I love kuroshituji and im autistic and japanese 18+ and a Proshipper too lol
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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Thinking about Ciel and Sebastian speaking in French amongst mixed company so no one could understand them but each other, slipping into their communication like a glove. Thinking about them devising their palm language for dire situations. Thinking about them glancing at each other and speaking with their eyes, immediately understanding, immediately thinking the same thing.
Sure the contract could have some way of communication, Sebastian sensing if Ciel is in danger. But these two never do things in half measures. They're doing it the human way.
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Seeing antis flip flop between “sebaciel is NEVER implied in the series” and “ignore that scene it was just sebaciel fanservice” will never not be funny to me
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How it feels being proship while antis argue over whether or not shipping found family with each other is problematic:
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I remember when I was a kid I had intrusive thoughts (stuff like “what if a plane crashes into the school” or end of the world stuff) so I made a comic abt a girl who whatever she thought of (including intrusive thoughts) came true, and how she had to go a special school to learn to deal with her intrusive thoughts. It did infact- help me deal with my intrusive thoughts! However im so thankful I did NOT post the comic online cause now I know if I did an anti would’ve told me I was gonna crash the plane into the school.
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Oklahoma is attempting to pass a bill that would ban explicit romance novels. Authors, narrators, and sellers could all face fines of up to $100,000 and up to 10 years in jail for each instance.
If you live in OK, call your representative and tell them this bill should not be allowed to pass.
This is likely a test case. Republicans will try to pass it in OK and if it passes other states will likely try to pass similar laws.
In the meantime, get physical copies of books you like. Download those pdfs. Archive your AO3 stories and keep them on a physical hard drive. (Storing those files in the cloud could be problematic in the future as the company managing the cloud service can see what your files are)
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anyone else see those Kuro edits where they say its “NOT A SEBACIEL EDIT!!” and then they use Sebaciel fanart for the edit
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twincest is wincest
The cuties
i ship them so much
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i find it crazy how everyone talks about how “booktok dark romance girlies” are freaks who are weird to get off on whats on their books, meanwhile violent (mostly live action) porn has been targeted towards men for ages, but if you ever complained about that people would call you a “crazy feminist” and defend it by going “its just fantasies, not like they would ever do it in real life” but that same logic is not applied when to comes to woman enjoying stuff of a similar nature, especially since most of the stuff is in books, containing fictional characters that aren’t actually getting hurt. (meanwhile some porn actors have come out abt the real abuse that goes on)
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say "yandere" "toxic yuri" and no one bats an eye... say "stalker x victim" "abusive" and society goes WILD...
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i find it so crazy how many antis will rename things that already exist just so they don’t sound “problematic”
like if you a ship a “abusive darkship” then your a freak who needs to get help but if you ship a “toxic yoai/yuri” then its funny and cool and not problematic. I feel like a similar thing happened with yaoi, it became such a terrible thing to be a “fujoshi” that they completely replaced the term yaoi with bl, but even though they’re the exact same thing if you say you love yaoi, your a fetishizer freak who hurts the lgbtq community, but if you read bl, your morally okay, and are actually a massive supporter in the lgbtq+ community
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Found a listing online for the limited edition cover for Volume 19, and I noticed something interesting about it...
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The back reads: 'Upstairs and downstairs and in my Lord's chamber', an amended line from the poem 'Goosey Goosey Gander'
Goosey goosey gander, Whither shall I wander? Upstairs and downstairs And in my lady's chamber.
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What makes this interesting is the speculated sexual meaning of the poem, with the greylag goose being associated with fertility, and 'goosed' or 'to goose' having been historically used as slang terms for intercourse or the pursuit of a woman - particularly since the goose 'wanders' into the lady's (or in this case, the Lord's) chamber.
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"Sebaciel is not canon and will never be!"
Yen Press, the website that publishes the manga, has Black Butler labeled as a "romance" on its official website.
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No one:
Not a soul:
Sebastian Michaelis in any official art: [tightly gripping Ciel’s thigh]
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What is a proshipper?
I've seen this question pop up quite a few times recently, and the answer is going to vary depending on when you got into fandom and which fandoms you're in.
You're probably already aware of the idea of a "ship" in fandom - 2 or more characters that a fan or fans think would be interesting to see in a romantic or sexual relationship with each other.
Back in the 90s in the X-Files fandom, proshippers were fans who wanted to see Fox Mulder and Dana Scully together in a romantic or sexual relationship. Noromos ("no romance" fans) or anti-shippers were fans who wanted the relationship between the two characters to remain friends and colleagues. The whole point was whether or not a particular fan wanted a relationship between characters to be platonic.
The fans from X-Files were in other fandoms too and eventually these terms entered new fandoms. Eventually more terms were developed, such as multi-shipper, which means either someone who has many ships that they enjoy or someone who ships the same character(s) with many people. It often means both.
At this point, it was still about whether or not a fan ships something and to what extent. But then the terms started being used during ship wars.
A ship war occurs when a fandom fights about which ship is "better" or "canon" or "right." At first, these wars were fought purely on the basis of what was shown in canon. Over time, in order to be right, people on one side or the other of the ship war would bring in arguments about whether the ship was "healthy" or "problematic." Then terms like "abuse" were brought in. Then suddenly "pedophilia" and "incest" were major topics of concern.
All of these terms are in quotes for two reasons. One, the characters being discussed are fictional and therefore none of these things are actually happening in real life. Two, in order to win a ship war, fans were stretching these terms beyond their usual definitions. For example, in many cultures the term "brother" is used as a common honorific and has no actual familial meaning when referring to a friend, but fans would say the characters saw each other as brothers and therefore the relationship was incest and therefore it was abusive and therefore wrong.
At this point in time, there are still those who see the term "proshipper" to mean someone who generally thinks it's okay to ship what you want and read what you want and ignore the rest. However, in newer fandoms or fandoms with a lot of younger fans the term has shifted to mean "problematic shipper" - or someone who prefers to ship characters in incestuous, pedophilic, or abusive ways.
The term "anti-shipper" or "anti" has also shifted away from meaning "a person who doesn't ship something" to now meaning "a person who judges other people based on what they ship." Anti-shippers are also often equated with people who have difficulty separating fiction from reality, people who harass other fans for what they ship, and people who are strongly tied to American Christian ways of thinking.
The phrase ship and let ship also used to be common in fandom but seems to be less used now. The basic idea of that phrase is, if you don't like it, don't read it (DLDR). This used to be easier when fandoms and sub-fandoms were more separated from each other in private communities and independent websites. In the current social media climate, it's more difficult than ever to separate from each other.
Also, with so many fandoms now using the single website AO3 to host their fic, new users who are less familiar with the search and filter options are seeing things they don't want to see.
I don't really have a conclusion here. This is just the state of things as I see it. Feel free to share your own thoughts in the reblogs, as always, but be aware that I'll be hiding or removing any reblogs or replies that are hateful or harassing anyone - proshipper or antishipper.
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Sebastian will sometimes give Ciel “special weed” that mayyyy get him senstive and horny :3
High ciel x sebastian sex (where they are bithbhigh as fuck)
Minors snijjiijiDNIDNKDNSJkajauhs
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Sebastian and Ciel as nana Osaki and Ren Honjo
So i  was searching for some official black butler art  on the net  and i found this one :
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It’s an old one Drawn by Toboso sensei (you can see the copyright and signature)
First let’s focus on the way sebastian is dressed , all punk and dark with piercings and dark eyeliner .Also that necklace around his neck , with the letter R on it . Sounds like the one Ren wears all the time ! No it’s the same !!
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just take a look. OK for those of you who haven’t watched Nana , Ren and Nana are a couple and that nicklace is a gift from her !
let’s compare Sebastian’s style in the pic with Ren’s shall we?
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Notice any similarities ;) ?
ok move on to Ciel now , fist the jacket he was wearing is the exact same one nana was wearing on the official cover of this chapter
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Not to mention the punkish style/ make up and the scottich styled skirt .
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Another important detail , just look at the ring Ciel’s wearing it’s the same nana wears all the time
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here are other pics of nana wearing the same ring and jacket 
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Also as i mentionned before , Nana and Ren are romantically linked in both the manga and anime , and here she’s kissing Ren while wearing the same jacket
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So what’s Yana implying here ? guess it’s rather obvious !
This is actually not the first time that yana has drawn sebastian and Ciel as a couple from other movies / mangas This panel is from chater 8 and Ciel is wearing the same dress as christina Ricci from Sleepy hollow
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Sebastian is also dressed like Johnny depp
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Bonus: Jack and Rose from Titanic
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This why i can’t wait for book of Atlantic
and this is why Yana is my favorite mangaka
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