immortalthing · 11 months
I just watched Red Riding Hood and darn Karen Smith had a brutal childhood.
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immortalthing · 1 year
I curdled my blood just so you could feel something.
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immortalthing · 1 year
The difference between a mermaid and a siren is one is born of love and the other of pain.
Those in between are the servants of the solitude of the sea.
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immortalthing · 1 year
I was startled by the sound of crunching leaves coming from the door behind me.
Everyone knew I lived here they wouldn't dare approach me alone. I'm not proud to admit that their hate would be justified, after all, years of being told and treated as I though I was a beast had a tendency to create one.
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immortalthing · 1 year
A serpent shifts from what it was to what shall become.
A secret of suspect, a shadow created by the splintering light of those that surround them.
Coils of hair turns to coil of confusion
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immortalthing · 1 year
A person who can multiply themselves is a people pleaser who is literally there for everyone.
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immortalthing · 1 year
“Once you're dead I will be free”
“Your chivalry knows no bounds”
“Once you are deceased..”
“You sure know how to woo a girl”
“Again, yeah I get the gist. But for now, your stuck in my head and I'm stuck listening yours.”
0 notes
immortalthing · 1 year
we always look for the future in the heavens
While animals look in front of them to the present, through the land beneath their feet.
For even birds come down to roost.
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immortalthing · 1 year
The way we are is the way the world needs us to be.
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immortalthing · 1 year
I shall live, I shall thrive, you shall not survive, you shall perish with the others.
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immortalthing · 1 year
Kids nowadays are making their language more child friendly for adults. 😄
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immortalthing · 1 year
My captors believe that I don’t speak Cebraese, the ancient language of the land they stole me from.
In reality It’s just that I know the creature below this boat also speaks Cebraese.
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immortalthing · 1 year
Blood is blood,
why are we acting like it can change us?
Blood contains iron that forges swords and the oxygen that allows us to breathe, not the emotions that made us who we were.
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immortalthing · 1 year
They say he’s done terrible things.
And sure I’ve seen a few, but I never looked for them.
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immortalthing · 1 year
She was always a symbolic person.
That doesn’t mean I expected her to slit his throat with a sharped credit card.
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immortalthing · 1 year
I can always be worse
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immortalthing · 1 year
I was mortal, not you.
You were supposed to be with me until my end not yours.
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