immortalpatriot · 9 years
The blonde woman nodded. “It’s just a suggestion, however. I think it would be a little easier to do that than flying the full size ones inside, I mean, if the meeting is inside.” Laura’s shoulders came up and moment later before going back down. “Outside weddings are a trend, so summer would be a good time for a wedding. There’s a lot of things to do for your venue for any type of wedding in any season. Well, outside is nice but a lot of people like being indoors.”
“Maybe, I mean, that might be something he’s into. I personally don’t know, I’ve never asked him, so, yeah..” It was just something that she had never thought about asking him. “You can always just try shoving a controller in his hand and see what he does with it.”
“Yeah... ‘s a good point...” Alfred said thoughtfully. “Guess I’ll need a couple more kits so I can work on smaller versions too.” Next on his list: figure out how to transport all the planes.
“Summer’s the best of the seasons, so it’d totally make for the best wedding.” He laughed, running his fingers through his hair. “Though I guess it doesn’t really matter: I doubt it’s ever somethin’ I’d do, so... season, inside or out, doesn’t really make a difference, huh?”
Alfred pulled off his glasses, rubbing at his eyes. “I could do that. I wouldn’t want him to break it though...” He gave her a concerned look, “do you think he’d break it if he was mad?”
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
Feliciano was having far too much fun flustering his cute new boyfriend, from the looks of it. He smiled and snuggled up closer, humming a little as Alfred continue to speak. “Oh~? Nn, in that case, I’d love to put on a show for you~!” he murmured back, blushing but thrilled, looking a little coy before kissing him sweetly.
He was happy to nuzzle Alfred back, and laughed at the warning. “A covers thief? In that case, I’ll just have to worm my way in with you. Or I could grab more covers from the other bed,” he chirped, relaxing a little. “Let’s just hope you  won’t shove me out of bed,” he teased, laughing.
“Oh golly,” Alfred breathed before Feliciano kissed him. “M-maybe that’s somethin’ we can do tomorrow...? Or later, y’know, I mean, wouldn’t wanna rush or anything if you don’t wanna, of course, I just meant like tonight’s kinda late to start something like that.”
“I like you wormin’ in closer more,” he chuckled. “I don’t think shoving you’d be a problem. I don’t really move around a ton, so once I have all the warmth I need I’ll probably just ball up.”
The Flirting Game
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
The superwholock fandom should seriously take over the U.S government… Legislative: Sherlock fandom (making laws) Judicial: Supernatural fandom (bringing Justice) Executive: Doctor Who fandom (keeping watch over everyone)
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
Just because he’s the President shouldn’t give him the right to tell me I’m not allowed to watch Yu-Gi-Oh all day.
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
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“I try to keep a balance in my life - with my loved ones, with my family. I’m in the same pursuit of happiness and have the same struggles as any other woman. I know it’s not easy to be happy, it’s not easy to find a golden key - we’re just trying to make it through each day the best we can.”
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
Feliciano couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy at the way Alfred smiled at their kiss. It was heart-warming, not to mention just plain thrilling, to know that someone was excited about being with you. He did giggle at the way Alfred was distracted by his words, though, watching the expression on his face change. “Mm, are you alright, amore?” he teased. “Of course I do… when you really want someone, you want to let them know, right~?” He was a giggling red mess, flirting up a storm.
“Lame people? Maybe just uptight, aheh! But I like being close, and you’re really warm and big and safe, so I feel even better getting to cuddle up with you. You make me feel really happy,” Feliciano admitted, blushing a bit as he relaxed, feeling Alfred holding him closer.
“Alright?” His voice cracked on the word. Embarrassed, he cleared his throat and, with his voice back under control, he kept going. “Yeah, I’m alright. Just... thinkin’, y’know. A dangerous pass-time... Uh, but, hey, that’s pretty cool. I guess, like, if you ever, y’know maybe, wanted to um... well... it’d be cool with me if you wanted to...”
“Uptight is the same as lame!” Alfred insisted. He giggled, rubbing their noses together. “I’m super happy to hear you say that. ‘Cause you’re real warm n’ stuff too, so I like being close to you. Oh, but uh, I wanna apologize in advance if I r steal the covers or something tonight.”
The Flirting Game
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
I’m not sure I could do that…I have a hard time even bringing myself to try anything that’s not Italian or at least Mediterranean.  [He looks a little sheepish as he says it, like he knows he’s missing a lot, but he still can’t help it.]  Ah, well, sure!  Next time you’re in Naples or something.  Or even Rome, if you have a free day.  [He offers a little smile, but it’s almost immediately lost in his blush as Alfred offers his food.]  Right, we did talk about that…Okay.  [He seems a little shy to be doing it, but he reaches over with his fork and takes a little. His expression lights up as the flavors hit his tongue, and he nods to show his approval.]
Whoa, seriously? Dude! You’re totally missin’ out! I know your stuff’s good n’ all, but wow damn, there’s so much stuff in the world. [His eyes are alight, passionate about experiencing new things.] I think it’d be best to get to try everything at least once! [He grins broadly, excited by the invitation.] Sure thing! I’ll hold you to that, so be ready for my visit! [His gusto wanes slightly, unsure if Lovino had been serious earlier about sharing being okay. But then Lovino takes some food, and Alfred relaxes again.] It’s totally good. I love this place.
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
Feliciano smiled a bit and kissed Alfred on the nose, giggling. “Really? Not even once? Nn, but I guess not everyone’s into that, so it’s not so odd that you haven’t. I like to, if my lover wants it.” More softly, he giggled, “Most of them liked watching me toy with himself while calling for them~” His cheeks were red, but he was purring proudly.
“Is it~? I know a few people who’d definitely push me away,” he laughs, snuggling up closer and relaxing, getting cozy. “So I’m glad you let me stay close.”
Alfred shrugged, grinning when Feli kissed him. “No one ever asked me to do somethin’ like that, and I never really thought about it enough to ask, y’know what I mean? Y-you... you do?” His mind decided supplying mental images would be a good thing to do at that moment, and Alfred found himself quite distracted by the pictures. “O-oh...”
“You know lame people then,” Alfred snickered, patting Feli’s back and holding him closer. “It’s cool you wanna be close~”
The Flirting Game
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
The best thing about being a legal adult is that if I want to custom order sneakers with lights and Velcro, I can.
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
Feliciano was pink but purring, delighted at the way Alfred’s face went so very red- not to mention how scandalized he sounded. He was giggling, and chirped, “Of course, tesoro~ It’s fun to show off for your lovers~” Feliciano was a bit of an exhibitionist, after all.
He was glad to be held close, feeling warm and comfortable against Alfred, and he even lifted up a knee and draped his leg over Alfred’s hip as he pressed closer, giving a happy sigh at the kiss to his forehead. “Oh, amore… you’re so sweet~”
Alfred stayed quiet, pondering the meaning of Feliciano’s comment. “... Really? I’ve never done that before.” He wondered if any of the people he’d dated had been disappointed in his lack of stage presence. No one had asked him to do anything...
He snickered, “I don’t think any of that’s really ‘sweet’. It’s just good manners, innit?”
The Flirting Game
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
Laura watched him, shrugging her shoulders. “Can you make them smaller?” There wasn’t such a thing as a shrink ray but unless he had a plan to make the same planes, just with a smaller model set. “I might, if it was during the spring or summer but indoor weddings are nice as well. Everyone just seems to be doing the outdoor wedding thing, I noticed.”
“I suppose you’re right. Everyone has different ideas on how they want things done, and no one can agree on everything.” It is amusing at some moments though. Sometimes she did wish they could be a bit more productive and actually got things done, of course, if they did, Germany would probably have a heart attack. “Honestly though, I’m still not sure the likeliness of him letting us use the planes. Maybe after a few beers I could convince him, but I’m not sure.”
“Smaller?” He examined them curiously for a moment. “I could probably make smaller ones, yeah. D’you think it’d be better? If they were smaller they might be safer inside.” Alfred nodded, then shrugged. “I think summer’d be the best season for a wedding anyway. But I guess it’d be something to look forward to in winter if that was the choice y’wanted to make. I dunno. I’ve seen some cool indoor things too, I guess. Everything’s better outside, in my opinion. Unless it’s raining or cold and stuff like that.
“Yeah... Gets a little old after awhile,” Alfred mused. “I don’t really know either... He’s into planes though, isn’t he? His place put out a bunch of really awesome aircraft, so I guess I kinda assumed he was into ‘em personally too. Well, I didn’t really think there would be a total, sure-fire way to get him to agree so I dunno. But it’d be cool if you tried it! I might bring them even if he says no though... Who doesn’t love RC Planes!?”
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
The sky was dark with the threat of rain, and Ivan ran as fast as he could down the streets. But not like a normal man, Ivan ran on his fours. His feet and hands. He soon skid into an alley, breathing rugged as the dirty male pressed his back against the dumpster. He finally collected himself. Ivan finally escaped from that hell hole of a circus. Joy washed over him and he smiled dumbly, then reached up to run his hands through the sandy locks, tears welling within his violet hues. He crouched over and sobbed, both happy and scared. He didn’t care that people gave him weird looks. The hybrid was dressed in ripped pants, and a scarf that was far more well-kept than the tatters garments around his legs. He had nothing hiding his horns, curled and dark, the lion’s ears or the tail curler around his feet. It earned him odd looks from the passers. The rain started and Ivan embraced the warm summer downpour, a grin still plastered across his lips. He was dirty, scarred and even injured by a single scratch on one side but Ivan was alive and he had never in his life been happier.
Alfred was making his way slowly home. He’d been visiting a friend for a three-day horror/fantasty/sci-fi movie film marathon, which had been awesome and, as all things do, had come to a rather reluctant end. Still, it was better for Alfred to scoot out quickly to try and beat the rain he was sure would break son. He was glad he had the umbrella, but he was definitely (secretly) regretting the fact that their marathon had ended on the horror films. Every little movement in his peripheral made him flinch and whirl around to see what it was. Always nothing. No big deal.
Then something huge rushed passed him and around a corner. There was no way that was nothing. Insisting to himself that his fear was simply well-reasoned caution, he continued on until he reached the corner. Swallowing, he peered around to see if the thing was still there.
“Oh, you’re just a guy,” he breathed, relieved. He hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but it was too late to take the sound back. “D’you want an umbrella? It’s raining...” Then his eyes fell on the horns and tail. His eyes widened as he stared, suddenly feeling much colder than he had a moment ago.
Closed Starter
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
hey you
yeah you
you wanna plot? you wanna request stuff? ask me something? you wanna talk? tell me how your day was? tell me how much of a bitch your sibling is? tell me how much you love fried oreos?
well you go right ahead because my ask is open and i’m always here to listen
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
How I feel with every RP
RP partner: (writes fantastic starter with intricate dialog and plot settings)
Me: I have to go I'm too stupid to talk to you
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
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Dark Clouds of the Carina Nebula
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
A thing I have to say:
If I’m RPing with you, I’m not “putting up” with you. I’m RPing with you because I fucking like it. You are not a burden, you are not an inconvenience. You are a delight. YOU ARE A DELIGHT.
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immortalpatriot · 9 years
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RP Pro Tip 3:
Anyone who’s used Tumblr for more than 5 minutes knows that it uses a block of lines on the left side of a text post to designate comments from different users. When these start to build up, Tumblr automatically switches to reblogging posts as links to keep the dashboard looking clean. Roleplayers know that reblogging posts as links is a no-no (or did you miss that tip?) and reblog all of their posts as text. However, this means that extensive conversation can build up.
Untrimmed posts look like this:
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 Not only is it an eyesore, the text is distributed one letter per line. That means they go on forever and require a tedious amount of scrolling to bypass. How do you trim posts?
Place your cursor in front of the first letter of text on one of your previous posts, two or three posts before your current one.
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Select all the text above and delete it. Some people delete everything, including the URL links. I generally try to keep the URLs properly lined up with their quoted text.
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It’s easy, folks. For the sake of common courtesy, do it. Everybody has their own preference for how far back to trim posts, but depending on the length of the posts in question, 2-4 is ideal for keeping the dashboard clean.
PS: Accounts pictured are not mine. These unfortunate souls were simply not trimming their posts at the time I was writing this.
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