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Try, she suggests, to write on "some event that has left a distinct impression on you", when a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment." As soon as you attempt to "reconstruct" it in words, you will find that it "breaks into a thousand conflicting impressions."
To the lighthouse Virginia Woolf
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“Dünyanın bin türlü hali var Türlü çirkin hadiseler var Korktuğun bu uçurumun sağında belki engin mavi deniz var Saklandığın kapıların ardında belki tatlı ham meyveler var
Bir kere geldiğim hayatta Balıklarım yakamozum sırtımda Yüksekler canımı yaksa da Belki düşmem lazım orada
Bin bir kaplanın sırtına Dal şu kuytu pembe ormana”
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“... in front of the amazed eyes of the assembled peasants the priest held high a piece of bread and exclaimed ‘Hoc est Corpus’, ‘This is the body’ and the bread supposed the became the flesh of Christ. In the minds of the illiterate peasants, who did not speak Latin, ‘Hoc est corpus’ got garbled into ‘Hocus Pocus’ and thus was born the powerful spell that can transform a frog into a prince, and a pumpkin into a carriage.”
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“...reading is the end of permanent childhood and that it undermines both the psychology and sociology of oralism. Because reading makes it possible to enter a non-observed and abstract world of knowledge, it creates a split between those who cannot read and those who can. Reading is the scourge of childhood because in a sense it creates adulthood...”
“...Erasmus knew, as did John Locke later, and Freud later still, that even when stripped of its theological connotations, shame is an essential element in the civilizing process. it is the price we pay for our triumphs over our nature. The book and the world of book learning represented an almost unqualified triumph over our animal nature; the requirements of a literate society made a finely honed sense of shame necessary. it is stretching a point only a little to say that print-by separating the message from the messenger, by creating an abstract world of thought, by demanding that body be subordinated to mind, by emphasizing the virtues of contemplation-intensified the belief in the duality of mind and body, which in turn encouraged a contemptuous regard for the body. Print gave us the disembodied mind, but it left us with the problem of how to control the rest of us. Shame was the mechanism by which such control would be managed...”
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“Knowledge that does not change behaviour is useless. But knowledge that changes behaviour quickly loses its relevance.”
“During the Agricultural Revolution humankind silenced animals and plants, and turned the animist grand opera into a dialogue between man and gods...
... During the Scientific Revolution humankind silenced the gods too. The world was now a one-man show. Humankind stood alone on an empty stage, talking to itself, negotiating with no one and acquiring enormous powers without any obligations.”
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“What I’m suggesting is a list of priorities. If you have to give up something, don’t ever give up emotion before story. Don’t give up story before rhythm, don’t give up rhythm before eye-trace, don’t give up eye-trace before planarity, and don’t give up planarity before spatial continuity.”
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“MAYA: Most Advanced Yet Acceptable” -”Most Auronomous Yet Appropriate”
“To sell something familiar make it surprising. To sell something surprising make it familiar.”
“Exposure breeds familiarity, familiarity breeds fluency and fluency often breeds liking.”
“People like a challenge if they think they can solve it. She calls this moment where disfluency yields to fluency the aesthetic aha.”
“Compelling stories as one cliche goes, are “emotional roller coasters.”But the joy of a roller coaster isn’t the imminent threat of death. It’s the tension between “This thing will make me think I’ll die” and “I know exactly where I’ll disembark alive.”
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“This was another of our fears: that life wouldn’t turn out to be like Literature. Look at our parents- were they the stuff of Literature?”
“It strikes me that this may be one of the differences between youth and age: when we are young, we invent different futures for ourselves; when we are old, we invent different pasts for others.”
“What had Old Joe Hunt answered when I knowingly claimed that history was the lies of the victors? “As long as you remember that it is also the self-delusion of the defated.”“
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“...Caught in the act, sinfully Scrabbling. Quick, eat those words.”
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“The appetites of the body were private battles.”
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Every universe, our own included, begins in conversation. Every golem in the history of the world, from Rabbi Hanina’s delectable goat to the river-clay Frankeinstein of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, was summned into existence through language, through murmuring, recital and kabbalistic chit-chat-was, literally, talked into life.
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-Rahip olmak istemekle varoluşçu olmak istemek arasında yine de bir fark var ama...
Hiçbir zaman varoluşçu olmadım, zihinsel gelişim sürecim, diğer ergenlerinkinden farklı değildi. İlk başta korkularına ve arzularına bir cevap arıyorsun.Sonra, öteki cinsiyetle karşılaşıyorsun ve her şey başka bir yöne doğru akıyor. Önce tanrı varken onun yerini kızlar alıyor! Böyle ifade edince fazla gayriciddi gelebilir ama bütün gençler aşağı yukarı bu aşamadan geçer.
“...Bir kitap, film ya da resim yaratıcısının eseridir. Eser eğer kötüyse, yaratıcısı ahmak olduğu için değil, o sırada havada olan şeyleri algılamakta bir başkası kadar yetenekli olmadığı içindir. Yetenek, gerçekliği kendi duyarlılığının filtresinden geçirerek ifade edebilmek için zamanına kulak vermeyi ve bakmayı bilmektir. Bir eserin sanatsal zenginliği yaratıcısının zekasından ziyade duyarlılığına bağlıdır. “
“Siyaset dünyasının müdahale etmesine karar verirseniz suçluları saptamak fazla basitleşir ve film polemik haline gelir. Oysa benim istediğim, belirli bir güncel duruma atıfta bulunan siyasi filmler yapmak değil. Benny’nin Videosu için nazizmden söz ediyor da diyebilirsiniz isterseniz ama ters yüz edilmiş bir şekilde. Mesajlı siyasi filmler ilgimi çekmiyor. Ülkelerinin tarihinin belli bir döneminin ürünü olanlar hariç. Costa Gavras’ın Ölümsüz’ ünü (Z,1069) ��ok sevmiştim mesela, albaylar cuntasına karşı, sıcağı sıcağına o filmi çekmek çok dürüst ve cesaret isteyen bir işti. Ayırca, çok ustaca yapılmış etkili bir filmdi.Devrimci bir durum yaşanırken siyasi bir film çekmek elzem olabilir, ama yaprak kımıldamayan Avusturya’da böyle kendini dayatan bir şey yok. Ayrıca, siyaset sınıfının zaten aşikar yanlışlarını eleştirmenin hakikatin karmaşası yanında fazla kolaycılık olduğunu düşünüyorum.”
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“...Not coincidentally, humans excel at creating and consuming experiences. This is no place for robots. If you want a glimpse of what we humans do when the robots take our current jobs, look at experiences.That’s where we’ll spend our money (because they won’t be free) and that’s where we’ll make our money. We’ll use technology to produce commodities, and we’ll make experiences in order to avoid becoming a commodity ourselves...”
“...(Brian) Eno told me, “ The trouble with computers is that there is not enough Africa in them.” By that he meant that interacting with computers using only buttons was like dancing with only your fingertips, instead of your full body, as you would in Africa.”
“This waking dream we call the internet also blurs the difference between my serious toughts and my playful toughts, or to put it more simply: I no longer can tell when I am working and when I am playing online. For some people the disintegration between these two realms marks all that is wrong with the internet: it is the high-prices waster of time. It breed trifles and turn superficialities into careers. Jeff Hammerbacher, a former Facebook engineer, famously complained that the “best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads.” This waking dream is viewed by some as an addictive squandering. On the contrary, I cherish a good wasting of time as a necessary pre-condition for creativity. More important, I believe the conflation of play and work, of thinking hard and thinking playfully, is one of the greatest things this new invention has done. Isn’t the hole idea that in a highly evolved advanced society work is over?”
“Thus, even though our knowledge is expanding exponentially, our questions are expanding exponentially faster. And as mathematicians will tell you, the widening gap between two exponential curves isitself an exponential curve. That gap between questions and answers is our ignorance and it is growing exponentially. In other words, science is a method that chiefly expands our ignorance rather than our knowledge.”
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“...Ayırt etme yeteneğiyle, “ince düşünmek” aslında aynı şey. Sentaks olmasa kalıcı duygu da olmaz. Ölümsüzlük bir dilbilgisi uzmanının işidir...”
“...Sanat, insanın eylemi ya da hayatı başından atmasına denir. Coşkunun irtiyadi ifadesi olan hayattan farklı olarak, sanat, coşkunun zihinle ifadesidir. Sahip olamayacağımız, cüret edemeyeceğimiz ya da elde edemeyeceğimiz her şey hayalimizde bizim olabilir, sanatı da işte o hayalle yaparız. Bazen coşku o kadar güçlüdür ki, eyleme indirgense bile giderilemez; duygunun gerçek hayatta ifade edilemeyen artıklarından da sanat eseri doğar. Nitekim iki tür sanatçı vardır: sahip olmadıklarını ifade edenler ve sahip oldukları şeylerin artıklarını ifade edenler...”
“...Her şeyden bıkarız, demişti şarih, anlamak hariç; öyleyse anlayalım, hiç durmadan anlayalım, bir taraftan da er ya da geç solup gidecek kolyeler, çelenkler yapmaya uğraşalım kurnazca, anlama yetimizin hayalet çiçekleriyle...”
“…Belki de sonsuza kadar muhasebeci olarak kalmak benim kaderimdir; şiir ve edebiyat ise alnıma konmuş bir kelebektir belki; parlak güzelliğiyle gülünecek halimi iyice ortaya çıkaran bir kelebek…”
“…Tanrı; biz varız ve her şey bundan ibaret değil, demek…”
“…İhtiyaç duyduğumuz şeyleri istemek insanca bir davranıştır, yalnızca gerekli olanı değil, arzulanır bulduğumuz şeyleri istemek de insancadır. Hastalıklı olan, gerekli olan ile arzulanır olanı aynı şiddetle arzu etmek, kusursuzluk özlemi yüzünden, ekmeksiz kalmış gibi acı çekmektir. Romantizm hastalığı budur işte: sanki sahip olmanın bir yolu varmış gibi Ay’a göz dikmek…”
“Ben genellikle kendi derinliklerimde bile henüz tasarlanmamış eylemlerin, dudaklarımı uzatırken aklıma bile getirmediğim sözcüklerin, tamamına erdirmeyi umursamadığım hayallerin kuyusuyum…”
“…Kusursuz olan kendini belli etmez. Aziz ağlar çünkü insandır. Tanrı susar. İşte bu yüzden azizi sevebiliriz biz, Tanrı’yı değil…”
“…Hepimizde miyopluk var, bir tek kendi içimize bakarken kurtuluruz bundan. Sadece düş bakarak görülebilir…”
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“...Europe may seem to be continent of old states and peoples, yet it is in many respects very new, inventing and reinventing itself over this century through often convulsive political transformation...”
“...This new world of state-sponsored mass murder and cultural extermination gave birth to a new term-introduced for the first time in 1944 in a study of Axis Rule in Occupied Europe by a Polish-Jewish lawyer called Raphael Lempkin...”
“...Thus the numbers of Jewish refugees on the continent continued to increase until 1948 when the creation of the state of Israel and the US Displaced Persons Act allowed most of them to leave Europe. Half a million Palestinian Arab refugees during the 1948 Israeli-Arab War paid the price for Europe’s reluctance to absorb its diminished Jewish population. Europe itself became less central to Jewish life, and the striking intensification of anti-Semitism after 1945 suggested that while the Germans might have carried out the genocide, its socio-economic and cultural repercussions were exploited more widely across the continent...”
...”Consciousness of the nation remains infinitely stronger than a sense of Europe,”wrote Raymond Aron in 1964. The same is true today, and the European Union is therefore likely to remain -in the words of a Belgian diplomat-”an economic giant, a political dwarf and a military worm.”
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“ Garson, yakışıklı değildi. Ama uzun kirpiklerini bir kırpıştırsa bir tufan kopar da Samatya’yı önüne katar götürürdü. Garson, yakışıklı değildi. Ama gözleri o kadar iriydi ki, ağlasa, “Ohh, mis gibi toprak koktu,” derdiniz. Garson... Yakışlıklıydı be!...”
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