impexdocs · 24 days
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Optimize Export Logistics with Export Documentation ( EXDOC )
EXDOC is a comprehensive software solution for export documentation, designed to streamline the global trade process. It simplifies order management, booking, documentation, and compliance, reducing shipment processing times by 80%. EXDOC ensures accuracy, eliminates manual errors, and maintains 100% compliance. This software is ideal for businesses looking to automate and manage their export logistics efficiently. For more details, visit ImpexDocs.
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impexdocs · 24 days
Boost Your Business with Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange, helps businesses exchange documents electronically. It's a secure, fast way to share invoices, purchase orders, and other important files. EDI improves efficiency by reducing manual data entry, cutting costs, and minimizing errors. For companies trading globally, like those using ImpexDocs, EDI is essential for smooth operations and staying competitive. Learn more about how EDI can streamline your business processes.
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impexdocs · 2 months
Certificate of Origin: The Essential Passport for International Trade
A Certificate of Origin is like a birth certificate for goods. It shows where products come from and prove they're made in a specific country. This document is crucial for international trade, helping customs officials determine tariffs and ensuring products meet certain standards. It's like a passport for goods, making sure they cross borders smoothly and legally. To get more information on Certified declaration of origin visit the Impex Docs website.
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impexdocs · 3 years
How to Prepare Export Documentation for Your Next Shipment?
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For years, you might have done it manually. If yes, then it might have involved filling many forms, re-keying the same information again and again, contacting different authorities and a lot more. It is most likely that human errors and excess time consumption in preparing export documents caused your business delays, penalties and loss of reputation.
An export documentation software tool can address each of these concerns for your upcoming shipment. So, here’s how you should accomplish it.
Prefer a Cloud Solution
Many exporters still fail to know the advantages of a cloud-based documentation too. Consequently, they enjoy only a limited support from a desktop solution. Undoubtedly, the cloud can reduce your cost of running a software dramatically and brings in advantages like remote access and customized usage.
Centralize the Information
The next step is to store all important details about your export business and various products your export centrally in the software’s databases. It would allow you to retrieve, edit and update information in real time and as per your company’s growth. Clearly, you would find the time taken to apply for various certificates and create documents like commercial invoices reduced significantly.
Integrate with Existing Tools
A good documentation tool is the one which is easy to integrate with various software systems that your business might already be using. For example, ERP and accounting tools are what most of the exporters use. By integrating your new software with these, you can create a streamlined business process which aids reporting, management and smooth supply chain operations.
Start Meeting Compliance Needs
Finally, the steps mentioned above help your business to meet one important requirement to avoid hiccups – the need to be compliant with the global trade standards. Once you install and start using a good software, make the best out of it to keep a watch on the latest updates and norms. Needless to say, it is difficult to achieve this goal through manual documentation process. No matter whether you prepare export documents by yourself or have a team to do it, investing in a software tool can bring in a major difference in the overall results. And, you will clearly witness in your next shipment.
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impexdocs · 4 years
Useful Tips to Get Meat Export Permit Quickly
Meat commodities are among the top export items from Australia. At the same time, exporting these items may be full of hassles. Because of their perishable nature, any delay in the shipment of these goods may lead to losses. In addition, meeting the importing country requirements precisely may increase the efforts involved. As a result, a lot of exporters hire services for meat export managed by experts. An important part of the process is getting the meat export permit approved really fast. In case you manage to get it done smoothly, you may save a lot of efforts. So, here are some tips to help you.
Prepare Clear Product Description
The application for meat export permit must be submitted to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. The Department requires the meat exporters to know the categories their goods fall into and write clear and accurate description accordingly. It should be noted that the meat commodities may belong to one of the many prescribed goods categories. For example, these may include edible meat, offal and meat products or game meat and meat products or poultry meat, offal and meat products and so on.
Refer to the Legislation
The main law that governs the export of meat products from Australia is the Export Control Meat and Meat Products Orders of 2005. It recommends and verifies the meat product categories that are eligible for export and mandates the requirement of a meat export permit. Also, you may also need to refer to the Export Control Orders specific to the game, poultry and rabbit meat commodities. Furthermore, your application must also state that the intended export commodities are in accordance with the Australian Standard for the Hygiene Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption.
Meet Importing Country Requirements
Last but not least, your application and intended export goods must meet the requirements as prescribed by the destination country. For this, you must refer to the Manual of Importing Country Requirements or obtain the updated information from the industry experts. Along with these preparations, you must have a good software tool to communicate with the Department’s EXDOC system to obtain export permit electronically. This can actually reduce a lot of manual efforts and add pace to the entire process.  
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impexdocs · 4 years
Comparing Manual vs. Electronic Process to Obtain Certificate of Origin
In order to meet the FTA (free trade agreement) conditions for reduced tariffs, a certificate of origin is what an exporter needs. Earlier, the exporters would need to visit the chambers of commerce in their respective areas to get these certificates validated and stamped. Also, another option was to post the certificates to the chambers’ postal addresses. Today, there is one more option that allows electronic procedures to accomplish the task.
If you are an exporter who still continues with the manual process, it is time to know the benefits of electronic documentation that you might be missing. So, let’s compare the two options for a better understanding.
In the manual process, you might have to prepare the certificate in the relevant format or get it typed and printed out. Next, you have to submit them either in person or by post. Due to this, a lot of time may get consumed. On the other hand, you just need to type the certificate and send it via email to the chamber. It is indeed time-saving. Moreover, you may expect the response time and overall turnaround time significantly reduced.
Data Availability
While preparing the origin certificate manually, you may have to refer to different sources of information that can indeed be frustrating. Contrary to this, the advantage of centrally stored data while using the electronic alternative can make the task absolutely hassle-free. You may also automate the process using a good software tool. Furthermore, you can easily and instantly provide the required documentary proofs like bill of lading and invoices electronically as required by the chamber.
If you are preparing an origin certificate for the first time, you might wish expert guidance to avoid any mistakes. Traditionally, you may have to look up to others for help and the chances of manual errors are still high. In contrast to this, using export documentation software or service provides quick access to online assistance that ensures an accurate documentation process.
In addition, you may also save cost and get the advantage of monthly invoices while using the electronic medium to contact a chamber of commerce. You can easily start by registering with the relevant chamber to use the online process for origin certificate stamping.
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impexdocs · 4 years
Can Poor Export Documentation Cause More Harm than Just Shipment Delays?
Undoubtedly, an accurate and efficient export documentation process holds a lot of significance. However, many believe that the only thing it does is save the exporters from delays in dispatching export consignments. The fact is that its absence may completely derail the overall functioning of the export supply chain. Learn how and also find out how using export documentation software can be a solution.
The High Risk of Repeated Errors
A number of important documents are required at every stage of export supply chain. Even if you have the most experienced staff for this, the manual documents preparation is highly prone to errors. Why? Firstly, you need to contact tens of agencies and parties simultaneously for:
Form filling
Certificate approval
Permit applications
Information sharing and so on
Secondly, you may have to handle a voluminous amount of data for documentation processing. As a result, there can be repeated errors that lead to not just delays, but also in penalties and increased costs. With a software tool, it becomes much easier to contact various parties and handle huge data, thereby reducing these risks.
Missing the Control on Supply Chain
In order to scrutinize, analyse and improve the performance of export supply chain, you must have data readily available. Unfortunately, that’s not possible when you rely on the unsynchronized manual operations for preparing documents and storing data. How does it harm? To begin with, you find it difficult to keep a track of documentation and how the consignment is moving. In addition, you fail to prepare export reports that are critical for the business’s growth and improvement. In order to deal with it, use software which keeps everything centralized. By doing so, you can easily access and utilize the data to carry out a number of export supply chain-related activities and tasks without any hiccups.
Failure to Adhere to the Standards
Exporting to the global markets requires export documentation to be fully compliant with the set international standards. In short, if you fail to do so, your business would soon have unsatisfied customers and a loss of image and reputation. You can easily count it as a blow to your anticipated business profits and growth. A good software tool for export documentation is designed to abide by these standards and weed out any chances of non-compliance. Thus, if you are still managing export documentation manually, it is the right time to make a switch.    
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impexdocs · 4 years
Do You Need Export Permit for Every Export of Plants and Plant Products?
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has the authority to issue export permit for plants and plant products. However, not every export consignment in these categories requires a permit. You need to understand it with respect to two important criterions:
First, do your goods fall in prescribed or non-prescribed goods category?
Second, does the importing country (or the importer) demand a phytosanitary certificate or not?
Let’s elaborate more on this. What Is a Phytosanitary Certificate? A phytosanitary certificate, which the DAWE only has the authority to issue, certifies that the products intended for export have been inspected and/or tested to be pest-free. Generally, a majority of importing countries demand this certificate even before the dispatch of the products. Though, there are exceptions where a few countries don’t require it in case of some product types. When an exporter initiates a request for permits, the application also includes the request for a phytosanitary certificate. The DAWE assigns an officer to inspect the goods in a registered establishment. On the basis of this inspection, the department issues or denies export permit as well as phytosanitary certificates.
What Are Prescribed and Non-prescribed Goods Categories?
The prescribed goods in the plants and plant products categories include:
Prescribed grains and seeds
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Plant products like tissue cultures, fodder, cotton, timber products and more
In conclusion, all other products not included above are the non-prescribed goods.
3 Situations You Must Understand
Firstly, an export permit is not required if the goods in question belong to the category of non-prescribed goods.
Secondly, an export permit is required if the goods in question are from the prescribed goods category as well as the importing country demands for a phytosanitary certificate.
Lastly, an export permit is required even if the importing country doesn’t demand a phytosanitary certificate, but the goods in question belong to the prescribed goods category.
If you still have a doubt, you may consider hiring an export documentation consultant to avoid any mistakes. In addition to providing guidance, these experts may also help you obtain export permits and other important documents quickly.
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impexdocs · 4 years
How to Request for Permits Using Just a Web Browser?
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The process of submitting the request for permits to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) has undergone numerous changes. Earlier, the exporters had to apply for export permits using paper-based forms. Being very time-consuming, this process had a risk of a high number of human errors. So, the issues were addressed with the help of export documentation software tools. The DAWR also made it simple by launching its EXDOC platform for electronic documentation. Today, it is possible to follow the process simply using a web browser. Find out how.
The Answer Lies in Cloud
Cloud computing has further made the export documentation process absolutely simple and much faster than before. Here’s how you can use cloud solutions to enjoy many benefits:
Subscribe to a cloud-based export documentation software. The benefit of doing it is that you don’t need to install any expensive software on your office computer. It further saves you from the costs of updating and maintaining the software.
You can log in to the software using a compatible web browser on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. You would need a good internet connection for it.
Use the software to submit the request for export permits by connecting to the DAWR’s EXDOC system. You must be registered with the EXDOC system as an exporter or an EDI user for this.
You may also use the process to apply for Health/Phytosanitary Certificates and other trade documents to the DAWR.
What Are Its Advantages?
Cost-saving is the prime advantage of using a cloud solution. There are software vendors that don’t enforce their clients to buy the whole solution packages. You can buy only the required application based on your export documentation needs. However, it is better to use the complete packages for preparing other important documents like export declaration numbers, certificates of origin, commercial invoices, packing lists, bill of lading and more.
The process is completely secure as it follows the cloud and data security protocols. You can also track the progress in real time and immediately respond to the DAWR in case it demands evidence and more information before processing your application. The export documentation using a web browser is indeed a boon for the export businesses.
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impexdocs · 4 years
How to Obtain Online Certificate of Origin in Victoria?
Submitting a certificate of origin for stamping online serves several purposes. It saves time especially when you are in a hurry. Moreover, it may also reduce the overall cost of export documentation. However, you must know the right procedure and other important aspects of preparing online certificates of origin. If you are an exporter from Victoria, here is a small guide to help you in this regard. So, it is important to know whom to contact and what steps to follow for getting the online certificate of Origin.
Whom to Contact?The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the authorized body to stamp the certificates of origin. For getting the stamping, you need to submit the certificate to the chamber in person or via post or online for. Generally, the chamber promises a minimum turnaround time of 2 hours if you do it online. It also offers useful guides for first time users to follow the right steps. You may obtain the certificate for different free trade agreements (FTAs), including:
Japan-Australia FTA (JAEPA)
Thailand-Australia FTA (TAFTA)
Korea-Australia FTA (KAFTA) and more
What Do You Need?Firstly, you need is an online documentation software or service to interact with the chamber. For this, consider using a cloud solution that can make the process even more flexible and faster.
Next, you would need to register with the chamber as an exporter to use its online services. It is important to note that you must:
Share the required details about your export business accurately
Provide the list of authorized signatories who can sign the certificate on behalf of your company
Register separately for each free trade agreement
Important Things to Know To begin with, you must always type the certificate of origin you wish to get stamped by the chamber. You must submit two copies of the certificate, one to be returned after stamping and second to be maintained for its records by the chamber. You may also need to attach the required proofs like a letter of credit, an invoice or a bill of lading.
By opting for the online certificates of origin, you can save the post/courier cost and print the stamped certificates directly at your office.
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impexdocs · 4 years
How to Use NEXDOC to Request for Permits in the Future?
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) issues export permits. It also issues other important trade documents required to export controlled goods from Australia. Many years ago, the DAWR introduced EXDOC as the electronic platform to help exporters request for permits online and reduce the amount of paperwork. The move was welcomed and helped to speed up the documentation process. It also helped exporters and export agents to speed up the documentation process and eliminate the common human errors. To make it even more useful, the DAWR is in the process of transit from EXDOC to NEXDOC. This new process claims to offer better electronic documentation benefits. Starting 2019, the transition would be complete by the end of 2020. Post this, the exporters would be able to use NEXDOC for obtaining documents for prescribed and non-prescribed goods in the categories like plants, plant products, animals, dairy, egg products, meat and meat products and many more. Irrespective of whether you currently use the EXDOC system or not, it is important that you know about the upcoming system. Here’s a brief guide.
Consult Your Software Vendor
The DAWR maintains a list of authorized software vendors from whom you can buy a software to use the current EXDOC system for permit requests and other documents. If you are already using a software from one of these companies, you must consult it on how it plans to upgrade the software to use the NEXDOC system. In addition, you must check the updates on the DAWR website regarding how the transition is happening for different commodities. As soon as the website updates about a module for the commodity you are interested in, you can get back to your software vendor and know the steps required to update your software.
Buy a Third-party Software
If you are not using a third-party software at present, you start using one immediately. It eases the process to interact with the EXDOC system. It would help you enjoy the current benefits and also those NEXDOC promises shortly. Some of these include:
The ability to print the approved documents and certificates right at your office
Track the request for permits status
Validate the permit request before submission
Faster export documentation and more
With NEXDOC getting ready for use, the process of export documentation would indeed become simpler.
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impexdocs · 4 years
How Do I Hire Experts Only for Getting EDN-CRN?
An export declaration number (EDN) is what an exporter receives after submitting an export declaration to the Customs. Another important entity is the consolidation reference number (CRN) . This validates a submanifest under which different consignments are consolidated. Both these numbers are issued by the Customs and are important throughout the export process. If you are an exporter, you must obtain them as a part of the export documentation process. If you lack time and knowledge to apply for EDN and CRN, you can hire an expert in preparing export documents. Now, the question is whether it is possible to use expert services only for this purpose or do you need to buy the full documentation services?
Look for Customized Service Providers
There are many firms in Australia that offer flexible documentation services to the exporters. What you need to do is to search for the firms that offer customized services according to the individual needs of different export businesses. By choosing one of them, you can:
Assign them the task to submit an export declaration for obtaining EDN and CRN
Take care of the rest of the documentation needs by yourself
Pay only for the hired service and save money in the process
Avoid training your staff for these services
Use the expert service once or for all export consignments in the future
In short, they won’t insist you sign any long-term contracts. This means you are outsourcing a part of the documentation process to someone who can help you save time and money.
How to Choose the Right Service?
Before you select a service provider in this direction, make sure to compare various options to:
Check their experiences and go with the one having expertise in the international trade documentation service
Find out which one offers complete transparency and security in the process
Choose the firm which is available round the clock and via different modes
Know what do they charge and whether you need to pay monthly or after every assignment
It would be even better to choose a firm which offers documentation services for other trade documents as well in case you need them in the future.
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impexdocs · 4 years
3 Steps to Get FTA Preferential Tariffs While Exporting from Australia
The free trade agreements (FTAs) benefit both importers and exporters in getting reduced tariffs on various goods. However, there is a definite procedure that you must follow to enjoy these benefits. If you are an exporter from Australia exporting goods to the countries like China, Thailand, Korea, Japan and others, you must study the FTAs and prepare documents like a certificate of origin. In order to understand the procedure, here are three steps to go through.
Number 1: Refer to the Right FTA to Know Tariff Cuts
Australia has many FTAs that are currently in force. For example, the country’s FTA with Japan is officially known as JAEPA. Likewise, the FTAs with Korea, Thailand and various ASEAN countries are respectively called KAFTA, TAFTA and AANZFTA. You can access the content of these FTAs from FTA portals.
Once you open the FTA portal, you would be required to search for the goods you wish to search the current tariffs for. There are two ways of doing it:
Type the name of the product as the search keyword
Provide the HS (Harmonised Community Description and Coding System) code
Generally, an HS code is a six-digit number, though it can have eight digits or more for sub-categories of products. After the search is successful, you would be able to find the preferential tariffs for the product you wish to export.
Number 2: Find Out the Eligibility of Your Goods
In order to get the reduced tariff benefits, your goods must meet the rule of origin conditions. It should be noted that the goods you wish to export meet these conditions if they:
Are wholly obtained in Australia
Are whole produced in Australia
Have been transformed from inputs that didn’t originate in Australia
To know more, you can again refer to the FTA portal. Search for the good and switch to the ‘rule of origin’ section. There, you may be required to answer a few questions to know whether your goods stand eligible for the tariff cut or not.
Number 3: Prepare a Certificate of Origin
Finally, you need to prepare a certificate of origin if your goods are entitled for preferential tariffs. For this, you must:
Know the chamber of commerce from which you need to get the certificate stamped
Register with the chamber
Type the certificate as per the format prescription from the chamber
Include the HS code and other important details in the certificate
Submit the certificate for stamping. It can be done manually, via post or electronically using a software
Once stamped, the chamber would return the certificate that you may attach with other trade documents
Overall, the procedure is same for different FTAs and certificate of origin, including ChAFTA, TAFTA, AANZFTA, KAFTA, JAEPA certificate of origin and others. In contrast to submitting the certificate for stamping manually, it is better to do it electronically. In fact, you may use a software not only to submit the certificate but also to receive it back and print it right at your office.
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impexdocs · 4 years
Who Can Raise a Request for Permit to Export Agricultural Goods?
It should be noted that The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources in Australia is now the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE). The Department continues to control the export of plants and animals and plant and animal-based products. Therefore, you need to submit a request for permits to the DAWE to obtain export permits for exporting goods in these categories. Find out who all can follow the procedure and how.
Can You Request for Permit?
The DAWE authorizes the following individuals to raise export permits:
Exporters: If you are an exporter, you can register with the Department to apply for the export permits. For instance, the exporters exporting goods in the categories like eggs and egg products, dairy, meat and meat products, horticulture, fish and fish products can directly approach the DAWE for this.
Manufacturers: The manufacturers or producers of products in the above-mentioned categories may also perform the task. Similarly, the freight forwarders can also follow the procedure.
Service Providers: The export documentation software and service providers can do it on behalf of the exporters.
EDI Users: Anyone approaching the DAWE for export permits need to register with the department as an EDI user. To sum up, irrespective of whether you are an exporter or a service provider, you must be a registered EDI user.
How to Do It?
The DAWE runs EXDOC system as an electronic platform using which an EDI user can raise a request for permits online. In addition to registering with the EXDOC system, you must buy or subscribe to a compatible software to establish a communication interface. The Department authorizes a number of software vendors for this purpose. You can easily access the list of these vendors on the Department’s official website. Every EDI user gets a unique ID to raise permit requests. Not only this, you may also use the ID to apply for other important trade documents such as health/phytosanitary certificates. You can refer to the Manual of Importing Country Requirements with the DAWE to know the exact requirements for these documents.
Clearly, EXDOC offers a fast and effort-free way to accelerate your export documentation process.  
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impexdocs · 4 years
Why Does Your Business Need Cloud Export Documentation Software?
Because of the benefits they offer, the cloud-based software solutions are in great demand. Organizations from healthcare, finance and other spheres are fast switching from desktop software tools to those running on the cloud. Likewise, the export industry is making the required switch, especially for the purposes like document preparation. Know how an export documentation software solution is the need of the hour for your export business.
Remote Functioning
At this time, several export firms and agents prefer flexible operations without any location or time constraints. Unlike the traditional scenario of operating from a desktop, the cloud solutions promise the freedom to go mobile. For instance, you can submit an export permit request or edit an existing certificate of origin using cloud software from anywhere. In case an employee stays home because of sickness, he or she can still access the software to avoid documentation delays.
No Software Maintenance
The software installed and running on a computer in your office may require frequent upgrading and maintenance. As a consequence, you may end up spending a lot of time and money in the process. Moreover, you may not get the right support in case the software demand urgent repair due to a technical glitch. On the other hand, there are people always ready to take care of repairing, maintaining and updating the cloud solutions. You simply don’t need to pay attention to it.
On-demand Availability
Many exporters feel enforced to buy the entire desktop software packages whereas they needed only a few features or functions. It obviously leads to unnecessary expenses not just for the initial installation, but also during maintenance and upgrading. Contrary to that, cloud solutions are usually scalable to meet the present as well as the future needs of a firm.
Business Improvement
Along with time and cost saving, the cloud-based export documentation solutions add value to the businesses. You may expect to gain a competitive edge over other exporters and also prepare for incidents like disaster recovery. Secure information storage and retrieval and enhanced collaboration with other parties are other value additions you can expect for your firm.
To summarize, your firm can address many documentation concerns it currently faces using an export documentation software. Consequently, you can focus on other important business activities.    
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impexdocs · 4 years
Is It Faster to Get Certificates of Origin Stamped Online?
Online certificates of origin offer a number of benefits, one of them being significant time-saving. Before you learn more about it, it is important to know how it works. You can use a software to communicate with a chamber of commerce. Type a certificate of origin in the prescribed format and send it to the chamber for stamping. You would also need to pay the required fee. Let’s find out how it saves time and offers other benefits.
Saving Time with Online Certificates of Origin
Rather than visiting a chamber of commerce in person or sending the Certificates of Origin by post/courier, you just need to send it electronically to the provided email address. If you are using cloud-based software, you can accomplish it even faster using a mobile device from anywhere. When you send a Certificates of Origin for stamping online, you can expect the chamber of commerce to respond quickly. Even if there are some mistakes or the chamber demands additional proofs, you can respond back faster.
In addition, you may save time by simply copying the previous messages whenever you need a Certificates of Origin in the future as well. Another benefit is that rather than receiving the stamped Certificates of Origin by post or courier, you can request the chamber to send it online. After that, you can print the certificate right at your own office and further save a lot of time.
What Other Benefits Does It Offer?
Getting a certificate of origin stamped online may also help you save costs. Most of the chambers of commerce charge lesser for online stamping than the traditional process. Moreover, you can save the postal/courier costs as well.
If you think a step ahead and choose good export documentation software, you may prepare many other documents required for exporting online. Apart from the certificates of origin, these tools can help you apply for the export permits, Heath/Phytosanitary certificates and export declaration numbers online. You may also prepare commercial invoices, packing lists and several other documents conveniently.
By completely switching to online export documentation, imagine how much more time and cost you can save. The trend is indeed gaining popularity among exporters from Australia.
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impexdocs · 4 years
A Guide to Use EXDOC System for Important Export Documents
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The Export Documentation (EXDOC) System is an electronic platform used by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR), Australia to receive a number of export documentation related requests from the exporters.  The system makes the procedure much easier and faster than traditional paper-based documentation requests. If you are about to use it for the very first time, here is a useful guide to help you.
Why Use EXDOC System?
You would need to use the EXDOC system for two important purposes:
To lodge the request for permits for export
To apply for a number of export-related documents like Heath/Phytosanitary Certificates and others as demanded by the importing countries
Now, you must know about which categories of goods you need to apply for export permit and export documents with this system. These include goods that are controlled by the DAWR and are broadly classified into two categories:
Plants and plant products, including grains, seeds, cut flowers, fruits, vegetables, foliage, timber, log and so on.
Animals and animal products, including milk and milk products, meat and meat products, egg and egg products, fish and fish products, livestock and more
How to Register with EXDOC?
In order to use the EXDOC system, you must be registered with it as an exporter or an EDI user or as both. An EDI user is authorized to make requests for permits and export documents on behalf of a registered exporter. In order to get registered as an EDI user, you must have a software accredited by and compliant with the EXDOC system. You can find a list of accredited vendors on the official website of the DAWR. It is recommended that you choose a software which is cloud-based as it makes the process of applying for the documents much more convenient. You may also choose a software package that helps in preparing other important trade documents. As per the recent updates, the DAWR is ready to upgrade its EXDOC system to NEXDOC that would offer documentation support for many additional goods. Make sure that you keep a watch on the transition.
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