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imperterritum · 9 months ago
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Timeline: 29th February 2024, Thursday, late night. Location: New York, New York. Mood: Happy. Attire: See above. Music: LIGHT AND SHADE by Fra Lippo Lippi.
After a long time, Rian comes back to New York. He arrived in the city very early this morning. Later at night, he meets with old friends for dinner and drinks. He learns that Wyatt is in France for business. He will meet up with his friend when the other gets back from his trip...
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imperterritum · 9 months ago
“Sail on the wings of a cloud Where to, well nobody knows And cry, cry if you want them to see Die every day to be free.”
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imperterritum · 2 years ago
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» MEANING: Lee [ Lee is a given name derived from a surname of English origin that means “clearing” or “meadow.” ]; Stratton [ English and Scottish: habitational name from any of several places called Stratton or Stretton almost all named with Old English strǣt ‘paved road Roman road’ + tūn 'enclosure settlement’.]; Wyatt [ The name Wyatt is an old English name meaning “brave at war.” It is derived from the Medieval name Wyot which, itself, is a form of the given name Wigheard, with wig meaning “war” and heard meaning “brave.” Alternative spellings, used by the Normans in the Middle Ages, are Wiot and Gyot.]
VERSES: The Agency; The Game; Excess Baggage.
NICKNAME(S): Only his parents call him by his given name; everyone else calls him by his last name, even his younger sister. 
AGE: 42-years old.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1981 May 31st, Sunday.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Wachapreague, Virginia.
OCCUPATION: Wyatt & Parker, Co. founder and CEO; Senior Talent Agent.
RELIGION: Born Christian, non-practicing.
ORIENTATION: Bisexual; Biromantic.
GENDER: Cisgender male.
Years of meeting people broke the shell that once hid Wyatt. He no longer was the loner he once was and enjoyed people’s company. Wyatt is a charmer. He is a very good listener and even a better speaker. He can talk people into agreeing with him without them knowing it. Wyatt has the talent to adapt to each person he meets making him the perfect agent. He can connect people and meet them in their level and once he got their attention, it is easy for him to make them do what is needed to be done that often lead to their success. Some might say that Wyatt can be cocky because there are times that he is. But a lot of it is for a show, a performance in front of clients that could potentially give his talent a job. Wyatt is very persistent. He goes after what he wants and doesn’t stop until he gets it. But Wyatt is not all work. On a personal level, he is very out-going. He is open-minded and easy to talk to. He believes in giving people a chance and has a soft spot for underdogs. Wyatt is not easy to anger but when he does gets upset, everyone in the office knows about it and they stay away from him. He treats his people right and is considerate of them. He can be vengeful if was wronged. Wyatt is loyal to his friends and loves his family.
STRENGTHS: Loyal, Adaptable, Affectionate, Curious, Adventurous.
WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, Indecisive, Inconsistent, Nervous, Obsessive.
FACE CLAIM: Chris Pine.
HEIGHT: 6’0” [ 182 cm. ]
WEIGHT: 171 lbs. [ 78 kg. ]
BUILD: Athletic.
HAIR COLOR: Dirty blonde, with some grey.
» SCARS: A few. Details to be added.
HOMETOWN: Wachapreague, Virginia.
RESIDENCES: Wachapreague, Virginia; NYC.
ETHNICITY: Caucasian.
FINANCIAL: Upper-class.
EDUCATION LEVEL: University graduate.
DEGREES: Bachelor of Science in Media, Culture, and Communication with minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology.
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English is his first language. He can converse in French and Spanish. He knows some German. He’s also been learning some Asian languages. 
PARENTS: Names to be added; both alive.
SIBLINGS: Younger sister.
CHILDREN: Wyatt has no biological children but he has adopted his cousin Cassie who is 13-years old and nephew Lee, 5-years old, named after him by his younger sister.
PETS: None. But the kids want a dog. NO DOGS, he said.
SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIPS: Very close with his best friend Mack.
» TBA.
HISTORY: Growing up in Wachapreague, a small fishing city in Virginia, life for Wyatt had always been uneventful. He saw very little happening in his hometown making him crave for whatever the outside world had to offer. Living in the city where generations of his family had settled for years and years, Wyatt just felt like breaking free. Not that he didn’t like or loved his home town, he just thought there was more than what he’d known most of his young life. 
Being young and having such a different view about life from the crowd he lived with, it was often tough for Wyatt. At one point, Wyatt’s constant longing for whatever was out there made him appear arrogant and insensitive, not understanding why the people he knew all his life - including his parents - chose to live a simple life. He found himself questioning and wondering why his parents had to settle with the life in Wachapreague where almost nothing exciting happens. It took a while before Wyatt finally understood his old folks. It didn’t matter to them where they live. His father said that as long as they are all together, they would be happy. It just also happened that his his mother a home maker and his father a mechanic, loved Wachapreague where they were born and grew up and knew nothing else but their family and the place. Wyatt just wanted something more. Maybe because he was young and didn’t have the same sentiments his parents had, he would rather be somewhere else and this, surprisingly, his parents encouraged.
Wyatt grew up to be an intelligent man. He had always been smart and excelled in school when he was younger. Not really a popular student, Wyatt accepted that he was different from the general population of his class. He often distanced himself from kids of his own age and spent his time working as a tour guide at their city’s historic port. He also worked in the ticket booth at the local and only theater in the town. 
Wyatt was very tall and very thin and wore glasses. Nobody paid him mind and no one really wanted to date him which was frustrating to him in so many different levels especially when he realized and he realized very early on that he wasn’t like his peers in a sense he felt attraction towards both men and women… But through all this he had his best friend Mack, a young girl who lived next door and was a few years younger than him. They shared something in common and that is their dream of leaving Wachapreague one day. Mack understood Wyatt more than any other person he knew and he was grateful for that. 
Wyatt at first didn’t really get why the girl hung out with him but eventually he got over it and just enjoyed the girl’s company. During his younger years, Wyatt submerged himself in everything that he believed showed him the outside world; his portals through different places he wanted to visit and people he wanted to meet. He listened to different types of music, watched various TV shows, and knew every Hollywood film in existence (or so he claimed.) This passion he shared with his best friend Mack, the person he deemed to be the smartest of all the people he knew. 
Later on during his junior year, Wyatt decided that he would no longer just dream about the places he wanted to see and the people he wanted to meet. He would work hard to make it happen. He would be something - someone - big and his name will be part of the world he had became very passionate about.
Wyatt who was naturally a loner, got involved in the high school’s drama group. He even volunteered at one of the town’s theater groups, doing backstage work; set design, lightning, and eventually advertising but he always wanted to be in the spot light. But sadly, Wyatt lack the talent, the grace, and the look of a potential Wachapreague local theater star but he had all the charm and personality the tourists (people he didn’t really know) enjoyed and liked and so he got stuck with the marketing piece of the productions which he tremendously enjoyed. 
All through this, Wyatt also worked hard in school, realizing that education and scholarship were his only ticket out of Wachapreague. His parents might have decent amount of money saved but it wasn’t enough to send Wyatt to college. Wyatt had two other younger siblings that his parents still have to look after and take care of. He was to look after for himself now and so he did. Wyatt’s hard work eventually paid off as he was granted full-scholarship sending him to New York to attend NYU Steinhardt taking up Bachelor of Science in Media, Culture, and Communication with minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology. 
Wyatt had to take on a job while he studied to support himself. Later on, he did internship at various agencies representing artists including actors, musicians, and models. Getting a small taste of the life he wanted to live, Wyatt transformed himself and absorbed everything and anything that he could learn from people that he met everyday. Through his internships he met people that later on will play a big part in shaping Wyatt-Parker & Co. 
Wyatt-Parker & Co. came about a few years after Wyatt graduated from NYU. He remained in New York and worked for one of the most prestigious talent agencies in the country. Most days he worked 16 hours straight doing errands that nobody else in the office would do. Wyatt dealt with the ‘training’ for almost two years before his potential was given a chance, even then he was still considered an assistant. Wyatt learned to suck it up, once again learning everything he could learn from his boss, working to climb up the ladder until he became a junior agent. Wyatt stayed with the company for 3 to 4 more years before deciding to work solo. Although he knew that the growth of his career had a bigger chance if he stayed with the agency, but he wanted to make it on his own. There were things, ideas in his head that he would like to put into action and he could only do that if he didn’t have to answer to anyone but himself.
In 2007, armed with a few names of connections he’d made in the past and his dream of making it to the top, Wyatt started his own talent agency. The first steps were easy enough, licensing and filing necessary documents to represent people in the entertainment industry but he realized that he couldn’t do the rest by himself. He then sought his best friend, Mack’s help, convincing the young woman to gamble in the showbusiness with him.  
Two years in the business, the agency then became partners with Elena Borichevsky, Mack’s friend from college, expanding the business. But the agency’s real break didn’t come until early in 2011 when well-known young British actress Kathryn Henley signed up with them. Henley’s success in the industry and her Oscar nomination put Wyatt-Parker & Co.’s on the map. Artists both newcomers and old timers wanted to be represented by them. But there are rules and standards that Wyatt believed and his agents not only look for the most talented in the industry but also the newest discoveries that had potential. 
With the business’ success, Wyatt doesn’t forget where he came from and often thought about home but this is his world now and he loved every minute of it. The attention, the money, the success. He knew that all of it rooted from all their hard work and he strived to work harder. But what would happen if success suddenly started to run his life and his agency plagued with gossips and scandal? Would he think that it wasn’t as great as he thought or would he go with the flow?
ROMANTIC HISTORY: Wyatt is currently unattached. He works too much to be in a relationship although enjoys occasional encounters with people that interest him.
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Wyatt is very fond of his best friend Mack and very close with Elena as well. He is very good friends with Eirian and Damon. He is very protective of his cousin Cassie and nephew Lee whom he adopted.
MENTAL DISORDER: None; undiagnosed.
PREDISPOSITION(S): Depression, alcoholism.
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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The Innocence Test
Baddie (50)
you're the most fun, but my mom would for sure let me hang out with you still. you've managed to find that sweet spot we all look for — teach us your ways.
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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which word for love are you?
selfless, unconditional, universal love. the love you feel for everybody and everything around you.
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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what are you?
a burning heart
you believe yourself to be terribly unlovable, and that is why you push away the people who try, because there must be something awfully wrong with them to love someone like you. love transforms you no matter how long you hold it in your shaking hands. you love the way a wound does. your heart has never stopped bleeding since the first moment it broke.
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
Are you lonely today? Want some company?
{ valentine’s day asks }
[ private ]
“I’m lonely everyday.”
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“Thank you for asking but I don’t think it’d be a good idea.”
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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Character Flaws
Bold the ones that apply to your character
absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | bigmouth | bigot | blindly obedient | blunt | callous | childish | chronic heroism | clingy | clumsy | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | frail | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naïve | nervous | nosy | ornery | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
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imperterritum · 4 years ago
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Timeline: 2nd June 2019, Saturday, 7:00 p.m. Location: River’s apartment in Manhattan. Mood: Calm, quiet. Attire: See above. The bunny is River’s kid neighbor’s pet...
After his trip to Honolulu back in April, Rian headed back home to the UK to work on some project. He has now returned to New York and is spending some time with his good friend River who is still struggling to combat his depression... Rian doesn’t plan to do much this weekend. On Monday, he will meet with possible business partners for his next project.
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imperterritum · 5 years ago
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imperterritum · 6 years ago
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imperterritum · 6 years ago
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╳   FLAWS .
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power - hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive |
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny |
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling |
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imperterritum · 6 years ago
Javier wasn’t sure if it was the lips on his skin or what registered in Eirian’s eyes. For as long as they’d known one another and found themselves in the same circle of elite men in need of escorts for company and to fill their desires; he’d accused the man of being attracted to him. When nothing came of the accusation or his teasing, Javier tucked his tail between his legs and accepted the older male’s rejection. Now he wondered if it was rejection or just denial. Warm breath ghosted across his skin and he swore he felt his body shiver. This was different. This wasn’t a client in need of a release. This was Eirian using his body against him and to avoid talking about what was bothering him. Javier was too weak to avoid the game being played. His fingers sunk deeper into the man’s hair. He pulled, directing Eirian’s head back in an attempt not to lose eye contact. “Don’t answer a question with a question…it’s rude.” Bending his knee, he brushed the front of the man’s pants, confirming what he suspected; he wasn’t the only one hard and aroused by this moment. Watching the lips touch his skin. Maintaining eye contact, Javier could do nothing but surrender. Moaning he moved Eirian’s hand lower, placing it over the bulge in front of his pants. “Are you actually going to let me have what I want.” Why did this man drive him crazy? Was it the denial or was it something else? Right now he didn’t care, Javier just had a desire, no a need to be touched.
Eirian was clearly drunk but a lot still register to him from Javier’s words and the hand that tugged at his hair and the other feeling up his front... He was hard which was not a surprise. Javier’s a beautiful man and feeling the other for the first time awakened something in him. Should he continue with this? He didn’t want to stop but he knew he’d regret things come the morning. He let the young man guide his hand to feel the obvious bulge just under the other’s pants. He let his hand stay there for a moment, gently grasping, “This is what you want?” And continued to kiss the skin around the man’s navel while his other hand pushed the man’s shirt up to the other’s chest. “I don’t think you know what you want... And trust me, whatever it is, I could never give it to you,” he said and let his hands snake around the man’s waist, his face nuzzling the exposed abdomen...
Blurred Lines
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imperterritum · 6 years ago
Frustrating was the easiest word that came to mind when Javier thought about Eirian. He was reminded, often that he wasn’t the man’s type. It still led to questions in his mind. Nothing made sense to him and the more he tried to argue logic, the more he was reminded time and again that this was only business. It would be easy to pout. Fold his arms over his chest and demand that attention be paid to him or that he even get what he wanted in return. He knew that approach would go nowhere. Instead he pretended to be in control and have demands of his own. Eirian’s still came first. “Let me get this right – You’re not interested in me. I’m not your type but you want me to remain exclusive.” Shrugging his shoulders and holding his arms out, Javier relented. “Whatever you want.” He stood tall, moving closer to where Eirian stood. “Is that it? No other clients. No fun? No sex? No you? Got it.” Annoyed was another way to describe his mood around Eirian. The demands alone had crawled beneath Javier’s skin and the irritation began to build. “You’re a liar.” There was no more biting his tongue. Anger didn’t accompany his words. He was amused. “You have demands. You tell me you’re not interested but you have demands.” His laughter grew louder. Smile widening and spreading across his face. “You want me. Or you wouldn’t waste your time trying to limit how many clients I please.”
Eirian expected the reaction from Javier but he didn’t show no expression and remained calm the entire time. When the younger man finished, Rian clenched his jaw and nodded his head. “Good point. But did ever occur to you that I might be just another sick, rich bastard who has nothing better to do with his money?” He looked Javier straight in the eyes. “Perhaps I enjoy confusing you and making you suffer a little that I’d pay this kind of amount so I could control you. Which make more sense?” With an eyebrow raised he continued, “But it’s your choice. Take the deal or walk out of here with less money in your pocket,” his shoulders shrugged. 
Shaky Ground
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imperterritum · 6 years ago
What Javier expected was to be pushed away again. He could see the words beginning to form on Eirian’s lips. Another five minutes of disagreeing and then the man would likely pass out. What happened next shocked him and left his breaths moving forcefully in and out of his lungs. He’d heard it when it hitched from the slightest touch of the man’s fingers. His shirt was pulled from his pants. Months of denials and rejections had left him unprepared for this. “Yes.” He responded, forcing his mind and mouth to work together in order to form words. “I wanted…” he got stuck on that word and quickly course corrected. “I want to play.” Eirian didn’t look at him, instead his gaze was focused on the fingers moving across his skin and the veins beneath. His own hand moved to cover Eirian’s. As good as it felt. As much as he wanted him to touch and explore, Javier was no fool. “This your way of avoiding talking about what’s wrong with you?” The escort in him, moved closer, nudging the man’s legs apart so he could fill the void. He draped one arm lazily over Eirian’s shoulders and the other guided the hand on his abdomen across skin. He could have pushed it lower to his bulge but he decided to wait. His fingers went to the short strands of the man’s hair, gently tugging and pulling. Still his other hand guided, upwards towards his chest, slow, waiting for the moment that Eirian pulled away but he hadn’t yet. “Why now?” His voice was nearly a purr. So sexually deprived that his body responded almost immediately from a nearly innocent touch. 
Eirian was aware that whatever he was doing would completely go against his principle, his personal rule when it comes to getting involved with Javier... This felt - right but wrong at the same time. Conflicted, he told himself the reason why he was diverting the man’s attention to something else, something he knew that had been on the escort’s mind. Perhaps because it had been in his as well... And as his fingers continued to explore, he felt that familiar twitch between his legs, the growing need that had not been fed in many weeks. He was drunk, full of lust and temptation and Javier’s hand in his hair did not help to clear his already tortured mind. But the present wasn’t the only thing that plagued his mind. There was the past, the one thing that held him captive all this time; a reason behind not moving on... “Why not now?” He hummed the response, mind spinning as he looked up, meeting Javier’s eyes as he leaned in, lips touching the hot skin his fingers were exploring...
Blurred Lines
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