immortal-skips · 10 years
Skips, worried as he was, nodded and left the room, "Let me know when she's better, okay?"
Both girls approached the Yeti with open arms, "Skips!!!" They both shouted in delight.
Skips smiled and picked them up with his gigantic arms, “Hey girls! How are you?”
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Looking for new YouTubers to watch?
Check out my channel, GreyMovies! We are similar to Smosh… just two guys trying to make people laugh. We really love what we do and we hope you do, too. So check us out and subscribe! Reblog if you like us so your friends know, too!
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Yeah sorry only had time for a few RP's tonight. Sorry.
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips grabbed a machine gun and opened fire on the doctor, seeing that Rigby was as safe as he could be at the current moment. "You are crazy... how can you even pass as a doctor?"
Skips You Don't Know Who I Am Don't You
I have no idea who you are. I just know that you’re friends with Mordecai and Rigby and that you won’t explain yourself to me.
And don’t worry, I won’t cross you.
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips quickly pushes the cyborg through a wall and runs over to his window, watching the house go down in flames. He sat down in disbelief, shaking his head, "I'm gonna have to rebuild that thing..."
Skips You Don't Know Who I Am Don't You
I have no idea who you are. I just know that you’re friends with Mordecai and Rigby and that you won’t explain yourself to me.
And don’t worry, I won’t cross you.
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips dropped his sandwich and rushed over to her bed, "What's wrong? Hey, hey! What's wrong?"
Both girls approached the Yeti with open arms, "Skips!!!" They both shouted in delight.
Skips smiled and picked them up with his gigantic arms, “Hey girls! How are you?”
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips didn't care that he couldn't defeat it by punching it. It was the only thing he could think to do at the moment. He looked for a second behind him at the table, only to find a cup of coffee which he hadn't drank yet. He grabbed it and threw it on the cyborg, covering it in hot coffee. He then grabbed one of his weights and started smashing it up with the 200-pound weight, "Screw. You. For. Messing. With. My. Friends!!!"
Skips You Don't Know Who I Am Don't You
I have no idea who you are. I just know that you’re friends with Mordecai and Rigby and that you won’t explain yourself to me.
And don’t worry, I won’t cross you.
62 notes · View notes
immortal-skips · 11 years
Looking for new YouTubers to watch?
Check out my channel, GreyMovies! We are similar to Smosh… just two guys trying to make people laugh. We really love what we do and we hope you do, too. So check us out and subscribe! Reblog if you like us so your friends know, too!
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Didn't do much on here today but trust me I was hard at work. I will try to be back tomorrow for a longer time but, like I said, this weekend and next week I should be on here quite a bit. Bye!
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Sorry for not being online too much lately. It's just that I haven't had much time to get on here and when I decided to get on I was like, "Well, I'm in bed and I'm about to fall asleep..." and I don't sleep much so yeah that's why I haven't been on. I've got this weekend and all next week free though so I'll be online quite a bit!
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips opened fire at the cyborg but it was useless. He turned and looked at techmosamson, "You know how to deal with a cyborg?" He quickly got up and started moving around the room, avoiding the cyborg as much as he could. He threw a couple of punches that dented the thing but there was no way he could kill this thing very easily.
Skips You Don't Know Who I Am Don't You
I have no idea who you are. I just know that you’re friends with Mordecai and Rigby and that you won’t explain yourself to me.
And don’t worry, I won’t cross you.
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immortal-skips · 11 years
"Yeah, sounds great." He said with a smile. "Just go ahead and set it up wherever you want to."
Both girls approached the Yeti with open arms, "Skips!!!" They both shouted in delight.
Skips smiled and picked them up with his gigantic arms, “Hey girls! How are you?”
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips nodded, "Let's call it a day and then tomorrow we'll work a little more." He skipped over to the door, "So, who's driving to the coffee shop, you or me?"
"Skips, dude um can I use your bench? Gotta work out..."
"Sure, Mordecai, any time! …But, uh… what for?"
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immortal-skips · 11 years
See you guys later. :)
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips nodded with a smile, "Sounds great. By the way, forget what I said about talking to Dr. Cutter... she's crazy." He chuckled a little bit to himself.
"Skips, dude um can I use your bench? Gotta work out..."
"Sure, Mordecai, any time! …But, uh… what for?"
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips kept his arm around Chrysti as Olwyn went into the kitchen. "Look, I'm probably not going to be the best guardian of all time, and I know things can't be replaced... but I'm going to try hard to make you both feel comfortable and happy around here. You should go to sleep... you seem awfully tired." He patted her on the back lightly with a soft smile on his face.
Both girls approached the Yeti with open arms, "Skips!!!" They both shouted in delight.
Skips smiled and picked them up with his gigantic arms, “Hey girls! How are you?”
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immortal-skips · 11 years
Skips chuckled lightly, "Exit 9B all over again? Works for me seeing as who came out on top. In other words, Mordecai's location is not coming out of my mouth." She would be there in his house at any second. He kept his gun pointed at the door. He heard kicking at the door. She would be in at any second now.
Skips You Don't Know Who I Am Don't You
I have no idea who you are. I just know that you’re friends with Mordecai and Rigby and that you won’t explain yourself to me.
And don’t worry, I won’t cross you.
62 notes · View notes