Joe Sugg imagines
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Can u do one where it's your wedding day but your not marrying Joe, and before the wedding he tells you he loves you and you love him, too so you call the wedding off? thx xxx
posted .xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg Imagines || One last time ||
Anonymous said: 
Can u do one where it's your wedding day but your not marrying Joe, and before the wedding he tells you he loves you and you love him, too so you call the wedding off? thx xxx
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Letting out a deep breath slowly, you ran your fingers down the front of the white dress you wore, sitting nervously in the small dressing room of the venue you booked.
In less then thirty minutes you would be making your way down the outdoor aisle between the rows of white chairs dawning alternating coral and sea foam green coloured curly ribbons.
The silence was peaceful as you let your mind wander within itself, trying to calm down, as you glanced up watching your reflection in the mirror you smiled to yourself, you looked happy on the outside, but inside you kept doubting everything and it made you feel horrible.
A soft knock came to your door and you perked yourself up, clearing your throat. “Yes?” You asked cheerfully, as the knob turned slowly you watched one of your Maid of Honour poke her head in, her eyes finding yours,
“Uh (Y/N), you have a visitor.” She said in a soft tone and your eyebrows knitted together, “I do?” You asked in confusion and she nodded.
“– it's Joe...” She added and opened the door a little wider, looking behind her you could see Joe standing there looking down, playing with his fingers absently. “I can tell him to go?” She offered but you shook your head, “no, no – it's fine.” You said and she nodded, stepping back from the door, her eyes caught yours and you knew that she knew... She was your best girl friend, how could she not know?
She turned around and made a gesture that told Joe 'go in' and he kept his head down, stepping into the room. He closed the door behind him and he finally looked up. “Hi.” He said carefully, “hi.” You repeated standing up facing him. He wore black dress pants, a white button down long sleeve shirt and a smart looking black blazer, his hair was perfectly styled. 
“Wow.” He finally said, his eyes had wondered from your feet all the way up to your face slowly and you blushed. “
Thanks.” You glanced down at yourself before looking back up. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have intruded on you like this.” He started to apologise quickly but you shook your head, “Joe, it's fine – really.” You assured and he let out a breath. 
“I guess, I just wanted to see you one last time before you become Misses McKenzie.” The hurt in the tone he spoke with reflected across his eyes as he said it. “I'm not going anywhere, Joe.” You tried swallowing a lump starting in your throat.
“I know, but... After this – everything changes... I know we're still going to be best friends, but you'll be busy with ... Married life stuff.” He pointed out, “throwing fancy dinner parties, going out with all your couple friends ... Kids.” He added.
“I'm still going to be me, I'll always be me.” You tried to rationalise with him and maybe with yourself, if you could convince everyone around you, you figured you could convince yourself, that this is that you wanted.
Nodding Joe parted his lips, “you -  just … Married.” He reached out taking your left hand carefully, neither of you had realised how close you'd gotten to one another until then, and he ran his thumb over your bare ring finger slowly.
“... Joe.” You whispered, looking away looking at him was becoming harder and harder the  more the time ran down. “I'm sorry, (Y/N).” He let your hand go, “please don't cry on me...” He whispered, seeing the tears welling up at the corners of your eyes, you blinked several times trying to dry them but it only made them fall. “Hey, no tears unless they are happy ones today, right?” He asked, his brought his hands up, delicately cupping your face within them, his thumbs drying those stray fallen tears away.
“How am I suppose to be happy... When ...” You stopped yourself, your eyes both finding each others, your (colour) eyes staring into his blues. “I shouldn't have come, I caused this... I'm so sorry.” Joe said, “I'll leave... I'm sorry.” He continued, he let you go and stepped back turning on the heel of his dress shoe. 
“Joe!” You stopped him, grabbing his hand quickly, he stopped and turned back to you, tears had started welling up in his own eyes. “I pictured this different, I tried to plan this out in my head. Tried telling myself to leave you alone. But I couldn't, I need you to know that I love you.” He finally got it all out. 
“I've always loved you and I'm sorry I acted like an immature jerk when we dated and that I was an idiot for not taking it seriously... That I let you walk away so easily when we broke up... I know it's been years and you don't deserve me dumping everything on you, especially on your wedding day.” The tears had come for both of you, they seemed to match each others as they ran down your cheek's.
“Please forgive me, I caused a mess.” He added and you inhaled a shaky breath. “I can't forgive you for how you feel...” You tried to find all the right words, “because... I love you, too... I always have. I thought I could be happy, Jake makes me happy, I love him – but I don't love him like I love you, Joe... I've never loved anyone as much as I love you.”
As you finished, you felt Joe's hands on your sides and he pulled you closer to him, he kissed you tenderly with caution and you gave in, feeling your heart beat quickening as you draped your arms around his neck, kissing him back with urgency.
You pulled away from each other slowly and your foreheads came to rest against each others. “I,” you paused, a small but genuine smile came across your lips. “I need to talk to Jake.” You whispered, feeling Joe nod slightly, 
“(Y/N), I can turn around and walk out that door... I can let you be as happy as you possibly can with him. I didn't want to cause drama.” He was running his hands up and down your sides slowly. 
“You're not walking away from me.” You warned him and he laughed a little. “That’s good, I wasn't planning on letting you walk away from me either.” He lent in and kissed you again...
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg Imagine || Hometown ||
Anonymous said:
Could you please write an imagine where y/n and Joe visit her home town in America. And Joe see's how much fun she's having and gets worried she'll want to stay there.
- - -
Laughing, you sat down on the oversized beach blanket, catching your breath after running up the warm sand. “Oh my god, I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow.” Alli – your best friend from your hometown pouted sadly, sniffing a little for the dramatics. “I know...” You admitted, finding it hard to believe 10 days had come and gone so quickly.
“Do you know when you'll be back next?” She wondered, looking between you and Joe who'd been sitting quietly, enjoying the sunshine. “I don't know... My work-holiday visa is up in 7 months,” you shrugged, picking up a handful of cream-coloured sand and watching as it slipped through your fingers back onto the beach.
“Unless you get your resident permit.” Joe pointed out quickly, glancing at him you nodded, “yeah.” you agreed with what he said, you met Joe three years ago at PlayList Live and you became smitten by each other, you often flew over to England to spend time with him in the first year, before two years ago when you got really serious, you obtained a working-holiday visa which gave you two years in the UK with him.
“We miss you so much here.” Alli opened a bottle of water taking a drink, “you HAVE to miss us, right?” She really didn't want you to go. “Of course I do! This is my home.” You held your arms up gesturing to not only the beach but everything around it, you were smiling brightly but you caught Joe shift uneasily from his place on the blanket and you smile faded a little.
“Good.” Alli was checking her phone, “look – I gotta go,” she held up her phone, “you know how my mom is... But we're still meeting up tonight right?” She stood up. “Of course.” You promised. “Good, 'cause I know not everyones gotten to see you while you've been here, but everyone is coming to the beach party tonight! So our STAR has to be there.” She lent over and shook you by the shoulders, making you laugh. “I promise, we'll be there.” You crossed your heart. “Great! See you guys later!” She picked up her bag and car keys.
As Alli became distant toward the parking lot you turned to look at Joe quickly. “What's wrong?” You were serious and it caught him off guard, “nothing?” He asked confused. “You aren't acting yourself...” You pointed out knowing his personality.
“I'm fine.” He forced a smile and you didn't buy into it, you looked over his skeptically. “Joe...” The tone you took was dry as he shook his head, “just thinking about our flight tomorrow.” He waved off you questions and you rolled your eyes a little. “I don't believe you.” As you spoke, Joe scoffed, “well I'm telling the truth.” He held his hands up, “lets not get into a fight our last day here.” He added, you rubbed your forehead slightly, “fine.” You muttered..
... It wasn't long before the afternoon turned into night, you were walking barefoot down the smooth pavement leading to the beach you could see the bonfire in the distance.
Joe was walking slowly beside you dragging his feet along slowly, he hadn't spoken much since the afternoon, anytime you would glance over to him he would be looking off into a daze.
You stopped walking and Joe gasped, almost running into you, “(Y/N)!” He said in surprise, you turned quickly staring him over. “What's wrong?” You asked again, this time you wouldn't back down without an answer. “I told you, nothing.” He ran his fingers through his hair, looking over the top of your head toward the beach.
“Jesus Christ Joe, I've known you long enough to know when somethings wrong.” You muttered. “You're having fun, don't ruin it.” Joe gestured behind you to the beach. “Are you not having fun?” You wondered and he shook his head, “No – I.” He looked down at you sombrely, “It's just...” He trailed off and kicked a small peddle across the pavement.
“What?” You asked him, reaching over you took his hand into yours, Joe looked down at your hands together and squeezed it lightly. “I'm worried you wont get on that plane with me tomorrow.” He admitted, as he spoke you tensed. “Baby, why would you think that?” You asked softly.
“Because, this is your home, all your friends are here, you're having so much fun... Why would you wanna leave?” He asked you, he let your hand go and stepped away, looking out toward the Ocean.
As some guilt set deep in your chest, you exhaled slowly, “that's why you've been acting strange? You think I'll stay?” You asked and he nodded but didn't break his tense gaze with the landscape before him. “Oh Joe.” You came up behind him, putting your hands on his shoulders and squeezing them carefully.
“I'll understand if you do, I wont be mad.” He glanced back finally to catch your eyes.
“You've got nothing to worry about.” You assured, “this is my hometown... But, you – You're in England and that's where my home is... With you.” You smiled and he turned around.
“You mean that?” He asked, his hand came up and the back of his middle and index finger brushed against your cheek lightly. “Of course I do, Joe.” You wanted to let out a breathless laugh, seeing any doubts melt away on his face. “I love you, I'm not going anywhere.” You stood up on your tiptoes and kissed him, his hands moved down slipping around your sides and pulling you close.
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Could you please write an imagine where y/n and Joe visit her home town in America. And Joe see's how much fun she's having and gets worried she'll want to stay there.
Posted. xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
can you please do an imagine where y/n is in hospital after just having a baby? and she's just really knackered but Joe can't stop filming because hes so excited & it's just cute family fluff? thank youxxx
Posted .xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg Imagine || Hi Baby ||
Anonymous said: 
can you please do an imagine where y/n is in hospital after just having a baby? and she's just really knackered but Joe can't stop filming because hes so excited & it's just cute family fluff? thank youxxx
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“And here she is, fearless, strong, wonderful ... Amazing (Y/N).” Joe said holding the camera in his out stretched arm, you glanced up forcing a tired smile seeing yourself in the flipped up screen. “Joe, I look horrible.” You whispered, your head exhaustedly pressed into the pillow. “You look beautiful,” Joe hushed you quickly, “doesn't she look beautiful guys? My amazing, birth giving, wife.” Joe lent in and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, before standing upright, he spun around with the camera, “she's tired – she just pushed a tiny human from her-” - “Joe!” You said quickly cutting him off and he grinned, “well ... You know where.” He laughed.
“Oh do you guys like my new bling?” He held up his right hand, on his pinky was your wedding ring and on his thumb your engagement ring. “(Y/N) handed them to me, before she started pushing and I thought she wanted to a divorce for a minute... Turns out, she was scared she'd lose them if something happened like a C-Section.” He explained,
A permanent smile was etched across his lips, his blue eyes twinkling. “I'm just so happy right now,” he walked across the room, “and it's a beautiful day!” He showed the early morning from the window, the Sun still making its way up, pastel colours of yellow and orange littered the sky. “A beautiful day for the beautiful little girl that just came into the world.” He's voice was gentle.
You watched him turning the camera back on himself, it made you smile seeing how excited and happy he was, how excited and happy you were – despite the long onset of exhaustion.
“Did you show her yet?” You asked, “now that she's all clean...” You pointed out, while you were a pretty privet person despite being on YouTube, you were on the fence about letting Joe film the birth of your child, but it was apparent, there was a lot of people just as excited as you both were too see it and share the experience, so you couldn't say no.
“Oh, I guess I should, huh?” Joe laughed. He walked around the other side of your hospital bed, holding the camera turned around, “hi baby, oh she's awake!” Joe said brightly, the camera recording a tiny baby wrapped up in a lilac coloured blanket, with a little white cap, her blue eyes wide and looking around. 
“Welcome to the world sweetheart, Daddy loves you so much  - and Mommy loves you so much.” He whispered, carefully using his free hand to adjust her hat to cover one of her tiny ears. “A lot of people love you and are very excited to meet you.” He brushed his thumb against her small fingers curled into a fist.
“I think she looks like (Y/N), but (Y/N) thinks she looks like me.” Joe brought the camera up to be in your direction. “She looks exactly like you, if I didn't just spend 34 hours in labour, I wouldn't be sure she's mine.” You laughed but yawned at the same time. “I think we should let you get some rest, I'll see you in a bit guys.” Joe turned the camera to himself and waved turning it off.
“I'm so proud of you.” Joe was leaning on the edge of the bed, his fingers brushing through your hair relaxingly. “Thank you.” You smiled, your eyes were closed enjoying the sensation. 
“You did amazing, and I don't think I could ever thank you enough for giving me the best gift of all time.” He was smiling, glancing from looking down at you to the baby nestled in the clear basket, sleeping just centimetres away. “You were the best help I could have asked for.” You assured him, opening your eyes. “I don't know if I could've done it the last little bit without you being so encouraging.” You said...
... “Hi guys, I hope you can hear me... I'm being quiet because (Y/N) is sleeping.” Joe's voice was low, the room around him was dim, he was sitting lent back in a chair. He was shirtless apart from the blanket over the left side of his body,
“Baby Sugg and I are just getting to know each other.” He explained, bringing the camera down to show the baby snuggled up on his chest under the blanket, sleeping.
“And I know I've said this before... Many times, but I just can't stop this overwhelming sensation of being so proud of my wife...” He brought the camera back up to his face. “Of course having a baby isn't easy, but this really wasn't easy on her and the way she just, kept on giving so much energy when she had none ... Words can't express how astonishing that is to watch.” He looked down at his daughter and placed a light kiss on the top of her head.
“This video is all over the place, I'm sorry – but I'm all over the place. I'm so happy, there's a million things running through my head but right now, looking and holding this beautiful Princess – they don't matter. I just wanted to catch all of these feelings in the moment. I just wanna say: I love you (Y/N) thank you for bringing our baby into this world, I love my baby so much and I love you guys so much. Thank you for sharing this journey with us...” He grinned. “I'll see you guys later.” He gave a half wave the best he could holding a baby and turned the camera off.
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Hey, could you write an imagine where y/n wakes up in the hospital, after hitting her head by falling down the stairs. And could you please write Joe to be the overly worried boyfriend.
Posted. xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg (mini) Imagine || Stairs ||
Anonymous said: 
Hey, could you write an imagine where y/n wakes up in the hospital, after hitting her head by falling down the stairs. And could you please write Joe to be the overly worried boyfriend.
- - -
As you stirred slightly, your eyes fluttered open feeling a very dull ache all across your body, “Hmm?” You said in confusion, this wasn't your bedroom – the walls were too white and the off-blue blanket tucked around you didn't belong to you either.
“(Y/N)!” Joe exclaimed standing up quickly from the chair beside you, “are you okay? How are you feeling?” He was quick to spring you with questions. “Sore?” You offered and he nodded with concern, “I'll go find a Doctor,” as he said it, he remained unmoving from beside you on the bed and it hazily started coming back to you.
“I tripped down the stairs?” You asked unclearly, the last few things you could piece together was standing near the edge of the steps and turning quickly to grab your phone you forget on the table, then being dazed laying at the bottom of the steps.
Joe looked saddened as he nodded a little, “you lost your footing.” He explained not sure if that was obvious to you or not, “I flew down the stairs as fast as I could, your head was bleeding, I was calling your name... But you passed out on me, I was so scared.” He whispered, his hand finding yours where it rested above the covers and he squeezed it gently.
“I was freaking out, I called 999 and the paramedics came.” You watched him as he told his version of the events. “You scared me so bad...” He looked away slightly, his eyes glassing over and through the aches and pains in your body you found it in you to squeeze his hand. “I'm okay.” You promised him, you hated seeing him upset.
“Now, but it felt like time was frozen waiting for the ambulance and waiting in the dark when the Doctor's took you away... You weren't waking up, I was so worried something was really wrong.” He sniffed as little, your eyes closed and you nuzzled your face against his free hand as it brushed against your cheek carefully.
“I'm sorry I scared you, babe.” You whispered. “I'm just glad you're okay.” He said before leaning in and kissing you lightly. “next time you have to go down some stairs, I'm carrying you!” He said seriously and you let out a small breathless laugh.
“Somehow, I think that might be more dangerous my Prince.” You shook your head a little. “... Maybe.” He agreed with a nod. “Oh.” He let you go for a minute and pulled out his phone, turning on the front facing camera, “check out your new accessory.” He held the phone steady.
You looked at yourself, seeing the bandage above your right eyebrow, “six stitches.” Joe said, as you watched his reflection watching you in the camera. “Wow.” You reached up and touched the edge of the pale coloured bandage. “Battle wounds.” Joe nodded, kissing the side of your head. “With the stairs? Can we at least come up with a better story?” You cracked a smile, and a bigger sense of relief washed over Joe's face.
“Like what? We were ... Doing unspeakable things in the shower and lost balance?” He winked and you almost snorted with laughter. “Gosh no, we would never hear the end of that...” You pointed out. “Yeah, yeah you are probably right.” He laughed himself.
He sighed happily. “I'm so glad you're fine.” He brushed some stray hair behind your ear. “I love you so much.” He smiled.
“I love you, too.” You lent your head up and Joe met you leaning down, your lips catching each others quickly in a tender kiss...
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
So Tumblr decided to erase my inbox... Feel free to send your imagine requests! :) 
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Can you please do an imagine where you're best friends with Joe like teens and your parents are always fighting and one night you cant take it aymore and you go to Joes who comforts you and his dad tells you, you can stay there?? thanks so much!!!
Working on it xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Hi! I love your imagines so much! Could you please do one where the reader likes to sing while she's in the shower, and Joe likes to listen without her knowing about it. He eventually gets caught (I'm not picky about how that happens, you can decide) and it turns out all fluffy. Thanks again! ☺️
Posted .xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
hey ive been literally bingeing this imagines all day and i am obsessed. do you think you could write one that is just lovey dovey and cute cringy stuff cause i find it adorable☺️. absolutely love your work xoxo Diana
:)! Glad you’re enjoying them!
Posted in combination with another imagine, hope it’s to your standards xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg Imagine || Shower singing ||
Anonymous said: 
Hi! I love your imagines so much! Could you please do one where the reader likes to sing while she's in the shower, and Joe likes to listen without her knowing about it. He eventually gets caught (I'm not picky about how that happens, you can decide) and it turns out all fluffy. Thanks again! ☺️
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deeismelove said: 
hey ive been literally bingeing this imagines all day and i am obsessed. do you think you could write one that is just lovey dovey and cute cringy stuff cause i find it adorable☺️. absolutely love your work xoxo Diana
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A/N: I combined these, hope that's alright. Xx
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Eyes closed, you were lathering the vanilla and coconut shampoo through your hair. Massaging your scalp, you may have been in the shower, but inside your head you were in your own personal music video, halfway through singing 'Galway girl' by Ed Sheeran loudly. “MY PRETTY LITTLE GALWAY GIRL!” You sang loudly, starting to rinse your hair slowly.
Even if you were shower singing for your own fun, you weren't all that bad. Much to the delight of your boyfriend Joe who stood outside the washroom door in his bedroom enjoying your singing.
He often listened to you belting out your tunes while you showered, it made him smile. But you had no idea, he thought if you knew he was singing you wouldn't sing anymore.
Finishing your conditioner, you rinsed off, your singing tone lowering as your song came to the end, you paused glancing toward the door, swearing you seen a shadow lurking, shaking your head you went back to singing lowly.
Joe had carefully made his way into the washroom to hear you better, being as quiet as physically possible.
You turned off the shower, reaching out and grabbing your bathrobe of your favourite colour, you looked up quickly. “JOE!” You exclaimed, being dramatic and covering yourself up quickly – like he hadn't seen you naked a hundred times in the last two years of your relationship.
“... Hi Ed.” He grinned at you and you turned an off shade of pink. “You heard me?” You groaned lowly. “I did...” He laughed moving back as you stepped from the shower. “Oh god.” You covered your face, “I love listening to you sing, you're amazing.” He cooed and you narrowed your eyes.
“You've been listening to me sing in the shower?” You asked impatiently, “Well...” He rubbed the back of his neck, “maybe.” He whispered. “JOE!” You exclaimed, slapping him upside the arm lightly. Laughing he caught your hand and pulled you close against his chest, feeling his other arm slip around your waist he started swaying back and forth with you, 
“Baby, I just wanna dance!” He sang from the beginning of the song, while trying to keep back his laughter. “I'm so embarrassed.” You tried to break free of him as he kept swaying with you, “you definitely don't play the fiddle in an Irish band – but you fell in love with an English man.” He stopped moving the two of you around. 
“Really, really?!” You asked rolling your eyes and he nodded, “well... Yeah, I mean... I am English.” He smirked proudly. “Damn lucky, I love you.” You pointed out and he put his hands on either side of your face, placing a large yet quick kiss to your lips. “And I LOVE YOU, TOO!” He yelled out the last part.
“I can't believe, you've been stalking me in the shower to hear me sing.” You walked out of the washroom into his bedroom, “you could have at least joined me in there...” You said slyly watching his freeze, “I could've?” He made a thoughtful expression.
“Too bad you missed out my darling.” You walked around him, slipping your arms around his front, “hmm,” you sighed resting the side of your face against the warmth of his back.
“Oh you're big spoon are you?” He asked and you laughed, “no, this is just an easy position to do this.” You started tickling his sides quickly and he gasped. “(Y/N)! NO! No!” He laughed in panic, trying to get away from you as your fingers moved quicker up towards his ribs.
While Joe stepped forward trying to get away you followed him until he face planted against the bed, “I'm vulnerable!” He said between laughs. “Okay, okay.” You stopped tickling him, still standing he flipped over to lay on his back looking up at you, his blue eyes filled with tears from the force laughter.
Looking over your face, he smiled and held his arms out, you grinned, joining him on the bed, your chest half on his, you brought your leg up to leg on one of his as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and kissed your forehead lightly. “I love you.” He sighed happily.
“I love you, too.” You played your hand over his chest, “my beautiful girl.” He added and you grinned, “stop you're making me bush.” You nuzzled your face into his neck and he laughed, “that is the whole point,” his fingers started running through your damp hair slowly until they rested on your head and his nails gently massaged your scalp.
The sensation sent relaxing waves of happiness down your body, feeling your body relaxing against his, Joe hummed in amusement...
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
hi hi !!! can you do an imagine where its high school or something and its set to something like keith urbans song cop car??? thanks!! xxxo
Posted. xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg Imagine || Cop car ||
Anonymous said: 
hi hi !!! can you do an imagine where its high school or something and its set to something like keith urbans song cop car??? thanks!! xxxo
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A/N: From Joe's point of view. Also, I'm not the best with setting imagines to songs so I hope this does your request justice. :)
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I kept grinning – it was hard not too around her, one hand firmly on the steering wheel of my car, the other was laced together with hers just above the gear shift. We just drove around for what seemed like hours, dusk had taken over and night was falling before our eyes. “No trespassing.” (Y/N) said, gesturing toward the sign we drove by turning onto a dirt road, I had no cares with her around and she didn't seem to bothered by us ignoring the warning of the signs.
Coming to a stop in the clearing, I let her hand go, putting the car in park. She lent over and kissed me quickly on the cheek, “what was that for?” I laughed and she shrugged, “just because?” She suggested, taking her seatbelt off and opening the car door, leaving me behind for just a moment, I followed her out.
Meeting her at the back of the car, we lent against the bumper.
Her fingers sliding across it toward mine, I glanced down and took her hand, squeezing it.
We both looked up seeing planes flying over us, heading to or leaving Gatwick and Heathrow. The air was warm, the silence was peaceful. I felt her eyes on me and I looked down, smiling I lent in bringing my lips to hers, she kissed me back. My free hand coming up to hold the side of her face, making the kiss a lot deeper between us.
I inhaled sharply into the kiss as her fingers wandered over my jean covered thigh. “(Y/N),” I laughed breaking our kiss for just a moment, foreheads resting against each others. “Hmm?” She asked innocently, “we have all night,” I pointed out and she tilted her head up leaving short, sweet kisses on my lips making them tingle. “I know.” She pointed out. “That doesn't mean we have to wait...” She said slyly and I melted her lips against my neck trailing kisses.
Our fingers came apart and I brought mine to the hem of her t-shirt, lips meeting again with each others, her fingers finding their way to my hair, my own sliding under her shirt, resting on her sides.
We broke apart from each other hearing the sound of a vehicle as we both looked over the blue flashing lights from a police car blinded me and I looked away quickly.
“Oh god, no.” I whispered, my chest tightened as the car doors opened and two officers emerged. “Big sign, - No trespassing, can't you read?” One of the officers asked, looking annoyed as they came to stand in front of us, my throat was dry as I tried finding my voice.
“Sorry – we're still on the lessons in school where our signs come with little pictures on them.” (Y/N) spoke up. I wanted to groan and face palm but I was to nervous to move.
“Ah, a smart arse, huh?” The second officer stared down at (Y/N) who grinned, “well, I don't know about it being smart, but it sure is cute!” I watched as she spoke and grabbed one of her butt cheeks giving it a squeeze, “(Y/N)!” I said sharply.
“Funny.” The officer said with a rough expression, we were both pulled up at the same time and I stared over at (Y/N) seeing an officer tightening handcuffs around her wrists, I winced myself as the coolness of the steel tightened around my wrists. “Ouch.” I muttered.
This was some disaster, I could only think about her, and how much trouble she was going to get in, and how much her dad was probably going to kill me before I had a chance to think about potentially going to jail for breaking the law...
I was tugged by my sweater toward the police car, watching the back door open on the right side, I ducked my head as I was gestured to get into the car.
“Hey! Quick question!” (Y/N)'s voice caught my attention as the left side of the cars back door open, “is this like, you know – That American show: Dog the Bounty hunter? Do we get a prayer circle? What about a cigarette, gotta lit?” She asked the Officer who pushed her head down slightly as she slide across the back seat. He glared at her and slammed the door after she was completely in.
“Are you insane?” I asked her, trying to be serious, but I wanted to laugh, glancing out the back window more blue lights joined the scene.
“Me? No.” She scoffed at me, and I sighed. “You're dad is going to kill me...” I pointed out. “Probably.” She agreed, “oh nice (Y/N), thank you – thank you for agreeing with my demise, whether its in prison or by the hands of your dad.” I snickered.
“Well... We could, you know...” She cocked her head toward the door handle. “Could what?” I asked seriously. “Run for it, I think it could make a great story! High school fugitives on the run!” She said with a dramatic tone, I gave her the most serious look I could muster, but as the flashing blue lights flickered over her face, I could see the twinkle of Devilishness in her (colour) eyes and I fell harder for her than I thought I could and I laughed. 
“You're crazy a hell, you know that?” I pointed out and she grinned at me, “thank you.” She slide closer to me. “So, what do you say? Are we running for it?” She asked, “(Y/N)!” I exclaimed and she started cracking up, she lent into my shoulder giggling. “You know, this is not how I wanted to see you in handcuffs for the first time.” She whispered into my ear and in the darkness I was pretty sure I lit up crimson. “You gotta settle down, you're going all wild child on me.” I shook my head, moving a little trying not to lean back on my arms.
We kept laughing and just talking, the way she kept going on, I didn't even think about the trouble we were in.
“Ahhh...” I said coming down from a fit of laughing, “I love you, so much.” I whispered, letting it slip out. I cleared my throat, looking down at her. She parted her lips but the back doors opened and the Police gestured for us to get out.
We were both un cuffed and told to go with a warning.
We both ran to my car and took off as quickly as possible, the blue lights fading behind us.
“Hey,” she said and I looked over at her. “I love you, too.” She grinned...
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
I just saw a video and it made me think of a cute imagines idea! Can you do an imagine where y/n is in a relationship with Joe and he proposes to her, but bc he pranks her all the time, she thinks it’s a joke but it’s really not. I hope that makes sense! Love you imagines xx
Posted. xx
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imagines-joesugg · 7 years ago
Joe Sugg Imagine || Not a prank ||
Anonymous said: 
I just saw a video and it made me think of a cute imagines idea! Can you do an imagine where y/n is in a relationship with Joe and he proposes to her, but bc he pranks her all the time, she thinks it’s a joke but it’s really not. I hope that makes sense! Love you imagines xx
- - -
Turning the knob to the outside door after unlocking it, you pushed the door open. Picking up your shopping bags from Tesco – which, pre-usual you went to get a couple things and walked out with four full bags...
Stepping into the house you shared with your long time boyfriend Joe, you shifted using your shoulder to close the door behind you, rocking your head side to side as you jammed in silence to the music filling your ears from the earbuds you wore. You headed toward the kitchen, glancing to the living room you stopped mid-step, leaning back seeing flower petals and candles scattered around the place.
Your eyebrows knit together in confusion, you put the bags you were carrying down and plucked your earbuds out, tucking them into the collar of your sweater. “Joe?” You asked cautiously, confused.
Walking from where you couldn't see in the living room, Joe smiled warmly seeing you. “Babe!” He said ecstatically, “come,” he held his hand out for yours, you blinked at him, the sight of a go-pro on a book shelf caught your eye. “What are you doing?” You asked suspiciously, feeling his hand slink around yours, pulling you deeper into the living room. “Being romantic?” He suggested, taking you to stand in the centre of some candles, your eyes trying to remain focused on him but you picked out another go-pro and the feeling of uneasiness incased you, you knew the set up all too well...
“Wow, I didn't think I'd be this nervous.” Joe admitted lowly standing with you, he had dressed up in dress pants and a white button down long sleeve. “Nervous?” You asked, while thinking: 'when have you ever been nervous to prank before?' but kept that thought to yourself as Joe let go of your hand, he lent in and kissed you, you returned his kiss, your hands on his shoulders and his held your sides gently.
“(Y/N),” he said, while taking your hand again, he knelt down on one knee staring up at you nervously.
“Yes?” You wondered staring down at him, feeling his squeeze your hand softly. “We've been together a very long time,” he grinned, “yes...” You trailed off, your heart rate going up, “Of everyone whose come into my life, there is none of them I could picture sharing the darkest and the happiest times of my future with but you.” He explained, “... Joe,” you whispered, for a prank he was really into it.
“Would you do me the honour of sharing those times – and all the times in between them, as my wife?” He asked, letting your hand go, he opened a red velvet box, exposing a silver banded ring with an average size diamond dead in the centre of it, he looked from it back to you with a hopefulness in his eyes.
You swallowed dryly, looking away from him to one of the go-pros pointed in your direction. “Joe...” You whispered looking back down at him, the large smile on his face becoming smaller the longer you didn't answer him.
“You've outdone yourself on this prank,” you said, feeling a little burned out at the fact he'd gotten really into this. Being together for over seven years, following him to London on a crazy dream that you'd talked about for quite some time, trying to make it real.
“Prank?” Joe asked unclearly, he stood up to face you, there wasn't much in your height difference but he was still a slight bit taller. “The go-pros, Joe...” You gestured to the two you could see. Turning his head he glanced to one, before back to you with a serious look. “They... I was, I was making a video to remember this – it's not a prank.” He paused, the reflection of all the past pranks he pulled on you over the near decade coming back to him. “You think I'd prank you like this?” He took your hands into his after setting the ring down on a coffee table.
“Joe, you pranked me you got another girl pregnant ...” You pointed out. “This is a step really too far for joking.” You took your hands back to yourself, “This, isn't a prank.” He sighed, he walked over – turning the go-pros off, leaving you standing among the candles. “Baby, I would never prank you asking you to marry me, I know I've done some pretty awful pranks before... But I love you, I would never hurt you like this.” He joined you again, “I really want you to be my wife. I love you, I'm always going to love you, I just wanted to show you that by taking the next step.” He had picked up and was playing with the box that housed the engagement ring.
“... You're serious.” You realised and he looked like he wanted to laugh but he just couldn't bring himself to, “well yeah...” He took the ring from the box, holding it carefully between his fingers. Glancing from it to you, “Oh, Joe...” You whispered covering your mouth, a awful feeling overtaking you – you had ruined his proposal.
“I am, so, so sorry.” You whispered, words muffled by your hand, tears welling up in your (colour) eyes. “Babe.” He shook his head, “it's okay... I shouldn't have made the cameras obvious, or done it on a random Wednesday – I should've taken you to a romantic supper and asked you by putting it in your champagne flute or something.” While he spoke, his fingers were pulling at his hair a little bit deep in thought.
Shaking your head you stopped him, “no, Joe - .... Because that isn't you, that isn't us, this is us... The random Wednesdays, besides, my luck I'd not notice it and swallow it.” You sighed. “I ruined you being you... I'm so sorry.” You tried to dry away a tear, “you didn't ruin anything.” Joe promised, coming closer to you, using his thumb to brush your tears away. “Would you, do me the honours?” He wondered again, holding the ring up, making you laugh through the tears you couldn't stop. “You still wanna marry me, even after I wrecked your proposal?”
“Of course I do... Nothing could stop be from wanting to marry you.” He smiled.
You sniffed, nodding, “Yes, yes I'll marry you.” You spit it out, Joe grinning took your hand and slide the ring onto it slowly. As the ring sat on your finger perfectly, you wrapped your arms around Joe tightly, holding him close.
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