imagineoofuri · 8 years
Hello! Just got sucked into Oofuri, is this blog still running?
Yes and no. We still see all asks, but rarely do imagines anymore. If you were to send us a request though, I might so inclined to write something for you! ♡ModSami
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
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Dotonbori Canal // Dotonbori, Osaka. 
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
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Naruto ad in Shibuya.
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Sorry I've been so busy today!! There's two requests in the inbox that I promise we'll get to tomorrow!! ♪~(´ε` )
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Thank you soooooo much for making this blog. I 100% agree that we need more reader inserts. As for a request, those "kiss cam" things they do at professional baseball games! You with Tajima!
Done! (。´∀`)ノ And I feel you. Reader inserts are my lifeblood i s2g
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Tajima x Reader Kiss Cam Requested By datfmagurl
Imagine you're not really the best at gift giving, and Tajima knows this, so this year for his birthday he insisted that you don't worry about gifts. After all, the best gift he could have was you! However, this didn't stop you. Tajima meant the world to you and you were absolutely determined to let him know this. For the past two weeks you've been scouring the internet,  desperately trying to find tickets to see that baseball team he talks about 24/7 ,and it seemed your long search was over. Somehow or another you managed to procure two tickets to see the team...two tickets that happened to be very good. It took all your strength not to break down and give him the gift before his birthday, but you managed to restrain yourself until the right moment, and to you it was worth every agonizing second. At first he was confused by the small envelope and asked you a variety of interesting questions as he turned it around in his hands-
"What is it? Is it edible? Can it be spent? I thought I told you not to get me anything!" Eventually his guesses started to get annoying.
"Just open it already!" you chimed, a huge grin on your face.
"Alright, alright!" Tajima laughed, finally tearing the envelope.He reached inside to pull out the gift, and as soon as he saw what it was he was overjoyed.
"I can't believe you managed to get these!" he yelled, spinning you around in his arms. "They've been sold out for months!"
"Well, only the best for you." you replied, giving him a quick peck on the nose.
No matter how hard it was for you to be patient when giving Tajima his gift, it was even more painful for him to wait for the game itself. When the time finally arrived he was overjoyed, arriving at your house nearly an hour early all ready to go. The seats really were amazing as you were right above the dugout, therefore getting a perfect view of each team member as they entered and exited the field. About an hour later, however, you were bored out of your mind. Yeah, you liked watching baseball games, but that was when you knew the team personally! All of these guys were far from being acquaintances, let alone friends. You were about to excuse yourself to go buy a quick drink when you felt Tajima's hand grab your wrist rather urgently. When you turned you saw him wearing the dorkiest grin, eyes practically beaming with excitement. At first you didn't understand why he was so happy...I mean, yeah, you were going to get food, but wasn't this a bit much for that? It was then that you saw it...
The Kiss cam
No way. There was no way you were going to do this in front of all these people, but it seems you didn't have a choice. Before you knew it you were pulled into a surprising, but rather pleasant kiss by your boyfriend. Soon enough you forgot you were even on camera and all you could think of was the boy you were kissing. Maybe you got a little too intense, because when you pulled away the crowd was cheering and even Tajima was blushing! The flustered look on his face just made you laugh as you pressed your foreheads together.
"Happy birthday."
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine you get really jumpy during scary movies and Hanai decides he's going to be a manly man and use this to his advantage by doing one of those stereotypical dates where you guys watch a scary movie and you snuggle up against him. So that night everything is going according to plan, you're practically on his lap covering your eyes from fright, when all of a sudden this rEALLY scary jump scare comes out of nowhere and he lets out an extremely high pitched yelp and jumps so high you fall out of his lap and onto the floor. Needless to say that instead of watching the rest of the movie, you spend the night  teasing your blushing boyfriend and thanking him for being so 'brave'
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
and submissions too!!!
gonna get this blog up and running i'm determined
whispers we’re taking requests
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine you and Tajima wearing matching halloween costumes like
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
is this blog still open for submissions? uwu
Yes!!! submissions  are always welcomed!! Sorry this  blog hasn't been very active lately (i actually just got back from dragon con) but I plan on updating a lot more often now!
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
//implied nsfw
Imagine tajima coming to you asking for help with school work. At first you're a bit reluctant considering you're not the best at it yourself,and happen to harbor a small crush for the player, but he begs you, saying if he doesn't get his grades up he'll be in big trouble with the team. You sigh, telling him that he's welcome to come over after school for a quick study session and his desperate expression quickly turns into delight. He shows up right on time, but rather then studying he spends the next hour avoiding his work and goofing around your room. In a final attempt to make him pay attention you tell him that if he sits down and works for an hour you'll give him a surprise. He's curious about what it will be, but you refuse to tell him until the hour is up. Tajima sighs, plopping down next to your bed with a book, intently reading the material. Truth be told, you're not entirely sure what the surprise will be considering you didn't actually expect him to cooperate. Oh well, there was time. You must have dozed off because you woke up to Tajima poking your side, telling you the hour was up and he was ready for the surprise now. For a moment you had know idea what he was talking about, but as soon as you remembered you grabbed your phone, checking the time to make sure he wasn't messing with you. When you realized he wasn't you told him to close his eyes, quickly looking around for something to give him, but to no avail. At this moment you took a deep breath, deciding that, 'hey, what's the worst that could happen?' before giving him a quick peck on the lips. Now it was your turn to close your eyes, preparing for him to leave, but was presently surprised by the silence. You were about to speak up when you felt a pair of hands against your shoulders, pushing you to the ground. When you opened your eyes Tajima was looming above you, straddling your waist with a grin on his face.
"Wh-what are you doing?" you squeaked, and his grin only grew wider.
"What? I have to repay you somehow, don't I?"
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
and submissions are welcomed too
whispers we’re taking requests
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine being really down about your body to the point where you only wear jackets, even in the summer heat. You don't think anyone notices, but one day mihashi approaches you after school and asks if you're ok. You try to lie and say of course you are! Why wouldn't you be? He doesn't seem to believe you, though, and takes your hand, stuttering out that he thinks you're really pretty and shouldn't worry about what others have to think before running off to practice and leaving you flustered
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine being a foreign exchange student in Japan and your japanese isn't that good so your favorite characters helps you out in their free time and pokes fun at your accent
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine Hanai working at a fast food place.
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine staying up late waiting for your favorite player to get home from practice, but you end up falling asleep on the couch. When you wake up you're tucked into bed with their arms wrapped tightly around you and you can hear them breathing peacefully and you just smile before drifting off to sleep again
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imagineoofuri · 10 years
Imagine being stranded on a deserted island with your favourite team(s) after the luxury liner you were on was capsized in a tropical storm.
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