A place for me to dump all the thought circling through my head. I will take requests if there is something that you want to see. I mostly do Sherlock, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Star Trek, Marvel (MCU), and Harry Potter. I'm open to doing others if you want to ask.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
what do you mean elon musk did a nazi salute on live tv at the united states presidential inauguration twice and is now erasing the evidence off the internet by replacing the footage with the crowd cheering instead?
would be a shame if people reblogged this, wouldn’t it?
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Are you feeling kind of down right now? It’s not your fault that you forgot what baby cheetahs look like. Really. One time I did too.

But now you recall!

Look! Look!

They loves to play!


Their head is just one giant ball of floof!

I can’t even

How do they live? Being so cuTE??


This has been a PSA. Baby cheetahs are everything good and pure in this world. Please imagine petting the floof head. Please feel better.
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About Me - 50 Questions
1. What time is it for you? 8:07 pm
2. Where are you right now? In the lounge of my residence hall
3. What is the last thing you ate? Fried rice
4. How long have you been on Tumblr? I set up my first blog 6 years ago
5. What is your occupation/year in school? I’m a freshman in college studying Secondary Education in History and French
6. What is the last text you sent and to whom? “Not only did they run a fire drill at 6 in the morning, no I have to wait until everyone else gets back in because I didn’t think to grab my ID. Its 30 degrees out, love my life...” to my sister.
7. What are your favorite things to do to relax/unwind? Crocheting and watching either TV or Movies
8. Have you traveled outside your home country? Where? I’ve been to France and Guatemala
9. Where would you like to visit if you could go anywhere? The UK and Ireland
10. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next few days? Finally being done with my school projects
11. Do you have any siblings? How many? I have one younger brother and two step-sisters
12. Do you prefer nighttime or daytime? Nighttime
13. Sweet or savory? Sweet mostly, but I can’t eat a ton of sugar
14. Natural look or glamorous look? Natural
15. Reading or writing? It’s hard to choose but I probably read more often
16. Left-handed or right-handed? Right-handed
17. Dine out or dine in? Dine out
18. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
19. Make music or listen to music? Make music
20. Sunset or sunrise? Sunset
21. Listener or talker? Listener
22. City or countryside? City
23. Describe the last dream you can remember. I don’t remember a lot of it, but I was traveling with the tenth doctor (and he obviously fell head over heels in love with me XD)
24. Describe a dream or nightmare that you can never forget? When I was six I had a nightmare where my cat was like Godzilla and the only way to change him back was to inject carrot juice into his mouth. No joke...
25. Have you ever smoked? What did you smoke and what was it like? Yes, it wasn’t as exciting
26. What is an embarrassing moment you’ve experienced? I accidentally matched with someone in my class on Tinder and now he thinks I want to hook up, which I really don’t...
27. Do you like music? What’s your favorite genre? I LOVE music. The highest percentage of my music is musicals
28. Ever performed in a play or a concert? What was it like? I’ve been performing since I was 9 years old, I absolutely love it!!
29. One habit you’re trying to start? Doing my homework on time instead of reading/writing fanfiction.
30. One habit you’re trying to quit? Staying up way to late on days I have class.
31. Do you know what you want to do in 10 years? I want to be a teacher and will hopefully be settling down but we’ll see.
32. Do you worry about more often about the past or the future? I worry about the future
33. Are you in a relationship? Nope
34. Describe a date that went horribly wrong? (Or wonderfully great, you pick)? Well, the only boyfriend I had didn’t want to go on a date with me so yikes...
35. Would you call yourself a dreamer? I’m a day dreamer for sure
36. An overachiever? Depends on what it is, but mostly yes.
37. A hopeless romantic? It’s a little sad how much I am.
38. Who are your role models and why? My mom I by far the strongest person I know and if I’m even half like her later in life I’ll consider that an amazing success
39. What do you tend to spend your money on the most? Students loans and food
40. Put your music on shuffle. What is the song? “Stay Alive” for the musical Hamilton
41. Would you risk your life to save someone else? I think so but I’ve never had to make that choice so who knows
42. Have any scars? If you want to share, how did you get them? I have a few smaller ones that were from accidents when I was younger. Emotional scars however are really too many to count...
43. Do you want to get married? Absolutely yes
44. Have kids? How many? Absolutely, 3-4 preferably
45. What is the one thing that never fails to make you smile? Fred and George Weasley or the tenth doctor’s smile
46. What is one thing you learned today? Learning and mastering new ways to conquer mental illnesses and learning disabilities
47. Are you happy with where you are at right now? Yes? There are major things I would probably change if I could, but I also know that it could be a LOT worse for me.
48. List 5 things you cannot live without: 1. Some form of music player 2. Headphones 3. My writing notebook 4. Doctor Who 5. The Harry Potter series
49. What is your best quality? My empathy and ability to listen
50. If you could meet anyone from history who would it be and why? Clara Oswin Oswald for “The Snowmen” because I love that era of history and fashion and Clara is just amazing (even if technically speaking she’s a fictional character)
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Her Eyes
Summary: Fred and his wife, (y/n), are fighting at the Battle of Hogwarts when everything falls apart around them.
Paring: Fred Weasley x Female Reader
Warnings: Character Death, Some Mentions of Violence
The castle was in total chaos with both students and teachers fighting next to each other. The Order of the Phoenix, which included yourself, your husband Fred, and his twin George. As soon as the three of you had arrived, you busied yourself with helping the younger students. Organizing them, making sure they weren't close to the fighting and in secure locations. Fred had followed behind you, for which you were grateful.
"Fred, we need to get them out of here. The children shouldn't be here." You had found a group of 6 first-year students that were trying to stay out of the way in a corner of the hallway.
"I know (y/n), but how do we actually get them safe?" Fred was looking around, trying to find anything that would be able to help the students. You decided to walk up to a young Griffyndor and ask.
"Hey there, what's your name?" You got down on your knees and asked with as much of a smile as you could muster.
"My name's Galvin." He puffed up his chest a little.
"Well Galvin, what were you and your friends here told to do? Can we help?"
"Um, well, I'm not sure. We got separated from the rest of our group." You gave him a comforting pat on his shoulder and stood up to address the full group.
Okay everyone, follow me. We're going to go find the rest of your class." You locked eyes with Fred who gave you a small nod. You decided to take them down to the dungeons thinking that it would be the safest place for them for the time being.
"Now, stay here. I promise someone will come to get you when it's all over." The group gave you a slow nod and you turned to leave. Fred came up next to you, taking your hand in his and giving it a small squeeze.
On your way up to the great hall, you came across another young student. She was covered in dust from the stones that had fallen and was curled up against the wall with her head between her knees. Not even thinking twice, you ran up to her.
"Hey, are you okay?" She looked up at you with a small shiver, she was obviously terrified.
"I can help, what's your name?" She still didn't respond, "Well how about you come with Fred and me up to the Great Hall. You never have to leave my side. Sound good?" She gave you a small nod and started to get up. However, when she went to step on her left leg, she winced in pain.
"Hold on, don't hurt yourself. Is it okay if one of us carries you?" Again, all she did was nod a small yes, but Fred was at her side before you could blink. He easily lifted her into his arms, being careful of her leg, and the two of you quickly went to the Great Hall, where you knew Madame Pomfrey would be at work.
Once the three of you arrived, a small wave of nausea moved across you, but it wasn't anything out of the norm for you. You conjured a small cot for the girl to lay on, kneeling down next to her, you quickly ran your fingers through her hair.
"You'll be safe here. Just try to relax as much as you can." You gave her a smile and stood back up next to Fred. He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning his forehead against yours.
"You are so good with kids." He whispered.
"Do you think so? Honestly, I'm nervous around them, afraid I might say the wrong thing."
"You were brilliant, you were," he leaned back with the biggest smile on his face, "I can't wait-" He was suddenly interrupted by Percy and George running up to the pair of you.
"Okay, we get it, you love each other," George joked, "but we could really use your help, Fred."
"What do you need?" asked Fred.
"There are giant spiders coming from the forest and we don't have enough people to fight them off."
"But I can't leave-" Fred started, but you quickly interrupted him.
"No Fred, go. They need you." You didn't really want to separate from your husband, but you knew it was necessary.
"(Y/n), I'm not comfortable with leaving you."
"I'm not super fond of the idea either, but it's what needs to be done. Madame Pomfrey's going to need help, plus you just complimented me on how good with kids I am. Might as well put that to the test." You gave him a smile, "your brothers need you, Fred."
"Just, (y/n)," he hesitated, pulling you close to him and laying your head on his chest, "know that I love you more than anything, this will all be over soon."
"I love you too Fred. Now go save the world." Fred leaned down and captured your lips in his. It was a short kiss, but it was still full of emotion. You watched him walk off with George and Percy before eventually walking over to help Madame Pomfrey.
George's PoV
Everything had happened so quickly. There were explosions everywhere and stones, even full walls, falling all around us. Percy had found him first. It didn't seem possible that someone who was so full of life could be so, lifeless.
I instantly broke down, my brother, my twin, my partner in crime was gone. We always did everything together, everything. But it would all be no more.
"George," Percy started, his throat sounding tight, "we have to move him. We can't stay here." I let out a low sigh and quickly wiped the tears from my face. Percy and I did our best to carry him back to the Great Hall as quickly as we could. Voldemort had ordered a temporary ceasefire, so we didn't have to dodge spells being fired.
We laid him down off to the side, where there was a growing number of bodies. Slowly, our family trickled in the hall, and upon seeing the two of us, rushed over only to be met with the worst possible reality.
We were all grieving together, except (y/n) had not made it back down from the errand that Madame Pomfrey had sent her on. Nobody said a word, what was there to say. Our whole family was in complete and utter shock.
"Hey, what's going on?" It was the moment I was dreading, the moment we would have to tell (y/n) that she was a widow. Still, no one could say anything, they simply parted the way to allow her to see what we were gathering around. She froze in her place, seemingly unable to process what she was seeing. Her hand had ever so briefly fallen on her stomach before she started tentatively walking towards us.
"No," she whispered, her voice getting stronger, "no, no, no!" She ran up to Fred's side and fell down onto her knees. She desperately began grabbing at Fred's hand and shaking his shoulders.
"No Fred! You can't leave me, you can't leave..." She didn't continue her thought. Instead, she dropped her head down onto his shoulder and hysterically sobbed. Our family could only watch as her life fell apart before our eyes. Suddenly she looked up at me,
"Oh god," she whispered. I was instantly at her side, wrapping his in a tight hug.
"Oh god George, I-" she started, but didn't continue.
"(Y/n), what is it?"
"I-I never told him. I didn't get the chance to"
"He knew you loved him (y/n), and he loved you back just as much."
"No," tears continued to stream down her face, "this is bigger than that."
"What is it (y/n)?" I leaned back to be able to look her in the eye.
"That- Oh god, I can't even say it," her crying was becoming louder as she trembled beneath my hands.
"It's okay (y/n), you can tell me." We sat there crying with each other for a moment while she tried to compose herself.
"Fred, I never got to tell him that," she took a deep breath, "that he was going to be a father." She collapsed into my arms and I held her as tight as I could. All of us were stunned, a whole new layer of grief washing over us. She leaned back away from me to be able to look into my eyes.
"What am I going to do George? What am I going to do?" It was in that very moment that I saw the life leave her eyes, for she might still be alive, but a part of her had died.
#harry potter#harry potter and the deathly hallows#harry potter and the deathly hallows part two#fred weasley x reader#fred weasley#fred weasley imagine#fred weasley one shot#battle of hogwarts#george weasley#percy weasley#madame pomfrey
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Bad Gets Worse
Summary: What started out as a bad day only gets worse when there’s a bombing in Vienna and Steve may have to say goodbye to you, his girlfriend.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
You and Steve were walking back from Peggy's funeral. It had been mostly silent, but not uncomfortably so. You were just about to get on the elevator in the hotel you were staying at when you heard someone running up behind you.
"Hey, Steve, there's something you've got to see." By the look on Sam's face, this definitely wasn't good. The ride up the elevator was tense, to say the least. When we got to our room, Sam turned on the TV. The headline read "United Nations Complex Bombed: Vienna, Austria/Site of the Sokovia Accords Summit."
"Oh my god," you whisper under your breath. No one spoke, just listening to the TV reporter.
"A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN Building in Vienna, over 70 people have been injured, at least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King, T'chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who has been identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous Hydra agent..." Everyone stopped listening after that.
You looked over at Steve and saw that he was trying to look unaffected. However, you saw how tense his neck and cheeks were and knew otherwise. You reached over and grabbed the remote and went to turn off the TV, but Steve reached over and stopped you. Instead, you settled for turning down the volume and set the remote down. Steve was just staring at the TV. You walked over to his side and pulled his hand into yours.
"Steve, take to me." He didn't respond, so you looked down at his hand in yours, giving it a comforting squeeze.
"I have to go find him (y/n), before anyone else does."
"I know," you kissed his knuckles and gently let go of his hand, "we can pack-"
"No (y/n), no we." Steve turned to face you.
"What do you mean Steve? I'm an agent and I've been helping you track him down for 2 years, 3 months, and 17 days," Steve looked at you, obvious surprise on his face, "yes, I've kept track"
"This isn't like before (y/n)! This time we are outside the law! I can't do this if-" he yelled. Realizing his mistake he lowered his voice, "I can't do this if I'm worried about you getting hurt the entire time." You know how important this is to him, and that given the current situation, you also know that pushing the subject probably isn't worth it.
"Fine, but I'm going to Vienna, I can maybe at least be of some use in the cleanup." Steve just nodded and went to change out of his suit. Sighing, you begin to pack all of your belongings up. You did not like where all of this was going.
The next day, you were sitting in a hotel room in Vienna while the boys were off to Bucharest to find Bucky. Steve had been sending you updates which you were immensely grateful for. You had kept the news on all day as a way to keep track of the happenings in the world as well. It was starting to worry you that Steve hadn't sent an update in a while, but you knew he was probably busy with Bucky.
You were watching the updates on the attack o the UN building when a new breaking news story flashed onto the screen. "4 Men Taken In After High-Speed Chase." Then the images of Steve, Sam, Bucky, and that T'challa guy flashed across the screen.
"You have got to be kidding me," you pull out your phone and dial a number, "Tony, I swear to god tell me where they are."
The idiots had managed to get themselves caught and hauled off to Berlin, to which you were on the next flight to. Tony wasn't too keen with the idea of you coming to the base, but you were able to call in a favor from Sharon Carter. Immediately following your plane's arrival, you were escorted to the base, where Sharon met you at the entrance.
"Maybe you'll be able to talk some sense into him." You let out a low sigh.
"Something tells me that, at this point, no one will be able to do that." Sharon led you down several hallways before you entered a room full of computers, televisions, and other ‘techy’ screens. In the center was a small glass room where Steve was sitting. He was facing away from you, so he hadn't seen you come in. Taking a second to take a breath and center yourself, you entered the small room.
"I'm not going to say 'I told you so' but I'm definitely thinking it." Steve instantly flipped around a borderline ran over to you. He engulfed you in his arms and laid his head into the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him as well, rubbing small circles into his back.
"But I found him (y/n), I found him," he whispered.
"You did, and I'm so very happy for you, but getting yourself arrested isn't helping anyone." He pulls away and is about to answer, but at that moment both Sharon and Sam enter the room. Sharon lays the file she was holding down on the table.
"This is everything we know, but don't push your luck because it's a miracle your even seeing this much." Steve nodded to her, a silent 'thanks'. He reached down and picked up the photo that was used to ID Bucky after the bombing, studying it. After a short pause, he asked,
"Why would the Task Force release the photo to begin with?"
"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon replied.
"Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier."
"You're saying someone framed him to find him." You stated questioningly
"Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing," Sam added.
"We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads."
"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would." Sharon looks up at the screen, her eyes narrowing.
"Yeah." Steve looked like he was trying to process all of the information in the file, trying to make sense of everything that was happening.
We all looked back up at the screen as Sharon unmuted it, watching the evaluation unfold. All the sudden, the lights in the base went out, losing the audio and visual on Bucky. Before you even have time to say anything, Same and Steve have bolted out the door to go find Bucky.
Sharon tosses a small pistol in your direction and you both run towards the entrance. The two of you met up with Tony and Natasha and went to get into position. Tony tried to take him down first but to no avail. Sharon and Natasha tried to take him on as well, but it ended with Bucky holding Natasha down in a choke hold. Seeing this, you ran up behind Bucky and pulled the back of his shirt to grab his attention, giving Natasha the chance to kick him off of her. While she caught her breath, Bucky turned around ready to fight you.
"Hey, whoa, okay. Can't we all just bee buddies here?" Bucky lunged toward you and started throwing punches.
"Guess not." You concentrated on blocking his kicks and punches to keep him occupied as long as possible, but eventually, he was distracted by a new fighter. King T'challa pounced on top of Bucky, trying to subdue him. However, Bucky was eventually able to fight past him and get out the door.
While the other boys were fighting, you had run over to Sharon and Natasha to make sure they were alright. The three of you ran back to the control room, once you were all deemed okay, to see what was happening.
"Tony?! Where is Steve?!" you basically yelled upon entering the room.
"That's what we're trying to figure out." You started pacing along the back of the room. This day just kept going further and further downhill.
"Sir, I think I found something," said one of the agents at the computers.
"Put it up on the screen," replied General Ross. The video was first of Bucky getting into the helicopter, but before he could get far, Steve stepped out onto the platform. He managed to catch the bottom of the helicopter and pull it back down, narrowly avoiding the propellers. You were frozen with fear just watching the video, not really knowing what to make of it. As Steve was trying to get up, he was grabbed through the window by an unmistakable metal arm. As if that wasn't bad enough, the helicopter started falling off the edge, and it soon took Steve and Bucky with it. Tears started to gather in your eyes as they tried to switch angles to find them, but with no luck.
"No," you whispered, "No!" As tears started to fall, you grabbed your cell phone and ran out of the room
It had been just over an hour and you still hadn't heard from Steve or Sam for that matter. You'd sent him several messages, but he hadn't replied. You tried to keep some hope as he managed to find himself in water often and hadn't perished yet, but it was getting harder to stay positive.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of an angle, your phone's ringtone. You answered quickly,
"Oh my god, Steve! Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you? We can come to get you!"
"Whoa, hey, slow down. We're fine, that's Bucky, Sam, and I. We're in an abandoned warehouse now, but I need you and Sharon to meet us somewhere, I'll text it to you. And have her bring our stuff.”
"Hold on, what does that mean? If you come back, we could work this out, and you'd be safe!"
"This is bigger than just the accords now (y/n). This is about Bucky and the potential safety of hundreds of thousands of people."
"But Steve-"
"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll send you the location." And with that, he hung up, leaving you with no choice but to go find Sharon.
You were waiting inside your car, constantly checking your phone. You were also grateful that Sharon, who was sitting in the passenger's seat, was not trying to make small talk. Your phone buzzed with a new message on the home screen reading
Pulling up
You looked in your rearview mirror to see a yellow slug bug pull up behind you. You jumped out of the car and began running over to Steve. Once he was fully out of the car, you basically jumped into his arms, hugging him tight around the middle as he did the same to you.
"Don't you ever do that to me again!"
"I'll try my best, but you know my track record with water." You both couldn't help but laugh a little at the ridiculousness of this whole situation.
"So, are you going to tell me what the heck is going on?"
"You know that the less you know, the better," and it was true, you really did know that, but it didn't help to ease your worry, "Plus, I don't know how long I'll have to go away for."
"Well, I guess you'll need this stuff then." You reached into your coat pocket for the car keys to pop the trunk, revealing the boys' suits. He loaded everything into his car, but before he left, he came back up to you.
"Can you promise me that you'll be okay?" tears starting to well up in your eyes. Steve didn't say anything but he just scanned your face with a somber look. At his response or lack thereof, the tears escaped your eyes and freely fell down your cheeks.
"Just please, don't let this be the last time we see each other," you begged. All he could do was pull you in for one last kiss before he had to go. You both poured everything you felt for each other into that kiss.
The time came for Steve to break away, and with one last tearful smile, he got back into the bug and drove away.
#steve rogers#captain america#captain america x reader#marvel#captain america civil war#steve rodgers imagine#captain america imagine#steve rogers x reader#avengers imagine#mcu#steve rogers x you#steve rogers one shot#captain america x you#captain america one shot
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