“No idea lethallan. I’m so trustworthy.” She joked, pouring a glass of water.
“The healer fed me something gross. I feel sick.” Candy Hawke complained to Namara. She was still bed-ridden and was feeling really restless.
“It’s probably for your own good, Hawke.” Namara adjusted the covers over the other woman.
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“I could give some Dalish remedies. They’re wonderful.” She replied, heavy with the sarcasm.
“The healer fed me something gross. I feel sick.” Candy Hawke complained to Namara. She was still bed-ridden and was feeling really restless.
“It’s probably for your own good, Hawke.” Namara adjusted the covers over the other woman.
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“The healer fed me something gross. I feel sick.” Candy Hawke complained to Namara. She was still bed-ridden and was feeling really restless.
“It’s probably for your own good, Hawke.” Namara adjusted the covers over the other woman.
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Howl’s Moving Castle sentence pack
“You know he only prays on pretty girls.”
“Looks like a little mouse has lost it’s way.”
“That’s my girl.”
“It’s your life, do something for yourself for once.”
“I’ve got a bad cold. I don’t want you to catch it.”
“I’ve always hated turnips.”
“Curses are tough.”
“Here’s another curse for you: may all your bacon burn.”
“Even the manners are a mess in this house.”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t torment my friend.”
“She likes my spark!”
“When you’re old, all you want to do is look at the scenery.”
“He’s wasting all my hot water again.”
“I’ve seen all I can take.”
“I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“So, you think you’ve got it bad? I’ve never once been beautiful in my entire life!”
“I’ve had enough of this place!”
“He’s just throwing a tantrum.”
“I made some warm milk, want a sip?”
“I’m such big a coward, all I do is hide.”
“I can’t stand how scared I am.”
“Why do I feel like this isn’t going to work?”
“My talent lies in casting spells, not breaking them.”
“Pull yourself together, isn’t this what you’ve been waiting for?”
“He is selfish and cowardly, and sometimes he is hard to understand. But his intentions are good. He just wants to be free.”
“Now I understand, you’re in love with [name].”
“Now, matter what you do. Don’t look down.”
“Stop! It’s a trap!”
“That was the most fun I’ve had in ages.”
“Don’t try to be cute.”
“This is bad, you’ve gone too far.”
“Seems everyone in this family has problems.”
“This place is gorgeous. Like a dream.”
“You’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling that you’re going to leave.”
“I don’t care that you’re a monster.”
“I’m too old to be treated like this!”
“You’re in love. Don’t deny it, you’ve been sighing all day.”
“We’re a family now.”
“Only idiots believe what they read in the paper.”
“She fed me something gross. I feel sick.”
“Now I’ve got something I want to protect. It’s you.”
“Crazy lady with a shovel!”
“I know how to help you now! Find me in the future!”
“I just can’t seem to stop crying.”
“I know that spell, the kiss from your true love breaks it.”
“A heart is a heavy burden.”
“The one thing you can always count on is that hearts change.”
“The game is over.”
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Send "´͈ ᵕ `͈" for my muse's reaction to yours suddenly holding their hand.
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The Morning After Sentence Starters
"Get out, get out, get out, get out!"
"Do you remember anything from last night?"
"Why are you in my bed?"
"I'd offer you breakfast, but I think I'm too sore to move."
"So.. Was it good?"
"Who topped?"
"I thought you'd be gone by the time I woke up..."
"I should go."
"This didn't mean anything."
"We shouldn't have done this..."
"Of course I'm freaking out! You're my friend!"
"I'm guessing this was a one time thing?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know how this goes. I'll grab my clothes and get out of here."
"Good morning, hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt.."
"I made you coffee, did you want some Aspirin?"
"This stays between us."
"Congratulations. You actually convinced me to sleep with you."
"Are you sneaking out on me?"
"So, how much for last night?"
"Holy shit! she's on her way over here right now, she/he CANNOT see you!"
"Don't answer it!"
"Do you have any idea how wrong this was?"
"We're cheaters. We're horrible people. Oh god my mother would be so ashamed of me right now."
"..Do you wanna do this again sometime, maybe?"
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“She’s the one who is teaching me how to be a Dirth'ena enasalin, a Knight Enchanter.”
"Is it just me, or are you positively radiant today?"
The blond elf looked over at him, eyebrow raised. “I don’t feel any different than any other day…”
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Who would my muse rather kiss: Send two names
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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multiples of 4 for the munday meme
4. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? Lavender’s Blue from the new Cinderella movie.
8. What is your favorite pokemon? My favorite will always be ninetales.
12. Do you prefer Marvel or DC? Marvel.
16. What is your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn? A friend and I went and got just regular clothes one year and dressed up as rock stars. It was awesome.
20. What is your favorite accent to listen to? British accents. *swoon*
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Tired of the same Munday stuff?
Me too. That’s why I made a list of some different questions for people to ask. Feel free to reblog this and add you own! 
What do you think you would be the God/Goddess of?
What is one thing you would sell your soul for?
If you could only have one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What was the last song that got stuck in your head?
Zombie Apocalypse. What is your weapon of choice?
Did you have a baby blanket? Do you still have it?
If you had to become a school teacher, what subject would you teach?
What is your favorite pokemon?
Favorite Disney Prince?
Did you ever go through a weeaboo phase?
If it was legal to have any animal as a pet, what would you have?
Do you prefer Marvel or DC?
What is your favorite kind of cake?
If you had to move to a foriegn country, where would you move?
What is your least favorite color?
What is your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?
Beach or Water Park?
Name a song that you dislike.
What do you think is your spirit animal? 
What is your favorite accent to listen to?
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YOU GOTTA GET WITH MY unnatural obsession for Dragon Age and the characters within the series
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She thought for a moment. “I don’t think so... I’ve been training with Commander Helaine a lot though.”
"Is it just me, or are you positively radiant today?"
The blond elf looked over at him, eyebrow raised. “I don’t feel any different than any other day…”
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“How does it look different?”
"Is it just me, or are you positively radiant today?"
The blond elf looked over at him, eyebrow raised. “I don’t feel any different than any other day…”
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Need more people
ATTENTION ALL POSSIBLE SLAYERS! Welcome to the world of Albion a place of great wealth, power, and of course the vermin we call monsters. We normal citizens of this fine place call upon you great slayers that come from far and wide. Those from the house of Wolves who are rangers of the wild and friend to beasts, House of Lions who slayers see into the deepest night, House of Dragons who use their knowledge of fire and arcane, House of Griffons with slayers who can track a year old trail. Be that you are elf, dwarf, or human we need all who can serve our Lord King and Lady Queen and the many countless lords and barons to free their citizens from the tyranny of monsters that roam the land. Now Slayer who you be and are you up to the task.
-You must follow everyone and use the tag v.monsterslayer
-If you want your character to be an elf or dwarf let it be known in their bio also for fun if your muse as has certain weapons they like to use place it in the bio
-Also to change things up I will place ‘contracts’ for certain monsters that two or more slayers can undertake
-Also please make sure to trim posts. Please and Thank you :)
-Most important have fun and enjoy :)
King and Queen
King-Faelen Lehane (arfarfpsycho)
Queen- Luna Forrester (mentalitynotes)
Lords and Ladies
Lady-  Philomena Arrietty (momoandthemuses)
House of Wolves
House Leader-
Quarter Master-
Slayer- Lucien Lupus (demonofthemoon)
Slayer- Keira Arryn (herladyhonor)
Slayer- Morgan Renard (feral-by-nature)
House of Lions
House Leader-
Quarter Master-
Healer- Maria Amell (boundbytheblood)
House of Griffons
House Leader-  Philomena Arrietty (momoandthemuses)
Quarter Master-  Fay Hellbound (halfblooddemon)
Smith-  Leodes Sterling (momoandthemuses)
Slayer- Phoebe (phoenixwithabrokenwing)
House of Dragons
House Leader-
Quarter Master-
Slayer- Flint (thedragonsbastard)
Slayer-  Selythgaren (castoutbymyown)
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This Month’s Rent
My roommate and I spoke to our landlord and asked if it was okay to have our third roommate move in. She was kicked out of her house and forced to leave her son behind because her ex-boyfriend wanted to let his new girlfriend live there. Well, apparently there was a big miscommunication and he didn’t realize she was staying here indefinitely. He raised the rent on us and we’re already on welfare and trying to get our third roommate on it as well while we all look for jobs.
We need to raise $100 to make sure our rent gets paid this month. There’s no guarantee her case will open immediately. She has nowhere to go, and we have nowhere else to go. Please consider donating anything you can. Everything we earn will be put on a money order to pay the landlord. My paypal address is [email protected]. Please, if you can’t donate anything, reblog this and signal boost it. We don’t want to send our third roommate out on the street and we don’t want to be out on the street either because we couldn’t pay.
Again, please donate anything you can, if even 100 people donated a dollar each, we would be set. I’m so anxious about this, I haven’t slept in over 24 hours.
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Nathaniel Appreciation week
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So there was an Anders one and there are weeks for other character but I don’t think Nate has one, well now he does! Next week June 8th-15th is Nathaniel appreciation week! So get your thinking caps on guys and give The Howe some love! This needs a tag! the tag is Nateweek
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