imalooneytune · 7 years
Burr’s ass is so tight, that if you were to shove a piece of coal up there, in two weeks, you would pull out a diamond
Alexander Hamilton (via incorrect-hamilton-quotes)
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imalooneytune · 7 years
The treatment of [Stanley Uris’s] Jewishness is quite different in the novel than it is in the film. In King’s book, Jewishness comes into the plot mostly as a marginalized identity. The kids who fight the evil clown are brought together initially because they are all attacked by the local bullies. Ben Hanscom is attacked because he’s fat; Bill Denbrough stutters; Eddie Kaspbrack is asthmatic. Stanley’s Jewishness makes him an outsider, like the other Losers. Stan is introduced as a character as an adult, in a long monologue in which his wife has a flashback to being excluded from a country club. That exclusion, she says, left her and her date “feeling more Jewish than they had ever felt in their lives, feeling like pawnbrokers, feeling like cattle-car riders, feeling oily, long-nosed, sallow-skinned….” In King’s novel, anti-Semitism creates the feeling, and the narrative usefulness, of Judaism.
The film, in contrast, dispenses with any mention of anti-Semitism, just as it dispenses with any mention of racism directed at Mike Hanlon. This may be partly because the movie is set in the 1980s, when anti-Semitism was somewhat less virulent. Or, more likely, the filmmakers didn’t want to display overt prejudice onscreen. An evil clown dismembering children is one thing. Real-world hatred, though, is not what people want when they put down that money for a horror film.
Without anti-Semitism, the filmmakers have to figure out some way to make Stanley’s Jewishness narratively visible and relevant. So they make him more religious. In the book, Stan’s family is thoroughly secular, and Stan’s main hobby outside school is birding — he carries a bird book with him, which works like a magic anti-monster charm. In the movie, though, Stan (Wyatt Oleff) is the son of a rabbi, and he is preparing for his bar mitzvah. This is the only thing we see Stan doing on his own. All his narrative development is taken up by his religion, and so his non-Jewish hobby vanishes.
There is one other way in which Stanley is identified as Jewish in both the film and the book: He’s fastidious. His neatness and hatred of mess makes him the member of the Losers who is least able to cope mentally with the magical monstrosities that Pennywise the clown throws at them.
Stanley’s neurotic fussiness plays into stereotypes about effeminate Jewish men. In the novel, Stan becomes an accountant as an adult; again, a profession associated with finicky detail and, of course with money. King portrays anti-Semitism as morally wrong in the book, but at the same time he quietly uses anti-Semitic tropes to define Stanley — and those tropes are perpetuated in the movie version.
Mainstream Hollywood, then, makes Judaism visible in three main ways. First, it portrays Jews as persecuted, as in “Schindler’s List.” Second, it makes Jewishness visible through overt displays of religious ritual, as in “Independence Day,” in which the main Jewish character is, again, the son of a rabbi. Or, finally, Hollywood identifies characters as Jewish by using Jewish stereotypes, as in “The Big Bang Theory,” in which Howard is a effeminate, mother-dominated nerd.
Of course, Jews are sometimes persecuted; Jews are sometimes religious, and Jews are even, occasionally, accountants. But it would be nice if Hollywood could figure out ways to acknowledge that Jewish characters are Jewish without making everyone a rabbi’s son or a Holocaust victim. Christian people on screen are assumed to be the default, which means that Christian people like Bill Denbrough in “It” can be other things — a leader, a stutterer, a great writer. But Stan, in novel and film, needs to be Jewish first if he’s going to be Jewish at all. Jews can be either JEWISH, or else they’re like Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, narratively invisible as Jews. As a result, Hollywood has a limited idea of what Jews look like, or who they can be.
Read Noah Berlatsky’s full piece at the Forward.
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imalooneytune · 7 years
significant other: i love you so much
me, a person with anxiety: …but you like secretly hate me right
110K notes · View notes
imalooneytune · 7 years
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imalooneytune · 7 years
i hate my life i’m in a history class full of theatre kids and this week we’re learning about alexander hamilton and
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imalooneytune · 8 years
Imagine Spock telling Jim, “I love you,” but just once, because repeating himself would be illogical, not to mention insulting to Jim’s memory capabilities.
Months later, Spock is dealing with something that he won’t share with Jim because it’s emotional, and that makes it shameful. Spock is distant, and Jim is beginning to wonder if Spock’s feelings have changed.
After weeks of being shut out without explanation, Jim finally breaks, bitterness ripping the words from his lips:
“Do you love me,” Jim says, “or was that a shameful emotion you managed to overcome?”
And Spock realizes that sometimes, it’s okay to repeat yourself. Sometimes it’s necessary.
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imalooneytune · 8 years
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why support whitewashed garbage when these perfectly good gems exist the last one came out LAST YEAR there is no need for whitewashed remakes.
“Death Note” - 2006
“Death Note 2: The Last Name” - 2006
“L: Change the World” - 2008
“Death Note: Light up the New World” - 2016 (not subbed or dubbed yet, but raws can be found)
“Death Note: New Generation” - 2016 [Hulu Miniseries] (not subbed or dubbed yet, but raws can be found)
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imalooneytune · 8 years
One time in high school I was waiting to talk to the Vice Principal and this other kid came in and sat down next to me. He said “What are you in for?” And I said “Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What are you in for?” and he said that he stabbed a kid with a screwdriver. I told him we led very different lives and he agreed.
167K notes · View notes
imalooneytune · 8 years
People:*laughing three blocks away from me*
Me:It's me. They're laughing at me…
286K notes · View notes
imalooneytune · 8 years
Accidentally lit paper mache skull on fire.
PRO: neat flaming skull!
CON: studio might burn down
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imalooneytune · 8 years
it’s really funny how many people on here make jokes about anti-vaxxers and flat earthers but they practice astrology at the same time even though it’s literally the same pseudo-scientific bullshit
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imalooneytune · 8 years
reblog if you’ve ever been horrified by your own Customer Service voice
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imalooneytune · 8 years
Most iconic moments from Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Le Fou trying to spell Gaston - G-A-S-T-i think there’s another T but it’s occurred to me I’m illiterate and have never attempted to spell it before wow this is hard 
Belle turning down Gaston’s dinner invite and he’s like “Oh, you’re busy” and Belle just says “No” like bitch apply cold water to your burn.
Cogsworth’s wife turning up at the end and him wishing he could turn back into a clock
Beast’s “makeover” to impress Belle- that makeup though 
“Have you thought about growing a beard” and that grOWL AFTERWARDS
Ewan McGregor and his terrible French accent
Beast literally taking Belle doWN with that big ass snowball 
Those three women that keep pining over Gaston turn up and Le Fou leans in and stage whispers “Never gonna happen” 
Those three dudes getting Schuyler sister makeovers and the third one owning it
Everyone forgetting about Gaston at the end like did his corpse disappear or is it laying on the grounds somewhere and everyone just left him to rot
Le Fou trying to comfort Gaston by telling him to think back to the war where he killed all those dudes
Maurice: Hey look a nice meal thank you kind person. Maurice: A FUCKING TALKING CUP WHAT AM I HIGH I’M LEAVING GOODBYE
Le Fou being concerned that the castle has ghosts when a literal beast lives in it
The Beast giving Belle a library just to prove she has horrible taste in literature
“Have you read all of these books???” “No, some of them are in Greek” and Belle being all “Was that a joke are you trying to joke omg”
Gaston being French and having no clue what Je Ne Sais Quoi means
Gaston complimenting himself in the mirror like “you are the most beautiful I’m not done with you yet”
Disney actually acknowledging that not all relationships are between one white male and one white female like there’s love all over the place in this movie BLESS 
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imalooneytune · 8 years
me as a pilot
me: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I have an announcement to make but first you have to promise not to get mad
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imalooneytune · 8 years
So I’m on AO3 and I see a lot of people who put “I do not own [insert fandom here]” before their story.
Like, I came on this site to read FAN fiction. This is a FAN fiction site. I’m fully aware that you don’t own the fandom or the characters. That’s why it’s called FAN FICTION.
209K notes · View notes
imalooneytune · 8 years
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586K notes · View notes
imalooneytune · 8 years
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                    I’ve been searching, running, riding all night long                         I’ve been thinking about the places I belong
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