specific style of the card. The designs are unique and will take the item to the next level. This is a great way you can stylize the cards with beautifying letters and impressions.
Designing the Cards with Cordiality
The letterpress Australia invitation cards are the latest demands of the era. One can make the best use of the style in inviting people for the special event. The letters are used on the card in a stylized way. The written impressions will give others an idea the way you would like to design the cordiality. Words are written and shape in the manner that the printing forma will help in leaving a lasting impression in the hearts of millions. It is a perfect combination of quality, style, and impression which make the letterpress invitation cards just stupendous.
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Facts About Letterpress Printing
Letterpress has been replaced by offset printing for most purposes, but not all. When it comes to elegance, letterpress printing still commands a price. People love to print wedding and other invitations, business cards etc in letterpress. The gravity of those elegant impressions surpasses the levity of offset printing. Despite being expensive, people love to flaunt those impressions on cards that signify defining moments in their lives. It evokes a sense of nostalgia. The engravings convey a message and the events are etched in the memory of recipients. Letterpress printing can be the perfect solution to your printing needs whether it is wedding invitation, business car printing or something else.
Types of Letterpress Print
The Letterpress printed material boasts of tangible prints. There are various ways in which such tangible prints can be imprinted on papers. Simply speaking there are various types of such prints. Letters can be embossed, debossed or blind. Your preference and significance of the occasion or purpose are the two things that determine the type of print. So the letters may have a stamping effect with a raised texture or a depressed texture. The raised letters are known as embossed ones and the depressed letters are known as debossed ones.
Embossed Printing
To print such letters the letters are pressed upwards from backside. It obviously leaves a debossing effect on the backside and an embossing effect on the upper side.
Debossed Printing
In such prints the letters are pressed from the upper side. Like in embossing effect this also produces a debossing on the uppeside and an embossing effect on the backside.
Blind Printing
In this type of printing, ink is used to produce the effect. So what you get is just an impression of letters in ink. There is no effect on the opposite side. This is the type of letterpress print that most people look for.
The letterpress print evokes a sense of proximity to the recipient be it a business card, an invitation or anything else. You can create a number of different effects with the help of letterpress print. Each of them has a different appeal. Most people prefer the debossed or embossed prints for printing items like visiting cards. On the other hand, the blind effect is popular in wedding cards and other invitation cards.
Contemporary Letterpress
Though the print has kept its nostalgic flavor intact, the method of printing has undergone a sea change. Printers no longer use the wooden or metal blocks for letterpress printing. Instead they use polymer plates which can be carved out in different forms and colors. The polymer plates are prepared separately for different sets of letters. This is done photographically. In the first stage the letters and the embellishments are designed in computer. Yes, this is now done in computer. This obviously widens the scope for designs and embellishments. After the design is finalized, a printout of the same is taken on a film. This is then used a negative photographic plate for developing the polymer plate. Next a polymer plate is taken and it is dipped in a water-soluble and light-sensitive synthetic material. It is then kept against a clear support and the negative film is kept in front of it. Next, UV light is made to pass through the film and onto the polymer plate. As a result, the portion of the plate that is exposed to the UV light gets hardened up, and the rest of the material is washed away. The hardened portions of the plate become raised surfaces and give shape to the letters, ornaments and designs. The polymer plate is now ready to print embossed, debossed or blind letterpress printed material on invitation cards, greetings cards, business cards etc. If you need the same material in different colors, you need to prepare different plates for different colors.
Owing to the use of computer in designing, you can have rich designs, patterns and ornaments on the cards. This enhances the beauty of the card. You can also get exquisitely designed letters through computer.
Requirements of Good Letterpress Printing
You need good quality tactile paper with rich texture for Letterpress Printing. This is all the more required for the embossing and debossing effects rather than for the blind printing effect. You also need to design the photographic plate in good resolution. Otherwise, the debossing or embossing effect won’t be clear.
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Expert Advice on Business Cards
A vital source of information which clients tend to overlook is a business card. The moment you hand over a business card to someone you are handing over your brand. Ideally, you would want to showcase your business in the best light.
You have to consider that it happens to be the oldest form of printing. It can be inked, raised and the reverse images could be pressed against the paper stock. You can describe letterpress cards as clean and crisp with bold icons. For display of spectacular typography, it is famous. Since it is a handpicked home of art a lot of time along with effort is involved in the process. Being handmade the value of the product is on the higher side.
To a business card content happens to be very important. Obviously, you would want to include your contact information, but there should not be too much of it. It needs to be concise and should include your name, contact details along with your website. You can include your personal information and this boils down to your personal decision. Do not commit the folly of including social media information on the card as it would look too crowded.
Another important aspect to focus on your business card is the design. It is a piece of your brand and for this reason, it should match your logo. In case if you plan to put photos on your card, the chances of updates are going to increase.
If you want your business card to stand apart from the crowd, then the design would help you to achieve that. Spending some amount extra will help you reach there. If the card is of good quality, clients are likely to form a favorable impression about the business and the brand.
Letterpress business cards have off late become a lot popular. From business cards to wedding invites they have made profound impacts. A strong reason for such an impression is that it has been around since 1800’s. The process began with a handset type incorporated from wood and metal. In due course the standard went on to become polymer plates. One of the unique features of letterpress business cards is that you print each color in a separate manner. All these prints are undertaken one at a time.
Uniqueness is provided by the layered look. Once the plates are prepped to the base of the press a plate is attached. Then the rollers are inked. The quantity of ink happens to be important. If too less is provided you are going to have a messy printout and when it is too much a solid look will not be portrayed. Then the paper is rolled through. Once this process is over you are going to design color for each and every color.
You need to take note of the fact that it happens to be a tactile printing procedure. On the flip side, it is not ideal for large buckets of color and you would need to print it with a limited color palette. In addition, it works out to be an expensive way of printing.
Types of impressions
• Embossing- between a two-sided die, you can raise the image and then press paper. No ink is transferred during the process. On the back portion of the paper, a reverse will be left behind
• Debossing- No form of ink is transferred in this procedure. A depressed image is created where on a double-sided die, the paper is pressed.
When you are about to design a letterpress business card, keep in mind the choice of a color. The color could change and this depends on the paper stock being selected.
To conclude, turnaround time, cost along with flexibility are some of the main reasons why It is not a chosen mode of printing. As the cost of manufacturing each plate is on the higher side, the cost of printing shoots up considerably. It is a time-consuming process as a single palette can go on to print one color at a time. If you choose it, it does promise some extraordinary for sure. In the form of letterpress business cards something close to perfection is achieved.
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A Guide To Designing The Right Invitations Australia Card

Australians’ love for active life punctuated by celebrations is well known. They really like to gel well with relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and friends on such occasions. Occasions too, are not very few; they are aplenty. Whether it is a birthday, a baby announcement, a bridal shower, a Christmas party, a corporate event, an engagement, Halloween, pregnancy announcement, wedding or something else, Australians just love to invite their near and dear ones and spend some happy time together. Nevertheless, conjuring up an event and making it happen are two different aspects. There is no dearth of events. If there is none, you can just send a Thank You card. Yet, when there is an occasion to celebrate, you need to prepare for it. There is so much to decide about. The occasion, the person involved with the occasion, the date of celebration, the venue et al need to be decided before sending invitations.
Finalize the Details First
When you are sending invitations you just need to make sure that the occasion, the date, the venue and all the other relevant details have been finalized. You need to be meticulous regarding these details. Once these are decided you need to proceed to designing the invitation cards.
Invitation Cards!
E Cards, mails, Facebook posts et al are fine, but when it comes to inviting someone, the appeal of the ageless invitation cards is unparalleled. Invitation cards have a affable flavor that speaks of personalized consideration. This is even more pronounced when you write down the name and mailing address of the recipient yourself. Electronic greetings, mails, facebook posts etc lack the individualistic flavor that is so omnipresent in invitation cards. This is a big reason why the demand for paper card Invitations Australia is increasing.
Designing the Card
Invitation cards set the tone for the occasion. They also act as a kind of reminder for the occasion. But to serve the dual purpose you need to design the card with the right spirit. The card needs to set the stage for the occasion and help the recipient get into the groove. So the design, the embellishment, the stamp, the color et al should be unique to the occasion. There must also be something that can relate the card to the sender’s occasion to celebrate. Now, you have two ways to do this. You can either dictate your requirement to a invitations Australia company and get a custom-designed card or you can do it yourself. In either case though, you have the freedom to add embellishments, designs or stamps to make it unique or more affable and vibrant.
If you are the DIY Kind
If you love to get involved with designing a card, it is necessary that you are aware of the basics that you need to take care of in order to design nice and appealing invitations Australia.
This is the most important aspect of designing and printing the card. It must be clear about the occasion, the person involved with the occasion, the date and the venue. Some other information that you may need to put in clearly may be things like dresses to wear, things to bring, RSVP details etc. So clarity is the first stage in designing invitations Australia.
Good ink
When you are printing is yourself, make sure to use good quality ink. Poor quality ink can just ruin your whole endeavor. It may get smudged and just deface and destroy the card. So if you are doing the printing job yourself, make sure to use good quality ink.
The Right Card Stock
The card stock has a lot to do with printing good invitation cards. If you don’t use good quality card stock you may end up with a defaced card even if you use very good quality ink. So the quality of card stock is an equally important aspect.
Put a Stamp
A stamp is a unique way to identify and recollect the occasion. You can get stamps for every occasion. There are the Love to Celebrate stamps issued by the postal department in 2016. These stamps cater to a wide range of occasions. You can get birthday cake as well as balloon stamps for birthdays, handprint stamps for baby showers, red rose heart stamp for Valentine’s day and many more.
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Here is What You Need to Know About Foil Printing Invitations
Foil printing on garments, invitations etc is popular in Australia. Different designs, shapes, lithographic letters etc can be printed on paper, cloth etc. Such printing on invitations makes the invitation letters attractive. People prefer to use foil printing invitations in Australia. The process is also quite simple and does not take much time. However, you need some experience in doing the job. The extent of heat and pressure to be applied on the foil requires some finesses. So if you are searching for designing such invitations you need to contact a printing workshop that has been doing such jobs for some time. The process is also known as foil stamping due to the effect of stamping the foil on the material being printed on.
The Process
In the first stage the letters are printed on the card with an adhesive. This is also known as transfer adhesive. Once this is complete, desired foil is kept on the design or letters and stamped on a stamping machine. The stamping machine sticks the foil on the adhesive with the help of high temperature and pressure. This makes the letters shine owing to the foil coating.
There is another method of preparing foil printing invitations. In this method, first, the design is printed on the foil and then the foil is stamped on the card with a stamping machine. In both cases you need a good transfer adhesive. If low quality transfer adhesive is used, the letters may not appear as distinct as you want them to be.
The Foil
The quality of foil determines the quality of the print. Foils are available in different colors and it depends on the metal. Foils are available for gold, silver, copper and other metals. Holographic metal foils are also avaiable. For invitations you may prefer a glossy finish or a matte finish and both are available in foils. In short, foils are available in various designs, colours and finishes depending on your requirement.
The Design
This is the most intricate part of the job. You have to first put the design on the card with the help of a transfer adhesive. For this you have to use stencils. You can get stencils in various designs as well as stencils for letters. Put the stencil on a card stock and apply ample amount of the adhesive on it thoroughly. Now pick up the stencil and you can see the raised surface of the design. Now put some foil printing ink on the card stock and take an imprint of the design and the letters on the card stock for making the invitation card. Before taking the print, the intended card stock for invitation must be smeared with some transfer adhesive. You can use a press machine to make a good imprint. As you get a fine imprint of the design on the card, it is now ready for the final process – foil stamping. Put the foil on the card and place it inside the stamping machine. The stamping machine exerts pressure on it and works at a high temperature. The high pressure and temperature stamps the foil on the design. Now just pick up the foil, it will come out leaving a glossy, metallic imprint on the card. This makes a foil printing invitation card.
What makes this great is not only the finish, but also the design. You have the liberty to impart any design on the invitation card. Whether you want beautiful letters or intricate designs, it is possible in foil printing.
Foil Printing On Embossed Design
Foil printing invitations can also be made by stamping metal foil on embossed designs and letters. Such a design helps to create a deep impression on the recipient. To achieve this effect, first you have to get the foil printing done. Once this is done, you need to use two separate dices to impart the embossing effect to the design. One dice should have the design in grooves and the other dice should have the same design in raised contours. Moreover, the dices should seamlessly merge. After the dices are created with the required design, the foil printed invitation is placed between the two and given a hard press. This creates attractive embossed foil printing invitations.
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Things you should know about Letterpress Australia
Digital printing is the order of the day, be it in printing invitations, invoices or leaflets, yet letterpress printing has not died down. In fact, when it comes to elegance, letterpress Australia is in demand. Sure, it is a niche, but it has taken a hold in this particular niche of elegant wedding invitation cards and others. It is expensive, but its elegance more than makes up for the extra expense. The letterpress prints evoke a sense of nostalgia. They are like engravings that are etched on our memory. If you are looking for innovative ways to design invitation cards or visiting cards, letterpress Australia can be the perfect solution.
The Nostalgic Flavor
The raised letters are there like the olden days. The printing technique is also similar to that of the olden days. Yet, it is not the same letterpress of yesteryears. Letterpress Australia has evolved over the years and a lot has changed although the basic process of printing is intact. Modern letterpress printing has embraced modern technology to a large extent. This has only made it more subtle and attractive. The printing material, the method of preparation of the letters, the design of the letters and embellishment has undergone sea change. It evokes a more subtle feeling of finesse.
The New Method
The printing material is no longer the wooden or metal blocks that used to be the mainstay of letterpress prints. Polymer plates are now used to print letters instead of metal or wood blocks. These plates are prepared separately for each set of letters, and this is done photographically. The first step is designing the letters, the background and embellishment, if any. You can get a variety of designs for your invitation or other card. The designs are prepared in a computer. Once the design is finalized, it is printed on a film. This works as a a negative photographic plate. In the next stage, the film is kept in front of a polymer plate and UV light is passed through the film. The polymer plate is dipped in a water-soluble and light-sensitive synthetic material and kept against a clear support. The portions of the plate that are exposed to the UV light harden up, and the rest gets washed away. The hardened up portions stand apart as raised surfaces on the plate. These are the letters, designs and ornaments that are engraved or embossed on invitations, greetings cards and others through letterpress Australia. If you need different colors, you need to prepare a separate plate for each color.
You can get rich designs, exquisitely crafted letters, graphic patterns, and ornaments that enhance the beauty and appeal of the letterpress print. The exquisite designs have made letterpress printing one of the most sought after printing techniques for business cards, wedding invitations, greetings cards etc.
Unique effects
The imprints in Letterpress printing are tangible prints. They have a stamping effect with either a raised feeling or a depressed feeling. So you can get either embossed letters and designs or debossed letters and designs. The recipient can feel the letters unlike in a digital or offset print. This evokes a feeling of proximity. There are prints that can be done without ink. This is known as blind debossing. You can create a range of effects with letterpress. Each of these effects has a unique appeal and has a niche area of application. People prefer the blind debossing effect for items like visiting cards. The embossing effect is popular for wedding and other invitation cards.
Subtleties of Letterpress
For good letterpress printing good quality tactile paper is required. It must also have a rich texture and weight. This is especially needed for the debossing effect to come to the fore. Moreover, the artwork and design must have good resolution in order to get distinct marks on the polymer plate. Without a good resolution finer details may not be as distinct as needed. However, the resolution aspect may be different for different designs and artworks.
Experienced Letterpress Australia printers are well aware of the required resolution vis-à-vis the size of the card. However, you can design unique patterns, ornaments and artworks yourself. A number of designs are available in the computer. You can choose from them or design a new one and take a printout on a film.
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Letterpress Business Cards Combine The Classic Effect With Modern Process
Since the invention of printing by Gutenberg, letterpress has been the mainstay of printing. Nevertheless, the invention of offset printing has relegated the letterpress technique to a corner. Voluminous printing is now done in offset. This is cheaper, easier and quicker compared to letterpress. Yet, when it comes to beauty and elegance, there is nothing better than letterpress. Letterpress business cards are the ultimate in design and personality. Yes, your business card must have a personality. In fact, it must effuse your personality since it represents you. It should be designed in a way that it reflects your unique personality. You can do this with letterpress printing.
It is not just a card; it is a tool to impress others
Letterpress printing goes beyond the appeal of mere printing. It is like inscribing something. You can get artistically designed deep impressions on your business card. Such a business card can really leave an impression on the recipient of your business card.
Letterpress printing in the 21st century
Traditional letterpress printing has evolved into its modern form. It has undergone a metamorphosis into its modern identity while retaining the nostalgic flavor. Printing is still done by hand, yet the process as well as the material has undergone a sea change. Letterpress enthusiasts have really succeeded in preserving the essence of letterpress, yet imbibed some attributes of modern technology. This has elevated letterpress to a higher pedestal. The printed material is now more effective in communicating its purpose than ever before. The designing is now done in computer. This makes it possible to import a veritable treasure of designs to your letterpress business cards. Not only exquisite designs, but also attractive patterns, new artistic fonts, multicolour designs and unique graphics are now possible in business cards. In fact, letterpress business cards may well be one of the most sought after business cards now.
The essence of primitive printing method is intact
There was a time when letterpress was the only printing technology. In those times, operators used to typeset the words either on metal plates or on wooden blocks. Metal typesets were used mainly in commercial printing whereas the wooden typesets were used for printing leaflets, cards etc. A typeset used to contain letters in reverse order. The raised surfaces of letters were smeared with ink and pressed over the piece of paper like a business card. The essence of letterpress Australia is intact, but you can now prepare the type cast and select new design and font. The material itself has undergone a change, but not the process of printing. The type cast is now done on photographic polymer plates and the letters on it are produced through a photographic process. Modern technology has ensured that type setting is no longer a time consuming, labor intensive process. Technology has enabled printers to print without much hassle.
The modern touch to classic letterpress printing
Polymer plates have replaced the wooden blocks and metal plates. Letters are imprinted on the plate through a photographic process. The designs are created in computer and imprinted on a film through a photographic process. This acts as a negative plate. With the help of UV lights, this image is transposed on the polymer plate. On further processing, raised letters appear on the plate. This is the design that you can now print on letterpress business cards. Such plates are available in various colors. However, you need a different plate for each color.
Similarities Between Classic Letterpress And Modern Letterpress
Whether it is the classic letterpress print or the modern version of it, the striking similarity is borne by the raised alphabets and the hand printing technique. The stamping effect is clear in both.
Differences between classic Letterpress And Modern Letterpress
In the classic letterpress business cards, you could hardly get different effects like debossing, blind debossing etc. These prints have a unique appeal. Some people do prefer such unique prints for business cards. You could not have obtained such debossing effect in classic business cards.
Common accessories
Though the blocks have given way to polymer plates, designing is done on computer and metal alphabets have given way to raised letters in polymer plates, there is something which is common to both. You need a tactile paper to get the desired effect in letterpress business cards.
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Reason Why Letterpress Printing is Still Ruling in Today’s Date
With modern technology, there are so many conventional options that have come up in town which offers an ultimate solution for printing. But how much do you really know about Letterpress? If you are planning to open a printing shop then you certainly need to know about letterpress and the tools and supplies that offer the right solution. However, before you start looking for the tolls and the solution required, make sure you speak with some of the people who have already been using such option and know their experience of using it. This would give you a lot clearer idea on letterpress and how beneficial can it really be.
Things you need to know about letterpress:
It is one efficient technique that saves a lot of your valuable time and money in printing. You don’t really have to use printing press when you have such option. When looking for Letterpress Australia solution, make sure you check around the store with tools and supplies available.
It is a process in which you can create number of copies by creating a direct impression of the inks. There is a surface which is raised against the continuous paper roll.
Letterpress, however, in practice also includes different relief painting types along with the printing press. Talking about which plates, wood engravings, and linoleum blocks to name a few are used with the wooden or metal type for the solo operation. There are also few letterpress unique which makes it possible to join the types that are movable along with a cast of slug with the help of metal typesetting.
Know the meaning of letterpress:
It is one such art of printing in which there is an ink applied and paper is pressed for getting it printing. No doubt that the end result is extremely beautiful and comes with the crisp imprinted image that would make you feel the solution is perfect. In olden times, it was considered to be one of the most common types of printing, especially between 15th to the 19th century. No doubt with the advancement in technology, there are many things that have improved. But it is equally true that although technology advancement has proved beneficial, but letterpress demand is never ending toll date.
Later, as the technology advanced, it was replaced with the lithography option which also included photography process that could easily transfer the flat image to the paper. Nowadays, such printing solution is used only in niche markets such as upscale stationary, making invitations of formal events and creating fine books.
Know the Advantages of Using It
As compared to any other type of printing solution, letterpress Australia is something that offers the best quality of craftsmanship. There are certain text and images which are impressing with paper. It causes crispiness and ensures that the lines are quite clear and visible. There are also bold patterns used because of which the visual definition as compared to the other modern printing techniques is a lot more clear.
There is also the use of rick texture made that creates a strong impression on adding up the level of intimacy along with the each piece look unique.
If there is treeless cotton, then letterpress is one such option that works best along with heavy stock of card for which even today’s modern printing don’t really work so easily.
Reason why Letterpress is not a Solution for Every Printing Needs?
In spite of so many advantages and purpose that it serves, there is no doubt that in letterpress inking it is difficult to actually give a competition to the new products that are comparable in the market. The fact is, there are three things in which letterpress is still lacking behind those are cost, flexibility and the total time required for better finishing. The cost to maintain such machine and manufacturing every piece is quite high. Besides, it is one time consuming option which generally prints single color at a time. Being a complex process in which hairline thin lines are used, it gets restricted to some extent.
In spite of all these things, there is no doubt that you get end result with the perfection. Which is why, this option is considered to be an extraordinary solution. Now that you are pretty much clear with the reason to opt for it and whether it is good to be used for your printing needs, make sure you start looking out for a reliable Letterpress Australia providing company.
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Impressive INKreations provides Custom Passport Wedding Invitations in Australia. For more information, visit our website or call us at +61 405 834 951.
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The first step in designing foil printing invitations is to get the design ready. You can describe you design to the printer or can have your own design printed from the computer.
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Decorating is a particular sort of printing where the printed words are raised over the surface of the paper. This is a sort of three dimensional printing much like debossing.
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Know About Finishing Processes of Blind Embossing
Embossing is a distinctive type of printing where the printed words are raised over the surface of the paper. This is a kind of three dimensional printing much like debossing. The difference between debossing and embossing is subtle. While debossing makes the words sunken from the level of the paper, embossing makes the words raised above the level of the paper.
Blind Embossing
Embossing can be done with ink as well as without ink. If embossing is done without ink it is known as blind embossing. Such embossing appeals to subtle sensory perceptions. People resort to such printing when they don’t want to highlight the words, but want people to have a subtle reference to it.
The Finishing Process
The process of embossing is carried out with the help of two dies. The paper to be embossed is kept between the two dies and pressure is applied on it. The two dies are so designed and engraved that one fits into the grooves of the other seamlessly. Here pressure is applied on the raised die so that it slowly presses the paper into the grooves of the recessed die. Heat is also applied on the stock of paper to make it more amenable to pressure. Heat also helps in giving it a permanent shape.
The Effect
Blind embossing creates an optical illusion. The raised letters often seem to be smaller than they really are. To compensate for this reduced size the size of the letters in the die or the depth of the die needs to be more than that desired on the paper. Another technique that printers sometimes resort to is the use of an uneven die. This will give rise to an unevenly raised surface which will attract more attention from the recipient of the embossed card.
Line spacing is a very important parameter of embossing. If line spacing is not measured carefully then letters may not form distinctly. The style of embossing as well as artwork must be specifically laid down by the customer. The design same must be carefully engraved on the die with due consideration for loss of space due to embossing.
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Impressive INKreations presents Blind embossing Printing for the 3D image Business Cards. For more information, visit our site or call us at +61 405 834 951
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Why Letterpress Wedding Invitations are the Perfect Choice for Your Wedding
A wedding is undoubtedly a special and memorable occasion. Every aspect of the wedding needs to be really special and one-of-a-kind, including and especially the invitations. The question is – what is the best way to make the invitations look special and unique? The answer is quite obvious – letterpress wedding invitations.
Special Invitations for Special Occasions
If you are wondering what makes letterpress invitations so special and different from regular invitations, you just need to look at them once. The unique selling point of a letterpress card or invitation lies in its very appearance. It looks so beautiful, so well crafted, and so distinct that stands out from the rest of the regular, run-of-the-mill invitations effortlessly.
The Printing Process
To understand why letterpress wedding invitations look so gorgeous, you need to know a little about the printing process itself. Letterpress printing, in case you did not know, is the oldest printing method known to us. The method was devised by none other than Gutenberg himself, who employed it to print many of his works at the time.
The original printing process involved three main components – a metal plate which contains the text and images to be printed, ink, and a sheet of paper. The raised surface on the plate, where the letters, numbers, and images are arranged properly, is coated with ink and pressed onto the paper with lots of pressure. Due to the pressure, deep impressions are formed on the paper, which is one of the hallmarks of letterpress printing.
Over the years, the letterpress printing method has gone through a metamorphosis and has become modernized to an extent. These days, metal types are no longer used and they have been replaced with photopolymer plates, which are far easier to use, repair, and replace when compared to metal plates.
Today, printers no longer have to arrange the text manually, as it can be done using a software program. The software produces a prototype of the invitation to be printed, based on which a photopolymer plate is created. The plate is then used to print the invitation. The printing method, however, still remains the same as the plate is coated with ink and pressed on to the card.
Why Choose Letterpress Wedding Invitations?
They look beautiful. The thickness of the card, the deep impressions, and the top-notch print quality make the invitation look like a work of art, rather than a typical invitation. In other words, if you want to add a ‘wow’ factor to your wedding invitation and impress your guests, letterpress is definitely the way to go.
Letterpress printing creates patterns that are crisper and bolder than what could be produced with the help of digital or offset printing. The letters and images have the more visual definition, richer texture, and look sharper than what you generally see with regular printing work.
If you are not a fan of invitations and cards made out of flimsy, low-quality paper, letterpress is most certainly the best choice for you, as it works with extra thick and heavy cards and also with treeless cotton papers, which cannot be used in regular printing methods.
Letterpress is quite a laborious, time-consuming process, especially when compared to digital printing. The amount of labor involved in the process actually increases its appeal and makes it special, as you know the invitation or card that you buy is a result of exquisite craftsmanship and personal involvement from highly skilled and experienced printers who have been in the business for years. It creates a special sense of intimacy, which many people like.
Things to Remember
It takes time to print letterpress wedding invitations. The process is a lot more laborious than regular printing methods and takes more time. So, place an order in advance and make sure the printer has enough time to deliver the invitations on time. Most printing houses in Australia have a catalog of invitations that you can choose from.
If you insist on personalized invitations, you can get them printed as well. The printing house usually has a graphic designer, whom you can talk to and tell exactly what kind of invitation you are looking for. Once the designer comes up with a sample invitation based on your inputs, you can take a look at it and tell him if you like it or if there are any changes to be made. Basically, your input plays a key role in creating custom-made invitations, which is why many people prefer them over choosing something from the catalog.
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When it comes to letterpress Australia is a country that offers an extraordinarily wide range of options for customers.
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