Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism đŸ‘đŸŸ you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 5 months
This is funny!
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When I tell you I snorted!
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 8 months
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Hey kids, wanna learn what signs of botulism look like?
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 11 months
Fandom PSAs
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Dont’ Like, Don’t Read
or DL; DR
You are responsible for curating your own online experience.
If something upsets you, makes you angry or queasy or triggers you, stop reading/looking at it. Avoid things that might make you feel that way.
Learn to use the Sort and Filter function on AO3, especially the Exclude tools.
On social media, block and mute accounts / tags / words when necessary.
If you hated something, you don’t need to tell that to the creator or start pointing fingers at them publicly.
The Back button is free. Use it.
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Yes, for this to work, creators need to tag their works accordingly, so that people know what sort of content they are about to engage with and can nope out if necessary.
I will probably make another PSA about the importance of proper tagging later.
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Ship And Let Ship
You are allowed to ship whatever you want.
Everyone else is also allowed to ship whatever they want.
You are entitled to dislike or even hate a ship. If you want to do this online, in public, don’t use the ship tags for hate posts.
If you see someone posting about a ship they like and you don’t, there is no need for you to start arguing with them in their replies / comments / QRTs / reblogs. Don’t throw your hate in their face.
Do not harass fan creators or fans for shipping something you disapprove.
All of this also applies to liking / disliking an individual character.
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”I agree with this, except when
No, then you are NOT agreeing with this.
Let me make this VERY clear. There are NO exceptions. None.
You don’t EVER harass real people over pixels.
If you disagree with this, kindly block and move on.
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Your Kink Is Not My Kink
The longer version is ”Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That’s Okay”.
People have different tastes. Not everything is for everybody.
Even if you don’t like a specific kink, other people are still allowed to use it in their creations.
You are entitled to dislike kinky content and think that it’s ”weird”.
Don’t kink shame or judge people based on their kinks.
This goes both ways: your kink is not someone else’s kink, so don’t push it onto those who are not into it.
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Be Kind
or Don’t Be An Asshole
Focus on the things you like instead of the things you hate.
Create and unite instead of destroying and dividing.
Don’t harass real people over fictional things.
Stop stirring up petty drama just to get some attention on social media.
Stop trying to ”win”. Fandom is not a competition.
Remember that your own experiences aren’t universally shared. Your perception of things can differ from someone else’s, but that doesn’t mean either of you is necessarily wrong.
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 1 year
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 1 year
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 1 year
I pointed this out in a Discord server I'm in and thought Id share here:
Bob Iger announced that Disney is going to absorb Hulu, and Hulu will no longer exist next year. All shows will move to the Disney+ app.
Disney also announced they were going to remove shows and movies periodically from their streaming services.
I believe both of these moves are because of the Writers Strike.
Disney knows its going to lose the strike. There is too much public support. Specifically, the WGA is going to win writers getting more residuals from streaming.
So if Disney takes shows off of streaming, they dont have to pay the writers the residuals.
They are going to use excuses like "not enough funding for the server capacity" or "not enough views to warrent keeping the show". These are BULLSHIT. Its all greed. Its only GREED.
Pay attention to what happens in the following weeks.
And keep supporting the writers' strike.
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 1 year
I am looking for Harry Potter Fic that has either Tom Riddle Jr traveling to Harry’s timeline or Harry helps heal Tom and becomes a real boy again by allowing Tom to absorbs the broken soul fragment from Harry’s scar. They make a deal with Voldemort and Voldemort becomes young again. I also remember them visiting a scary place and the boys slept in Voldemort room because the place was trying to kill them. Can anyone help me find it? I am so lost.
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 2 years
by ćŸć€§èŠ±xudahua
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 2 years
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 2 years
Why? Just why, does this exist?
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 3 years
If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
Do not keep scrolling
Go and block me instead.
I don’t care if you see this from me or someone else. Go to my blog and block me so we never accidentally cross paths
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 3 years
full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 3 years
when the story is just not working, but you keep writing anyway
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 3 years
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 3 years
A funny, happy fact for you:
Norway knighted a penguin.
His name is Sir Nils Olav III, and he lives in Edinburgh Zoo. Three other members of his family were also made honorary members of the elite guard.
I have no further information on why he received such an honor, but congrats to Sir Nils Olav III. 😊
I love Sir Nils Olav III, thank you so much for sharing him
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imdoingsavingpleaz12 · 3 years
It’s now a felony in Alabama to give trans kids under 20 hrt or affirmative surgery
Teachers and medical professionals will also be required to out trans kids to their parents
Trans kids on hrt and their parents should get out of Alabama as soon as they can, and if you’re a trans kid in that state and you’re not out to your parents, don’t let any teachers or doctors find out
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