where are all the Merlin fanfictions ?? Like I’ve been looking for ages and all I’ve come across is like preference type things ?? Are there any actual long merlin x reader fanfictions ?? Do they exist ?? Am I ever going to find them??? Am I just missing them or something,,, ? all the blogs I go to only have a few, are there like merlin masterlist blogs or something,, I need these help
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I did this
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Dating Diana Prince would include...
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getting to see the side of diana no one else sees
she’s sweet with you and loves that you don’t laugh at her for still not knowing everything about man’s world
you get worried about her fighting who knows what kind of creatures and for a second she worries you don’t think she’s strong enough to handle it but you reassure her you know she’s strong you just worry because you care
she finds that endearing 
you work as her assistant so you go with her pretty much everywhere
you like hearing about themyscira 
she loves telling you about her home and what it was like growing up there
“an island of only women sounds so nice. I don’t think I would’ve left.”
“It was but if I had stayed there I never would’ve met you.”
you wish you could actually visit her home but you know she’s never allowed to return 
sometimes Diana gets homesick and she isolates herself from you
those are the worst days because you don’t know how to help her
so you just do what you can
Diana appreciates that
you pretty much became a nurse thanks to how often you have to patch diana up from fights
google became your best friend
you love to take Diana to new places/introduce her to new foods and watch the look on her face when she tries something new
Diana will sometimes sing you a lullaby her mother sang her
cuddly nights in watching movies
you have so much for her to catch up on
“I can’t believe you were alive when all these fantastic fims came out and you never saw them”
“Well I was you know saving the world from evil so…”
You love seeing her in the wonder woman costume
You think she looks so hot but also like such a badass
she suggests you try it on 
you’re too nervous to at first but she convinces you
you put it on and wow
you can’t fight to save your life but in that you felt powerful
when Diana has to leave to save the world from whatever force you get really lonely and miss her a lot
but that means that when she comes back home you two don’t leave the house for weeks
Diana is a pretty laid back girlfriend that is just happy to be around you and know that you’re safe
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[diana prince x reader]
author’s note: it’s official you guys i am in love w/ gal gadot. and i loved this movie. nooooot sure where i was going with this one lol but i hope it’s okay. just took an idea and… rolled w/ it.
word count: 905
Keep reading
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Actual thing that happened!
Person: was Alexander Hamilton a real person? Me(very sarcastically): *gasps* you figured it out! The government put a fake person on the ten dollar bill. It's all a conspiracy....and to this day...no one knows who invented the banks....
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✨✨It’s a lovely day to appreciate Pippa Soo✨✨
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me : *writes one line of original content*
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A/n I accidentally fell in love and now I’m going to do a Diana spam. Sorry if she seems a little OOC this is my first one. Also, I might do a mini-series after I get a little more confident in my ability.
Diana kept a small distance, because she couldn’t bring herself to keep a large distance. She began to concentrate on little details that she normally overlooked; she had gathered a small pile of information on little things that y/n did. It was an odd little hobby but she liked it. Even though she hadn’t known y/n for long, Diana knew a lot of little things about her; the way y/n’s eyebrows furrowed when she was concentrated on something, the little wrinkle that showed up. Diana noticed the way y/n unconsciously licked her lips, or bit them to hold back a laugh at inappropriate times. Diana noticed the comments y/n muttered when she thought no one was listening. It was ironic, the fact that y/n secretly glanced at Diana half of the time and Diana stole looks at y/n the other half of the time.
Diana’s ‘hobby’ was her comprise to herself; she couldn’t act on her feelings towards y/n so she had two things in her process of ignoring them. Y/n and her had these little moments. Sometimes they were long, other times short, but they were moments where they forgot everything it each other.
“Hey Diana,” y/n approached from her old spot next to Barry.
Y/n was also a meta-human, which is why Diana’s secret identity wasn’t a problem. “Hello y/n,” she replied.
“You alright,” y/n questioned? Diana gave a slightly peculiar look in response which made y/n feel like she hadn’t worded that in the best way; y/n jumped in to correct herself. “I mean…you don’t seem your usual self. If something is wrong, you don’t have to tell me, I just want you to know that I’m here if you need me to be.”
Y/n finished her statement by placing a hand on Diana’s arm in a warm matter; that was enough for Diana to forget about her distancing thing. She smiled softly at the action. It was one of those moments.
“Thank you for that, y/n,” she moved her hand so that it was touching y/n. “If I need to talk, you will be the first person I go to.”
“Okay,” y/n replied. She didn’t know what to say, but she didn’t want to ruin the moment. Then her phone buzzed, y/n reluctantly looked at it. “Oh my gosh.”
“What,” Diana asked? “Is something wrong?”
Y/n smiled, “no, everything’s actually great. One of my best friends, Erin, from where I live says he’s arrived to town. He’s had this trip planned for awhile.”
Diana didn’t know what that sinking feeling in her stomach was, but she knew she didn’t like it. “That’s great,” she said through a forced smile.
Another phone buzz. “Erin just asked if I could pick him up at the airport. I’ll be on my way.”
“Hey y/n,” Diana called as y/n turned away, “mind if I go with you.”
“Not at all,” y/n replied. “But I’m driving.”
Diana was skeptical of Erin. She kept eyeing him and touching y/n’s non-driving hand. Diana was unusually quiet. Finally y/n dropped Erin off at his hotel.
“Something wrong,” y/n asked on the way back?
“I’m fine,” Diana muttered in an irritated voice.“
"Sorry, you just seemed annoyed ever since Erin showed up.” Y/n defended.
Diana didn’t really think it through before she replied, “I just don’t like the way he looked at you.”
Y/n could feel that there was a potential jealousy there but it made her laugh. “Are you jealous?”
“No,” Diana lied while crossing her arms.
They arrived at y/n’s apartment, which they had earlier agreed to go to. Y/n laughed once again. “I can’t imagine why you’d be jealous. I mean Erin is here to propose to his boyfriend.”
“Yeah, it’s there three year anniversary so he flew here to propose at dinner.” Y/n explained.
Diana didn’t know how to react. She finally said, “…oh.”
“I think it’s cute that you were jealous.” Y/n teased. Then in a more serious tone, “not sure why?”
“You really do not know that I am basically in love with you.” Diana didn’t mean to say it but she could not bring herself to regret it. Y/n say still, in surprise. The silence made Diana reconsider it all. “I should not have-”
Diana didn’t get to finish her sentence because y/n pulled her into a kiss. It was warm and held something that neither could quite place.
“I’m basically in love with you too,” y/n breathed after she pulled away.
Diana grinned, “really?”
“Well we are going to make up for lost time,” Diana answered before kissing her again.
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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT for all tumblr users who have dogs:
please tell ur dogs i love them
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Hamilton act two:
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Hamilton Act one:
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Hamilton Act one:
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Hii could you do a 13rw/Hispanic reader x Zach where there both besties but secretly like each other but never will admit it . So y/n brings Zach to a family party everyone teases them bc they think there dating and Zach follows the lead too and so does y/n . Then all the teens go in a room and watch a scary movie . Y/n would be very scared and get closer to him and he would whisper romantic things to her and just touch her everywhere and say he likes her and just lots lots of fluff 😘
It wasn't meant to happen. Y/n knew about the big reunion at her house; being Hispanic had a major downside with the big reunions. It wasn't that bad, but embarrassing. The moment you got seen with a boy you were 'dating.'That was why y/n was so nervous when Zach showed up at her house. He was the one that wanted to meet her extended family, even after all of her warnings."Este es el novio?" Y/n's tia asked as soon as she opened the door.Y/n new the only person that would be over would be Zach, so she rushed over. She basically ran to the door and shushed her aunt."Sorry about them," y/n mused, "they're always like that."Zach brushed it off easily, "I know, you warned me extensively.""You've seen nothing yet," y/n muttered before leading him further into the house.There were many comments on the relationship; most of them assuming they were a couple."So how long have you two been dating," y/n's abuela asked?Before y/n could correct her, Zach stepped in, "four months."Y/n gave him a look before deciding to play along. "Y/n!" That call came from Cat, her niece. Well, more like some sort of third cousin but they went by 'niece' and 'aunt.'"Cat, mi sobrina favorita," y/n called before hugging the black haired girl. Cat and Zach got along very well, which was a little unexpected. She showed him her drawings and the three built a block tower together. After that, all the teenagers went into the living room to watch a movie; the adults were outside on the patio while the children played games like tag, Simon says, some drew with chalk, and hide and seek outside. There was a discussion and finally - by a majority vote - they picked a horror movie. Y/n wasn't thrilled, these kinds of things had never been her favorite. Especially in front of all her family and her best friend she may or may not have a crush on. Y/n jumped a lot at certain scenes and she leaned into Zach; it wasn't intentional, but it happened. Zach didn't say anything until after the movie."Y/n I can't do this anymore. I like you okay," Zach admitted.Y/n froze, unsure of how to express her feelings. "I-I like you like that too."After that Zach kissed her. It was a long waited for kiss and lived past her expectations.-Translate: este es el novio = is this the boyfriend?tia = aunt abuela = grandmaMi sobrina favorita = my favorite niece
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Aaron Burr: I’m the damn fool who shot him. Me:
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Being in the justice league would include...
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(Not my gif)
Stealing Bruce’s credit card to buy stupid shit
Him being slightly mad, but pretending it’s fine
It’s never fine ;
Diana helping with your training ;
Arthur being overprotective ;
Missing Clark a lot ;
Victor teaching you how to work with different technology ;
Epic jokes about Bats 
Epic jokes about Fish
Epic jokes about Lightnings ;
“Number One JL trash” mug
Purposely shoving the mug in their faces ;
“[Y/N] i need to work”
“No, you need a hug”
“Stop I-”
Hugging everyone ;
Having a spirit while fighting like
“Who thought it was a good idea to bring her/him?” asks Bruce
“You, actually”  ;
Taking the overprotective mom role
“Bruce your batarangs are too sharp”
“Arthur you will poke someone’s eye out, sit down”
“Vic, don’t stay up late. ;
Bruce rolling his eyes at you
“Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to bring her/him?”
“YOURS” everyone shout back 
He knows he is joking
You know he is joking
Everyone know he is joking.
Dramatically putting a hand on your chest and play along
“How dare you” ;
You trying to keep everyone as safe and mentally motivated as you can.
The League being more positive and inspired to fight.
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When you’re casually chillin and you hear “BOOM!!!” multiple times and you don’t know of your neighbors are being shot up, shooting it up, or having a party.
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Reblog to let your followers know you are a safe person to come out to.
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