immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
go follow my new primary blog! i don't use this one anymore.
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
I think my blog works now?
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
How fucking stupid are you? This URL isn't original at all. There's a ton of URL's with aesthetic within them. You just happened to be the first one to title this shitty blog this. Give the URL to a quality blog
why the anger, dude!?!?!? I’m not claiming to be original, I’m just saying I have had this URL since 2007. like nine years. when the aesthetic vibe was not a thing. I would just like people to stop asking for it - it’s my blog and my URL so go have a cup of tea and a watch an episode of Friends and relax
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
person: u got tumblr me: y- *remembers my url* no
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
@worldwartwo I'll take it if you still have it lol
Does anyone want the officialussr url
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
The whole ‘anonymously send me a url and i’ll give my opinion’ thing has been around for ages and that’s cool, it’s a great way for someone to get advice on their blog without the awkwardness. However, i keep seeing people thinking it’s okay to give their opinion on the blogger as well? It’s one thing to comment on a blog, everyone has their own tastes, but don’t you dare comment on another human being. I’ve seen so many rude comments about my friends as well as other bloggers I don’t know and it is not okay. Take a look at yourself before you judge another person. If you honestly think you have the right to give your opinion on another person then you need to reevaluate your life. 
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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Where ya goin’?
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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TOPRi during Bae Bae at Made in Seoul
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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Baekhyun - 160424 Incheon Airport, departing for Shenyang
Credit: ComeBaekhyun. (인천공항 출국)
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye GOODBYE'!!!!!!!! @come-wayward-souls READ THIS NOW!!!!!
Good Morning, Good Night
Keeping in contact with Yongguk after going away for college- requested by @hannibal-moncannibal 😄 Oh lordie, 1400 words?
Day One
You let out a victorious cry as you collapsed on your bed. You had spent all day unpacking, and it was roughly eleven pm at the moment. You rolled over to grab your phone off the edge of your bed. Not a single message since you landed, but you knew if was only because of the time difference. You laid on your stomach and opened up your video call app, pressing the contact you’d been dying to see all day. It rang for a concerning amount of time before your boyfriend appeared, a sleepy gummy grin on his face.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted, voice deep amd hoarse.
You bit your lip as you burried the bottom half of your face in the pillow in front of you.
“Morning, Gukkie,” you replied, slightly muffled. “How’d you sleep?”
Yongguk groaned, scrunching his face up. “Terrible. The bed was so huge without you hogging it, and I had so much blanket I had no idea what to do with it all,”
You laughed, sitting up with your phone. “Hey, you know you miss me!”
His expression faded into a soft smile. “Yeah. I missed you the second you left my arms,”
You hummed, puckering your lips at the screen. “I miss you too, baby,”
Yongguk sighed, bringing the phone close to his face. You grinned, imagining how he just kissed the screen after seeing his embarrassed face.
“I love you,” you told him, voice quiet.
“I love you too, baby. I’ve gotta get ready for work, get some sleep alright? I’ll call you before I go to bed.” He said.
“Morning, Gukkie,” you said.
“Night, baby,” he replied.
Day Fourteen
“And then Cheyenne practically chased that boy down,” you said through your laughter.
Yongguk laughed at the image. “I still wish I was there to do it instead.”
You smiled, plopping down on your bed with your phone above your head. “You’ve defended my honor enough times, Gukkie.” You assured him.
He grinned. “There’s no such thing as enough times. I’ll defend your honor for as long as it’s threatened.”
You snorted, rolling over to bury your face in your pillow as Yongguk cringed at his words.
“God, when did you get so greasy?” You teased.
“I don’t know, baby. You leaving’s effected me in many ways.” He admitted.
You wanted to tell him about so much more, but you knew you had to go to sleep soon and he had work to do.
“I love you so much, Gukkie,” you told him. “Call me before you go to bed.”
“Alright, baby. I love you too. Good night,” he replied.
“Good morning,”
Day Thirty
“And when we turned around, Daehyun and the barbeque were nowhere to be seen,” he said, a deep chuckle interrupting some of his words.
You laughed again, leaning back in your chair. “All of that just to steal a few extra pieces?”
“I would have done the same,” he admitted with a grin.
Your pencil rolled down the desk, and you decided to just put it back in its holder.
“You finished with your work?” Yongguk asked as he laid down.
“Just about. I don’t have this class until later in the day though, I can copy off Erin. She’s totally weak to bribery.” You assured him with a laugh.
“Just don’t slack off alright?” He reminded you. I’d say make me proud, but you already have,“
Your eyes stung as Yongguk turned away from the screen to grab his tigger toy. He wrapped it in his arms and you felt silly as you wished you were an inanimate object.
"I love you, baby,” he said. “I wish I could stay up longer to see you off to class.”
You shook your head with a smile, hesitating to speak as you knew your voice would waver. “It’s alright, Gukkie. I love you too, good night,”
“Good morning,”
Day Sixty
“No, baby I’m serious look how huge this is,” you said, holding the strawberry up to your phone. “How is this legal?”
Yongguk laughed at your bewildered expression. “I’m serious too, babe I think that’s a normal sized strawberry.”
You took a bite out of the tip and your eyes widened at the taste. “It’s super sweet too! Taste!”
Before you realised what you were doing, you’d held the strawberry up to the phone. Your face burned in embarrassment as you set the fruit down and ducked out of the camera’s view. Yongguk’s deep chuckle filled your head from your earbuds, and he honestly wanted to crawl under the table.
“You’re so cute,” he said with a gummy grin.
“Stop it,” you whined.
“When we get a break, I’ll get over there as fast as I can to try those strawberries, alright baby? For now just finish your breakfa-” his words were cut off by a yawn as your heart sank.
“Go to sleep, Gukkie,” you said. “Call me when you wake up,”
“Alright, I’ll see you then. Morning, baby, I love you.” He replied, struggling to keep his eyes open.
“Night, baby. I love you too,”
Day One-Hundred and Twenty
“Make sure you have everything you need, baby,” you reminded him, voice loud to reach him across the room.
“I know, I checked five times,” Yongguk replied, shaking his head with a grin.
“Just to be safe!” You said with a laugh.
The boys were getting ready to promote in another country, and you had normally helped Yongguk pack so he could get the others ready. Lord knows how many times Jongup had forgotten his underwear. Speaking of.
“Hey, did Jongup pack his underwear?” You asked, fighting back a yawn.
Yongguk froze before going off screen, making you giggle. You took the time to rest your head, hearing Yongguk’s voice from the other room. You’d been swamped with exams lately, but you never missed a call.
“That boy,” Yongguk said as he came back into the room.
You laughed softly as he organised his suitcase once more, talking to himself more than you. You pulled your pillow under your head, overestimating your ability to stay awake.
“So I’ll make sure to call you when I land, alright, baby?” He ended, turning back to the screen.
He saw your sleeping face and his heart ached at how tired you looked. You had assured him that you had been getting enough sleep, but that didn’t mean you weren’t overworking yourself between classes, assignments, studying, and calling Yongguk twice a day. He laid down on his bed with his phone, propping it up on his pillow to imagine you laying next to him once more.
“Good night, baby. I love you,” he said before hanging up.
Day Two-Hundred and Fourty
You and Yongguk both finally had a day off. It was the first time in a while that you could talk without one of you falling asleep, so you both decided to go out.
“This building is apparently super old,” you said, turning to show him the structure over your shoulder.
“Really now?” Yongguk asked. “How far is it from Main street?”
“It’s like two streets east I think,” you said, sitting on the bench. “It’s really not that hard to miss it’s got a huge lightning rod at the top.”
“And a weeping willow tree by the front entrance?” He asked.
“Yeah it’s super cool!” You said, turning to show it to him. “Loo-”
You froze, turning back towards your screen. “Hey, how did you know that…? Baby, where are you?”
You tried to look behind Yongguk, noticing some familiar buildings. Ones you’d passed minutes before.
“Yongguk?” You asked, teary eyed.
“Yes baby?” He asked.
But his voice was coming from two different places- from your phone and from someone sitting on the bench next to you. You looked up in shock, and saw a familiar gummy grin under a hood and shades. You covered your mouth in shock and he leaned in, pulling you into his arms. You tried to catch your breath before you started crying, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Good morning, baby,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
You let out a short laugh. “Good morning, Gukkie.”
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
Boy: *hands me diamond ring* will you marry me Me: *puts diamond ring on* na
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
old macdonald had ENOUGH
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
If someone is wearing makeup in the pool, don’t deliberately splash them. If someone has done their hair nicely, don’t mess it up. If someone in a t-shirt has scars on their arms, don’t ask them about it. If someone doesn’t want to get in the water, don’t push them. If someone still wants to wear jeans, don’t laugh at them for it. If someone has sweat patches, don’t point them out. If someone’s chest is obviously prominent, don’t stare. If you can see someone’s underwear/ binder, don’t comment on it. If someone is blatantly covering something up, don’t try to reveal it.
Not everyone can feel totally comfortable with the fact it’s Summer, don’t make them feel worse.
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik for Vogue (May 2016)
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik for Vogue (May 2016)
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immortalbitchqueen · 8 years
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Gigi Hadid arriving at her hotel in New York City (4/11/2016)
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