Rosado Ka’Taramas. Imperial Intelligence. Indie Star Wars OC Clone Wars and OT Verses, Legends Based. Mun and Muse are 21+ years of age. Please read about & rules before interacting.
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“I don’t care that we are meant to be collegues, Colonel. This is your only warning: if you continue to take this condescending tone with me, I will kill you.”
"Colleagues? Commodore, I would much rather be friends."
"As for your death threat? I welcome it. However, I did not mean you any offense. In fact, I'm really starting to like you."
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「 i would have offered you something to drink but alas your insolence had suddenly made it unwelcome. still as arrogant as the rumors that spreads on your behalf, i noticed. 」 moss-coloured eyes dragged lazily across the room to follow where the voice came from. spine ramrod straight, pressed to the back of the chair he sat upon. the lines of unwavering features, sharp-carved and deep.
「 men were not meant to be machines. 」 though easily said than done, he said to himself. the truth was… he had been fitted with the cybernetics but his body refused the calibration making it impossible for the GENERAL to properly make use of them despite his hatred for the prosthetics. he had no reasons to tell her this. 「 if mockery is all you had in store for me today, you may take your leave. 」
“I’m pleased to see that your wit came through unscathed, at least.” She returned, stepping towards the middle of the room. “Men were not meant to be machines... Clearly, you have yet to share that one with Lord Vader - some friendly advice? Don’t.”
She chewed over her thoughts for a moment, and then gave him earnest shake of the head. “Mockery? Please, that hardly warrants a personal visit, though it is fun.” She clasped her hands behind her back and gave him a respectful nod. “Actually, I have an opportunity for you. We may disagree on some things, but there’s no need for animosity. I know your value, unlike the mob of physicians who currently hold you captive.”
"General Veers, congratulations on your efforts to liberate the Hoth System. I am sure you have made The Emperor very proud. A shame about your injuries..."
"Usually, I would express my sympathies. However, you do realize that there is a certain irony in that a man who has dedicated his career to advancing and commanding mechanical walking machines harbouring a reluctance to get himself outfitted with cybernetic legs? It's nearly as ridiculous as that hovering contraption you whizz around in."
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"Admiral Piett.”
"Congratulations. It’s so good to finally see a competent officer in command of The Executor. Between you and me, Ozzel was hardly the first man to have problems with shooting out of lightspeed prematurely. He should have tried kegels.”
#admrl#(I'm so sorry lol)#(it was too ripe an opportunity for a silly joke)#(I'll reign her in next time)#(promise)#nsfwish
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“You talk a great deal about our heroes for someone lacking in even the most basic of respect for their personal agency.”
“... and you’re talking all kinds of sanctimonious drivel. Personal agency? Do not make me laugh. If you haven’t yet noticed, we serve a totalitarian regime. For better or for worse, Imperialism isn’t exactly compatible with the notion of respecting individual liberties. It’s time you got used to that.”
“As much as I enjoy a rousing philosophical debate, we will end up in circles before long. Shall we agree to disagree and move past this?”
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“General Veers is a competent officer. Save your venom for the more deserving.”
"Do you not think that I already know that? As far as I am concerned, Veers is an exemplary officer. So, how can you expect me to be content with his stupid decision to resign himself to wasting away in a hoverchair? "
"A man of his calibre, with so much untapped potential, electing to remain a cripple, simply because he is afraid of being the subject of social stigmatization? I cannot condone that. It's insulting. Not to mention, anything less would be a huge disservice. It would be in our best interests not to set a precedent. This is not how we want heroes of the Empire to be seen to be rewarded."
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"General Veers, congratulations on your efforts to liberate the Hoth System. I am sure you have made The Emperor very proud. A shame about your injuries..."
"Usually, I would express my sympathies. However, you do realize that there is a certain irony in that a man who has dedicated his career to advancing and commanding mechanical walking machines harbouring a reluctance to get himself outfitted with cybernetic legs? It's nearly as ridiculous as that hovering contraption you whizz around in."
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“Captain, I can see that you are concerned. Do not be. Have you not sprung a trap before?” Senior Colonel Ka’Taramas gave the other woman an amused grin. “You fought in the Clone War, comparatively, this will be a sweetcakewalk.”
She folded her arms across her chest, a coy expression creeping onto her features. “What? It is not like it’s such a difficult thing to work out. They don’t hand out Star Destroyers to cadets, and between you and me, up until quite recently, the rebellion has not been keeping us all that busy. Suffice to say, if you have distinguished yourself enough to earn a command of this stature, it is obvious as to where you got the prerequisite experience.”
“For what it is worth -” Rosado tapped her rank plaque with an index finger to emphasise the point. “I was there too, and it was a real shitshow. If that doesn’t convince you that I am not totally insane, then I do not know what will. ” Another smile crept onto her features, this time, one of reassurance as she leant over the Holotable. Strong fingers tapped at buttons as she punched up a simulated battlespace surrounding a holographic Justicia, and audibly sighed as the blue glimmering forms of three Liberty-Type star cruisers shot into the room as they exited their trip from virtual hyperspace.
“Aside from the pertinent aspects critical to our imminent survival, what I am about to say does not leave this room.” She nodded at the holographic starships. “This is six standard hours from now. Some of your pirate friends decided to tell the rebels all about the Imperial warships that have been harassing them. They think they’re quite clever. Unfortunately for them, I cracked their comms encryption months ago, and have been monitoring their transmissions ever since. Seeing as I was in the neighbourhood when I overheard this, and that it has been such a long time since I got to fly in and be a hero, I thought I’d pay you a visit.”
“You’re very welcome.” A smug smile which quickly straightened as she extended a hand to the Captain. “I wish only that it was under less dire circumstances. Senior Colonel Rosado Ka’Taramas, Imperial Intelligence.”
#elenacaptainofthestars#(Thanks for following me!)#(This starter ran away from me lol )#(also she's quite mouthy lol)#(feel free to shut her up any time haha)
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“Virtue? That died along with the all Jedi. To win, it must be we who think the unthinkable. No less. Or the Rebels have already won.”
Rosado Ka’Taramas. Independent Star Wars OC. Mun & Muse 21+
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Rosado Chicri Pritchett Josto Dreiz Ktrame Ka’Taramas, shortened to simply Rosado Ka’Taramas, was a human female, born 46 BBY, heralding from the matriarchal world of Emberlene in the Authala sector of the Expansion Region. A member of the Mistryl Shadow Guard, before then serving both CIS and Imperial Intelligence.
Like many children of the Mistryl aristocracy, Rosado was given up by her parents and indoctrinated from birth into the ranks of the Mistryl Shadow Guard, sworn to defend and protect Emberlene from the interference of outsiders, by any means necessary. As a shadow guard, Rosado demonstrated a high aptitude for unarmed combat, and was promoted to a Team Prime in 22 BBY shortly before the commencement of the Clone Wars
ACT 1: 26 BBY to 24 BBY
In the four years prior to the onset of The Clone Wars, Emberlene’s Eleven Elders of the People had quietly allied with the fledgling Confederacy of Independent Systems. Leveraging the power of its newfound position within the separatist alliance, Emberlene conquered and subjugated the populations of dozens of neighbouring worlds in acts of clear aggression. As a Team Prime, Rosado was often at the forefront of these campaigns, conducting operations in secret ahead of the main invasion to ensure a total Emberlene victory. These operations were often insidious, grim affairs, involving both space and ground action, to execute deeds of assassination, destabilization, sabotage; for the shadow guard, no lengths were too extreme to contemplate. For five years the Emberlene leadership denied all allegations of the invasions, only formally announcing to the galaxy the truth of its conquests once the separatists looked tipped to win the Clone Wars.
ACT 2: 24 BBY to 19 BBY
Securing a growing position of power in the Expansion Region, the Emberlene Elders pledged a large contingent of the Mistryl Shadow Guard to the services of Count Dooku, and many, Rosado among them, were assigned to the organic commanders of the droid armies, officially acting as advisors and bodyguards. Unofficially, the Mistryl adjutants were instructed by Dooku to spy on their commanders and report their dealings to him, and to act on any instructions given up to and including terminating their commander at the Count’s discretion. Rosado’s first posting was beside the Chiss Sev’rance Tann. Rosado highly admired and respected Tann, and strove to learn from and emulate her at every opportunity. Tann’s leadership was infectious, and the two women fostered an increasingly intimate friendship. A friendship, however, that was cut short only a month into the Clone War when Tann was killed by the Jedi Echuu Shen-Jon.
Sabaoth Squadron, a mercenary group allied to the CIS, had suffered the loss of its commander Captain Tavik Toth during the height of the first battle of Geonosis. Rosado was assigned as the Mistryl adjutant to its new commander, the separatist officer Jelahan Quest. Quest was ineffectual, arrogant, and greedy. Though an astute tactician, his previous experience with droid forces made him unsuited to the command of a living squadron. The general consensus that formed amongst Sabaoth’s ranks was that he held them with as little regard as battle droids. He was no Sev’rance Tann, and often ignored Rosado’s counsel at the costs of dozens of ships and lives. Seldom did Quest put himself in harm’s way. Their disagreements were frequently both public and damning.
Unable to excuse his failings, in 21 BBY, Rosado betrayed and violently murdered Quest, saving much of the squadron from a mission that would have resulted in nothing but high casualties, and then proclaimed herself the new commanding officer of Sabaoth Squadron.
Dooku didn’t seem to care of her betrayal, and informed her that she would not be punished for her actions as long as she produced results. Now in charge of the Sabaoth Destroyer, the Yerla Tasso, Rosado waged war against the Grand Army of the Republic, fighting on dozens of battlefronts, including Muunilinst, Pengalan IV, Esseles, Ord Canfre, Praesitlyn, Ragmar V and Boz Pity.
As the Empire rose from the embers of the Clone Wars, the Eleven Elders of the People recalled as many of the Mistryl as possible to defend Emberlene from an attack by rogue factions of the Thyrsian Sun Guard which had been hired by the peoples of the conquered worlds to raze Emberlene. Still operating as a CIS vessel, of which Emberline was a member world, Rosado and Sabaoth Squadron answered the call, and for 18 hellish standard months, Rosado fought defiantly against the Sun Guard. Sabaoth squadron, however, was slowly whittled down, millions of Mistryl were killed and it became clear to Rosado that the war that would eventually destroy Emberlene.
Abandoning the battle with a heavy heart, she realised that any CIS stronghold would soon be mopped up by the new Empire, whose forces outmatched that of the Thyrsian Sun Guard a thousand fold, and ultimately suffer the same fate as Emberlene.
She decided to surrender to the Empire. The Mistryl were a secretive society, and the shadow guard had a fearsome reputation. Seldom working with others. Rosado reasoned her overall value to the new Imperial Regime would outweigh her past as a member of the Separatists.
Disbanding what little remained of Sabaoth Squadron, Rosado took the Yerla Tasso to Esseles which had once briefly been a former CIS member, and its Imperial governor, Griff Takel, had successfully fostered a working relationship with the existing Esselian Hall with minimal punitive measures taken against those who had been aligned with the CIS.
ACT 3 - 18.5 BBY +
Surrendering to members of Imperial Naval Intelligence, operating out of Esseles, she pushed for her integration into the into the agency, in exchange for providing separatist intelligence about remaining sympathisers and information on the reclusive society of Emberlene.
As a member of naval intelligence, she thrived. With the Yerla Tasso retrofitted with Imperial Armaments and crew, her role focused on hunting out CIS stragglers and members of the newly formed Rebel Alliance. During these operations she discovered that Shen-Jon, the Jedi who had killed Tann had survived the purge. She became fixated on securing vengeance. Pursuing this personal crusade from the shadows.
Securing a number of promotions, not afraid to step over or occasionally remove her rivals permanently, she transferred to Imperial Intelligence. Over the next seventeen years, she worked inside a number of the agency’s departments, holding positions in Internal Counter Intelligence, and Destabilization before finally settling in Adjustments, directly reporting the shadowy Ubiqtorate. Though much of her dossier is classified, she was known to hold the rank of Senior Colonel by circa 7 BBY and of Deputy Director by circa 1 ABY.
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